The British Bulldogs' wrestling topic

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[quote name='Demolition Man']Yes @ TNA.....

Kurt Angle made Don West his bitch by making him tap out to the Angle Lock at the TNA tapings according to the spoilers. Thank you Kurt! THANK YOU KURT!!!!!

I read that as well and laughed pretty hard.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I know it is a longshot, but I figure with Hayes booking SD and there being no one aside from Benoit and Taker worthy of fighting in the main event that something has to happen over there. While the main eventers over there are good wrestlers, how many times can we see a match between Batista, Booker, and Finlay?

Plus I think that DX will be done by WM and HHH is going to turn heel and get the belt back around his waist.[/quote]

Please understand the DX storyline originated as a way to turn HHH face, he will not be turning heel again.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Please understand the DX storyline originated as a way to turn HHH face, he will not be turning heel again.[/QUOTE]

There is no way Cena is turning heel and to think he is going to continue to stay out of the title picture would seem unrealistic.
So, it was nice to see TWGTT reunite last night. They need to hire some "enhancement talent" to help make the rest of the tag division look legit. At the moment, Cryme Tyme is over (and undefeated still, right?), RKO are main event guys (almost out of the tag scene entirely), and the rest are jobbers (Highlanders may be cheered for, but does anyone ever expect them to win a match?).

It was fascinating, to me, to hear the crowd cheer so loudly for Team Angle reuniting; it was the saving grace of that bitter angle, where they have to make Haas the PC buffoon complaining about how racist of a gimmick Cryme Tyme is (and contrary to the WWE and their writers, they sure didn't do much to dispel that allegation last night).

Do you expect to see them stay together for awhile? If so, do you see them doing well as a tag team, or being used as fodder for Cryme Tyme?

Perhaps I'm a purist, but they need to get matching outfits, and Haas needs to cut that hippie shit on his head. They need to look like Team Motherfucking Angle.

Not that it matters, as DX will take the tag titles at NYR anyway.

Other than that, I didn't really watch Raw, as I'm way into FFXII right now, and I knew if I watched Raw live, I would (1) bitchbitchbitch, and (2) not be able to ff through stuff I didn't like. I'm sure the mid-main event tag match was good, but I just don't care about DX, RKO, or any of the participants in that feud right now.

That Demolition video was pretty interesting, Kane. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it, b/c the stun gun Smash gives Sivi Afi is fucking *brutal* (and I think it was a clip used in their music video, b/c I know I've seen that stun gun before). The person who posted that video has a ton of old WWF Superstars clips up there. Check 'em out before WWE shits their pants about publishing video footage they'll never fucking release anyway.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']There is no way Cena is turning heel and to think he is going to continue to stay out of the title picture would seem unrealistic.[/QUOTE]

Cena turning heel would mean I would watch RAW again every Monday.

And wow, they FINALLY put Shelton and Haas back together? Nice. I wonder whatever happened to that one match feud they had going on?
More on WWE buying PRIDE from the 12/10 Observer - The odds of WWE buying PRIDE are minimal, as even Shane McMahon is against it. WWE would prefer to start their own company as opposed to buying an existing one, but they are working on a deal with USA just in case they end up buying it, and have interest in the tape library along with the contracts of some heavyweights. Shane was described as basically being a casual fan who would discuss MMA with Ken Shamrock, and now Taker, and thought he could do MMA instantly because he did well in some fights as a kid.

As far as RVD goes, it's believed he won't re-sign with the company when his deal expires in a few months, and he was openly talking about going to TNA after the PPV. With Big Show, he'll be a free agent after February, and WWE is planning on the Hogan-Show match happening at 'Mania, with the company doing a package deal to get him, and maybe giving Show a Hogan or Foley deal where he just works major PPVs. TNA doesn't think they have a chance at getting him, although Angle will try to talk him into it, and he'll probably get offers to work in Japan.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']With Big Show, he'll be a free agent after February, and WWE is planning on the Hogan-Show match happening at 'Mania, with the company doing a package deal to get him, and maybe giving Show a Hogan or Foley deal where he just works major PPVs. TNA doesn't think they have a chance at getting him, although Angle will try to talk him into it, and he'll probably get offers to work in Japan.[/QUOTE]

I don't think Show will go to TNA... I think he's much more apt to take a Hogan like deal where he can show up at his leisure, work a little bit, then kick back and relax for a few more months. He's not intent on killing himself like Angle is.

I don't know about anyone else, but for some reason I am psyched to see Show / Hogan at Wrestlemania.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']There is no way Cena is turning heel and to think he is going to continue to stay out of the title picture would seem unrealistic.[/quote]

Please understand there will not be a surprise HHH heel turn any time soon. DX sells more merchandise than Cena. HHH will not be turning heel, please understand.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Please understand there will not be a surprise HHH heel turn any time soon. DX sells more merchandise than Cena. HHH will not be turning heel, please understand.[/QUOTE]

Too bad as HHH as a face is... well........ boring.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Too bad as HHH as a face is... well........ boring.[/QUOTE]

And as a heel? It's not that he's boring as a good guy or bad guy. It's that, no matter what role he plays, nobody ever gets the better of him. In the long run (and perhaps this is what he secretly thinks), he'll come across as a legend, as one of the greatest of all time. Moreover, there won't be any footage of him being made to look like a fool. A "Best of HHH" video would feature him dominating at WM2000 over Foley, Rock, and Show; WMXVIII dominating Y2J, WMXIX dominating Booker, Royal Rumble 2000 dominating Cactus Jack, and so on an so forth. And that's not really even getting into the "Triple H power trip" years, really.

Some of his best matches ever, I'd argue, won't be seen on video sets again; not because he lost, but because his IC title feud with The Rock, which featured amazing matches, seems so inconsequential, and even forgotten, compared to everything else he's done.

The biggest problem with Triple H is that there's no reason to watch him wrestle, because there's little to no chance he'll lose. It's just not exciting, IMO. False finishes? Who cares, it's HHH. Long match? Who cares, it's HHH. Rivals are at the top of the card (e.g., RKO)? Who cares, it's HHH.

The same could be said of the Undertaker. It was a given that he'd lose the "first blood match" to Kennedy, because it's the kind of match that has a ridiculous premise to begin with, and I can not really think of any first blood matches where the good guy won. Didn't Kane win his first (and only) championship that way?
HHH is wrestling cancer, as far as I'm concerned.

And if I hear J.R. compare him to Ric Flair once more...
[quote name='Brak']HHH is wrestling cancer, as far as I'm concerned.[/QUOTE]

Well, far too often WWE tries to defend him (there was a Tommy Dreamer blog from a few weeks ago that says this; I can't help but think he was prodded to do so) by discussing how he was in the WWF shithouse for well over a year after "The MSG incident." Hall and Nash were done, so they couldn't be punished, and HBK was untouchable (both as the cornerstone of the company, and being that he was at the height of his primadonna years). The WWE loves to say "OMG! HHH was in teh slopzhouse matches with the pig farmer!!!!"

As if that excuses anything. You know what? Throw me in the playpen with that hillbilly and dump fake shit on my head if you want to push me over everyone, everytime, for the next goddamned DECADE. Thanks, you know my cell phone number, so call me. ;)
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, far too often WWE tries to defend him (there was a Tommy Dreamer blog from a few weeks ago that says this; I can't help but think he was prodded to do so) by discussing how he was in the WWF shithouse for well over a year after "The MSG incident." Hall and Nash were done, so they couldn't be punished, and HBK was untouchable (both as the cornerstone of the company, and being that he was at the height of his primadonna years). The WWE loves to say "OMG! HHH was in teh slopzhouse matches with the pig farmer!!!!"

As if that excuses anything. You know what? Throw me in the playpen with that hillbilly and dump fake shit on my head if you want to push me over everyone, everytime, for the next goddamned DECADE. Thanks, you know my cell phone number, so call me. ;)[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I've seen wrestlers pay bigger "dues" than that, far worse than that, and are nowhere near as untouchable as Triple H -- let alone probably never carried a belt.
[quote name='Brak']Yeah. I've seen wrestlers pay bigger "dues" than that, far worse than that, and are nowhere near as untouchable as Triple H -- let alone probably never carried a belt.[/QUOTE]

and god only knows what dues people pay that we don't know about. I, for one, would hate to be the new guy around Randy "Oh, look, there's a bag. I guess I'll hafta take a crap in it" Orton.
[quote name='mykevermin']
The biggest problem with Triple H is that there's no reason to watch him wrestle, because there's little to no chance he'll lose. It's just not exciting, IMO. False finishes? Who cares, it's HHH. Long match? Who cares, it's HHH. Rivals are at the top of the card (e.g., RKO)? Who cares, it's HHH.

Didn't Triple H lose to Cena? Multiple times?
[quote name='Roufuss']Didn't Triple H lose to Cena? Multiple times?[/QUOTE]

You're right.

Check out the Armageddon press conference. From about the 17 minute mark on, Finlay slaps the shit out of Josh Matthews (he still works for WWE?), and King Booker shows why he's awesome on the mic, ragging on Batista. Batista, OTOH, shows that he sucks on the mic, and is a fairly dim-witted person.
Who has Cena lost to in the past year again? I bet that list is as short as, if not shorter than the list of people HHH has lost to.

Part of why I can't stand Cena. The extremely dominant face character just doesn't do it for me.
[quote name='mykevermin']And as a heel? It's not that he's boring as a good guy or bad guy. It's that, no matter what role he plays, nobody ever gets the better of him. In the long run (and perhaps this is what he secretly thinks), he'll come across as a legend, as one of the greatest of all time. Moreover, there won't be any footage of him being made to look like a fool. A "Best of HHH" video would feature him dominating at WM2000 over Foley, Rock, and Show; WMXVIII dominating Y2J, WMXIX dominating Booker, Royal Rumble 2000 dominating Cactus Jack, and so on an so forth. And that's not really even getting into the "Triple H power trip" years, really.

Some of his best matches ever, I'd argue, won't be seen on video sets again; not because he lost, but because his IC title feud with The Rock, which featured amazing matches, seems so inconsequential, and even forgotten, compared to everything else he's done.

The biggest problem with Triple H is that there's no reason to watch him wrestle, because there's little to no chance he'll lose. It's just not exciting, IMO. False finishes? Who cares, it's HHH. Long match? Who cares, it's HHH. Rivals are at the top of the card (e.g., RKO)? Who cares, it's HHH.

The same could be said of the Undertaker. It was a given that he'd lose the "first blood match" to Kennedy, because it's the kind of match that has a ridiculous premise to begin with, and I can not really think of any first blood matches where the good guy won. Didn't Kane win his first (and only) championship that way?[/QUOTE]

I agree with all that you said. HHH bores the hell out of me and I could care less about him. It just seems like with no real challengers for the title that he seems like he will be the guy again.

And Horsey, DX isn't going to be around for forever. They may have sold a lot of merch, but they have already overstayed their welcome. For the sake of the product they need to break up.
[quote name='Genocidal']Who has Cena lost to in the past year again? I bet that list is as short as, if not shorter than the list of people HHH has lost to.

Part of why I can't stand Cena. The extremely dominant face character just doesn't do it for me.[/QUOTE]

Edge (ALOT)
I know Triple H got the best of him once or twice
He got his ass kicked by some ECW guys

For awhile, Cena was losing every match to Edge it seemed like.
I think what is more telling about Cena is that I can't remember him being cleanly pinned. There was always something that happened to stop that from occuring.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']And Horsey, DX isn't going to be around for forever. They may have sold a lot of merch, but they have already overstayed their welcome. For the sake of the product they need to break up.[/QUOTE]

The answer to when DX will break relies on another question (it's like fuckin' Aristotle!): where will HBK and HHH fit into Wrestlemania 23?
heel cena was my favorite character for some time.... \

i think cena became stale when he jumped to raw...

ill still go for him over edge any day though
I liked the hip-hop heel Cena.

This "marine" shit is absolutely horrible. Sadly, it'll be forced down our throats until well after the DVD release of The Marine.

And I place HHH and Edge on the same "I could give two shits" pedestal.
[quote name='Brak']This "marine" shit is absolutely horrible. Sadly, it'll be forced down our throats until well after the DVD release of The Marine.[/quote]

I concur.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I think what is more telling about Cena is that I can't remember him being cleanly pinned. There was always something that happened to stop that from occuring.[/quote] Yep. The closest I can think of to a 'clean' loss off the top of my head is his loss to Edge at NYR.

He got his ass kicked by some ECW guys
He's been laid out a few times, but who beat him in a match other than RVD?
You guys remember when Umaga threw Cena through the chalkboard? That was awesome.

Or the time Cena and Edge had the big brawl and Cena threw Edge in the ocean? Also awesome.
[quote name='Roufuss']You guys remember when Umaga threw Cena through the chalkboard? That was awesome.

Or the time Cena and Edge had the big brawl and Cena threw Edge in the ocean? Also awesome.[/quote]

Isn't that when they lost the Rated R belt? Good times...

Anyway, I give DX another half year.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']
And Horsey, DX isn't going to be around for forever. They may have sold a lot of merch, but they have already overstayed their welcome. For the sake of the product they need to break up.[/quote]

:lol: For the sake of product, oh thou hast slain me! Seriously, when is the last time Vince McMahon did anything (storyline wise) that was "for the sake of the product" the past 5 years or so now have been nothing more than Vince catering to his own ego and attempting to recapture the success he obtained in his feud with Steve Austin.

Truth be told DX is stale, and has been for quite some time now, but in all honesty there's things that are even more stale than DX...

1. Cena
2. Edge
3. Booker T
4. The rest of SD
5. Umaga
6. Flair
7. Taker

I mean honestly, when is the last time any of these guys did anything worth mentioning? I smell a rant brewing... so, I'll attempt to stop here. Seriously though, I really wonder if Vince even cares to make the storylines interesting again.
I can't help it... I must... rant!!!

1. Cena - he's held the title for the better part of the past 2 years now, ratings haven't improved, the crowd reactions he gets are mixed (at best) and somewhere along the line Vince needs to wake up and realize this just isn't "the guy" that's going to carry the company out of its prolonged slump.

WWE needs to find a way to get the belt off of John Cena and on to someone the fans actually care about, or absolutely loathe. Having 3 champions doesn't really help much either.

If it were up to me Cena would drop the strap and move back over to Smackdown where you can tinker with the crowd reaction (it worked for Goldberg) ultimately leading to a Cena vs Batista match. Something that I think the fans actually want to see.

As it stands the fans (that are left) are practically begging for Cena to do something worth cheering or finally booing him as he turns heel. He's like a poor man's white version of The Rock. Only less entertaining on every level.

2. Edge - The guy is absolute crap and it's time creative realized this. He fumbles on the mic from time to time, and the only heat he ever gets is cheap heat. let's face it had he not f*cked Matt Hardy's girlfriend, no one would care about Edge one way or another. Yet he gets shoved down our throats week after week. I guarantee you people would bitch about this more than they do Cena IF Edge had held the title all this time.

There really is no way to fix this, some guys just don't have that "it" factor, I can't see Edge ever selling ppvs or merchandise. The best thing to do would be to leave him in the tag division, at least he was capable of performing at that level.

Right now I zone out every time Edge shows up. It's the same promo, same match, same shit every week with this guy. I don't think he even knows how to change it up, he can't play anything but the cocky heel. Remember how he tried to turn face when he came back from his neck injury? Yet got no reaction whatsoever. Honestly, TNA can have him, they'd be doing WWE a favor.
Now for news that no one cares about:

Amy Zidian released
December 13
, 2006
WWE has come to terms on the release of Amy Zidian. We wish her the best in all her future endeavors.
You know, the one that came to the ring with Jimmy Wang Yang a whole... two or three times. Another of the diva search finalists from this year, I do believe.
[quote name='Genocidal']You know, the one that came to the ring with Jimmy Wang Yang a whole... two or three times. Another of the diva search finalists from this year, I do believe.[/QUOTE]

Damn she was pretty hot and I thought she worked well with getting him over (his character was definately over before she was there, but a hot girl doesn't hurt in getting him some more cheers from the crowd).
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']Now for news that no one cares about:

Amy Zidian released

December 13, 2006
WWE has come to terms on the release of Amy Zidian. We wish her the best in all her future endeavors.[/quote]

I actually attempted to post this, but now that there's 5,000 f*cking links on every page, I scrolled over one and my mouse decided to click it for some reason. That was the worst grammar I'll ever use, and no I don't care to fix it... anyway I decided that since no one really gives a f*ck I wouldn't bother attempting to post that info again.

Anyway, I'm kind of miffed as she was one of the better looking whores. Oh well, maybe she just wouldn't take it up the butt?
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']Now for news that no one cares about:

Amy Zidian released
December 13
, 2006
WWE has come to terms on the release of Amy Zidian. We wish her the best in all her future endeavors.[/QUOTE]

Now I swear I'm giving up WWE programming FOREVER!

:roll: Who is this dame? Someone who came to the ring with Jimmy Yang? That's not even newsworthy. Thanks WWE. Next thing you know, they'll tell me they fired the makeup lady and it'll be all over Raw.
Was just watching MadTV reruns... Great to see Bret Hart come out with the Winged Eagle and put Will Sasso in a sharpshooter... Ah nastolgia... times seemed so much simpler back then :)
[quote name='mykevermin']Now I swear I'm giving up WWE programming FOREVER!

:roll: Who is this dame? Someone who came to the ring with Jimmy Yang? That's not even newsworthy. Thanks WWE. Next thing you know, they'll tell me they fired the makeup lady and it'll be all over Raw.[/QUOTE]
I think it's newsworthy.

Newsworthy in the sense that her release announcement was a caricature of all of the other release announcements:

"WWE has come to terms on the release of Amy Zidian. We wish her the best in all her future endeavors."

Concise, and to the point.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']

Truth be told DX is stale, and has been for quite some time now, but in all honesty there's things that are even more stale than DX...

1. Cena[/QUOTE]

Cena is not stale. A vocal minority on the internet dislike him, that doesn't mean dick. Or horsedick, for that matter. The crowd is behind him NOW more than they have been since after he won his first world title since he's actually feuding with good heels. As good as Angle and Jericho are, they weren't exactly the best at turning the crowd against them. Umaga and Nitro are decent performers but they are actually "bad guys" as well.

DX was getting close to being stale (meaning to the general public, I can't stand them) but over the last couple weeks they seem to have taken to not doing the stupid jokes and are just kind of being a revenge-fueled superstar tag team who wears DX apparel. I have no problem with that.
[quote name='Brak']I think it's newsworthy.

Newsworthy in the sense that her release announcement was a caricature of all of the other release announcements:

"WWE has come to terms on the release of Amy Zidian. We wish her the best in all her future endeavors."

Concise, and to the point.[/QUOTE]

They do that for pretty much everybody, save for two very public exceptions: Heyman and Angle.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Cena is not stale. A vocal minority on the internet dislike him, that doesn't mean dick. Or horsedick, for that matter. The crowd is behind him NOW more than they have been since after he won his first world title since he's actually feuding with good heels. As good as Angle and Jericho are, they weren't exactly the best at turning the crowd against them. Umaga and Nitro are decent performers but they are actually "bad guys" as well.

DX was getting close to being stale (meaning to the general public, I can't stand them) but over the last couple weeks they seem to have taken to not doing the stupid jokes and are just kind of being a revenge-fueled superstar tag team who wears DX apparel. I have no problem with that.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I don't dislike Cena by any means. Him being a mega-face, mixed with "The Marine" gimmick, makes me groan, but he's a great performer -- and what he's doing now works. Why would they change it?
The Observer goes into Mania plans. Right now,
Cena will likely face HHH again, or Orton, or maybe HBK. Nothing is definite.
Also, Heyman isn't gone from WWE, but he thought he was at one point. There's a lot more on this in the 12/11 Observer, which I recommend that anyone interested in the situation buy.

The newest Bryan and Vinny show is awesome - Bryan recommends that Wii players just go outside and actually play a sport, and then bashes Russo for
having the third Angle-Joe match at the January PPV, wihle stating that Russo must have figured that the world is ending in February, and that's why he must go through this program so quickly.
The actual reason why they're going through it is
likely due to Angle wanting to face Jerry Lynn... so they're slowly killing the company to build up a JERRY LYNN program. fucking Russo.
There's a great bit on the free show with them giving out the weather for Alaska "High around 0... just kill yourself. Kids, if that's ever the case here, that's the day this show ends."
[quote name='KaneRobot']Cena is not stale. A vocal minority on the internet dislike him, that doesn't mean dick. Or horsedick, for that matter. The crowd is behind him NOW more than they have been since after he won his first world title since he's actually feuding with good heels. As good as Angle and Jericho are, they weren't exactly the best at turning the crowd against them. Umaga and Nitro are decent performers but they are actually "bad guys" as well.

DX was getting close to being stale (meaning to the general public, I can't stand them) but over the last couple weeks they seem to have taken to not doing the stupid jokes and are just kind of being a revenge-fueled superstar tag team who wears DX apparel. I have no problem with that.[/quote]

What about horsedick again?
man since i got zelda for cube i had a reason to connect the system again...

popped in dor 1 ( since i cant find my dor2).. man how i miss this game.. if thq makes this for wii,, it may just make me get the system. they prob canned the team..

playing with cena though reminded me of the old cena that i really like... his old thuganomics song...reminded me of his feud with taker.. that was awesome
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