My work productivity is now negative. I am stealing productivity from my company. The excitement of this launch has overtaken even my fixation on playing Gears of War on my friends' XBox 360.
The component issue is putting a damper on my excitement right now. I can't believe it's getting fucked up. They're cables damn it. fucking cables.
I just went to Eb and played the Wii again. I love it, but not that much Excite truck. i cancelled my Excite PO and picked up, actually ppicked up and have in my hands now, Rayman and Tony Hawk
Just picked up Red Steel & Monkey Ball. Just need Zelda and Rayman and posssssssibly Trauma Center and I am SET =)

..oh, and I need a Wii to go with this.

[quote name='pop311']What are you guys doing in term of the Component cables fuck up?[/QUOTE]

I think I can deal with it since I got 'em.

If I hadn't though, I probably would've stuck to Wii Sports and Metal Slug Anthology and started Zelda when the cables finally came.
I got to play it today. I can't wait till Sunday. Why the fuck does it have to be Sunday? These days are killing me. Isn't this the first time in history and JPN home console has launched in the US and not in JPN?
So I got a VC question:

If we are getting Sega Genesis on it, what are the chances of us getting Sega CD or Saturn Games? (Dreamcast games may be too big..)
I'm heading to my Gamestop on the evening of the 18th as soon as I get out of work. I just hope that I don't wind up having to stay any later than 11:30 pm at work. I do not want to miss the midnight launch.
I don't have pre-order. What time you think I should get to the store?

The online locater said Target was getting 120. Some kid told me they were getting 40. I don't really beleive this kid though he never knows what he is talking about.
[quote name='botticus']News, weather, update firmware. You know, the fun stuff.[/quote] What about the Opera browser?

On a separate note, and this is probably a stupid question, but does disconnecting the Wii from the Connect24 service mess anything up? I'm asking because I switch between my parent's houses every week, and only my Mom's house has Wi-Fi. So it will be disconnected and reconnected every week.
[quote name='mrchainsaw']What about the Opera browser?

On a separate note, and this is probably a stupid question, but does disconnecting the Wii from the Connect24 service mess anything up? I'm asking because I switch between my parent's houses every week, and only my Mom's house has Wi-Fi. So it will be disconnected and reconnected every week.[/quote]

I'm sure it doesn't matter, you just won't be able to do any online stuff.
My friend reports that there are people lining up at a Walmart in Iowa City for the Wii. Not for the PS3, for the Wii. Simply stunning. I don't even know how that will work, what with an overlapping line soon to start for the PS3, if it's not already there. Imagine the fanboyism in the competing lines!
[quote name='botticus']My friend reports that there are people lining up at a Walmart in Iowa City for the Wii. Not for the PS3, for the Wii. Simply stunning. I don't even know how that will work, what with an overlapping line soon to start for the PS3, if it's not already there. Imagine the fanboyism in the competing lines![/quote]
That's sad. I'm somewhat tempted to go see the line.
LOL for the Wii? Why?...well they might as well line up for a PS3 as well why they're at it and just sell it if they get it.
I don't see any reason for people camping out for a Wii now. I think most of us will be just going to a store within 4 hours of a store opening Sunday Morning... or a few hours before a midnite launch Saturday.

I went to Best Buy last night..and it was like a camp ground in that parking lot. I'm sure most--probably ALL--where there for a PS3. It looks like it'd be fun if you had a few friends to do it, and had the option on taking a few days off from work/school. But still.

Thankfully we don't really NEED to do that for the Wii. Though, I'm sure some will..LOL

Oh and.. 3 more days? or 2 1/2 more days? Jeeze. 2 1/2 more days?! Work tomorrow is going to be BRUTAL!!!!! Once 5:00 hits tomorrow, then Wii Weekend truly begins. I dunno how i'm going to make 24 hours pass lol..(since I plan on heading to Wal-Mart around 5pm on Saturday)
[quote name='lilboo']I don't see any reason for people camping out for a Wii now. I think most of us will be just going to a store within 4 hours of a store opening Sunday Morning... or a few hours before a midnite launch Saturday. [/quote]
I'm camping, but not for nearly as long as some of the PS3 (and Ebay) fanatics are. I'm going Saturday afternoon to line up for a Sunday at 8AM opening.

And the anxiety that that is "too late" has already set in. :)

If that wasn't bad enough...this is an Xmas present from my wife and kids..which means I buy it on Sunday but don't get to crack the box open and get me some Wii goodness til Dec 25th. That's going to be agonizing!!
So does the gamecube A/V connectors work with the Wii? I have a gamecube S-vid cable that I want to use with it.
[quote name='Apossum']So does the gamecube A/V connectors work with the Wii? I have a gamecube S-vid cable that I want to use with it.[/quote]
Nope, different input.
[quote name='evilmax17']Nope, different input.[/QUOTE]

But it does come with an input though right? I just have a standard TV, so I don't need anything special.
Here's hoping all EB/Gamestop Wii pre-orders come through. If not then I guess some people will be drinking and playing Gears of War.
I just wonder what they are gonna do with all those empty spaces for channels. Hmmm.

Well I guess in 6 years, they can hopefully fill them all up :)

Hey question. Is the VC a channel itself, OR is the "Wii Shop" 1 channel, and if you buy a Genesis game, is there now a "Genesis" Channel..? That'd be kinda cool.

I really want Saturn Games on this. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't. That was out with the N64 era, so Saturn Games = $10.
I just saw the Wii in person for the first time - some dude was playing Excite Truck. Yikes - the graphics were terrible. The game did look kind of fun to play though. Oh well, Sunday can't get here fast enough!
[quote name='javeryh']I just saw the Wii in person for the first time - some dude was playing Excite Truck. Yikes - the graphics were terrible. The game did look kind of fun to play though. Oh well, Sunday can't get here fast enough![/QUOTE]
Yeah, I agree with that. I'm guessing that that the kiosk wiis are connected through composite. And as everyone knows composite (480) on an hdtv looks real crummy. Hopefully it will look a tad better through component.
Isi t Sunday yet, seriously. This day is dragging on and on. I think I am goingi n an hour early to work and playing with the Wii tomorrow.
Hopefully someone can answer this for me.

I'm planning on getting mine at Target to take advantage of their 10% card + $20 gift card deal. For now I was going to get there either late on Saturday night or very early Sunday morning (like 10 at the earliest, 3 at the latest, etc).

A family friend's daughter who works there just informed me that "the store manager doesn't want anyone camping out, and he'll call the police if anyone does."

I don't know the legal issues at work here, so I'm trying to find out if I'm going to land myself in hot water if I were to show up. I imagine I can't be the only person who wants to get one on launch day, and I damn sure am going to get there before Target opens, but I don't know if, say, I get there way after business hours, if I'll get called out. I could see this happening if I were disrupting business when it's open, but I'm not going to be doing that.

I mean, does this count as loitering, even though I'm waiting to buy something in the store? And what about the fact that Target has no beef with people lining up on Dec. 26 to buy cheap ornaments half off?

I've never camped out before, so this is a new thing for me, and I just want to make sure I go in there with all guns firing.
If they don't want you there, it's loitering. Unless there's a cop with a serious power trip, I would imagine if they were called, they'd just tell you to leave.
Does a manager stay there all night doing inventory or stocking or something? If not I wouldn't worry, how else would he/she know there were people out there camping. Unless they're crazy and would drive by randomly at like 4 in the morning.
I've considered all of that, yeah. It seems like this new store manager (the old one didn't give a shit) seems to have a big beef with all of this.

I guess he heard about the Burbank PS3 incident and thought it would hurt sales for his store or something.

I think at worst I could go get in my car, sit there or drive around for 10 minutes, and then come back.

As long as I'm not inherently breaking any laws out of nowhere, that's all I need to know. I get the loitering thing but I imagine by the time a line begins, no one is gonna care.
I saw the wii for the first time at my BB (not a demo unit though just there) and I have to say the wii was less sexy than I imagined. Maybe I gave it too many expectations but it just didn't seem as sleek nor as sexy as I would have hoped.
[quote name='Strell']I've considered all of that, yeah. It seems like this new store manager (the old one didn't give a shit) seems to have a big beef with all of this.

I guess he heard about the Burbank PS3 incident and thought it would hurt sales for his store or something.

I think at worst I could go get in my car, sit there or drive around for 10 minutes, and then come back.

As long as I'm not inherently breaking any laws out of nowhere, that's all I need to know. I get the loitering thing but I imagine by the time a line begins, no one is gonna care.[/quote]

Just wait until all the Target people leave and then start your line. Who's gonna call the cops if no one is in the building?? Also, I doubt the store manager (or anyone else, for that matter) will be driving by the store to call the cops. People lined up at Target for the PS2 and Gamecube launches without incident. I assume they did for the 360 but I no longer worked there during that time frame.

Good luck!
Ok I just came back from my Wal-Mart SuperCenter and I finally got a DEFINITE answer to what they are doing.

They are handing out vouchers at 7am Saturday morning. (So be in line around 5ish???)

That's basically it. I guess this is YMMV. Last time, they told me they were starting a line at 7am..and you basically had to wait in line all day :whistle2:\

This is exciting. I'm sure I can get 1! I'm going to get there at 5am.
[quote name='lilboo']Ok I just came back from my Wal-Mart SuperCenter and I finally got a DEFINITE answer to what they are doing.

They are handing out vouchers at 7am Saturday morning. (So be in line around 5ish???)

That's basically it. I guess this is YMMV. Last time, they told me they were starting a line at 7am..and you basically had to wait in line all day :whistle2:\

This is exciting. I'm sure I can get 1! I'm going to get there at 5am.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info. I am waiting in line a a Walmart Supercenter all day too. Now I know to get there early.
Well you don't have to wait there all day now. Just get there like 5am. This should be in Layaway, btw. But DEF call YOUR Wal-Mart and double check with what EXACTLY they are doing. Ask about vouchers, Ask about where the line is. What time? ETC.

This may not be a universal wal-mart thing. But could be for a few, so def double check with yours before you take my info on what my wal-mart is doing.

I'm SO happy I asked today. I was going to go to Wal-Mart around 5pm and wait till midnite, to be told "LOL We sold out at 7am, LOL"
bread's done