The 2013/2014 NBA Thread (LBJ is a Cav)

No. Must be thinking of someone else, otherwise pull up the post you're talking about.
You and I both know you posted it. It's impossible to prove because we know that thread got deleted because of wildcpac crying in the title about Lebron not signing with the Knicks. I'm sure someone else who was around CAG then remembers it.

You and I both know you posted it. It's impossible to prove because we know that thread got deleted because of wildcpac crying in the title about Lebron not signing with the Knicks. I'm sure someone else who was around CAG then remembers it.
Your an idiot bro. I would never post something like that, pull up the post or stfu. Go cavs woo!
Do they not show the process of how the draft order is selected? As a Lakers fan I very rarely have to pay attention to the draft (humble brag straight up bragging!). Seriously though, I was hoping to see something shady like this.

Why is it that every time Miami or Okc is down a game the very next game Crawford is conveniently assigned to the game then the officiating proceeds to goto shit. On the bright side that means Spurs mainly Duncan wont have to worry about Joey tomorrow.

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They showed the process a few minutes before it started. They still do it with ping pong balls, but they've managed to come up with a way to pick ping pong balls that is extremely complicated with four number codes.

That draft is still way to lol worthy for me. I mean who in the world pictured that.  I mean sure we joke about Lakers  or Celtics getting a rigged num 1 pick but if they were to get it, it wouldn't be that unbelievable considering the records but to give the num 1 pick to a team that almost made the playoffs battling for 8th ffs. Simmons rant was too damn true.


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Lance Stephenson stealing lebrons powers on live tv.

Wade kneeing George in the back of the head absolutely no call, now west gets ric flaird and nada. Now george hill attempts the rip through move that durant gets, draws a foul doesn't shoot 3fts like he should leading to a lebron fast break lmao such garbage.

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Can't wait to sew Cleveland make another terrible lottery pick. Dan Gilbert deserves a shitty team after spearheading the crappy new CBA.
They have to pick Wiggins or Parker, they address one of their biggest needs. Also picking Embiid pretty much means they give up on Bennett so that would look terrible on their part.

They have to pick Wiggins or Parker, they address one of their biggest needs. Also picking Embiid pretty much means they give up on Bennett so that would look terrible on their part.
Bennett was/is a total disaster. Cleveland shouldn't worry about moving on from him if that's their impediment to picking Embiid.

Wiggins and Parker play Bennett's position, anyway (3/4). Parker actually might be Bennett 2.0, with the sketchy conditioning and lack of size to play 4/lack of athleticism to play 3. Embiid's a center, and the Cavs need a center. He's probably the pick.

Probably a bit rough to call Parker Bennett 2.0, since Parker has a better jumper and is generally more skilled. But really, they don't need another undersized, unathletic frontcourt player.

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If Cleveland plans to lure Lebron back they should trade the pick for Kevin Love or draft Embiid. That said, Embiid's lower back problem is a red flag and a major concern going forward. On the other hand, if they are going for the "safest" pick they should draft Wiggins.

I  can't say that he's guaranteed to stay in Miami, but based off Gilbert's reaction and "well wishes" for Lebron when he left, I'm sure that he'll be glad to return should they get the right pieces in place.  

If they were smart they'd hire Mark Jackson and a new front office.  

P. George has a concussion from Wade's double Orton punts  to the back of the head. Wade is the Bernard Pollard of the Nba.

ESPN did a list of what it would take every team to trade to grab Kevin Love from Minnesota. Just like any other hoops fan, I instantly went to see what my team would need to trade...My initial reaction was a good one. Check out the Mavs section of the article...

There are a few funny ones but I wasn't expecting this to be this type of article. I was so pumped then facepalmed when I found ESPN trolled me :applause:

[quote name="renique46" post="11779092" timestamp="1400729082"]Westbrick 7/24 lol[/quote]yeah, those are some numbers that a top 10 player has. Westbrick is not that good when he's actually defended.
[quote name="soulvengeance" post="11780505" timestamp="1400781227"]Durant was only 6/16 and missed all of his three pointers. Does that not make him top ten now either?[/quote]Right now he's not in the top 10 in the playoffs. As simple as that. When you put a great defensive player on Durant (ex. Tony Allen, Leonard.) He can't do much. Durant averages 10 free throw attempts per game, part of the reason he's the scoring champion. He's defense is basically non existent.

Refs, you the real MVP.
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Right now he's not in the top 10 in the playoffs. As simple as that. When you put a great defensive player on Durant (ex. Tony Allen, Leonard.) He can't do much. Durant averages 10 free throw attempts per game, part of the reason he's the scoring champion. He's defense is basically non existent. Refs, you the real MVP.
Yeah... no.

Right now he's not in the top 10 in the playoffs. As simple as that. When you put a great defensive player on Durant (ex. Tony Allen, Leonard.) He can't do much. Durant averages 10 free throw attempts per game, part of the reason he's the scoring champion. He's defense is basically non existent. Refs, you the real MVP.
I agree that they aren't having a good playoffs, so your reasoning makes sense. To be fair, most of the scoring champs in the past have had fairly high amounts of free throws per game. I will say that the Spurs are exposing the lack of coaching with the Thunder, I think Brooks pretty much hopes that Durant and Westbrook will just carry the entire team through everything.

Ibaka was their rim protector, and also was able to score 15 points on a pretty consistent basis, and do so efficiently. The number of guys who can do that in the NBA at the level Ibaka can is very small, if not non-existent outside of Ibaka.

The Spurs are getting to the rim at will. Even if Durant and Westbrook were hitting their shots, the Thunder would still be getting torched on D. The Thunder are also missing Kevin Martin, or anyone else who can hit spot up 3s.

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Spurs would still dominate them with Ibaka playing. They are lucky to even reach this far (Randolph's suspension and Game 5 of the Clippers series).

As much as i would like and enjoy a Spurs sweep, lets not kid ourselves here. Remember the bullshit that proceeded to happen the last time these 2 teams met after a 2-0 spurs start. Brooks is all but gone this off season, Ibaka injury or not. It would be interesting if whoever comes after him still cant control Westbrick, it shouldn't be hard just look at the job Carlisle did with Monta.

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As much as i would like and enjoy a Spurs sweep, lets not kid ourselves here. Remember the bullshit that proceeded to happen the last time these 2 teams met after a 2-0 spurs start. Brooks is all but gone this off season, Ibaka injury or not. It would be interesting if whoever comes after him still cant control Westbrick, it shouldn't be hard just look at the job Carlisle did with Monta.
well, the OKC refs could come back, but the Spurs are playing in another dimension. OKC doesnt have Harden or Martin so basically if the Spurs stop both, they stop the whole team

Spurs would still dominate them with Ibaka playing. They are lucky to even reach this far (Randolph's suspension and Game 5 of the Clippers series).
You're correct about OKC's luck to make it this far, but wrong about the Ibaka statement.

His numbers against the Spurs this year were

17 pts 11 reb, 5blk,

14 pts 14 reb, 3blk

14 pts 9 reb, 5blk

11 pts 12 reb, 3blk

He averaged 37 mins a game, double double and 4 blocks a game. This series would be very different if Ibaka was playing. The Spurs lost all 4 games with Ibaka in this season too. With the exception of the last game (Manu DNP for rest) the Spurs Big 3 were all healthy and played when they met. I understand you're a Spurs fan and probably feel invincible right now, but you have to keep it real too.

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[quote name="kdiddy1989" post="11781447" timestamp="1400800210"]You're correct about OKC's luck to make it this far, but wrong about the Ibaka statement.

His numbers against the Spurs this year were
17 pts 11 reb, 5blk,
14 pts 14 reb, 3blk
14 pts 9 reb, 5blk
11 pts 12 reb, 3blk

He averaged 37 mins a game, double double and 4 blocks a game. This series would be very different if Ibaka was playing. The Spurs lost all 4 games with Ibaka in this season too. With the exception of the last game (Manu DNP for rest) the Spurs Big 3 were all healthy and played when they met. I understand you're a Spurs fan and probably feel invincible right now, but you have to keep it real too.[/quote]I know this, but do you really think the Spurs were playing at that time with the same energy as now? Regular series doesn't mean anything, Brooklyn swept the Heat and look, but I would say the games would not be blowouts.
I know this, but do you really think the Spurs were playing at that time with the same energy as now? Regular series doesn't mean anything, Brooklyn swept the Heat and look, but I would say the games would not be blowouts.
RIght. I agree. I know how San Antonio are when it comes to playoff time but to say that San Antonio would 'dominate' OKC had me scratching my head at how you could believe that. The Spurs caught a bit of luck themselves (although I hate calling one team's injuries the other team's luck) with Ibaka going down. I think SA still would've won with Serge playing but we're talking about a tight 7 game series. Not this double digit beatdown-fest we've been witnessing thus far.

Too bad the Mavs didnt make if further this year. Besides Portland/Spurs I really like the Mavs. I think keeping Chandler would have made a difference. Vince Carter showed he still has some gas in the tank.

Poor OKC, they need to start Adams and bench "tons of fun" Perkins since he's not doing anything but getting fouls. One good year with the Celtics and he commands a high price....

Anyone have an opinion on the Knicks for next year? Will Anthony demand a trade? Do you think he did better playing with the Nuggets

[quote name="renique46" post="11781919" timestamp="1400811085"]If Mavs were in the East, i wonder how deep they would go.[/quote]Probably to the ECF. The east sucks.
Anyone have an opinion on the Knicks for next year? Will Anthony demand a trade? Do you think he did better playing with the Nuggets
Melo is one of those guys that you rarely see the changes from one season to the next. Once he developed the 3pt shot, his offensive game was complete. Other than that there is nothing noticeable (obviously in my opinion). He set career highs in rebounding and blocks this season but that could be simply working that extra bit harder when you realize you're not 25 and immortal anymore.

As far as the Knicks next year, I say we wait until they settle on a coach before guessing what Melo will do. They've been taking their time with the decision which could lead one to believe they're waiting on Derek Fisher's playing days to end. At the current rate, it shouldn't be much longer.

As pretty much everyone else has said, if Melo stays then hes about money. If he cares about any type of success or a chance at a ring he should bolt.

Best case scenario, the Knicks will be a lower-seed playoff team for awhile, considering they have no cap room and limited draft picks. Even if Jackson and his coach are able to get the maximum out of what they have, it isn't enough to knock off the best teams. If Melo wants to win, he'll go to a team that is missing one piece to be a real contender.

Best case scenario, the Knicks will be a lower-seed playoff team for awhile, considering they have no cap room and limited draft picks. Even if Jackson and his coach are able to get the maximum out of what they have, it isn't enough to knock off the best teams. If Melo wants to win, he'll go to a team that is missing one piece to be a real contender.
Spot on. As a Knicks fan I fail to see a path to the championship for this team with or without Melo. They just don't have the right pieces in place. The Knicks would have to play above their ceiling and be lucky like the 2012/13 season (outlier). I don't see that happening. IMO it is nearly impossible to put together a great team around Melo. Phil is going to have to pull off some amazing trades to get this team moving in the right direction.

Although Melo has many options in FA his only chance at a title shot would be with either the Bulls or the Clippers. If he goes to the Bulls they would be contender but his defense would drive Thibs crazy. I'm not so sure that relationship could work. The Lakers are out no way he and Kobe can coexist. Clippers are probably his top choice but they would have to create cap space for him and in the process gut the team. Phoenix is probably the best and most realistic destination but I'm not sure Melo makes the Suns a title contender. My guess is he takes the money and stays in NY.

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[quote name="Vinyl" post="11783300" timestamp="1400865523"]So Ibaka is rushing back and may play game 3.[/quote]It's gonna be dangerous for him to play. Hopefully he doesn't aggravate his injury.
Okc org would be stupid to allow Ibaka to play, face it hes done. What good is it to rush him back then something even worse happens.

Okc org would be stupid to allow Ibaka to play, face it hes done. What good is it to rush him back then something even worse happens.
Season doesn't start up again until November. Even if he suffers a complete tear and requires surgery to repair it, he'll be ready by next season. With room to spare.

[quote name="Feeding the Abscess" post="11784510" timestamp="1400888892"]Season doesn't start up again until November. Even if he suffers a complete tear and requires surgery to repair it, he'll be ready by next season. With room to spare.[/quote]but is it worth it? Thunder ain't got no chance. It would be in vain.
bread's done