The CAG Fund for the Child's Play Charity - [Gifts Purchased!]

Not a problem. I am happy to do it. I hope it sparks a good number of people to give again this year. Ikohn, I honestly wasn't planning on doing it again this year (money's a little tighter than last year), but with me starting a new job that comes with a nice little sign on bonus, I couldn't resist. Plus, it seemed to do good last year so I thought I'd light a fire under people's asses again. :D

On the flip side, people are going to start to expect it every year now. I guess that's OK, but I can't make any promises. ;)
Very generous of you, indeed. I'll make sure to donate again once it hits 1k also for good measure.

Always a pleasure to donate to charities :applause:
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']i am goin to have to donate again once it gets to 1000. I swear chickenhawk gets me every year. Hes like that beauty contest winner in monopoly that makes me give away my precious monies[/QUOTE]

you're a good man chickenhawk
[quote name='chickenhawk']Hell, you could only contribute $5 if your strapped for cash.[/QUOTE]

im majorly broke right now, and i dont have a credit card and stuff, chickenhawk wanna be nice enough to make a $5 donation for me and ill send you concealed cash in the mail?
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']im majorly broke right now, and i dont have a credit card and stuff, chickenhawk wanna be nice enough to make a $5 donation for me and ill send you concealed cash in the mail?[/QUOTE]

Don't worry about sending me cash....I'll put in an extra fiver for ya. ;)

By the way, I had to go to that pharmacy by Fairplay the other day...didn't you say that was where that catering place was that you worked? There were two shady looking locations there...both had no signs or anything. One had black shades all the way around and one had a white cage/fence around the entrance. I am assuming that one of those is your place of employment? Shady indeed. :lol:
[quote name='chickenhawk']Don't worry about sending me cash....I'll put in an extra fiver for ya. ;)

By the way, I had to go to that pharmacy by Fairplay the other day...didn't you say that was where that catering place was that you worked? There were two shady looking locations there...both had no signs or anything. One had black shades all the way around and one had a white cage/fence around the entrance. I am assuming that one of those is your place of employment? Shady indeed. :lol:[/QUOTE]

thanks man, with my dog gettin sick and my cell phone bills increasin ten-fold i really am short on cash right now, and yea thats the place, both of them, it connects around back, and come christmas break, im gonna spend more time there washing dishes, then the time im gonna spend at home :cry: that's what happens when your a mexican living in east-side joliet...
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']thanks man, with my dog gettin sick and my cell phone bills increasin ten-fold i really am short on cash right now, and yea thats the place, both of them, it connects around back, and come christmas break, im gonna spend more time there washing dishes, then the time im gonna spend at home :cry: that's what happens when your a mexican living in east-side joliet...[/QUOTE]

Eh, sounds like fun. What would happen if I started banging on the door there at like 3 in the afternoon? How do people even know to hire you was pretty address, nothing.

Is the east side supposed to be the "bad side" of Joliet? Is there still a bad side? I grew up in Oak Lawn and never really had any reason to go into Joliet. Then I lived in MN for about 5 years and moved back here recently. Even now, the only reason I go into Joliet is when I need to go to the mall or Best Buy or something so I am not too familiar with it even though it's only a couple towns away. My in laws always refer to the "bad side" and I never knew where exactly the bad side was. I would have thought they'd clean it up a bit after the jail closed down.
To be honest, I'm very disappointed in our progress so far. This site gets roughly 100,000 non-unique hits a day, this thread's been viewed 2,905 times as of this writing, and there's only been 44 payments. Even if you could only donate $4.00, please do.

I'm gonna start flyering up the city today; can anyone in the NYC area tell me which stores get the most traffic? If anyone sees the flyers, please try to get other people to donate.
Nice! I see we finally made it to the $1,000. Nice work guys and gals! Hopefully the donations don't end there cause matching $0 would, well, be $0.
[quote name='bmulligan']do I have to donate twice to get it to $1000? You cheap freaking bastards!

Okay, chickenhawk, it's all yours now...[/QUOTE]
:lol: I may have to jump in again as well
well the deed is done thanx to the hawk I gave more of my hard money, does brats in the hospital better not beat me in Mario Kart DS, thats all I am saying
Not to be an ass, but I see a guy named "chickenhawk" associated with a children's charity, and it looks strange.

Please note that I think Child's Play is a great thing, just noting something that may concern someone.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Not to be an ass, but I see a guy named "chickenhawk" associated with a children's charity, and it looks strange.

Please note that I think Child's Play is a great thing, just noting something that may concern someone.[/QUOTE]
:whistle2:s Thanks for expressing your concern, but I doubt that any CAG who's even thinking about contributing would be influenced by that. Some of us have cool/weird/interesting usernames... People should judge a CAG by their posts, not by their username. A quick read through this thread will reveal that chickenhawk generously matched donations last year as well.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Not to be an ass, but I see a guy named "chickenhawk" associated with a children's charity, and it looks strange.

Please note that I think Child's Play is a great thing, just noting something that may concern someone.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Not laughing at you HH, but I can see your point. My user name is in no way associated with the term "chickenhawk" that refers to hunting down kids for unsavory purposes. In fact, it was not until about a year ago that I had even heard that term used that way. I got the nickname while working at a record store a long time ago...pretty innocent actually. Anyway, I would think the regulars know me by now around here so it would likely only be newer CAGs that may have that concern. Bummer if that results in them not donating, but I guess I can't do anything about that. If Cheapy wants, he can just say "a CAG" has offered to match donations if he thinks it'll help. I don't need the recognition so if my name being on there is hurting the donations in any way, by all means take it off. I can't imagine it is though.
[quote name='chickenhawk']My user name is in no way associated with the term "chickenhawk" that refers to hunting down kids for unsavory purposes.[/QUOTE]
Wow, I found Heavy Hitter's post totally confusing until you posted that. I was going to say, people would probably more problems with the word "ass" in CAG than your username. I had no idea it had that sort of connotation, but I guess you learn something new everyday.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Wow, I found Heavy Hitter's post totally confusing until you posted that. I was going to say, people would probably more problems with the word "ass" in CAG than your username. I had no idea it had that sort of connotation, but I guess you learn something new everyday.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had no idea either until about a year ago when someone asked me where my user name came from. It seems there are many uses of the term chickenhawk one of which is the following (from wikipedia): "In broad terms, any individual of higher status who procures individuals of some lower status, for the purpose of sexual exploitation."

Also, a more political use: A person enthusiastic about war, provided someone else fights it; particularly when that enthusiasm is undimmed by personal experience with war; most emphatically when that lack of experience came in spite of ample opportunity in that person’s youth.

Then there Henry Hawk who is from the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons that is a chickenhawk.

It seems the Foghorn Leghorn reference is the only positive use of the term. I guess I should have researched more before choosing that username. :lol:
[quote name='zionoverfire']But instead being the evil man that he is, he included not only a link to Child's Play but also one to each of the children's hospitals Amazon wish list.:roll:[/QUOTE]


Either way, items from the wish list are most likely going to be what is purchased. It is easier to just donate to Cheapy and hope that Amazon gives him a break on the shipping for the stuff that is chosen, especially since I don't have any personal connection to any of these hospitals (closest to CT is the one in NJ, none from PA are listed).

$1095, 55 contributors at last count....

oh yea...It is very generous of chickenhawk, woobacca, and the others who are donating games to promote this...
Wow, Chickenhawk, that's amazing of you, especially doing it two years in a row.

I'll be sure to donate now, just so you can't afford any new holiday titles. ;)
way to go chickenhawk.

I was waiting for this to start again. I'll do what I can this year, but I don't think I can do as much as I did last year. Here's to hoping we can exceed last year. If not, its still a great cause regardless.
Well, I couldn't do much, but I kicked in some. Thank you for your generosity CH! That's simply amazing!

EDIT: Looks like I kicked us over the $1200 ($1210 right now) mark. Keep it going!
Just donated some cash myself. To all the children that have to be sick on Christmas, please play a game on me, and I sincerely hope you all get better.

CAG representin', yo. And all that sort of thing.
My credit card company FINALLY got my check so I just donated my $50. Should I thank chickenhawk or apologize to him for matching my donation? I guess it depends on how many games he wanted to get this christmas hehehe.

Part of the reason I donated was because this was the CAG fund and this site has been good to me. The main reason though was because of the $10,000 that Gabe and Tycho donated to a charity because that guy Jack Thompson won't. I thought that was a damn commendable thing they did and it motivated me to help too.

Since I'm contributing games for the raffle, I would like to abstain myself from the list of people that might win. Woobacca, if I happen to be picked as a winner then you can just skip me and move on to the next person. I already have a backlog on 4 different systems anyways.
Wow, you guys are really gonna make my Christmas a depressing one. ;) Just kidding. Glad to see more people are donating. Keep it coming!!
Dang, I gave to early to have Chickenhawk match my donation! LOL :(

I'll be giving again to a couple local charities b4 Xmas. But at least I kicked a Andrew Jackson worth of games their way. :)

:applause: to Chickenhawk, Woobacca and the other people giving to the raffle.
I donated - would have done it earlier, but was a little tight on the budget... Sadly I wasn't able to donate much, but I'm happy I was able to contribute, albeit small.

Thanks For Providing This Again Cheapy
[quote name='woobacca']Woohoo crossed $800!

Alright guys, I think it's time to raise the bar a little. I noticed in last year's thread someone suggested that a raffle might create a lot of buzz and help get the undecided masses to donate in waves. Well I'm prepared to raffle away a goody bag of my old games to help raise the awareness level and participation of the CAG community.

Thanks for upping the ante (and to Chickenhawk for his generosity as well). I went ahead and donated again! :bomb:
[quote name='Walt Jay']Thanks for upping the ante (and to Chickenhawk for his generosity as well). I went ahead and donated again! :bomb:[/QUOTE]

:lol: Nice!! Thanks for emptying my pockets a little this year. :bomb: :lol:
[quote name='$hady']Dang, I gave to early to have Chickenhawk match my donation! LOL :(

Why give once...when you can give.....twice?!?!?!?

Donated again (and perhaps we're not done yet?) ;)
I'm gonna cut off the matching of donations at the end of this week (Friday). I want to make sure that I remember to donate my match before Cheapy wants to get everything figured out re: what he'll buy for the kids. Thus, I'll be making my contribution this weekend. So, get your donations in!
i kept forgetting to contribute, but tonight i finally remembered. on the plus side, it looks like we're on track to beat last year's total, which is quite good.
I'm going to have to close up the fund this weekend so we can get the gifts to the hospitals by the 20th (as they requested). Last call!!!
Finally got off my lazy ass and donated.

EDIT: Even after my massive contribution of $20 (which hopefully will go towards another copy of Katamari for Texas Children's Hospital), we're still $500 short of our goal.

That can't happen.
We have maybe 24 hours or so before Cheapy has to close the donations account, and I'll be damned if he's gonna have to look at a number under $2k as he's doing it.

And, even if you miss the deadline, buy something off the wishlists. I understand if you're on a budget (I was this time last year, and regrettably was unable to donate), but there's plenty of stuff on there under $10. Keep in mind that some of the kids there are perhaps too young to really enjoy games, so buy them some books. Remember those little Golden books you read as a kid? Those are like $3.50. Buy a couple of those.

Contribute something. Buy something. Anything. Contributing anything at all makes you a bonafide goddamn Hero to these kids.

Now, do it up.
Just a reminder to everyone that donated to post in this thread so you'll get your chance to win woobacca's raffle. And of course thanks to everyone for your generosity.
how often does the goal chart update? Its been at $1495 and 70 number of payments since last night before I donated.
bread's done