The Official "PS3 Ebay Scalpers Wall of Shame"

im selling my 60gig ps3 to a lady at work for cost + tax, and not sure what im doing with my 20gig. I only picked that one up because i randomly saw it at a TRU and thought someone i knew might want it. I might actually wind up taking it back.
[quote name='dragonjud']Funny you should say that. I walked into a local store, and found two brain surgeons having the following conversation:
store clerk: 'So, I have a ps3, how much should I start it at, and when should I start the auction?'
some lame gamer: 'Don't wait 'til Christmas, put it up there and start the auction at 2K'...

I just had to laugh...which planet are these two morons from?:rofl:'Start at 2k...':rofl:[/quote]
Here is my funny story (unrelated to ebay though)

"Me at Blockbuster"

Me = Do you have any blu ray movies for rental?
Clerk = What is Blu ray? :drool:
Me :cold: = Blu ray are HD movies, have you heard about High definition movies?
Clerk = Ohhh, I am sure we have that title...
Me = Ok... (looks around store and finds nothing)
Wife = WTF??? (Laughs really hard :lol: and clerk is bewildered :roll:)...

By the way, the clerk is in her 20s so she has no excuse for not knowing what Blu Ray is...

I think this is the first one I've seen out of the box. I wonder what the story was with that.


Wow, this kid looks sick. "Help! This PS3 is crushing my nuts!"


A literal "wall of shame."
These people that take a picture with a mountain of PS3s behind them have no idea how to sell anything. In the description they write about how impossible it is to find and then bam, a picture that shows the complete opposite.

I don't know about anyone else but if I see that some douchebag was able to get 5-10 systems then I might start to think my chances of grabbing one at retail isn't that bad. It's a psychological thing even if the system really is hard to find.
[quote name='Puzznic']These people that take a picture with a mountain of PS3s behind them have no idea how to sell anything. In the description they write about how impossible it is to find and then bam, a picture that shows the complete opposite.

I don't know about anyone else but if I see that some douchebag was able to get 5-10 systems then I might start to think my chances of grabbing one at retail isn't that bad. It's a psychological thing even if the system really is hard to find.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that and the guy showing the "wall o' PS3s" - I'd think twice about buying one of his because of the ever-so-slim chance he knocked those over after taking the picture :lol:.

But you are right, why show a ton of them? I don't get the whole pictures of people anyway - that is clearly NOT what the eBay instructions were. All they wanted that was unusual was a picture of the actual item (which all good sellers do anyway) plus a picture of the receipt and a piece of paper with your ebay username on it. The last 2 were a *bit* unusual. But NOWHERE did they suggest sticking yourself in there. I think a few people started that and it caught on like a bad virus - everyone else caught the disease. I understand the "sexy" ones as a way to differentiate yourself, but 99% of them are just plain pathetic (and in many cases would turn people OFF buying from them).
[quote name='io'] But NOWHERE did they suggest sticking yourself in there. I think a few people started that and it caught on like a bad virus - everyone else caught the disease. I understand the "sexy" ones as a way to differentiate yourself, but 99% of them are just plain pathetic (and in many cases would turn people OFF buying from them).[/QUOTE]
Yeah, sometimes I dont want to know what the person from whom I buy might look like. Think about it.
[quote name='icruise']

I think this is the first one I've seen out of the box. I wonder what the story was with that.

This guy is a "technical" whiz that replaced the 60 GB with a 120 GB hence it was opened.
Some more of Ebay's finest...








Now that I have your attention...The winning bidder will receive a signed picture from a good friend of mine. Mrs. Rhode Island OH YEAH!!! I will even have the picture personalized to you or the someone special you are buying this for. I am not sure which is hotter, the PS3 or Mrs. Rhode Island......................













Please buy my Playstation 3. I am just trying to make up for ebay's bogus fees.

I camped out for four days at Best Buy to get a Sony Playstation 3! I'm bringing you the just released Playstation 3 console, which you won't find in any stores. I have included a picture of me in the newspaper fighting the bitter cold to bring you your Playstation 3. It includes Talladega Nights!

I have had this Playstation up on numerous auctions all of which keep being purchased by con artists and foreign scammers. This has resulted in 282 dollars worth of ebay fees even though NO ONE EVER PAID FOR THE PLAYSTATION! On top of this EBAY is refusing to reimburse my final value fees.

So right now I am just trying to recoup some of my money. The orginal auction price is as low as I can go, but if you are interested in slightly different conditions please let me know.

Also chances are that scammers will end up winning this auction, but please do not let that deter you from bidding. I promise that if the high bidder is faulty I will give everyone else who bid a chance to claim it in the second chance auction.









Hello guy's , this is an opportunity for me and my girlfriend to get a little bit of help, we have been planning to get married ,but we dont make enough money thats why we spend 2 nights outside of target trying to buy the ps3 60GB, hopping the if we sell it we can get married on christmas or january, im not making this up, i know the many people are trying to get the more money possible, and they probably are gonna spend it on something else, but for us are different, i hope this can change our lifes , thank you for the time, i really gonna apreciate.


FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!















Why buy the Playstation 3 from us? I am a Single, Disabled Mother with a 14 year old Son. My illness is one that makes my future uncertain. What I do know is that I will face multiple surgeries in the near future. Presently, I am living in a place in which I fear for the safety of My son and Me. This is one thing I would like to change.

Most Important, I am trying to secure my sons future. He is a bright, compasionate young man, who deserves to have a good childhood and then go on to college. I want to provide him that opportunity, because he deserves it more than anyone that I know. He has had to grow up fast, and he has had to take care of me ever since he was young. And my wish for him is to have a normal college experience.
I'm a well-educated who has fallen on hard times. I'm not used to asking others for help. I'm used to supporting myself and my son, but I can no longer do that. Please help us have a better quality of life. I thank each and very one of you who bids.

I am looking for that Christmas Miracle that I used to believe in when I was a little girl.

Is there a Christmas Angel out there for my son and me?





My wife and I lost our jobs a few months ago and since then, our finances have been spiraling downhill. We have been unable to find work and now our home has gone into foreclosure. My brother-in-law and his family have nearly everything ready to help us; new jobs for the both of us, a house lined up to rent, daycare for our children... everything. The only thing that we're lacking is the money to make the move happen and to provide a good Christmas for our children.

We aren't the sort that enjoy asking for help, but we are almost out of options and we have no idea exactly when we will be forced from our home. When the opportunity came up for us to get a couple Playstation 3's, we stood in line 19 hours to get them. As it turns out, we received rainchecks for units that would come in sometime in the next few weeks. Low and behold, they did come in, but we did not have the money to purchase them! We looked to family to help. Our brother purchased the first one which we sold for him this weekend. My father purchased the other, which is the one that you will be bidding on now.

Any money you could spare would be greatly appreciated and would go to making this the best Christmas it can be for our family. If you can find it in your heart, please bid whatever you can afford. We can't offer much in return, but we will personally pray for each person to bid.













Well , that's it for this week...... Hope you enjoyed it...:)

10 more days til x-mas..

Just because universities exploit their athletes for money doesn't me you can. Jim Tressel would NOT approve. Now take those jerseys off. And don't put anything else on.


What if Amy Poehler didn't break in with Upright Citizens' Brigade??
I nominate this thread for thread of the year. This is like scientific evidence that video games and tools go hand in hand.
I love the people that are all like "times are tough, buy our PS3!!!111!" Maybe if you hadn't dropped $500-600 dollars on something to sell on ebay you'd be doing better? Hell, $500 is more than a month's budget for me.
I love the scammers, I hope they make all these peoples life so difficult that they kill themselves. after that I hope the scammers kill themselves.
I can't wait to read this auction
Please buy my ps3 when I was in line my house burnt down and my dog died and my wife left me for my bother who wasn't in line and I'm in a wheel chair and I'm going to die soon please small profit of $100 will turn my life around
Just put up auction that says i need money no ps3 just send me money I think it would work just as well as these hard luck stories
[quote name='addicted2games']I think the girl in the first pic of thread 306 has a manface.[/quote]

I mustve missed the other 305 threads ;)
LOL I've passed by this thread several times and finally "stopped in" to take a look. These people are pathetic. I would think the auctions where people are "drowning" in PS3 boxes would piss people off more than it would attract more bids.
[quote name='Pookymeister']I mustve missed the other 305 threads ;)[/QUOTE]
ah, you got me. You think I could tell the difference between a post and a thread. I had a Brain Fart! haha
Ms. Rhode Island? Girls must not be very hot over there.... The girl in the second picture is way hotter than Ms. Rhode Island...


I want some of her...:drool: and she drinks! Look at those bottles in the background:bouncy:

Horrible looking breasts. She needs to see Dr. 90210.

She loves Harry Potter!

I want some of this too... Hmmm, Hmmm :lol:
[quote name='Pookymeister']Look perky to me[/quote]

I have high standards my friend... Double D or nothing for me!!! :bouncy:
Please young people buy this PS3, I need to buy fire wood and pay for my 23 different walmart prescriptions.

"And Friskies for two dozen cats (not pictured)...and me! Social Security ain't what it used to be!"
[quote name='oasisboy']Ms. Rhode Island? Girls must not be very hot over there.... The girl in the second picture is way hotter than Ms. Rhode Island...



Its not "MS.", its "MRS.". Someone needs an eye test. And she's a lot better than a lot of the women in this thread.

This should be the thread of the year.

That woman with the huge bangos could have a 'Butter face'. I've noticed alot of T&A shots in here, but no face to go with them.

I still feel sorry for these idiots thinking the PS3 is gonna make them hundres. Actually, no I don't.
I don't feel sorry for any idiot who camped out in the cold to scalp a PS3 (and especially those idiots with a bunch of PS3's in their pic) only to find that the prices are dropping like a rock.

Especially the guy who was trying to get $15,000 and said "Please help me, I am hoping for a miracle I lost my business and am going to lose my home and my two kids (picture shown) will be thrown out into the cold, blah blah blah, thank you and god bless" (I have no problem with people and their faith, but please don't use it to generate sympathy in a PS3 scalping auction) I'm sure the people who are managing his loan were delighted to note that he spent nearly $2,000 on some game systems)
I thought the guy flipping off the camera as he held his PS3 was really classy (page...16?), as was the guy humping the box (page 12). I just threw up in my mouth a little.

As I said before, the only way these assholes will get sympathy from me is if I provide the dictionaries.
One thing I find interesting while watching the flood of losers earn $20 a pop on their "goldmine" of PS3's..... It looks as if all of the sellers have created an alternate account to bid up thier own items. Probably to ensure they don't lose thier ass on the units. If you factor in shipping, ebay fees, retail cost, tax, and paypal fees an acution has to end at around $750 just to break even (on a 60GB unit of course).

I've seen lots of systems in the final couple of minutes where the high bidder has (0) feedback. Out of curiosity I clicked on the ID and it says "member since 12/13/06". Either that or there are a lot of bored people that have nothing better to do than create accounts and bid on PS3's.
[quote name='Chitown021']One thing I find interesting while watching the flood of losers earn $20 a pop on their "goldmine" of PS3's..... It looks as if all of the sellers have created an alternate account to bid up thier own items. Probably to ensure they don't lose thier ass on the units. If you factor in shipping, ebay fees, retail cost, tax, and paypal fees an acution has to end at around $750 just to break even.

I've seen lots of systems in the final couple of minutes where the high bidder has (0) feedback. Out of curiosity I clicked on the ID and it says "member since 12/13/06". Either that or there are a lot of bored people that have nothing better to do than create accounts and bid on PS3's.[/QUOTE]

report it for shill bidding. tear the bastards 100+ accounts to a close.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']report it for shill bidding. tear the bastards 100+ accounts to a close.[/quote]

I thought that was a huge no-no according to ebay policy but it seems to be so widespread. Ebay created all of these special "PS3 selling rules" but allow this to go on like crazy.

I guess the last laugh is on the seller. Even if they use a fake account to bid their item above the "loss" mark if they end up the highest bidder they still probably have to pay ebay $25 for the listing (based on final selling value of the auction).
[quote name='Chitown021']One thing I find interesting while watching the flood of losers earn $20 a pop on their "goldmine" of PS3's..... It looks as if all of the sellers have created an alternate account to bid up thier own items. Probably to ensure they don't lose thier ass on the units. If you factor in shipping, ebay fees, retail cost, tax, and paypal fees an acution has to end at around $750 just to break even (on a 60GB unit of course).

I've seen lots of systems in the final couple of minutes where the high bidder has (0) feedback. Out of curiosity I clicked on the ID and it says "member since 12/13/06". Either that or there are a lot of bored people that have nothing better to do than create accounts and bid on PS3's.[/QUOTE]

Don't know about that - it was shown here that many of these new accounts were to bid up and win these PS3's and then NOT pay for them. So it is likely quite the opposite. People are screwing with the auctions and have no intention of paying, though there could be a few shill bidders out there as well. But back when the occasional auction went for $15,000 it was someone messing with the auction. I'm sure there were many more subtle variations of that where they simply didn't pay (thus the pleading from one of the sellers quoted in this thread about how no one ever pays for their PS3).

There is really no need for shill bidders on these things anyway - just start your listing at $750 is that's what you want and then don't worry about it. You would save a small amount of listing fee (about $4.50 or so) by starting it very low, though, (say $0.01) and then shill bidding to ensure it goes to what you want. But you'd probably just end up winning it yourself and the only entity that "wins" when you do that is eBay. I'm sure eBay is thrilled with shill bidders AND the fake bidders on PS3's. Sure, sellers will get their FINAL value fees back on the non-payers. But eBay keeps the listing fees (which can run anywhere from 20 cents to $30-$40 if the sellers put a bunch of 'features' into the listings).
[quote name='io']Don't know about that - it was shown here that many of these new accounts were to bid up and win these PS3's and then NOT pay for them. So it is likely quite the opposite. People are screwing with the auctions and have no intention of paying, though there could be a few shill bidders out there as well. But back when the occasional auction went for $15,000 it was someone messing with the auction. I'm sure there were many more subtle variations of that where they simply didn't pay (thus the pleading from one of the sellers quoted in this thread about how no one ever pays for their PS3).

There is really no need for shill bidders on these things anyway - just start your listing at $750 is that's what you want and then don't worry about it. You would save a small amount of listing fee (about $4.50 or so) by starting it very low, though, (say $0.01) and then shill bidding to ensure it goes to what you want. But you'd probably just end up winning it yourself and the only entity that "wins" when you do that is eBay. I'm sure eBay is thrilled with shill bidders AND the fake bidders on PS3's. Sure, sellers will get their FINAL value fees back on the non-payers. But eBay keeps the listing fees (which can run anywhere from 20 cents to $30-$40 if the sellers put a bunch of 'features' into the listings).[/quote]

Good point I didn't think of that. You can argue that yopu had a non-payer and get the final value fees back but ebay still makes the listing cost.
[quote name='TheBlueWizard']Its not "MS.", its "MRS.". Someone needs an eye test. And she's a lot better than a lot of the women in this thread.[/quote]
I dont pay attention to little details (I am busy looking at something else...)

She is MRS. Rhode Island? Shit, there are tons of hotter girls in Texas than Mrs. Rhode Island...

But yeah, she is better than most of the girls in the thread but the best looking one has to be her...
[quote name='TheBlueWizard']Life's going to be a disappointment for you. [/quote]
Not really. I have what I need :bouncy:
How much $$ do you think they are making on ebay???

All three of us are Sophmores at SyracuseUniversity and as you could probably guess, tuition here is very very high!!! So please, help fund a bit of our college education.

Starting Bid = $950

He is still a Virgin

Some ps3...

Some skinny chick...

This will go to Charity!!! Starting Bid = $1,975

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We are 3 medical students trying to raise money to be part of a Medical Mission Trip to Cuzco, Peru in May, 2007. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The goal of this mission trip is to provide many medical services to the poor and medically neglected people of Cuzco. As you can see in some of our photos (provided by google), Cuzco is a region of Peru that still subsists a third-world lifestyle. Families simply don’t have the money nor resources available to them to promote a better quality of life. Through sending a group of students, including us, this mission trip aspires to provide medical services including: taking physical exams, diagnosing and treating patients, counseling, distributing of medications, administering vaccines/immunizations, health care education and much more.



Bid @


This auction is for one Playstation 3 - 60 GB Premium Edition Console that I have on hand ready to ship. In total I have 4 consoles from Toys R Us, 3 consoles from Wal Mart, and 1 console from ebgames. You are bidding on a console from EB Games. Believe me, getting these consoles was no easy task, I had to camp out about 3 times for all of these consoles, having friends and relatives tag along and I even had to pay them a good amount to do it . The grind and cold nights outside of stores is over and luckily I was able to bag 8 of these consoles for sale.



Her auction -->

No way that Jade Raymond-lookalike chick camped for all those. She probably posed for one picture or took a two-hour shift for her boyfriend once, so points for a little foresight, I guess.

Other than that, I'm calling "bullshit" on the "mission trip". Maybe those girls are med students, maybe they just borrowed the coats, but I just don't believe these people, and using third-world poverty to drive up your bids is about as despicable as it gets. If I'm wrong and it's 'legit', it's still pathetic to be banking on a PS3 to make your trip possible.

EDIT: "Jade" can't even add. I count nine PS3 boxes.
[quote name='jollydwarf']

EDIT: "Jade" can't even add. I count nine PS3 boxes.[/quote]

Actually is ten, there is a ps3 sitting on the desk (next to a Wii).
Good catch. I guess the boxed nine were all to pay for her own hard(ly)-earned PS3.

Sadly, I see a lot of the Homer J. Simpsons of the bidding world falling for auctions with pretty girls posing in them. And believing their stories, too.

Based on what I've seen so far, I think the posing hierarchy here is:

1.) Hot chick in lingerie.
2.) Hot chick in 'clubbin'' clothing.
3.) Not-so-hot chick doing her damnedest to avoid a beating./Not-so-hot chick's partially-covered tits. (Tie)
4.) 'Cute' little kid(s). (You wouldn't hate a seller with a li'l ragamuffin in their picture, would you?)
5.) Disturbing pimping of teen girls that probably will be hot in a couple years.
6.) Clueless, smiling grandparent/uncle/aunt.
7.) Your sleep-deprived, unshaven, bloated, and overexposed mug. (Last, and most likely, only resort)
bread's done