The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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Picked up 4 or 5 packs of batteries(.29), Taylor Swift CD for my sister (1.59), 25 ft HDMI cable x 3 (1.99) , and a huge black ops poster for $3, and 2 USB printer/device adapters (.29), all of this between 2 stores and only spent about $14 total!
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']FYI: I believe the Sony HDMI/USB packs contain a V1.2 HDMI cable.[/QUOTE]

I remembered you mentioning this a day or two ago, so I looked at the packaging when I was out today and its actually a v. 1.3a cable, so no worries there.
[quote name='dino88']Do either of you know anything about these headphones or had a chance to try them out yet? They had 3 or 4 of these at the BBV right by my house, but I passed on them.

That guy on the back cover is my brother. :)[/QUOTE]

Seriously, "the jokester" example is your brother? :) That's cool man!

I also bought the Koss UR40's the other day. I'll test them out and post my thoughts.
Some quick photos of my haul today.
Got a total of 6 framed art pieces and 10 posters. Just posted
some of the ones I hadn't seen before.






[quote name='mkernan']I remembered you mentioning this a day or two ago, so I looked at the packaging when I was out today and its actually a v. 1.3a cable, so no worries there.[/QUOTE]
Cool. It must've been one of the old packages from Kmart then, since I know a friend and fellow local CAG grabbed one of the packs off me in a trade a while back and I distinctly remember them mentioning it being an older cable.
Is the clearance at all BB (franchise & corp)?
Are the regular PS3 on clearance (I saw a bundle regular price)?

Got a lot of cool stuff but best deal so far:
[quote name='mister cheapskate']that dirty harry poster is pretty boss. I hope I can find me one of those[/QUOTE]

I'd never seen it before and it looks amazing. Same store had a Kill Bill one done in the same fashion by the same artist. Been thinking I should have gone ahead and picked it up as well.
My haul.

Coolest things:
I got the PS3 80GB Click & Transformers bundle #3 for $87.50, DS lite Cobalt for $25 and 2 TiVo HD for $25 each.
I forgot I found 2 New Super Mario Wii guides for $10 each.

Here's are some pics links.
I still don't know how to make pics show on the post itself.

Hope this works.
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[quote name='mkernan']I remembered you mentioning this a day or two ago, so I looked at the packaging when I was out today and its actually a v. 1.3a cable, so no worries there.[/QUOTE]

does v1.2 and v1.3a make a difference? What is the newest v. that sony hdmi cable have? Is v1.2 use only for few devices?
[quote name='Readthepost']My haul.

Coolest things:
I got the PS3 80GB Click & Transformers bundle #3 for $87.50, DS lite Cobalt for $25 and 2 TiVo HD for $25 each.
I forgot I found 2 New Super Mario Wii guides for $10 each.

Here's are some pics links.
I still don't know how to make pics show on the post itself.

Hope this works.[/QUOTE]

Wow. Was this like a ghost town BBV?
U got lucky getting the PS3 and DS Lite. Good job.

U are truly the man
Frames at $3
Marvel heroes
Clash of the titan $1.49
Clockwork orange
Boondock saints x 2 (1 was with the 2 guys with background of the movie. the other was the cross with words)
call of duty blk ops
JLA #1 comic
wizard of oz (the 1 that is online at bbv, but a bit small. looks like halo background)
Beauty and the beast $1.49
Koss U-40 headphones $7.49 (No more drop in price)

end up getting big yoda for $1.99. I wanted the small one, but cant beat it for the price.

Wow. I think I hit about $100 at BBV. I was a bit crazy with the frames, but giving some to family members.

The BBV guy said the 25ft hdmi wasnt on sell. he had like 4 at the register. Looks like he is getting it for himself:roll:

Anyone have tips to hang these frames? I notice there is no wall mount on the back of the frame.
[quote name='The Punisher']Wow. Was this like a ghost town BBV?
U got lucky getting the PS3 and DS Lite. Good job.

U are truly the man[/QUOTE]

@Readthepost, awesome haul on the PS3 and DSLite! :D

Last week I went to 6 BBVs and none of them had the old PS3s.
My final haul as of today. Didn't find any good video game stuff but got a lot of USB drive and SD Card. By the way the price for Split Second is $14.99 now and am waiting for another B1G1 deal. Hawaii Boy,Thank you so much.
[quote name='The Punisher']Wow. Was this like a ghost town BBV?
U got lucky getting the PS3 and DS Lite. Good job.

U are truly the man[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kk012']@Readthepost, awesome haul on the PS3 and DSLite! :D

Last week I went to 6 BBVs and none of them had the old PS3s.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I had to go to 8 different BBVs and ask each employee to please check the back. I found DS lite at the 6th store and the PS3 at 8th store.
I visited 10 BBV today.....I took the day off to shop.
The funny thing is that both items lasted to 2:00pm today. unreal.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Seriously, "the jokester" example is your brother? :) That's cool man!

Yeah, he didn't even know about it until a friend ran across it waiting in line at Blockbuster. He bought a bunch as gag gifts this past Christmas.
[quote name='The Punisher']Hey. Plug in PS3 and test it. Heard many PS3 at BBV had problems. There was 1 at my BBV, but they said someone returned it because there was something wrong with it.[/QUOTE]
I tested problems....thanks for the warning.

Hey, you should still buy it for parts. plus you get a dualshock3, a remote, HDMI cable, Click Blu ray, and the 12 week BBV Rental.

I would buy it and I already have 3 PS3.;)
[quote name='Readthepost']Thanks, I had to go to 8 different BBVs and ask each employee to please check the back. I found DS lite at the 6th store and the PS3 at 8th store.
I visited 10 BBV today.....I took the day off to shop.
The funny thing is that both items lasted to 2:00pm today. unreal.[/QUOTE]

I didnt want to take a chance so i got a ds lite last week for $50. It was in columbia BBV.

What stores/state u got yours? Sounds like maybe a employee chsnged there mind in buying the ds lite and PS3.
Oh forgot. Not sure if anyone was still looking for Clockwork Orange frame.

They have:

the white one (I posted earlier)
A orange one

This is in Silver Spring, MD.
[quote name='Readthepost']I tested problems....thanks for the warning.

Hey, you should still buy it for parts. plus you get a dualshock3, a remote, HDMI cable, Click Blu ray, and the 12 week BBV Rental.

I would buy it and I already have 3 PS3.;)[/QUOTE]

They said its being transfer and couldnt sell it. I asked. Guess transfer to be destroyed or get credit from Sony.
[quote name='Luuc']

^ The things I'm the most excited about. I've looked at those things a billion times over the years and never wanted to spend the money on them, so this clearance was PERFECT. They had a few others left but I wasn't all that interested (Wizard of Oz, Reservoir Dogs, Call of Duty Black Ops).

The other things I bought have been opened already and is kinda scattered around and would be hard to get a neat picture of. :( So you get a list!

Archos MP3/FM Transmitter
4 GB SD card
Mario Yahtzee
Lady Gaga CD
Black Eyed Peas CD

Glee sticker sheet
True Blood buttons
Link wall decal
Link sticker sheet
2x Koss Earbuds (Aqua and Pink)

The first group of stuff was bought last week; second group was today. I'm disappointed I couldn't find any neat plushies, but I'm still satisfied overall. :applause:

The only other interesting thing I saw was a :360:Fall Out: New Vegas that came with 4 coasters as some kind of pre-order bonus. I don't know enough about it to know if it was at a good price. It was labeled $30, I figure it'd be less than that if I asked.[/QUOTE]

What did u use to hang the frames?
Looks like everyone posting has a great shopping day today at BBV. I visited 2 stores and come back with 9 bags with different stuf most of which already posted on this tread. The only few different things which I do not see mentioned are:

Sony MDR-V150 headphones - $1.65
Norwood Micro HDMI cable (6 Ft)- $2.45
Viore 7" portable LCD television - $5.99
NEW sealed Halo Reach (earlier edition with helmet code inside) game - $15

Good luck everyone !
[quote name='The Punisher']Hey. Plug in PS3 and test it. Heard many PS3 at BBV had problems. There was 1 at my BBV, but they said someone returned it because there was something wrong with it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='The Punisher']I didnt want to take a chance so i got a ds lite last week for $50. It was in columbia BBV.

What stores/state u got yours? Sounds like maybe a employee chsnged there mind in buying the ds lite and PS3.[/QUOTE]

DS lite in NJ and PS3 in NY. My avatar info has my location.
[quote name='Readthepost']DS lite in NJ and PS3 in NY. My avatar info has my location.[/QUOTE]

Wow. NJ and NY. That is a hike, but well worth it at the end. Lucky for me, I only had to go to 3 BBV which was all in the area.
Didn't score like some of you guys but just to add to the list that I didn't see:

bendaroo kit $0.99
windshield cleaner "wand" kit - $0.99
poster tack $0.34
fuzzoodle kit $1.49
I am up in Chicago-land visiting family and I decided to look around town. Nothing too exciting, like a DS or anything.

lava glow wireless ps3 controller
Bears snuggie or "NFL huddler comfy throw"
the koss headphones
a few 4gb microsd cards
some batteries

I also grabbed some partial tv seasons thinking I would find the rest at other stores. I did not. So, if anyone comes across Fringe Season 1 Discs 2, 3, 5, 7 let me know.
[quote name='postaboy']Is the Kodak batteries any good? I'm thinking of buying them for my Wavebird controllers and TV remote.[/QUOTE]

For .29 cents there great! ;) I don't think there any worse than an off brand.

So I went back tonight to see if I could grab those two large Yoda's I left earlier... I'm shocked that practically everything I didn't take sans a few gaga CDs were still there at this store. What a great day! Got my Yoda's for my little cousins and saw a 'goonies' frame on a cart in the corner...snagged!
[quote name='postaboy']Is the Kodak batteries any good? I'm thinking of buying them for my Wavebird controllers and TV remote.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='super_dawn']For .29 cents there great! ;) I don't think there any worse than an off brand.[/QUOTE]

I agree...I use them before and they are good. BTW, there are no .29 cent batteries left at any store I visited today....I bought them all.;)
Actually, I left all the c size batteries.
So if you find a 9v, AA, AAA, or D...I wasn't at your store.
[quote name='Readthepost']DS lite in NJ and PS3 in NY. My avatar info has my location.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... so you must have hit the Nanuet, NY BBV as well. Was slim pickings there as well as in my visits to Dumont, NJ and Hillsdale, NJ locations.

Perhaps if I was as diligent as you I would have scored as well as you have ;)
This was cool, I grabbed a framed picture and some nice headphones but other than that I didn't find much else. Kinda wished the games were also marked down at 90% off or heck even 75% off but every time I went into a BBV and asked they would tell me the games aren't on sale.
I went to Blockbuster again. I wanted to pick up a Walking Dead poster, but I couldn't believe
what I saw. They had a stack of 3-months xbox live cards, and brand new games.

I picked up:

Splinter Cell Conviction $5
Bioshock 2 $5
Walking Dead poster $3
4 xbox live cards $2 each
2Gb flash drive $1
Sugar daddy speakers 69 cents

I'm a happy man :bouncy:
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[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Some stuff isn't on clearance, like random sets of batteries, or headphones. How weird. Did get a pair of Koss UR40 and they look nice for 7.49 I guess.[/QUOTE]

Yea i know i was able to get .29 cent AAA batteries but the AA batteries were not part of the deal....
I really, really need to stop by my Blockbuster soon. It's just a little too out of the way though to make frequent trips.
so jealous of those finding DS Lites. I really want one for cheap, have been to every blockbuster in the area and it seems like they never carried them, or the employees never remembered having them in stock ever.

If anyone sees an extra one or doesn't feel like dealing with ebay shoot me a PM. I'm sure most of you guys are flipping them or giving them to kids or something though.
Damn.. I wish I was as lucky as the guy that found 3 month Live cards for 2$ each. Would've pounced on that deal.

Does anyone know if Blockbuster was having some sort of new sale on their game pass deal? I feel like the sales clerk was trying to tell me it was cheaper now than 22$ a month but I wasn't really paying attention, too busy looking through the store. Would be awesome though so let me know if anybody knows.
Yea i know i was able to get .29 cent AAA batteries but the AA batteries were not part of the deal....

4pk AA are part of the deal. 8pk are not.

Does anyone know if Blockbuster was having some sort of new sale on their game pass deal?

no still 21.99 for 1 out at a time
I got a Turbo Snake for $1 and two boxes for Fuzzoodles for $1.50 each (one to play with, the other to keep sealed). I would have gotten the Bendaroos if it wasn't for my huge backlog.
I wasn't able to make it to BBV until after work tonight. Here is what I was able to pick up:


9 Pokemon Plushes $0.79 each
1 PS3 HDMI/USB cable pack $4
2 Heel Tastic $0.79 each (not shown)

I splurged and bought a previewed copy of Disney's Sleeping Beauty on blu-ray for $16.99.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']4pk AA are part of the deal. 8pk are not.

no still 21.99 for 1 out at a time[/QUOTE]

Oh ok well now i dont feel so bad lol I just want to thank you for taking the time and notifying us of the 90% clearance sale date actually being this week as opposed to the reg schedule. Also for all the previous sales at bbv. i would have never known of b1g1 free sales etc and probably never have set foot in blockbuster ever again since netflix emerged and the crappy rental prices they have or still have idk but thanks!
Went back to a store today on a whim and scored big! Someone had returned an Onyx DS Lite that I missed out on last week. It didn't look opened and I opened it and checked it out and it looks good. Was hoping for two for my kids, but they can use mine. Total haul today between two stores was like this:

Onyx DS Lite 25
PS3 Wireless Keypad 5
360 Wireless Headset 4
2x Koss ur40 Headsets 7.50
2x Koss earbuds with zipline 1.99
2x Hello Kitty plushes .59
25 ft HDMI
3 meter HDMI
God of War 3 new 7.50
360 UFC 2010 new 7.50
Slim Money Clip as seen on TV .99 (just broke mine the other day)
Bunch of 9V C and D batteries
Hello Kitty Wall Stickers

Glad I passed on GoW3 and UFC in the B1G1 sale now.
bread's done