[quote name='daroga']Where / when did 360 accesories start popping up before launch? I'm surprised that at this point all we've seen is the silly stuff at Target adn some EBs. I'd have thought Wiimotes would hit by this time... maybe they're street dated as well and carefully being shipped to keep that in tact?[/QUOTE]

ALL 1st Party stuff is street dated. That includes the System, Zelda, WiiMotes, etc. 3rd party stuff should start appearing tomorrow or Wednesday,
[quote name='botticus']Not surprising. The Best Buy ad for next week claims minimum 15 consoles per store, minimum 13 remotes per store, minimum 5 nunchuks per store. So less than one extra remote per console, and only one extra nunchuk for every three extra remotes.[/QUOTE]

And its suppose to be a multiplayer system...Imagine if the first 3 people buy 2 additional Wiimotes/Nunchucks...Oy vey!
Shouldnt the accessories arrive a little bit before though, like maybe a day or two? Thus you could make that purchase ahead of time, like right after you pick up your PS3 :D
[quote name='gizmogc']And its suppose to be a multiplayer system...Imagine if the first 3 people buy 2 additional Wiimotes/Nunchucks...Oy vey![/QUOTE]


Still, one of the only real disappointing things about the Wii is that it's supposed to be about playing with other people (as in next to you, not solely online) and they pack it with a DECENT starter multi-player game..and yet, 1 controller.

That right there made me pisssssed. But, still. It's going to be a great system REGARDLESS.

Which I am buying 2 extra controllers, (so we can have some fun on Thanksgiving).

Sooo.. when do you all think the new color wii-motes will be out? C'mon. You don't even need a source, or a link. It's Nintendo. New colors will be out.
I don't have anything pre-ordered. Like most (I think) people on here, I am going to go to Wal-Mart @ midnite, or try Target the next morning. (Some will go to BB or CC)

Why do you ask?
I thinks its gonna be crazy at Best Buy......

Target is the best bet for me plus they might even have more controllers and stuff since they set up the aisles early...(not that they put anything out yet)
Something else I wonder.
I wonder how long will keep up with this Google Check out promotion. Buying a few extra Wii controllers at $10 off each (aka $30 each) wouldn't be a bad deal at all. Especially putting 2 nunchucks in there for $30. Mmm. But who knows if they'll be doing that..and how long it'll take to get the damn controllers.
Is anyone aiming to go somewhere other than Target? It seems most of us are going to Target since we've seen the numbers.

I think my bf and I plus a couple friends are going to go to the local Target (which is theoretically getting 120) early. With two other nearby Targets getting 80 each, I'm hoping it should be pretty easy to get one, but we're still probably gonna try and get there before dawn.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Is anyone aiming to go somewhere other than Target? It seems most of us are going to Target since we've seen the numbers.

I think my bf and I plus a couple friends are going to go to the local Target (which is theoretically getting 120) early. With two other nearby Targets getting 80 each, I'm hoping it should be pretty easy to get one, but we're still probably gonna try and get there before dawn.[/QUOTE]

It really depends on where you are. Some people don't have any Targets near them, but will have 2 Wal-Marts within 25 minutes.

My theory is that HOPEFULLY lots of people will pre-order from EB/GS, and TRU..and from online sites..and go everywhere else but my target on launch.. LOL :)
Why are all of you so excited about the Wii? Its overpriced (249.99) for a console that is as powerful as the original xbox. You will pay tons for the old school games ($5 - $20) and you will get 480 HD picture quality... nah... let me know when it drops to $149 and has DVD playback (plus Gamer's Choice games for $20)...:lol:

Ok, now you can start killing me...:whistle2:#
[quote name='oasisboy']Why are all of you so excited about the Wii? Its overpriced (249.99) for a console that is as powerful as the original xbox. You will pay tons for the old school games ($5 - $20) and you will get 480 HD picture quality... nah... let me know when it drops to $149 and has DVD playback (plus Gamer's Choice games for $20)...:lol:

Ok, now you can start killing me...:whistle2:#[/QUOTE]


That's pretty much it. "Because"
So, re: Midnight launches.

Are these pretty much exclusive to stores that would be open at midnight anyway? Or are there going to be stores opening specially at 12, for the singular purpose of the Wii launch?

I need to figure out who to call and start planning out my weekend.
[quote name='oasisboy']Its overpriced (249.99) for a console that is as powerful as the original xbox.[/quote]

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but in my opinion, it's not overpriced at all. It's not about statistics and numbers...I'm not paying solely for hardware horsepower here. I'm paying for access - access to great new unique games that will only be featured in Nintendo's next-generation, access to an awesome new controller interface that I wager we've only seen the beginning of its influence in gaming, and access to hardware that is more than capable of churning out fantastic looking stuff.

If you just focus on the negatives unnecessarily, you miss all of the positives that come out of the Wii and come out of buying a Wii. The fun it'll generate for the next 5-6+ years is worth $250 in my book.
[quote name='evilmax17']So, re: Midnight launches.

Are these pretty much exclusive to stores that would be open at midnight anyway? Or are there going to be stores opening specially at 12, for the singular purpose of the Wii launch?

I need to figure out who to call and start planning out my weekend.[/quote]

It seems that several random Toys R Us locations will be opening at midnight. Someone mentioned a random store in New Jersey, an article I read mentioned a store in Kentucky, etc. Might be worth calling Toys R Us to see if they're doing a midnight launch, becuase apparently some are.
ARGGHH!!! The wait is killing me!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait for Saturday/Sunday. I am definitely going to be hitting up a 24 hour Walmart for a Midnight launch. The Target deal does me no good since I am only getting the Wii and Zelda (I want to save money for Black Friday) so Walmart seems to be my best bet.
This week isn't going by quite so agonizingly slowly as I thought it would. The wait isn't too much longer now. Just... 5 MORE DAYS?! What?! I could have sworn it was at least Thursday by now. Come on!

On an up note, my local GS and EB got their remotes for the Wii kiosks in today, so I spent some time messing around with Excite Truck and the Wii Channels. Good stuff. I feel a lot more confident about the motion controls now. It was surprisingly intuitive and I got the hang of it by the end of the first race.

By comparison, I found Motor Storm on the PS3 all but impossible to play with the motion controls on the SIXAXIS controller. It just feels so much looser than the steering on Excite Truck and I found myself oversteering most of the time. With the traditional analog controls its actually a lot of fun but, you know, not really $599 fun. I've still got the music from Motor Storm going through my head, too. Does anyone know the name of that song?

Read this article earlier today (, but I don't remember seeing it here in the CAG forums yet. Apparently, there's going to be a meteor shower visibile on the east coast on Novermber 18 at 11:45 pm. Keep your eyes peeled, campers.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']I can't speak for anyone but myself, but in my opinion, it's not overpriced at all. It's not about statistics and numbers...I'm not paying solely for hardware horsepower here. I'm paying for access - access to great new unique games that will only be featured in Nintendo's next-generation, access to an awesome new controller interface that I wager we've only seen the beginning of its influence in gaming, and access to hardware that is more than capable of churning out fantastic looking stuff.

If you just focus on the negatives unnecessarily, you miss all of the positives that come out of the Wii and come out of buying a Wii. The fun it'll generate for the next 5-6+ years is worth $250 in my book.[/QUOTE]

And built-in Wi-Fi and memory is sweet.
This week is going to DRAG :(
5 days. OR 4 days and like 18 hours for those who go to a Midnite release.

And I'm home sick today too!! This day alone is going to take forever, let alone waiting until Saturday lol :( But I rather be as healthy as I can be, just in case I'll be waiting around Wal-Mart or Target for a while..

Side Note: I've been reading throughout this thread and other threads here on the Wii board..and one of the things we all seem to talk about is "Getting to Wal-Mart at around 4pm" "Going to Target at 3am", etc. I know we all are unsure on EXACTLY how good this launch will be in term of supply. I can't wait for the 19th to come, and we start a thread basically talking about "I was in the Target parking at 3am. No one else was there, until about 6:45 rolled up and then only 6 more people came. Everyone else came for their Wii at 8:00" LOL

Maybe I'll go take Tylenol PM and sleep this dreadful sick day away. (After the Price is Right of course)
I know what you mean. Waiting is obnoxious. Thankfully between real responsibility and Phoenix Wright 2 I've been somewhat distracted. I've still not gotte to play a demo kiosk yet. How am I gonna know to blow an extra $50 on Excite Truck on a whim without having played it? HOW!?
"real responsibility"

Thankfully, since I'm dragging this college thing out about as far as I can without a job, real responsibility is never too much of a drag for me...but, of course, the biggest responsibilities have hit this week. Working on a big documentary in a production class, so I have editing, interviewing, and shooting to do - all hitting right now. I'm hoping to churn out a lot today, because after the 19th, everything I touch will officially be quarter-assed...maybe I'll half-ass my finals, if I'm feeling inspired.
This week sucks horribly for me. I have somethign major EVERY DAY!! But maybe its good, as then I have stuff to keep my mind of of waiting. THen, next week I only have a math test and the its Thanksgiving Break!!!!!
Just curious, does anyone in this thread work this coming Sunday?

I have to work an 8 1/2 hour shift this Sunday and then I have to drive 2 hours to a friends house to drop off the Wii she had pre-ordered. I probably won't get a chance to play the Wii until maybe 10pm Sunday night.

I envy all of you who will be playing this not too long after 10am on Sunday.

Damn you all. :)
[quote name='asianxcore']Just curious, does anyone in this thread work this coming Sunday?

I have to work an 8 1/2 hour shift this Sunday and then I have to drive 2 hours to a friends house to drop off the Wii she had pre-ordered. I probably won't get a chance to play the Wii until maybe 10pm Sunday night.

I envy all of you who will be playing this not too long after 10am on Sunday.

Damn you all. :)[/QUOTE]

Quit yer job and steal your friend's Wii. Problem solved!
Man, work has been so slow lately that time has been dragging. Plus, I have nothing to keep my mind off the Wii. It's a slow week already, plus the Wii release on top of it is making it unbearable.

Maybe I should freeze myself until the Wii comes out...:razz:
Tomorrow is my birthday and this week is going to be the best ever. I've managed to not think about the wii and time is actually going by decently fast. =)
[quote name='mofo1115']Tomorrow is my birthday and this week is going to be the best ever. I've managed to not think about the wii and time is actually going by decently fast. =)[/quote]
Cool, my birthday is Thursday! I like to think of the Wii release as a birthday present. Happy Bday!
Saturday night is going to be the worst!! I preordered at TRU and they dont open till 11 am. Going to be a LONGGG weekend.
Well, it was bound to happen, though I was doubtful for quite sometime. But it has finally arrived and past: I have played the Wii.

None of my local GS/EBs had the kiosks in so, having an afternoon free, I broadened by search radius a bit and found one about 20 minutes from my apartment. Much longer than I cared to drive, but passable.

As I pulled up I saw the kiosk was empty. In fact, there was only one customer in the store finishing up a transaction and the two employees. I asked for some Wii time, the clerk took my ID and handed me the surprisingly small remote. It's amazing, I knew everyone said it was small, but even after seeing all the size comparisons it still wowed me when I first put it in my hand. It's a tad narrower than my wife's 1st Gen iPod Nano, a tad longer, and obviously thicker. I was surprised to feel that the remote is comfortable even sideways, even grasped as I would to play an NES game with it (vs. the somewhat loser hold for Excite Truck). It's well designed.

Let me preface this experience with the fact that they might as well have had me sit on the system itself because the way the screen was angled and the rack of stupid upcoming GBA quadruple packs of "COMING SOON!" I was pretty pinned in front of the unit. Not ideal, but it worked alright.

Excite Truck was sitting at the end of some screen. It took me a moment to remember to hold the controller sideways and use the Dpad rather than trying to point at the screen to navigate menus. And then, I thought the controller was broken because it was "losing" center--that is, I could turn all I wanted but the truck kept going forward. It wasn't until a little later that, if you think of the Wiimote as being flat in front of you, you don't want to twist it parallel with the horizontal plain, but you want to break that plain and tip it down to the right to turn right, etc. (which I'm assuming means that Ubisoft's wheel won't work with the game, unless I'm misunderstanding how everything works together). After I figured that out, things worked much better. ;)

The game is fun. A lot of fun. Almost Burnout fun. I was kinda excited for it seeing videos and such, but I'm convinced I'll get it at launch. It's probably not worth the full $50 I'll pay, but it'll be the perfect break between Wii Sports and Zelda to balance out the launch and provide another game for people to try out. It's a lot more fun to play than watch. People have complained it looks like crap. In the end, the visuals may not be anything to "WOW!" over, but I can tell you the majority of the problems were indeed that it was hooked up with composite cables to an LCD screen. It looked just like when I jack my Gamecube (lolzzz! Wii=GC1.2!!!111 LOL!!) into my LCD TV with its composite cables. It ain't pretty, but it is usable. Component will be a must for me at launch, as I suspected. And in the end, it took me about 10 seconds to stop caring about composite video signal problems and become more concerned with the rocks falling everywhere around my poor truck.

With my relative proximity to the screen, playing with the Wii Menu wasn't a real great experience. It was kind of neat that Wiimote rumbled just a tiny bit when you went over a menu option. I played with the Miis a tad, and of course all the internet stuff is a no-go at the store (at least for now, not sure if they'll have WiFi to play with in the stores or not). The pointer navigation will be helped by A) not sitting on my TV at my house and B) just getting used to the thing.

In the end, the Wii just feels right. I have zero qualms about making the Wii my first (and likely, my only, at least for a long while) system of this generation. I simply cannot wait to get my own system home to hook up and play.

How's that for a too-long writeup based on 30 minutes of playtime to fuel your hype fires? ;)
All I can hope for is that I get enough money on Christmas/birthday to buy one. Or maybe the aunt who bought me a DS last year will spring for one. :pray:
[quote name='hhhdx4']My erections have been getting harder everyday for the past two weeks, I niid my Wii dammiit![/QUOTE]


Except for Cartmen pictures.
[quote name='hhhdx4']My erections have been getting harder everyday for the past two weeks, I niid my Wii dammiit![/quote]

or better yet my wii-rection :)

that's right.... I went there
This is YMMV maybe but when I went to target today they had all the signs up for the Wii Accessories and the Wii games, as well as the PS3 games. I was going to look for a person to ask if they actually had them, but figured they wouldn't and were just being prepared.
At this point, I don't know what my Walmart is doing. There has been absolutely no sign of anything PS3 or Wii related in the game section. Well, except for the paper with the new layout that says where Wii and PS3 accessories will go.

But they have all of 3 days to get everything moved around. Luckily I ain't goin there.
Heh, I have a different anxiety attack. I've been following the Wii for, what? 2 years since we knew what it was? Now it's coming out and I don't have $250 to spare. Goodie!!! There's no possible way. Ugh.
Hmm... Marvel: Ultimate Alliance is apparently due in stores tomorrow. Too bad that's one of the games I am definitely waiting on reviews for, so I'll probably have to just go there to switch my preorder instead of picking it up.

The definite downside of preordering all these games... I'm going to get like a dozen calls from Aeris in the next few days.
Yay! Trauma Center is coming in tomorrow. Got the call from EB

I guess I'll pop it in my 360 to see what happens.
[quote name='Apossum']Yay! Trauma Center is coming in tomorrow. Got the call from EB[/QUOTE]
Ah that is what is coming out tomorrow. I got a call from Gamestop today but all I could hear was that something was coming in on Wednesday. It seems my phone decided to warn me it was dying in the middle of the call and I could barely hear over the beeping.
[quote name='CrimGhost']Show up behind Wal-Mart at 10:00 p.m. Friday and ask for Tyrone, you'll get your wii.[/quote]

Uh...I don't exactly think that's the Wii any of us are looking for >_>
I just Played the Wii!!!!!!!!!! O My fuckING God, the Wiimote, is SOOO small. Smaller than I ever expected in my wieldest dreams. Once you get the hang of it, Excite Truck is Really fun. I also played Motorstorm on the PS3. The controllers were kinda Meh. the R2 and L2 SUCk. they feel soo awkward in your hands. the Tilt is really bad. The graphics are fucking amazing.
bread's done