The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

want me to play dumb guy so we can pick that argument apart?

But dude, the costs are higher even though they're less! How is that so hard to understand?1

multiplying and dividing by zero is his hobby...

also, dude in the pink turban looks like that cigar smoking guy at the golf thing that was a meme for a bit
yeah, my facebook friends who post every news article ever all put up something about that dude the past few days.

Who's the GOP strategist who tells these guys "hey, y'all! let's fucking alienate EVERYONE EVER!"

Some of this is so stupid it's hard to believe it's coming from the mouths of people who believe it, and not a liberal subterfuge plot to make these cats look like the dumbest people alive.

Go download his actual letter/press release. It starts off "Dear Republic Party," and the grammar don't git no better from there.
[quote name='UncleBob']Some things shouldn't be left completely to the free market.

As far as fixing the government, I'd say that spending needs to be under control, collusion between private citizens and the government needs to end and there needs to be a big "butt out" when it comes to private decisions (for example, the idea that the government can deny funding to a valid medical procedure isn't something I'm a fan of).[/QUOTE]

So the government should be able to tell a company it can only emit a certain amount of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, lead, etc...but it shouldn't be able to tell a company they can't discriminate based on race?

Just trying to get an understand of what you think should be left to the 'free market'.
I can only assume that what we're laughing at is the fact that a professional reporter thought the best question to ask the potential (lol) next President was "Do you watch NASCAR?"....

No wonder politics in this country is so screwed up.
[quote name='UncleBob']I can only assume that what we're laughing at is the fact that a professional reporter thought the best question to ask the potential (lol) next President was "Do you watch NASCAR?"....

No wonder politics in this country is so screwed up.[/QUOTE]

Now that you mention it, I don't think you have a sense of humor.

Is there anything you find funny? Just curious. Could be a comedian, youtube vid, knock knock joke - I dont care. Just wanted to know - do you ever laugh at anything?
[quote name='UncleBob']I can only assume that what we're laughing at is the fact that a professional reporter thought the best question to ask the potential (lol) next President was "Do you watch NASCAR?"....

No wonder politics in this country is so screwed up.[/QUOTE]

It's hardly the most superfluous question a Presidential candidate has ever been asked. It at least has a context in that the Daytona 500 was this weekend Monday night/Tuesday morning. The laughable part of the response is rather "But I have some great friends who are NASCAR team owners." because let's face it when one car alone costs well into the 6 figures not counting the cost of tires at $400 a piece ($1600 every time that car comes in to pit) it ain't Joe Nobody down the street that owns a NASCAR team.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']It's hardly the most superfluous question a Presidential candidate has ever been asked.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know that. But it doesn't mean I - or anyone - should indulge in such a spectacle.

As for knowing NASCAR owners... 'meh. Someone's got to.

Romney's got so many things screwed up about him - how about we focus on things of substance instead of playing games with smoke and mirrors?
[quote name='dohdough']I guess the press is out of line for asking Obama about the Final Four. He's not even a candidate, but the actual president![/QUOTE]

I have to agree. "Mr. President... the economy is in the tanker, unemployment is skyrocketing, the price of gas is going up daily, we're still in Afghanistan with no end in sight, Israel and Iran are probably going to start a nuclear war in the next four years... Who's your picks for some game where grown men run around playing with balls?"

[quote name='dohdough']I guess the press is out of line for asking Obama about the Final Four. He's not even a candidate, but the actual president![/QUOTE]

[quote name='Knoell']Strawman.[/QUOTE]
What's the word for trolling because you have nothing important to add to a discussion.
[quote name='Knoell']Strawman.[/QUOTE]
Bob implied that there are more important issues to ask a potential nominee than to ask about an annual car race. I then made a sarcastic comment about how that offence is more egregious when they ask the president about the final four because he's the president and not just a candidate.

In summary, bob said that the press should ask more relevant questions pertaining to governing and policy and then I also gave an example of it along the same vein.

So tell me, how is that a strawman as if it was unusual to ask politicians about sports or a misrepresentation of his point?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']What's the word for trolling because you have nothing important to add to a discussion.[/QUOTE]

At least this attack was spot on. Calling arguments strawman definately adds nothing to a discussion.
[quote name='camoor']Now that you mention it, I don't think you have a sense of humor.

Is there anything you find funny? Just curious. Could be a comedian, youtube vid, knock knock joke - I dont care. Just wanted to know - do you ever laugh at anything?[/QUOTE]
comedy has a liberal bias.:roll::lol:
[quote name='Knoell']At least this attack was spot on. Calling arguments strawman definately adds nothing to a discussion.[/QUOTE]
Yeah...calling out strawmen is just as bad as making them!:roll:

Here's another logical fallacy for you to fuck up: false equivalence.
I know I'm a little late to the party, but Rush Limbaugh is a horrible human being. I don't mean in the vein of Hitler or Stalin, I just mean he's a horrible waste of carbon. A person who, if he died, we'd all be better for it, if for no other reason than one more horrible person has left us. You can hate Obama, you can hate Bush etc., but I don't see how anyone could love Rush Limbaugh. I'm pretty sure the man doesn't even like himself.
Yep, he's just a miserable, hateful, and utterly worthless excuse for a human being and I'll drink a cold one in celebration when he passes for sure.
[quote name='Clak']I know I'm a little late to the party, but Rush Limbaugh is a horrible human being. I don't mean in the vein of Hitler or Stalin, I just mean he's a horrible waste of carbon. A person who, if he died, we'd all be better for it, if for no other reason than one more horrible person has left us. You can hate Obama, you can hate Bush etc., but I don't see how anyone could love Rush Limbaugh. I'm pretty sure the man doesn't even like himself.[/QUOTE]

Hear about him calling the girl that testified in front of congress re: insurance not covering her birth control pills a slut? He basically drew the comparison that having a lot of sex makes birth control more expensive. Well Rush, I hate to break it to you but even if you're a cloistered nun taking it to control menses it costs the same...

fucking mental equivalent of a really messy poo that needs a few extra wipes to clean up.
You know, the thing about Rush Limbaugh is that the guy is that annoying stain you just can't get rid of. Unlike say, a Glenn Beck, who burned himself out and has fallen out of popularity and back into obscurity, this guy has an annoying level of staying power. I thought for sure that when he got caught up in the hillbilly heroin scandal that he was done for sure but sure enough the guy keeps on coming back.
picture of the funny hair guy with a caption that says "ratings" instead of "aliens"

If I have to give Rush credit for anything, it's that he has a gift for reducing anything to such simplistic levels that simpletons are unable to see the next logical step in the argument. It's the whole low taxes promote growth thing in a nutshell. Sure, it looks good on paper but it just doesn't hold up in practice. Of course the other side of that coin is how on earth do you explain to someone that higher taxes promote growth? Because it really doesn't work on paper.
He's like a shit stain in your tightie whities that you just can't wash out.

Bill Maher made a good joke last friday, that Limbaugh has been married 4 times and has no children. Dude basically is birth control.
well, you see, Rush is confused that birth control works like his magic boner pill in that you take one every time you attempt to have sex... He probably knows about sluts since he had to bring 29 of the little buggers on his weekend trip to the Dominican Republic.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep, he's just a miserable, hateful, and utterly worthless excuse for a human being and I'll drink a cold one in celebration when he passes for sure.[/QUOTE]
Wow...that's one of the last things I'd ever think to hear from you. That's some cold hearted shit...I like it!:lol:

But yeah, Rush is a reprehensible piece of shit and his legacy will reflect that. I can't wait to see all the hand-wringing when people talk about how much hate he spread after he dies.
Well, thank lucifer that we have the liberal media on our side to write history in a way that twists his truth-telling ways into something that suits the liberal agenda.

fuck all y'all, it's opposite week.
[quote name='Clak']A person who, if he died, we'd all be better for it, if for no other reason than one more horrible person has left us.[/QUOTE]There are many who depend on his show for their jobs, from board operators, station managers and sales people. I wouldn't be surprised if he's propping up a few stations altogether.

There are a few radio hosts like that. When Howard Stern left regular radio, all of his old stations struggled and then eventually flipped to cheaper formats, resulting in layoffs. His disappearance from the airwaves would reverberate throughout the talk radio industry just as Howard Stern's departure did.

He also makes quite a bit of money and pays more in taxes than most people.
[quote name='nasum']Hear about him calling the girl that testified in front of congress re: insurance not covering her birth control pills a slut? He basically drew the comparison that having a lot of sex makes birth control more expensive.[/QUOTE]Birth control is generally not that expensive in the first place. Even if your plan does not cover it, acquiring it for pregnancy prevention is not very difficult to do.

If one requires birth control in order to prevent a pregnancy, and cannot afford it, one option is to abstain from having sex and not asking the Jesuit university to provide it through a student health care plan if they do not wish to do so. There was full disclosure when she enrolled. The university's belief system is not a secret. Their goal is probably to not enable premarital sex.

If the birth control is being used for other purposes, her university includes a compromise clause in their plan that allows for this very thing. At institutions that do not have such clauses, one strategy is to persue two-way communication with such institutions on the benefits of such clauses, instead of advocating one-way federal mandates that trounce on religious freedom.
I think some folks are confused by Rush's comments.

Let me be clear, I'm not defending them.

However, he did not comment on the quantity of sexual relations this individual has.
Basically, his "argument" was that she wants other people to pay her (i.e. pay for her birth control) in order for her to have sex.
[quote name='UncleBob']I think some folks are confused by Rush's comments.

...he did not comment on the quantity of sexual relations this individual has.[/QUOTE]

"I'm Not Questioning [Fluke's] Virtue. I Know What Her Virtue Is. She's Having So Much Sex That She's Going Broke."

"Stop the tape. Courageous. Recue that to the top. Courageous, having so much sex she's going broke at Georgetown Law. (laughing) Gosh, I love this."

"Here's A Woman Exercising No Self-Control ... She Wants To Have Repeated, Never-Ending, As-Often-As-She-Wants-It Sex."

"Did you notice in that sound bite was Sheila Jackson Lee or Maria Cantwell or one of them, talked about the strength that Sandra Fluke had to go before Congress -- which is amazing. She's having so much sex, it's amazing she can still walk, but she made it up there."

"[Fluke's] Up At Congress Asking For Thousands Of Dollars in Birth Control Pills. ... This Law School, They Need To Establish" A "Wilt Chamberlain Scholarship, Exclusively For Women."

"This Is More Than Just One Woman Wanting Us To Pay For Her To Have Sex All The Time."

"Ms. Fluke Is Asking To Be Exempted From Personal Responsibility. She Wants All The Sex That She Wants All The Time Paid For By The Rest Of Us."

"If This Woman Wants To Have Sex Ten Times A Day For Three Years, Fine And Dandy."

"You Want To Have All The Sex You Want All Day Long, No Consequences, No Responsibility For Your Behavior."

"Is Happily Presenting Herself As An Immoral, Baseless, No-Purpose-To-Her-Life Woman. She Wants All The Sex In The World ... All The Time."

"The Woman Wants Unlimited, No-Responsibility, No-Consequences Sex, And She Wants It With Contraceptives Paid For By Us."

...That's just March 1st. You want March 2nd, too?
Well then, I stand corrected. I freely admit to not listening to Rush. :D

This is the only comment I was aware that he had made:

"LIMBAUGH: What does it say about the college coed Susan Fluke [sic], who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex? What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex."
[quote name='Spokker']There are many who depend on his show for their jobs, from board operators, station managers and sales people. I wouldn't be surprised if he's propping up a few stations altogether.

There are a few radio hosts like that. When Howard Stern left regular radio, all of his old stations struggled and then eventually flipped to cheaper formats, resulting in layoffs. His disappearance from the airwaves would reverberate throughout the talk radio industry just as Howard Stern's departure did.

He also makes quite a bit of money and pays more in taxes than most people.[/QUOTE]

Reminds me of that Arthur Jensen rant in Network.
bread's done