The 2013/2014 NBA Thread (LBJ is a Cav)

I wonder if the Pacers think they can stink like dog shit and still pull out the series win against Washington? If they do, they're stupid, especially with the way the Wizards are playing.

OKC may have won this round but I dont see them beating the Heat or Indiana. Too bad they are still hanging onto Perkins....

Portland has played well, I hope the Spurs advance but I won't be too upset if the Mavs move on

A weekend involving five Game 7s should've been more exciting than this. Kind of a wet fart to end an awesome first round this way.

And I don't think Brooklyn stands a chance against the Heat. Paul Pierce after today's game: "This team (Toronto) is going to be tough to beat in the near future." Uh, yeah, you barely beat them today, dumbshit.

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While it's not as questionable as the George Karl or Lionel Hollins firings, it's surely another headscratcher. They wouldn't fire him if they didn't have a move planned in my opinion, unless there's some internal drama between the front office that we don't know about...either way Jermaine O'Neal saw this coming as he said this before their game 7, "You get the feel that no matter what happens, our coach won't be our coach next year"

Good luck finding an upgrade GS...

Since he came, the team went to be a contender. They lost to a team who's gonna be on the Western Conference Finals. He goes along very well with its players. Pretty retarded move if you ask me. Pretty sure GSW will regret this when the 14-15 season starts/ends.
Blazers are in big trouble if they dont figure it out in game 3. Spurs pretty much handled them with Parker, Ginobili, and Duncan playing below average. 

Like I said, "hoping for a good series". :roll:
Don't act like you haven't been crowing in this thread all season about how the Heat didn't beat the Nets during the regular season (which doesn't mean shit to the Heat) or during the preseason (which doesn't mean shit to any team).

OKC just let the Clippers right back into the series. 

If Spurs keep it up, it could be a 5th championship for them. They picked the right time to peak haha

There is simply no circumstance in which Westbrook should ever use more possessions than Kevin Durant. Or even use close to the same amount of possessions. Even if I were guarding Westbrook, and Scottie Pippen warped out of a time zone from 1991 to guard KD, Durant should still have the ball in his hands more than Westbrook.

As a Thunder fan, I hope this year is Scott Brooks' last.

I don't know how many more times I can watch Westbrook run around the court like it's recess middle school ball.

Don't act like you haven't been crowing in this thread all season about how the Heat didn't beat the Nets during the regular season (which doesn't mean shit to the Heat) or during the preseason (which doesn't mean shit to any team).
Ya I mentioned it when I saw the games those nights. Any fan would. Doesn't mean I'm dumb enough to think Miami won't win the series, rather easily.

As a Thunder fan, I hope this year is Scott Brooks' last.

I don't know how many more times I can watch Westbrook run around the court like it's recess middle school ball.
They should trade Westbrook for Rondo. Makes all the sense in the world.
Agreed, I think OKC needs a coaching change before even considering shipping out their 2nd best player. Yes, Westbrook makes a lot of dumb moves every game, but people keep blaming him like he's the sole reason they lose. Durant couldn't even do anything when Chris Paul was guarding him, why aren't people bashing him for that? They were doing just fine until they decided to play iso ball. OKC got lazy and they paid for it. 

Agreed, I think OKC needs a coaching change before even considering shipping out their 2nd best player. Yes, Westbrook makes a lot of dumb moves every game, but people keep blaming him like he's the sole reason they lose. Durant couldn't even do anything when Chris Paul was guarding him, why aren't people bashing him for that? They were doing just fine until they decided to play iso ball. OKC got lazy and they paid for it.
Maybe their coach has done all that the can do with that team. I guess it's time for a new coach... but WHO?

Maybe their coach has done all that the can do with that team. I guess it's time for a new coach... but WHO?
Very good question. My guess would be George Karl with SVG being a distant second. However, I wonder if they could pry Carlisle away from Dallas. I would love to see what Rick could do with Durant and Westbrook.

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Very good question. My guess would be George Karl with SVG being a distant second. However, I wonder if they could pry Carlisle away from Dallas. I would love to see what Rick could do with Durant and Westbrook.
Carlisle is with us through the 2015-16 season which coincides with the time period in which they'll be entering the prime of their careers. I like that thought too.

Westbrook is a beast. Trading him for Rondo would be a huge mistake. They cannot trade their 2nd best scorer for a point guard who is not an elite scorer. They already have enougkh guys in their rotation who can't score. If they make any moves this summer, it should be for a scoring big man.
[quote name="wwe101" post="11751429" timestamp="1399918362"]Westbrook is a beast. Trading him for Rondo would be a huge mistake. They cannot trade their 2nd best scorer for a point guard who is not an elite scorer. They already have enougkh guys in their rotation who can't score. If they make any moves this summer, it should be for a scoring big man.[/quote]Thunder won't win a title with Westbrook and Durant on the team. They need to get rid of Westbrook. OKC needs a true point guard to make the other guys that can't find its own shot better. They have potential, look at the roster, but 2 players vs 5 will never win a title.
Westbrook is a beast. Trading him for Rondo would be a huge mistake. They cannot trade their 2nd best scorer for a point guard who is not an elite scorer. They already have enougkh guys in their rotation who can't score. If they make any moves this summer, it should be for a scoring big man.
Rondo would give the scoring big man the ball... whereas Westbrook would not. A true point guard would help OKC out a lot. Also Rondo is better defensively, which is a big plus.

Problem is OKC doesnt have a scoring big. Ibaka is the closest thing and he doesnt have much besides a nice midrange. 

A new offensive gameplan is the best thing OKC could get without having to retool. If you trade Westbrook for a pass first PG, you'll have to go out and sign a bunch of guys that can actually score. Even Chris Paul wouldn't turn Perkins and Thabo into decent scorers.

Sorry I don't buy that logic. You never trade a top 10 player in the league unless they force their way out. These guys were just in the finals two seasons ago and we saw how effective the thunder were without westbrook last postseason. You don't trade top 10 players to make your team fit, you find ways to build a team that fits around those superstar talents.
[quote name="wwe101" post="11751918" timestamp="1399928140"]Sorry I don't buy that logic. You never trade a top 10 player in the league unless they force their way out. These guys were just in the finals two seasons ago and we saw how effective the thunder were without westbrook last postseason. You don't trade top 10 players to make your team fit, you find ways to build a team that fits around those superstar talents.[/quote]I'm sorry, Westbrook is not a Top 10 player. He's good, but a bit too selfish in the position he's playing. He should distribute the ball more than shooting. OKC were in the finals but what? They lost. Until Westbrook starts to take better desicions as a point guard they'll just be another good team in the West.

Scott Brooks' needs to take action and discipline Westbrook.
Rondo wouldn't help OKC offensively. Jose Calderon is the type of PG OKC needs. Never turns the ball over, is an excellent shooter, and is pass first. Problem is, there aren't very many PG like him.

I'm sorry, Westbrook is not a Top 10 player. He's good, but a bit too selfish in the position he's playing. He should distribute the ball more than shooting. OKC were in the finals but what? They lost. Until Westbrook starts to take better desicions as a point guard they'll just be another good team in the West. Scott Brooks' needs to take action and discipline Westbrook.
Scott Brooks needs to do a better job coaching. It's not a Westbrook problem per se, as much as it is an offensive scheme problem.

I'm sorry, Westbrook is not a Top 10 player. He's good, but a bit too selfish in the position he's playing. He should distribute the ball more than shooting. OKC were in the finals but what? They lost. Until Westbrook starts to take better desicions as a point guard they'll just be another good team in the West.Scott Brooks' needs to take action and discipline Westbrook.
So if Westbrook is not a top 10 player in the league. Who are the top ten players currently in the league that you would pick to start a franchise with?
So you have Lebron with 5 fouls and noone goes at him. The East is so pathetic i cant hardly respect any team from it.

[quote name="wwe101" post="11752787" timestamp="1399948539"]So if Westbrook is not a top 10 player in the league. Who are the top ten players currently in the league that you would pick to start a franchise with?[/quote]I wasn't talking about who would I pick to start a franchise, that's a different story (still Westbrook would not be in that top 10 ). You said that he is a top 10 player and I just simply disagreed.
 I took a look at Westbrook's stats; to improve his game and make the team better he simply needs to raise his assists.  Rondo is 9.8 APG and Westbrook is at 6.9.  Westbrook is at 21.8 PPG, OKC needs him to decrease his PPG and disperse them to other teammates (via assists).  That's purely a coaching issue; sit down with the play and let him know what's needed.  If Westbrook were to get 9.8 APG, then he would definitely be one of the top ten players at that time.  

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I wasn't talking about who would I pick to start a franchise, that's a different story (still Westbrook would not be in that top 10 ). You said that he is a top 10 player and I just simply disagreed.
That's fine, you are entitled to your opinion. I am just curious to see your top 10 list.
[quote name="wwe101" post="11752906" timestamp="1399951690"]That's fine, you are entitled to your opinion. I am just curious to see your top 10 list.[/quote]Top 10 players right now?

Kevin Durant
Lebron James
Chris Paul
TIM Duncan
Al Jefferson
Tony Parker
Kevin Love
Blake Griffin
Paul George
Steph Curry

This is out of the top of my head and in no particular order. Again, Westbrook is not a bad player by any means, its just that there a lot of better players than him IMO.
Ok I agree with that list outside of 2-3 players, but I still think you could interchange most of those point guards you listed with Westbrook and nobody would blink an eye.
[quote name="wwe101" post="11753009" timestamp="1399955308"]Ok I agree with that list outside of 2-3 players, but I still think you could interchange most of those point guards you listed with Westbrook and nobody would blink an eye.[/quote]well, I think Parker and Curry still are better than Westbrook. Parker is way smarter on the court and makes its players around him better/distributes the ball very well. Curry is a better scorer than Westbrook.

I took a look at Westbrook's stats; to improve his game and make the team better he simply needs to raise his assists. Rondo is 9.8 APG and Westbrook is at 6.9. Westbrook is at 21.8 PPG, OKC needs him to decrease his PPG and disperse them to other teammates (via assists). That's purely a coaching issue; sit down with the play and let him know what's needed. If Westbrook were to get 9.8 APG, then he would definitely be one of the top ten players at that time.
The problem with that theory is that nobody else on the Thunder outside of Durant, Westbrook and Reggie Jackson know how to score.
I still think the Wizards are gonna win. Pacers just got lucky to win 2 of their 3 games (Wizards chocked).

And Clippers are gonna be defeated by Spurs on the WCF.
This Westbrook kid is pretty good. 

Of course Durant refuses to attack when a 6'0 Chris Paul is guarding him.

OKC not running anything on offense again.

LMAO what the heck just happened. Durant 3, steal Durant layup, Paul turnover. OKC right back in it

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