The British Bulldogs' wrestling topic

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I got to say even though that was incredibly short and not worth the build up it got, I love the crowd and it looks really good.
Thank God IGN put the trailer on the site - now I can turn off the VGAs... after Angle comes out and acts insane. They're still doing the goddamn "All your base" shit. Okay, Dana White and Joe Rogan laughing at the shitty script made this show awesome.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Thank God IGN put the trailer on the site - now I can turn off the VGAs... after Angle comes out and acts insane. They're still doing the goddamn "All your base" shit.[/quote]

Looks good... if it plays as good as it looks I might have to buy a next gen system. (or maybe it'll come out on PC? Doubtful.. I know)
The general opinion on the trailer is that it's just a gameplay projection video, so I wouldn't get too hyped about it just yet. Odds are, it won't hit the PC, but given how many changes the game has gone through, I wouldn't be surprised if it.
The Xbox wrestling games made me realize that games can look amazing and play like ass. Impact looks *very* promising, but the devil's in the gameplay. Here's hoping Midway comes through.

And fuck 2008. That's depressing.


This kind of makes me want to kill myself rather than go on living in this world.

Edit: Hmm, can't seem to get the link to function, either way don't go watch Vince's new cartoons on
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']javascript:wwevideoplayer('/content/media/video/webshows/3716978/3846792/asspassionoftheass')


This kind of makes me want to kill myself rather than go on living in this world.

Edit: Hmm, can't seem to get the link to function, either way don't go watch Vince's new cartoons on[/quote]
Link fixed.

But, not like I'm gonna watch it or anything! Thanks for not telling me about it ;)
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']What about horsedick again?[/QUOTE]
I was just trying to accomodate you. I don't want to be accused of horsecism.
[quote name='mykevermin']

Speaking of "isms," an excellently written guest editorial on Cryme Tyme.[/quote]

Our definitions of "excellent" must vary...

I like the last paragraph especially. Sorry, but WWE isn't going anywhere. There'll always be that core of fans (the author included) that will watch this crap no matter what. I don't know why, if I did I'd develop a cure, give it to all of you and then sell it to everyone else.

The reality is WWE already has chased away all of their "fair-weather fans" so to speak, all of the people that tuned in to see what The Rock was going to say next, who Austin was going to stun next, and what Foley was going to fall off of next.

The present fans are more hardcore than Bob Holly, in the sense that they'll take the Katie Vicks, the Cryme Tymes, the Harry Beaver Cleavers, the Greater Powers, the endless John Cena/HHH title reigns, etc, and keep coming back for more.

I honestly believe that the majority of WCW's fanbase was made up of the people that started to tune in because wrestling was suddenly socially acceptable, maybe even "cool" for awhile. As soon as wrestling's popularity began to wane, so did WCW's fan base, pretty much all the way back down to where it started.

So, while the David Arquette championship fiasco certainly didn't help things along, WCW was already dead, and there weren't any fad viewers left for Arquette to turn away.

Now, I could be wrong on this, and perhaps if Vince is really dumb and puts the strap on K-Fed, WWE's ratings might actually sink even lower. I doubt Vince would ever put the title on a celebrity though; however, even if he did I don't think there's too many people (of the remaining viewers) that wouldn't tune in the next week to see what happened. Either way, I guarantee you Cryme Tyme isn't turning away enough viewers to where their gimmick is a detriment to the bottom line.

It's too bad retards aren't capable of writing anything like that, or calling in and complaining, then maybe we would've got more backlash during the early stages of the Eugene character's development.

As long as there's controversial gimmicks/storylines there's going to be people that just find the show totally distasteful and out of line (if it wasn't from time to time we wouldn't watch it), the problem is because Cryme Tyme is a race issue it's getting more glorified than it really is. Not just a race issue, but a black/white issue, America's favorite :roll:.

You didn't see this much backlash during the Mexi-cools angle, and those guys road to the ring on f*cking lawn-mowers, it doesn't get anymore stereo-typical/racist than that! That'd be like Cryme Tyme shooting a sketch where they're picking cotton. Yet, for some reason that angle was ok, and now this particular angle could be the end of the company? Give me a break.
I can't wait for tomorrow. I think the only announced match on the card is Christopher Daniels v. Abyss. A champion v. champion match should be pretty good.

I am really hoping for Joe v. Styles as one of the other matches.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Our definitions of "excellent" must vary...

I like the last paragraph especially. Sorry, but WWE isn't going anywhere. There'll always be that core of fans (the author included) that will watch this crap no matter what. I don't know why, if I did I'd develop a cure, give it to all of you and then sell it to everyone else.

The reality is WWE already has chased away all of their "fair-weather fans" so to speak, all of the people that tuned in to see what The Rock was going to say next, who Austin was going to stun next, and what Foley was going to fall off of next.

The present fans are more hardcore than Bob Holly, in the sense that they'll take the Katie Vicks, the Cryme Tymes, the Harry Beaver Cleavers, the Greater Powers, the endless John Cena/HHH title reigns, etc, and keep coming back for more.

I honestly believe that the majority of WCW's fanbase was made up of the people that started to tune in because wrestling was suddenly socially acceptable, maybe even "cool" for awhile. As soon as wrestling's popularity began to wane, so did WCW's fan base, pretty much all the way back down to where it started.

So, while the David Arquette championship fiasco certainly didn't help things along, WCW was already dead, and there weren't any fad viewers left for Arquette to turn away.

Now, I could be wrong on this, and perhaps if Vince is really dumb and puts the strap on K-Fed, WWE's ratings might actually sink even lower. I doubt Vince would ever put the title on a celebrity though; however, even if he did I don't think there's too many people (of the remaining viewers) that wouldn't tune in the next week to see what happened. Either way, I guarantee you Cryme Tyme isn't turning away enough viewers to where their gimmick is a detriment to the bottom line.

It's too bad retards aren't capable of writing anything like that, or calling in and complaining, then maybe we would've got more backlash during the early stages of the Eugene character's development.

As long as there's controversial gimmicks/storylines there's going to be people that just find the show totally distasteful and out of line (if it wasn't from time to time we wouldn't watch it), the problem is because Cryme Tyme is a race issue it's getting more glorified than it really is. Not just a race issue, but a black/white issue, America's favorite :roll:.

You didn't see this much backlash during the Mexi-cools angle, and those guys road to the ring on f*cking lawn-mowers, it doesn't get anymore stereo-typical/racist than that! That'd be like Cryme Tyme shooting a sketch where they're picking cotton. Yet, for some reason that angle was ok, and now this particular angle could be the end of the company? Give me a break.[/QUOTE]

I don't disagree with you, especially on the Mexicools point. You're completely right about that. Hell, the Guerreros we also ("we lie, we cheat, we steal," remember?).

Now the last statement (WWE will be a carny show) is just hyperbole, and you can't use one foolish statement to invalidate the whole claim being made.

The difference between the Mexicools and Cryme Tyme lies within political culture (that's probably represented by your eye-rolling smilie). There are ample and very vocal groups who point out anti-black sentiment in the media, and few, if any, who get any airtime for anti-Hispanic sentiment (and, given the immigration issue, it's more often that being an anti-Hispanic bigot will get you quality airtime on Lou Dobbs' show). Bigotry may be bigotry, but the political climate makes the Cryme Tyme/Mexicools comparison apples and oranges.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']You didn't see this much backlash during the Mexi-cools angle, and those guys road to the ring on f*cking lawn-mowers, it doesn't get anymore stereo-typical/racist than that! That'd be like Cryme Tyme shooting a sketch where they're picking cotton. Yet, for some reason that angle was ok, and now this particular angle could be the end of the company? Give me a break.[/quote]

Hey man you better stfu about the cotton picking! That's offensive! Ok, not really... what I meant was.... just hope that WWE creative doesn't see your post, cuz it sounds like a great idea ;)
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't disagree with you, especially on the Mexicools point. You're completely right about that. Hell, the Guerreros we also ("we lie, we cheat, we steal," remember?).

Now the last statement (WWE will be a carny show) is just hyperbole, and you can't use one foolish statement to invalidate the whole claim being made.

The difference between the Mexicools and Cryme Tyme lies within political culture (that's probably represented by your eye-rolling smilie). There are ample and very vocal groups who point out anti-black sentiment in the media, and few, if any, who get any airtime for anti-Hispanic sentiment (and, given the immigration issue, it's more often that being an anti-Hispanic bigot will get you quality airtime on Lou Dobbs' show). Bigotry may be bigotry, but the political climate makes the Cryme Tyme/Mexicools comparison apples and oranges.[/quote]

The Hispanics just need their own Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton! Shit, if I was Hispanic I'd do it. I'm dead serious too, I'm stunned that no one has stepped forward as kind of the Hispanic spokesman for racial injustices like Jackson and Sharpton. Of course, blacks have been notoriously far more religious, and their forms of worship can be extremely involved... but I think that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish there, that we need not address in the wrestling topic.

Back to the article, I think it 'twas a bit too reactionary for my tastes. I just saw it as someone targeting one particular angle they're extremely offended by and pinning the downfall of the company upon that. Rather than dissecting the numerous flaws WWE has from top to bottom and their continual racism over the years. If you'd like to compare apples to apples, Cryme Tyme pales in comparison to the levels of racism the Saba Simba character reached.

I don't know if I'm in the right to say how I'd feel about Cryme Tyme in her situation though, as I'm not black. I asked one of my very good friends (who in the words of Eddie Murphy "happens to be black") what he thought about Cryme Tyme. His exact response was a chuckle followed by "They're some real niggas!" and that he just sees them as comical, and doesn't take offence to their sketches because he knows they're blown out of proportion.

I think the main reason Cryme Tyme is working is because they're both so jolly about what they're doing. Now if they were malicious heels, I think the gimmick would've been pulled already. Said sadly, that does compare to the minstrel shows...
[quote name='Demolition Man']Kurt putting Don West into the Angle Lock = RATINGS!!!!! :D[/quote]

Commercial #1... I still hold the truthiness of my statement to be self evident... that this is still the best Impact ever.

Or maybe I'm just high... but nah. Demo Man! Former TNA mark! Agree? Disagree?
"KURT ANGLE HAS DON WEST IN AN ANKLE LOCK!" - Best IMPACT EVAR! The PCS was hilarious "Push it, PUSH IT REAL GOOD!" and the "I'm on steroids" sign ruled. I like that they haven't rushed everything tonight, outside of this AMW magic disbanding stip along with Konnan in a cage.... four days after a PPV. Now Angle's locked in the dorky ref into an ankle lock. This really is the best Impact ever.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']"KURT ANGLE HAS DON WEST IN AN ANKLE LOCK!" - Best IMPACT EVAR! The PCS was hilarious "Push it, PUSH IT REAL GOOD!" and the "I'm on steroids" sign ruled. I like that they haven't rushed everything tonight, outside of this AMW magic disbanding stip along with Konnan in a cage.... four days after a PPV. Now Angle's locked in the dorky ref into an ankle lock. This really is the best Impact ever.[/quote]

Yay that's another vote! Who else?!?!
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']What old WCW song? This song totally kills any of their previous themes.[/quote]

for a while they came out to konnan and rey's old wcw theme. i think it was called psycho..

that theme was awesome
Coming Soon To DVD:

Great Impact and an massive improvement over the past month. Of course what helped was not having Don West screaming over every single little thing going on. Plus matches given time to tell a story yet enough time for promos and what not. If Russo can keep up with this type of Impact then I'll be one happy... dare I say it.... TNA mark. :D

*puts on his TNA fanboy hat*

Yeah.... I'm bringing it back CAG! :D
[quote name='Demolition Man']Great Impact and an massive improvement over the past month. Of course what helped was not having Don West screaming over every single little thing going on. Plus matches given time to tell a story yet enough time for promos and what not. If Russo can keep up with this type of Impact then I'll be one happy... dare I say it.... TNA mark. :D

*puts on his TNA fanboy hat*

Yeah.... I'm bringing it back CAG! :D[/quote]

It's cause you're black!
[quote name='Demolition Man']:lol:

That line had be laughing tonight. Racist yes. But funny no less.[/quote]

Ah again with the racism... was it really racism? I think it was simply a joke.. I mean it's Nash.. not Cryme Tyme.. not the Mexicools.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Ah again with the racism... was it really racism? I think it was simply a joke.. I mean it's Nash.. not Cryme Tyme.. not the Mexicools.[/QUOTE]

Good point. Not that I was offended by it since given in the context the comment was pretty harmless. But outside of the context it could be seen as racist.
Good Impact thing the WWE does that TNA should pick up on has to do with the champion. Make the crowd want to see the champ...make them wait, announce it, promote it...make the crowd scream for it. Just putting Abyss out there in a meaningless match with Truth demeans the belt. If there was a stupid storyline behind it (like the WWE does), it would make more sense. As it is currently done, doing so makes the champion just seem like all the other wrestlers (and that's the worst thing you can do).

Great angle with Angle and Joe - they're both tweeners, really. Christian cuts a good promo (despite being saddled with a "whodunnit" kinda mystery storyline, which we all know never end well in wrestling). Good matches...I guess it must be true about those rumors that the recent Impacts were two hour shows abridged to fit one hour.
They came out to a lyricless knock-off of "Psycho", but not the actual tune if memory serves. Tonight's Impact was excellent compared to the low standards set by the past three weeks. Matches were given time, angles were given time, and only a few things felt rushed (like AMW's breakup). Angle locking DW and Slick in ankle locks was great, and I hope that Joe never accepts the match so we get more of that whacky stuff.
[quote name='mykevermin'] Christian cuts a good promo (despite being saddled with a "whodunnit" kinda mystery storyline, which we all know never end well in wrestling).[/quote]

They're still searching for who was driving that white hummer in wcw... and hit Sid, or was it Savage? Or was it Savage that hit Sid, I have no clue.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Great Impact and an massive improvement over the past month. Of course what helped was not having Don West screaming over every single little thing going on. Plus matches given time to tell a story yet enough time for promos and what not. If Russo can keep up with this type of Impact then I'll be one happy... dare I say it.... TNA mark. :D

*puts on his TNA fanboy hat*

Yeah.... I'm bringing it back CAG! :D[/QUOTE]
I thought you quit watching TNA...
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