The Admiral's 2008 Fifth Annual NFL Pooltravaganza! TehMuff1nM4n is the Winne!

Man Carolina is so getting the snot kicked out of them. I hope they got a great second half in them.

I knew I should of went with the Colts.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']3 fumbles by Washington in the first half. They better get chewed out in the locker room. They could still take the game back if they just hold the damn ball.[/quote]

They can definetely turn it up, but you know that the Rams Offense is getting pumped. The only reason rams haven't done anything is because the offense is slacking. Once they pick it up, they could win it.
Thank god for Ryan Longwell!

Looks like the 10 or so people who picked Minnesota are safe! 12-10 Vikings!!!

So far only Dualdisorder is out, and St.Louis is at the Washington 17 with 0:35 to go, so I bet they will all be out as well..

Edit: 15 Yard Penalty for St.Louis! If St.Louis can get a Field Goal, 10 people and 25% of the pool will be out!
[quote name='DaftPunkFan37']And The St.Louis Rams Have Won 19-17!!!

Whoever told me to switch, I love you. If I win the pool I'll send you somethin![/QUOTE]

That was me and you're welcome. ;)
[quote name='Layziebones']I'm pretty sure it was a 50/50 deal between us. Go back and look at it.[/quote]

I think he's actually right, lol. I guess i'll have to do it for both u guys i guess

but ya, i just looked at the 07 pool, and it lasted to Week 12! So we're probably only halfway through 'til someone wins!

Looking ahead to next week, it looks like it's goign to be slightly tougher

Probable choices for next week by entire pool

Titans at Chiefs
Saints at Panthers
Giants at 49ers
Cowboys at Rams
Jets at Raiders

I can't decide who I should pick. I would've picked Dallas, but I already picked them. I'm gonna probably go for the Jets, since the Raiders got destroyed this week and the Jets are probably the worst team out of the 5 (therefore I can save the better teams for later in the game).
[quote name='Layziebones']I'm pretty sure it was a 50/50 deal between us. Go back and look at it.[/QUOTE]

Meh I guess. I felt that with what I said scared him a bit. Then you chimed in about the Rams right after I did. Then I re chimed in about how the Rams will win this week which I believe pushed him over the edge to make him change his pick ;)

But yea give us both something. I'd take that 1600 MS pt card if you did win ;)
I know it's a little early, but Dallas is down by a TD to Arizona and Felix Jones is out with a hamstring injury. The Eagles are down by 2 to San Fransisco..

Edit: Oh, no one picked Dallas and only 1 or 2 picked the Eagles, who are currently up by 1 to the 49ers
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So currently only 24 people are in with the victory of the Philedelphia Eagles, with 3 people's fate to be determined on the fate of the New York Giants.
As a Giants' fan, I wanted Dallas to lose (they did, anyway, obviously), but I was glad that they hit that field goal at the end of the regulation. I'm sick of "icing" the kicker. It doesn't work, and in this case, it wasn't even necessary. After all the nonsense over the penalty and the review, if he was going to be "iced," he already would have been.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']As a Giants' fan, I wanted Dallas to lose (they did, anyway, obviously), but I was glad that they hit that field goal at the end of the regulation. I'm sick of "icing" the kicker. It doesn't work, and in this case, it wasn't even necessary. After all the nonsense over the penalty and the review, if he was going to be "iced," he already would have been.[/quote]

He didn't make it the first time though. The Arizona coach tried to pull a Shannahan and it backfired. :)
[quote name='Layziebones']He didn't make it the first time though. The Arizona coach tried to pull a Shannahan and it backfired. :)[/quote]

Yeah, I know. That's what I am getting it. It was funny that he tried to "ice" him, and then they blocked the attempt.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, I know. That's what I am getting it. It was funny that he tried to "ice" him, and then they blocked the attempt.[/quote]

Oh, I misunderstood.

I was laughing at him though because of how stupid that call was.
[quote name='Layziebones']Oh, I misunderstood.

I was laughing at him though because of how stupid that call was.[/quote]

The look on his face was classic. You could read his lips, "I called it."
[quote name='pimpinc333']I was close. The Viks should have lost and teh Redskins did lose just like I thought.[/QUOTE]

I'll give you that much. You were on the right track with your 3 teams down. The skins should have mashed up the Rams, but they beat themselves with all the turnovers and shiz.

Am I up against you in ott fantasy football this week? If I would've played Berrian we would be tied right now, but now its up to plaxico for my 19+ :pray:.
[quote name='Eviltude']I'll give you that much. You were on the right track with your 3 teams down. The skins should have mashed up the Rams, but they beat themselves with all the turnovers and shiz.

Am I up against you in ott fantasy football this week? If I would've played Berrian we would be tied right now, but now its up to plaxico for my 19+ :pray:.[/QUOTE]

Yea you are. I am kicking myself for not putting Steve Breatson in ( he had 16 pts ) and Earnest Graham in ( He had 11 pts ) Fred Taylor put up a goose egg for me and Derrick Mason only had 5 pts.

I also figure Burress needs like 100 yards catching and atleast a min of 2 TD's to beat me.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Yea you are. I am kicking myself for not putting Steve Breatson in ( he had 16 pts ) and Earnest Graham in ( He had 11 pts ) Fred Taylor put up a goose egg for me and Derrick Mason only had 5 pts.

I also figure Burress needs like 100 yards catching and atleast a min of 2 TD's to beat me.[/quote]
As long as he gets 1 TD and 60 yards for me, i'll be happy (I'm down by 12 points in my league, and he's my last shot. And I played 2 more players than the other guy :( )
[quote name='pimpinc333']Yea you are. I am kicking myself for not putting Steve Breatson in ( he had 16 pts ) and Earnest Graham in ( He had 11 pts ) Fred Taylor put up a goose egg for me and Derrick Mason only had 5 pts.

I also figure Burress needs like 100 yards catching and atleast a min of 2 TD's to beat me.[/QUOTE]

If I would have played Berrian, Grant or the Cardinals D, I would have you pinned, but shit like McClain getting -2 and the Raven's Defense is ridiculous. I can't believe that shit.

They look like they are pretty committed to Burress tonight though. He might pull it out.
As long as Burress gets 32 more yards tonight, i'll get a good night's sleep tonight!

Giants currently down by 6, and have been for the majority of this game. Let's see how long this will last..
I guess it did, 33-14 Browns with 8 minutes to go

if they take out Plaxico Burress i'm going to kill the Giants Coach..

So we are down to around 25 people!!
Seriously, Cleveland?!? I'm a lifelong Brownie fan and I knew I should never bet against my boys. Never did I think they'd win on Monday night for the first time in 15 freakin' years.Thanks Admiral.
bread's done