The Admiral's 2008 Fifth Annual NFL Pooltravaganza! TehMuff1nM4n is the Winne!

It just seems like picking against Detroit, Cincinnati, Oakland or Kansas City is an auto win every week. Might as well split up the prize package now.
In the playoffs if there are less players than teams than players may not repeat picks.

So as long as less than 8 people are in the pool by week 18 then we will definately have a winner.

The way it will work is that picks will not be accepted until I post the week open. Then it's first coem first serve. But since none of you know when I'll give the ok it's a crap shoot.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']In the playoffs if there are less players than teams than players may not repeat picks.

So as long as less than 8 people are in the pool by week 18 then we will definately have a winner.

The way it will work is that picks will not be accepted until I post the week open. Then it's first coem first serve. But since none of you know when I'll give the ok it's a crap shoot.[/QUOTE]

Why not just enforce, as of right now, no more picking against the Chiefs, Lions, Bengals, or Raiders? Or can't pick against these teams back to back?

Even if people keep picking against these teams im sure there will be many upsets soon as we can see by how close the games are each and every week.

I just hope not a lot of people stand when the playoffs hit. I would hate to lose in this by by having the last default pick in the playoffs.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Why not just enforce, as of right now, no more picking against the Chiefs, Lions, Bengals, or Raiders? Or can't pick against these teams back to back?

Even if people keep picking against these teams im sure there will be many upsets soon as we can see by how close the games are each and every week.

I just hope not a lot of people stand when the playoffs hit. I would hate to lose in this by by having the last default pick in the playoffs.[/quote]

This is a bad rule, it would be a disadvantage to us that have kept teams that play against those teams till the end. It will all work out fine prolly.
I think the one team thing for the playoffs is a terrible rule. It really is a crap shoot, and we'll all lose because of timing, rather than bad picks.
If it does go to the playoffs and we do what Ackbar suggests, I would suggest using the points system just like Bookies would use to make everything fair then. If I don't get a first pick in atleast I can still win if the favorite doesn't cover the spread.
[quote name='zewone']I think the one team thing for the playoffs is a terrible rule. It really is a crap shoot, and we'll all lose because of timing, rather than bad picks.[/QUOTE]

Well, ideally, there will only be a couple people left, so there's a lot of choices. But I'm trying to get to sudden death matches in the playoffs. And you're right, it's pretty much a lottery, which seems to negate any strategy. But there can still be upsets that are rare and it will bring things down to one player. If two people survive at the end of the year they'll get a choice of 1 of eight teams.

But if we do make the playoffs, there aren't a lot of options to get down to a single survivor. We can't do it like a regular survivor pool because there aren't enought teams or weeks. We can't do it like an open pool becaus then everyone can just pick the same team all the way to the Superbowl. At least this way, we get a true champion.

The poijnt I'm trying to say is, if we have even five or six people survive to the playoffs, there aren't a lot of good options for determining a single champion. And even if we tried something that allowed for more than one champion, it's then possible that all five can cook the books to make it so that they can't loose by all picking the same team.

But if anyone has any better suggestions I'm willing to hear them.
Here's another idea.

This is based on how the WIP Suicicde Pool went down, which started with I think 15,000 players last year.

As they got to the playoffs, you could pick any team. But you also had to guess the exact score. I don't remember how it exactly worked.

But we could do somethign where players can pick any team, but they have to pick an exact score. If multiple players pick the same team then only one of those players will survive. And the survivor will be based on who was closest to the actual score as a total.

For example:

Players A, B, and C all pick the Colts vs the Titans

A guesses 23-17=40
B guesses 14-10=24
C Guesses 31-27=58

The actual score is 17-13 = 30

Since Player B was 6 off he wins.

That's something to consider. There would be soem strategy in that. Do you pick the same teams but risk elimination by score or go with a team others haven't picked.

Let me think about it some more.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Here's another idea.

This is based on how the WIP Suicicde Pool went down, which started with I think 15,000 players last year.

As they got to the playoffs, you could pick any team. But you also had to guess the exact score. I don't remember how it exactly worked.

But we could do somethign where players can pick any team, but they have to pick an exact score. If multiple players pick the same team then only one of those players will survive. And the survivor will be based on who was closest to the actual score as a total.

For example:

Players A, B, and C all pick the Colts vs the Titans

A guesses 23-17=40
B guesses 14-10=24
C Guesses 31-27=58

The actual score is 17-13 = 30

Since Player B was 6 off he wins.

That's something to consider. There would be soem strategy in that. Do you pick the same teams but risk elimination by score or go with a team others haven't picked.

Let me think about it some more.[/quote]

Thats fine but im gonna say this the people who consistently pick against those bad teams will run out of good teams soon so dont count on playoffs just yet.
[quote name='scfan919']Hey Admiral, what happens in the event of a tie(Eagles and Bengals?) Do those people advance, or are they out?[/quote]

That was answered twice. Once even on this page. Just read next time.

Also, ADMIRAL, why can't we begin keeping score right now, and that will determine picking order. I'm not sure which way to do it, but we could. Like a side bet where we pick one player to score a touchdown. If they do we get a point and then can help determine picking order. Or during playoffs, we could just pick players or something else. Tell everyone they get one pick and whomever wins the superbowl, gets the package. There are plenty of ways to go about it, we could just change the rules around a little.
I've been in many suicide pools over the years and not one lasted into the playoffs. That'll likely happen again with this one. Shitty teams do win and big upsets do happen. They happen every year.

There are still 6 weeks left by the way, which is a LONG time.
[quote name='Josef']Shitty teams do win and big upsets do happen. .[/quote]

The problem is, over the past three weeks, we only eliminated 1 and that was due to him not making a pick. All of the crappy teams are winning in the begginning, but just screw it up in the end.
[quote name='Layziebones']The problem is, over the past three weeks, we only eliminated 1 and that was due to him not making a pick. All of the crappy teams are winning in the begginning, but just screw it up in the end.[/QUOTE]Yeah, but just because it's been going that way..... A LOT..... doesn't mean it will keep happening through to the end of the season. One of these weeks, Detroit or Oakland or one of the other crappy teams will put together a full game, and catch a better team either looking ahead, or coming off a Monday night short week, or something. A lot of us have had more than one week where we should have been eliminated, but barely made it through right at the end. I think I've had four weeks like that, including the last two. You can't live on that kind of borrowed time forever.

For what it's worth Admiral, I definitely prefer the idea of adding guessing the score to the picks for anyone who makes it to the playoffs over the idea of first come, first served. It would be a shame for someone to run the table for the whole season only to get knocked out because they got stuck with the 8th seed due to bad timing.

Having said that, there are still 6 weeks left to the season. I'll be impressed if anyone makes it through to the end, and I'll be amazed if there are several survivors at that point.
[quote name='Danimal']Yeah, but just because it's been going that way..... A LOT..... doesn't mean it will keep happening through to the end of the season. One of these weeks, Detroit or Oakland or one of the other crappy teams will put together a full game, and catch a better team either looking ahead, or coming off a Monday night short week, or something. A lot of us have had more than one week where we should have been eliminated, but barely made it through right at the end. I think I've had four weeks like that, including the last two. You can't live on that kind of borrowed time forever.

For what it's worth Admiral, I definitely prefer the idea of adding guessing the score to the picks for anyone who makes it to the playoffs over the idea of first come, first served. It would be a shame for someone to run the table for the whole season only to get knocked out because they got stuck with the 8th seed due to bad timing.

Having said that, there are still 6 weeks left to the season. I'll be impressed if anyone makes it through to the end, and I'll be amazed if there are several survivors at that point.[/QUOTE]

My last 5-6 weeks now I should have been eliminated. I think i'm going to change it up this week and not pick against 1 of those 4, how you guys say "Auto" win teams.
[quote name='Layziebones']That was answered twice. Once even on this page. Just read next time.

Also, ADMIRAL, why can't we begin keeping score right now, and that will determine picking order. I'm not sure which way to do it, but we could. Like a side bet where we pick one player to score a touchdown. If they do we get a point and then can help determine picking order. Or during playoffs, we could just pick players or something else. Tell everyone they get one pick and whomever wins the superbowl, gets the package. There are plenty of ways to go about it, we could just change the rules around a little.[/QUOTE]

1) It's still early.
2) I would probably prefer the way they're doing it on WIP. They pick a push game and then you ahve to make two picks. For example, for the 750 still in the WIP pool, they have to...
A) Pick a team to win who hasn't picked a team
B) And pick the winner of the Falcons/Panthers game.
3) Like you said, there are a lot of different systems that could be used. It just takes picking one. Though I don't like picking players because it's not universal. In other words, everybody can pretty easily guess a score. Not everyone knows the roster of every team and there are late minute scratches and other stuff that I if I was playing would find annoying. And then there are differences between WR and QB's, and what stats will you track, etc.

But it;s still early, there an still be upsets, we'll see what things are like in three weeks and I'll make a final decision on how we deal with the playoffs.
*** Week 11 Winners***
zewone - Indianapolis Colts
Danimal - Miami Dolphins
RawisJericho : Pure Apathy - Carolina Panthers
Layziebones - Carolina Panthers
SoNiC1023 - Carolina Panthers
jello00 - Philadelphia Eagles
x1xMuffinManx1x - New Orlean Saints
pimpinc333 - Philadelphia Eagles
smellhasreturned - Miami Dolphins
tivo - Miami Dolphins
CarolinaGamer07 - BYE
scfan919 - Indianapolis Colts
ijag233 - Miami Dolphins
Romis - Carolina Panthers
TehMuff1nM4n - Miami Dolphins
week 1: Denver Broncos
week 2: Pittsburgh Steelers
week 3: Buffalo Bills
week 4: San Diego Chargers
week 5: Dallas Cowboys
week 6: BYE
week 7: NY Giants
week 8: Washington Redskins
week 9: Chicago Bears
week 10: Carolina Panthers
week 11: Philadelphia Eagles
week 12: Tampa Bay Bucs
Week 1: NY Jets
Week 2: NY Giants
Week 3: Seattle Seahawks
Week 4: Buffalo Bills
Week 5: Carolina Panthers
Week 6: Minnesota Vikings
Week 7: BYE
Week 8: Tennessee Titans
Week 9: Philadelphia Eagles
Week 10: Arizona Cardinals
Week 11: Miami Dolphins
Week 12: Washington Redskins
Week 1: New York Jets
Week 2: New York Giants
Week 3: Seattle Seahawks
Week 4: Buffalo Bills
Week 5: Dallas Cowboys
Week 6: Minnesota Vikings
Week 7: Pittsburgh Steelers
Week 8: Washington Redskins
Week 9: Chicago Bears
Week 10: Jacksonville Jaguars
Week 11: Miami Dolphins
Week 12: Denver Broncos
I'll take the Pittsburgh Steelers for week 12.

[quote name='Pirate331']Someone needs to pick the Bengals. I'm feelin an upset this week. ;)[/QUOTE]I hope you're right about feeling an upset, but wrong about which game it happens in. :)
Week 1: New England Patriots
Week 2: Arizona Cardinals
Week 3: New York Giants
Week 4: New Orleans Saints
Week 5: BYE
Week 6: New York Jets
Week 7: Pittsburgh Steelers
Week 8: Washington Redskins
Week 9: Tampa Bay Bucaneers
Week 10: San Diego Chargers
Week 11: Carolina Panthers
Week 12: Dallas Cowboys

Please don't bite me in the ass.
Week 1: Patriots
Week 2: Giants
Week 3: Bills
Week 4: Jaguars
Week 5: Cowboys
Week 6: Packers
Week 7: Bye
Week 8: Texans
Week 9: Eagles
Week 10: Cardinals
Week 11: Steelers
Week 1: New England
Week 2: Giants
Week 3: BYE
Week 4: San Diego
Week 5: Dallas
Week 6: Green Bay
Week 7: Tampa Bay
Week 8: Jets
Week 9: Philadelphia
Week 10: Carolina
Week 11: Indianapolis

Week 12: Pittsburgh
Week 1: Dallas Cowboys
Week 2: New York Giants
Week 3: BYE
Week 4: San Diego Chargers
Week 5: Carolina Panthers
Week 6: Minnesota Vikings
Week 7: Tampa Bay Bucaneers
Week 8: New York Jets
Week 9: Chicago Bears
Week 10: Arizona Cardinals
Week 11: Indianapolis Colts
Week 12: Denver Broncos
Week 1: New England Patriots
Week 2: New York Giants
Week 3: Bye
Week 4: Buffalo Bills
Week 5: Dallas Cowboys
Week 6: New York Jets
Week 7: Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Week 8: Washington Redskins
Week 9: Chicago Bears
Week 10: San Diego Chargers
Week 11: New Orlean Saints

Week 12: Carolina Panthers
Week 1: New England Patriots
Week 2: Pittsburgh Steelers
Week 3: Denver Broncos
Week 4: New Orlean Saints
Week 5: Carolina Panthers
Week 6: BYE
Week 7: Chicago Bears
Week 8: Jets
Week 9: Tampa Bay
Week 10: Jacksonville Jaguars
Week 11: Miami
Week 12: Buffalo Bills
Week 12: Buccaneers
Week 11: Bye
Week 10: Chargers
Week 9: Bears
Week 8: Jets
Week 7: Titans
Week 6: Vikings
Week 5: Panthers
Week 4: Bills
Week 3: Giants
Week 2: Steelers
Week 1: Eagles
I will be picking the Bears of Chicago to beat the Rams of St. Louis. Thank You.

Week 1 Pats
Week 2 Giants
Week 3 BYE
Week 4 Jags
Week 5 Cowboys
Week 6 Packers
Week 7 Titans
Week 8 Jets
Week 9 Bucs
Week 10 Cardinals
Week 11 Eagles

Week 12 Bears

Good Luck Everyone.
Last edited by a moderator:
[quote name='Pure Apathy'] Week 1: Patriots
Week 2: Giants
Week 3: Bills
Week 4: Jaguars
Week 5: Cowboys
Week 6: Packers
Week 7: Bye
Week 8: Texans
Week 9: Eagles
Week 10: Cardinals
Week 11: Steelers

Who is your Week 12 pick?
Week 1. BYE
Week 2. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Week 3. Denver Broncos
Week 4. Jacksonville Jaguars
Week 5. Dallas Cowboys
Week 6. New York Jets
Week 7. Pittsburgh Steelers
Week 8. Houston Texans
Week 9. Philadelphia Eagles
Week 10. Miami Dolphins
Week 11. Carolina Panthers

Week 12. Chicago Bears
I screwed up my pick order for this week. I left Carolina out from last weeks pick and had Pittsburgh picked for this week but labeled it as week 11.

This is what it should have said.

Week 1: Patriots
Week 2: Giants
Week 3: Bills
Week 4: Jaguars
Week 5: Cowboys
Week 6: Packers
Week 7: Bye
Week 8: Texans
Week 9: Eagles
Week 10: Cardinals
Week 11: Panthers
Week 12: Steelers

bread's done