The 2013/2014 NBA Thread (LBJ is a Cav)

I don't usually bitch too much about officiating, but that was absolutely ridiculous.

The NBA obviously wants the Clippers out by the WCF so the all Sterling coverage will subside a little. /conspiracy theory

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I don't usually bitch too much about officiating, but that was absolutely ridiculous.
Cheap win but I'm okay with. It should have been a foul but that can't be reviewed. Would have been even cheaper if LAC got the ball just because possession is reviewable and fouls are not.

CP foul on Westbrook was questionable too... but why put yourself in that possession?

The last 40 seconds of the game is probably the biggest jip in recent memory
How though?

The only thing LAC got screwed on was the out of bounds call... but it should have been a foul before that. Refs didn't cause Chris Paul to make two awful turnovers in the last minute.

I like how cp3 knew okc had to foul they actually fouled him but nothing got called and so he lost the ball then refs completely turn full retard after that.


HOPING THAT SPURS beat the crap out of the OKC refs.
People will whine about the last two calls of this game, but it was obvious paul hit Russell on that three, and Barnes deflected the ball which caused it to change direction.
Doc going off and i don't blame him one bit.  Disgusting how a very shitty foul (thats very sketchy in its own right considering the contact)  bails out chuckbrooks terrible shot. lol @ these highlights being shown on TNT. All these okc and 1's came from basically no fucking contact.

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You could call a foul on Paul there, but its the NBA. How many times have they actually called a foul with a couple seconds left in the 4th? Some players get murdered trying to get a shot off and refs look the other way.

Anyway that was a pretty fun ending, glad I tuned in

That cp3 turnover where he expected the foul and got fouled but didn't get called and lost the ball reminded me of what happened to the Mavericks a couple of years ago. Dallas wanted to intentionally foul to avoid any 3's if i remember so they intentionally fouled Melo refs completely ignored it and Melo hit a 3 to make the series essentially over at 3-0 instead of 2-1.

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I love it. Go Thunder.

They can make excuses all they want, but don't put yourself in a position to let the refs influence the end of the game - at least it sounds good in theory, yeah? ;)

I'd root for the Spurs too. I don't hate Miami, just want to see the Duncan and Pop get their 5th ring. Though I wouldn't hate it if Miami wins it all. 4 finals trips in 4 years and a 3 peat is pretty damn hard.

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Bosh just tried one of the most epic flops Ive seen yet. lol Joe Johnson gets fouled by James clear as day gets ignored, James gets breathed on the very next possession by Joe and the whistle couldn't come fast enough. Nets logic: have every player other than JJ attempt a shot and lets donate a game we have no business losing.

Lmao refs strike again, all those reach ins and Pierce isn't rewarded with fts and almost had the Clippers situation happen to him.

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Indiana is fucking pathetic, constantly playing down to inferior opponents and committing free turnovers trying to throw behind the back fancy passes and shit.

Lol Barnes already getting a weak tech for nothing major so now he has to play it safe for the duration of the game how pathetic.

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lmao what in the flying fuck was that? offensive foul from someone jumping into you?

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Westbrook just went 1 on 5 and threw up a brick  instead of  sufficient clock management or ball movement, top 10 my ass. haha next possession Van Gundy was like this ball has to get to KD and just as he says it Westbrook goes completely away from him and is fortunate to get a foul from falling straight on his ass.

When they showed Tony Lolmo in the crowd at the mavs game, the mavs proceeded to lose. Romo is shown at tonight's Clipper game and the Clippers proceed to lose, hmmmm.

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People will say what they want, but the fact is that the Thunder have been to the WCF the last three seasons they had a healthy Westbrook and didn't get out of the 2nd round the year he got injured. Top 10 player.
People will say what they want, but the fact is that the Thunder have been to the WCF the last three seasons they had a healthy Westbrook and didn't get out of the 2nd round the year he got injured. Top 10 player.
Agreed. I don't like his game, but there's no denying the talent.

heh doc did say game 5 could be series defining moment.

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Im sure if Perkins contract was cheaper they would dump him....
They keep him because he's a "big body throwback" style of center. Without someone like that to clog the lane the Thunder just get ran through. Perk is garbage, but he has some use.

They keep him because he's a "big body throwback" style of center. Without someone like that to clog the lane the Thunder just get ran through. Perk is garbage, but he has some use.
Wonder if OKC regrets not pulling the trigger on that Chandler trade a few years back. If I remember correctly he failed his physical and OKC rescinded the trade which opened the way for Dallas to get him.

[quote name="wwe101" post="11762184" timestamp="1400218442"]People will say what they want, but the fact is that the Thunder have been to the WCF the last three seasons they had a healthy Westbrook and didn't get out of the 2nd round the year he got injured. Top 10 player.[/quote]The fact is that they will get nowhere. Going to 3 WCF means nothing. Spurs in 5. They almost lost both series, (part of) thanks to Russell Westbrook... Top 20 player.

According to SI, the first shot has been fired in Sterling's battle against the NBA. His lawyer has informed the league that he will not be paying the $2.5 million fine.

Refs suck, gave the game to OKC. Among their suck was the foul called on Chris Paul for having the defense jump into him and flop and the call on Griffin's clean block. Two hugely critical plays. Unbelievably bad.

[quote name="renique46" post="11764458" timestamp="1400284213"]Don't know how true it is but supposedly Deron Williams wants out of Brooklyn lol[/quote]

What's he got left 3 years $63M? Good luck moving that contract. I would guess Dallas could be a possible destination but they seem pretty happy with Calderon.
The Nets are a mess. They've spent a lot of money on old/broken down guys, and their first round draft picks are a mess for the next few years.

2014: No pick

2015: Swap with Atlanta

2016: Must give 1st to Boston (unprotected)

2017: Swap with Boston

2018: Must give 1st to Boston (unprotected)

[quote name="bigdaddybruce44" post="11764576" timestamp="1400287154"]I doubt if anyone wants Williams at this point, especially with that contract.[/quote]Lakers? Knicks?
bread's done