The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

[quote name='Spokker']There are many who depend on his show for their jobs, from board operators, station managers and sales people. I wouldn't be surprised if he's propping up a few stations altogether.

There are a few radio hosts like that. When Howard Stern left regular radio, all of his old stations struggled and then eventually flipped to cheaper formats, resulting in layoffs. His disappearance from the airwaves would reverberate throughout the talk radio industry just as Howard Stern's departure did.

He also makes quite a bit of money and pays more in taxes than most people.[/QUOTE]
You're such a god damn apologist. I could say Hitler was a vile, evil human being and you'd say something like "Well he employed a lot of soldiers....".
[quote name='UncleBob']I think some folks are confused by Rush's comments.

Let me be clear, I'm not defending them.

However, he did not comment on the quantity of sexual relations this individual has.
Basically, his "argument" was that she wants other people to pay her (i.e. pay for her birth control) in order for her to have sex.[/QUOTE]

I think you don't know what you're talking about.

[quote name='UncleBob']Well then, I stand corrected. I freely admit to not listening to Rush. :D

This is the only comment I was aware that he had made:

"LIMBAUGH: What does it say about the college coed Susan Fluke [sic], who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex? What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex."[/QUOTE]Yep. If you're not going to do even a modicum of research into what he actually said, mayhaps you shouldn't comment on it?
[quote name='Spokker']Birth control is generally not that expensive in the first place. Even if your plan does not cover it, acquiring it for pregnancy prevention is not very difficult to do.[/quote]
Says the person that has demonstrated virtually no knowledge of the costs and effort of procuring birth control pills.

If one requires birth control in order to prevent a pregnancy, and cannot afford it, one option is to abstain from having sex and not asking the Jesuit university to provide it through a student health care plan if they do not wish to do so. There was full disclosure when she enrolled. The university's belief system is not a secret. Their goal is probably to not enable premarital sex.
Telling people not to have sex is not a practical answer and if a university receiving federal funds, and they ALL do, then the federal government has a say in the policies they emplace like the highway system. Even then, if there's discrimination going on at the institution, then people are able to get involved to try and stop it.

If the birth control is being used for other purposes, her university includes a compromise clause in their plan that allows for this very thing. At institutions that do not have such clauses, one strategy is to persue two-way communication with such institutions on the benefits of such clauses, instead of advocating one-way federal mandates that trounce on religious freedom.
How is one lone student going to be able to fight against the full institutional might of a university?
[quote name='Clak']I think you don't know what you're talking about.

Yep. If you're not going to do even a modicum of research into what he actually said, mayhaps you shouldn't comment on it?[/QUOTE]

Christ, are you unable to read?

Obviously, I had done "some" research into it, as I provided the quote that I had read about... the one virtually every news source is quoting when they bring up the subject.

No, I don't know every single word Rush says. I know this might be a big disappointment to you, but every one of your political opposites don't have their local Rush station on a pre-set.
[quote name='UncleBob']Christ, are you unable to read?

Obviously, I had done "some" research into it, as I provided the quote that I had read about... the one virtually every news source is quoting when they bring up the subject.

No, I don't know every single word Rush says. I know this might be a big disappointment to you, but every one of your political opposites don't have their local Rush station on a pre-set.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I read it - you were flat-out wrong and you admitted as much. :D

And it's not a disappointment to me. :D

PS: You also have shitty news sources. :D
[quote name='camoor']Yeah I read it - you were flat-out wrong and you admitted as much. :D

And it's not a disappointment to me. :D

PS: You also have shitty news sources. :D[/QUOTE]

You are correct - I was wrong and I admitted it. Unlike many others on here who are wrong, lie about it, twist the words of others to attempt to cover up their lies, then drop the subject completely when it's shown that they're nothing but a liar.

I am thrilled to know that my honesty in admitting when I'm wrong isn't a disappointment to you. I can only hope that such a behavior can serve as an example to the many other posters on here that constantly take part in dishonest debate.

When I say "I can only hope", I really mean that... because I know it won't make a lick of difference for most folks on here.
[quote name='UncleBob']You are correct - I was wrong and I admitted it. Unlike many others on here who are wrong, lie about it, twist the words of others to attempt to cover up their lies, then drop the subject completely when it's shown that they're nothing but a liar.[/quote]
You've been wrong and dishonest about lots of shit. This one admission doesn't make up for that.

I am thrilled to know that my honesty in admitting when I'm wrong isn't a disappointment to you. I can only hope that such a behavior can serve as an example to the many other posters on here that constantly take part in dishonest debate.

When I say "I can only hope", I really mean that... because I know it won't make a lick of difference for most folks on here.
You must be talking about Spokker.
[quote name='dohdough']You've been wrong and dishonest about lots of shit. This one admission doesn't make up for that.[/QUOTE]

DD, you'll excuse me if I don't exactly look up to you as a shining example of honesty and integrity in discussion and debate.
[quote name='UncleBob']DD, you'll excuse me if I don't exactly look up to you as a shining example of honesty and integrity in discussion and debate.[/QUOTE]
You're not excused and I give as good as I get. The problem is that posters like you like to move goal posts, ignore points, play dumb, and outright lie. The only thing I'm guilty of is playing in the mud with you morons and calling you out on it. I freely admit when I'm wrong and don't have a problem doing it. Just, don't expect me to pat you on the back when the stars align correctly and you make a good point, it doesn't make up for the vast majority of the time when you, and I don't mean the royal you, debate with the reasoning of a child while "just asking questions."
[quote name='dohdough']You're not excused and I give as good as I get. The problem is that posters like you like to move goal posts, ignore points, play dumb, and outright lie. The only thing I'm guilty of is playing in the mud with you morons and calling you out on it. I freely admit when I'm wrong and don't have a problem doing it. Just, don't expect me to pat you on the back when the stars align correctly and you make a good point, it doesn't make up for the vast majority of the time when you, and I don't mean the royal you, debate with the reasoning of a child while "just asking questions."[/QUOTE]

This post is quite funny in light of your recent post in the 2012 election topic where you made an incorrect statement, was called out on it, then denied your statement was incorrect, moved the goal post to something completely different, and told me I was wrong.

Again, DD, you'll excuse me if I don't exactly look up to you as a shining example of honesty and integrity in discussion and debate.
[quote name='UncleBob']Well then, I stand corrected. I freely admit to not listening to Rush. :D

This is the only comment I was aware that he had made:

"LIMBAUGH: What does it say about the college coed Susan Fluke [sic], who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex? What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex."[/QUOTE]

Speak first, ask questions later, hmm?
I wonder who this "we" is that Rush thinks he's talking about. When he pays for medical insurance, does he not understand that part of his premiums go for other people insured by the same provider? Does he not also understand that other people's premiums also pay for a portion of his maladies?

Honestly, what is it about pooled risk that people don't understand? Do they honestly think that they have a personal account with their provider that only gets tapped when they pay up to their deductible? I simply can't even begin to comprehend how someone can make the logical conclusion that a person asking for their insurance provider to cover a very common item is somehow or another the same as paying for them to have sex. It's utterly preposturous. This goes far beyond mis or disinformation propaganda and veers into the territory of:
A.) being so incredibly stupid that your insurance provider should be covering hockey helmets and velcro shoes for you
B.) so utterly full of contempt for people that you are willing to simply lie to them for your own entertainment
[quote name='UncleBob']Christ, are you unable to read?

Obviously, I had done "some" research into it, as I provided the quote that I had read about... the one virtually every news source is quoting when they bring up the subject.

No, I don't know every single word Rush says. I know this might be a big disappointment to you, but every one of your political opposites don't have their local Rush station on a pre-set.[/QUOTE]
Ok, I was wrong, you did a modicum. You want a trophy for mediocrity? I'll remember your standards from here on out though, next time I post something about the 'con de jour I'll just post what all the news outlets are saying without actually delving any deeper into it.
[quote name='UncleBob']This post is quite funny in light of your recent post in the 2012 election topic where you made an incorrect statement, was called out on it, then denied your statement was incorrect, moved the goal post to something completely different, and told me I was wrong.

Again, DD, you'll excuse me if I don't exactly look up to you as a shining example of honesty and integrity in discussion and debate.[/QUOTE]
Riiiiight...I literally said that Paul has literally participated in actual presidential debates with Obama and Romney.
[quote name='nasum']I wonder who this "we" is that Rush thinks he's talking about. When he pays for medical insurance, does he not understand that part of his premiums go for other people insured by the same provider? Does he not also understand that other people's premiums also pay for a portion of his maladies?

Honestly, what is it about pooled risk that people don't understand? Do they honestly think that they have a personal account with their provider that only gets tapped when they pay up to their deductible? I simply can't even begin to comprehend how someone can make the logical conclusion that a person asking for their insurance provider to cover a very common item is somehow or another the same as paying for them to have sex. It's utterly preposturous. This goes far beyond mis or disinformation propaganda and veers into the territory of:
A.) being so incredibly stupid that your insurance provider should be covering hockey helmets and velcro shoes for you
B.) so utterly full of contempt for people that you are willing to simply lie to them for your own entertainment[/QUOTE]
I choose: C.)All of the above
[quote name='Clak']Ok, I was wrong, you did a modicum. You want a trophy for mediocrity? I'll remember your standards from here on out though, next time I post something about the 'con de jour I'll just post what all the news outlets are saying without actually delving any deeper into it.[/QUOTE]

Again, I admit I was wrong.

I apologize if I don't spend enough time researching what some dude said on the radio. I mean, obviously Rush's comments are SO IMPORTANT that they require in-depth research and analysis, 24 hour media coverage, a couple of books and a made-for-Lifetime TV Movie.

Next thing you know, we'll be asking potential candidates for the most powerful position in the free world what their sports preferences are, then blowing those out of proportion. I mean, heck, there's nothing more important going on in the political, social and economic spheres, eh?
[quote name='nasum']B.) so utterly full of contempt for people that you are willing to simply lie to them for your own entertainment[/QUOTE]

winner winner chicken dinner.

the narrative of "undeserving poor" is a really easy one for people to comprehend. Inherent in a merit-based economy is coveting. Ample, ample coveting. They have a 55" hdtv! Oh, but they had a 3D tv! A Cadillac! Air conditioning! Food for dinner for everyone in the household! I want that, too, so I must work hard!

Nothing earth shattering there. Horatio Alger and friends cartoon hour stuff.

But the meritocracy is undermined when work/merit is not a path to those things, or when the earnings from hard work are taken ("taken by force/at gunpoint" dumbass libertarian overstatement here) and reappropriated to other people who did not work hard - ergo, Limbaugh's "we have to pay for your sex" statement. We have to pay for the Cadillacs of the nig - I mean, of the welfare queens, who merely 'happen to be' black. We have to pay for the health care of people who don't need it, don't want it. We have to pay for food stamps for people whose lives were devastated by Katrina, or for FEMA trailers, etc.

It's overall demonization of the poor as being unworthy, as not deserving of help because they haven't done enough to help themselves - we reify the nobility of our meritocracy if we rationalize that people are poor because they deserve to be poor (and therefore should suffer until they stop being lazy/exploiting the system), and we reify the nobility of our meritocracy when we exalt the ultra wealthy as people to aspire to be, as people who provide to us from their largesse (which we had no hand in helping create for them), and as people who, if we let them be even more, more wealthy (by gutting programs that help the lazy and shiftless), they will bestow greater benefits on American society.

[quote name='UncleBob']Again, I admit I was wrong.

I apologize if I don't spend enough time researching what some dude said on the radio. I mean, obviously Rush's comments are SO IMPORTANT that they require in-depth research and analysis, 24 hour media coverage, a couple of books and a made-for-Lifetime TV Movie.

Next thing you know, we'll be asking potential candidates for the most powerful position in the free world what their sports preferences are, then blowing those out of proportion. I mean, heck, there's nothing more important going on in the political, social and economic spheres, eh?[/QUOTE]

Those quotes came from the first google result, dude, not hours in the laboratory carefully measuring and cutting.
That'd probably be helpful if I gathered by news by frequently searching Google.

I read about two articles on the subject. I admit, not much "research"... but, by golly... we're talking about some dude on talk radio talking out of his ass into a microphone for ratings. In all honesty, on a scale of one to a million, the importance of Rush's comments rank about a point-zero-zero-two. So, no, I didn't go out and read a bunch of articles about subjects I don't think are very important and no, I don't frequent Media Matters (which does do the equivalent of hours in the laboratory carefully measuring and cutting apart Rush and the like).

Just like when some dude at some bar shouted out that Sarah Palin was a whore (where was everyone condemning him?) or when whichever talk show host it was that called Sarah Palin "slutty" (again, lack of any condemnation here on vs.)... I didn't go out of my way to read articles about it.

Sorry to disappoint.
[quote name='UncleBob']That'd probably be helpful if I gathered by news by frequently searching Google.

I read about two articles on the subject. I admit, not much "research"... but, by golly... we're talking about some dude on talk radio talking out of his ass into a microphone for ratings. In all honesty, on a scale of one to a million, the importance of Rush's comments rank about a point-zero-zero-two. So, no, I didn't go out and read a bunch of articles about subjects I don't think are very important and no, I don't frequent Media Matters (which does do the equivalent of hours in the laboratory carefully measuring and cutting apart Rush and the like).

Just like when some dude at some bar shouted out that Sarah Palin was a whore (where was everyone condemning him?) or when whichever talk show host it was that called Sarah Palin "slutty" (again, lack of any condemnation here on vs.)... I didn't go out of my way to read articles about it.

Sorry to disappoint.[/QUOTE]

Two articles - care to cite which ones?
bob is in denial over how much power people like Limblob hold in conservative circles. That's why he's just "some dude on talk radio."
[quote name='Clak']bob is in denial over how much power people like Limblob hold in conservative circles. That's why he's just "some dude on talk radio."[/QUOTE]

He's not a conservative, he's an independent, remember.
[quote name='UncleBob']
Just like when some dude at some bar shouted out that Sarah Palin was a whore (where was everyone condemning him?) or when whichever talk show host it was that called Sarah Palin "slutty" (again, lack of any condemnation here on vs.)... I didn't go out of my way to read articles about it.

Sorry to disappoint.[/QUOTE]

C'mon man, some dude in a bar that could be heard by
Meh, Sarah Palin is a cunt for her opinions alone. This woman was testifying to congress about the cost of birth control. But then there's no difference there, not at all.
I don't think we need to go down the path of using misogynistic slurs. We're smart enough to use better insults than the bottom-feeders.
[quote name='Clak']Meh, Sarah Palin is a cunt [...][/QUOTE]

And this, folks, pretty much sums it right up. It's not okay to use bad name against people. Unless you disagree with their opinions. Then they're a ****.
[quote name='UncleBob']And this, folks, pretty much sums it right up. It's not okay to use bad name against people. Unless you disagree with their opinions. Then they're a ****.[/QUOTE]

Not really.

Also I'm calling bullshit on your two sources claim.

You didn't read two sources about the Rush controversy.
I just remembered, today is the first day that the new voter ID law goes into effect here. So if you haven't paid to get an ID, no vote for you!
[quote name='Clak']You're such a god damn apologist. I could say Hitler was a vile, evil human being and you'd say something like "Well he employed a lot of soldiers....".
Hitler and Rush Limbaugh are not the same. And the men who fought for Hitler were likely conscripted. Those who work in Rush's network of syndicated stations, those who handle sales, etc., do so voluntarily.
[quote name='dohdough']
Telling people not to have sex is not a practical answer and if a university receiving federal funds, and they ALL do, then the federal government has a say in the policies they emplace like the highway system. Even then, if there's discrimination going on at the institution, then people are able to get involved to try and stop it.[/quote]I would be fine with Georgetown being stripped of its federal funding.

How is one lone student going to be able to fight against the full institutional might of a university?
I'm not sure, but I don't see what reason anyone has to fight against a large Jesuit university. The best advice is to simply not enroll. You can also choose to enroll and obtain your own insurance plan. You can waive the student plan at that point.

[quote name='nasum']
I assume you're alluding to Bill Maher who had some negative things to say about Sarah Palin. He was right to say some of those negative things, mainly that she isn't very bright nor is she very good at her job as a politician.[/QUOTE]
Sandra Fluke isn't very bright and isn't very good at her job as an activist.

On top of that, she's going to school on scholarship so someone else is paying for her tuition. She also wants the health insurance to cover things like gender reassignment surgery. The reasoning is "discrimination." Forget birth control. Air drop it from the sky. How would requiring companies to cover gender reassignment surgery (a $17,000 debacle) not cause the price of health insurance costs to increase?
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[quote name='Spokker']Hitler and Rush Limbaugh are not the same. And the men who fought for Hitler were likely conscripted. Those who work in Rush's network of syndicated stations, those who handle sales, etc., do so voluntarily.[/QUOTE]

Yeah Hitler analogies are almost always a bad call.

You know - it's funny. Brietbart is dead yet I don't see a dip in the GDP. I think it's safe to say that Brietbart had much more of an impact on politics (defunding Acorn, unseating a congressman, etc) then ever did on our economy.

Besides, your arguement is akin to saying it's a shame that Joe McCarthy was disgraced because the guy sold alot of newspapers.
[quote name='camoor']
Besides, your arguement is akin to saying it's a shame that Joe McCarthy was disgraced because the guy sold alot of newspapers.[/QUOTE]Have you seen the newspaper business lately? :lol:
[quote name='Spokker']I would be fine with Georgetown being stripped of its federal funding[/quote]
Funny you mention that because even a private organization has to abide by federal laws, so ha? Your answer is the comedy option?

I'm not sure, but I don't see what reason anyone has to fight against a large Jesuit university. The best advice is to simply not enroll. You can also choose to enroll and obtain your own insurance plan. You can waive the student plan at that point.
There are tons of reasons to sue an educational institution. You just don't hear about them because they always go through arbitration.

Regardless of that, why WOULDN'T someone want to goto one of the best research universities in the country?

Sandra Fluke isn't very bright and isn't very good at her job as an activist. sure don't know a lot about activism either.

On top of that, she's going to school on scholarship so someone else is paying for her tuition. She also wants the health insurance to cover things like gender reassignment surgery. The reasoning is "discrimination." Forget birth control. Air drop it from the sky. How would requiring companies to cover gender reassignment surgery (a $17,000 debacle) not cause the price of health insurance costs to increase?
Two words: risk pool. Learn what it is and how it works.
[quote name='dohdough']
Regardless of that, why WOULDN'T someone want to goto one of the best research universities in the country?[/quote]Because they don't have a health plan that works for you, if that is a deal breaker for you.

They are a great university. The federal government would miss out if they pulled the research funding. Or maybe Georgetown might decide to preserve the funding and follow the mandate in this theoretical scenario.

Choices, choices.

Two words: risk pool. Learn what it is and how it works.
A gender reassignment surgery is something you decide to undergo, it's not something that just happens to you. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of insurance.
[quote name='Spokker']Because they don't have a health plan that works for you, if that is a deal breaker for you.

They are a great university. The federal government would miss out if they pulled the research funding. Or maybe Georgetown might decide to preserve the funding and follow the mandate in this theoretical scenario.

Choices, choices.[/quote]
Or you could fight for more equitable treatment...kinda like something an activist would do.

A gender reassignment surgery is something you decide to undergo, it's not something that just happens to you. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of insurance.
Uhhh...any treatment for any ailment is something you "decide" to partake in? Do you think being gay is a choice or mental disease?

Btw, why the fuck did you give us a link to purchase the study? And how is a study on the discrimination of the LGBT community related to insurance covering the surgery?
[quote name='dohdough'] sure don't know a lot about activism either.[/QUOTE]

LOL I know a few activists but their average week doesn't involve advising congress in a formal hearing, getting major conservative talk radio hosts to officially apologize for their bullshit, and getting a congratulary call from the President.

And she's an activist not a lobbyist - meaning she did that all without alot of moola. I'm trying to figure out how that's "bad"
[quote name='camoor']Yeah Hitler analogies are almost always a bad call.

You know - it's funny. Brietbart is dead yet I don't see a dip in the GDP. I think it's safe to say that Brietbart had much more of an impact on politics (defunding Acorn, unseating a congressman, etc) then ever did on our economy.

Besides, your arguement is akin to saying it's a shame that Joe McCarthy was disgraced because the guy sold alot of newspapers.[/QUOTE]
Except in this case I wasn't comparing Rush to Hitler. I was simply saying that one could take any vile human being and Spokker here would find some way to spin them as "eh, they did do this....". It's being an apologist plain and simple. It's trying to say that "this thing" makes up for them being a bad person, and it's bullshit plain and simple.
[quote name='dohdough']
Uhhh...any treatment for any ailment is something you "decide" to partake in? Do you think being gay is a choice or mental disease?[/quote]Being gay is not a choice, but gender reassignment surgery costs over ten grand and it's not something that suddenly comes out of the bushes and presents itself as a life or death situation. More and more companies are offering plans covering it, though, so knock yourself out. That's their choice, of course.

Btw, why the fuck did you give us a link to purchase the study? And how is a study on the discrimination of the LGBT community related to insurance covering the surgery?
Support Fluke so she can purchase some contraception. She's getting pretty famous so we might want to support her work.
[quote name='Clak']It's trying to say that "this thing" makes up for them being a bad person, and it's bullshit plain and simple.[/QUOTE]
While I don't believe that anyone who simply speaks rudely is a vile human being (I'll save that distinction for child molesters and murderers), that's not why I posted it. The original claim was that we would be better off if he died, but I pointed out that he is a highly rated radio personality with many, many stations with employees working in an industry that has been struggling for many years. As someone who used to work in radio, I don't envy anyone still in it whether they are engineers, on-air talent, sales or marketing. The loss of his show would weaken many, not all, of those stations. You may not feel the impact, but others might. People, of course, can and will do as they wish.
[quote name='UncleBob']And this, folks, pretty much sums it right up. It's not okay to use bad name against people. Unless you disagree with their opinions. Then they're a ****.[/QUOTE]
:lol: If that's the case, what doe that make you?

But no, seriously, it isn't just about disagreeing with someone, and you know that. But you're like our own version of Rush, so you're not going to admit it.

Sarah Palin is what she is not because I disagree with her, but for having those opinions in the first place. She's also a fucking moron and hypocrite, but that goes without saying.
Is Sandra Fluke really an activist though? Call me misinformed, but isn't she a law student? Has she made a "career" of activism of any sort?

Maybe it's better stated that she's advocating for X and Y outside of being a law student?
[quote name='nasum']Is Sandra Fluke really an activist though? Call me misinformed, but isn't she a law student? Has she made a "career" of activism of any sort?

Maybe it's better stated that she's advocating for X and Y outside of being a law student?[/QUOTE]
It really depends on how you define the word. Conservatives have pretty much co-opted it and framed it as being a bad Thing.
If she's an activist for testifying before congress, then there are a lot of oblivious activists out there.
I think it depends on whether that was the first time she spoke out on something, and whether it's the last time.

Being an activist can entail a wide variety of activity, but it has to at least involve repeated/continued activity.
Well I'm not talking about her future, and I don't know anything about her past. Assuming no activist activity in the past, she's not an activist. Not in reality anyway, everyone who doesn't agree with them is an activist to the republicans. Activist judges, activist academics, activist whateverthefucks.
Who cares?

Activist, lobbyist, concerned citizen, student interested in birth control issues, whatever

Any one of them would kill to be the political news story of the day.

Any one of them would kill to get one of the blowhards on the other side of the aisle to formally apologize and Rush Limbaugh is a pretty big catch (as far as blowhards go)

Any one of them would kill for a congratulatory call from the President.

Saying she is a failure just shows that someone doesn't understand Washington politics.
[quote name='Spokker']Being gay is not a choice, but gender reassignment surgery costs over ten grand and it's not something that suddenly comes out of the bushes and presents itself as a life or death situation. More and more companies are offering plans covering it, though, so knock yourself out. That's their choice, of course.[/quote]
Lot's of things aren't immediately life threatening, but as a man, how would you like to be born without a dick, have breasts, and never had your balls descend? What do you think life would be like?

Support Fluke so she can purchase some contraception. She's getting pretty famous so we might want to support her work.
What does that have to do with anything? I doubt that she even makes a penny off of each purchase.

And that still doesn't address the question of why you linked a study on employment discrimination as a reference to supporting reassignment surgery. Did you think no one would check the link?

While I don't believe that anyone who simply speaks rudely is a vile human being (I'll save that distinction for child molesters and murderers), that's not why I posted it. The original claim was that we would be better off if he died, but I pointed out that he is a highly rated radio personality with many, many stations with employees working in an industry that has been struggling for many years. As someone who used to work in radio, I don't envy anyone still in it whether they are engineers, on-air talent, sales or marketing. The loss of his show would weaken many, not all, of those stations. You may not feel the impact, but others might. People, of course, can and will do as they wish.
Creating some jobs in a niche market while spreading hate and ignorance is not a net gain for society. I doubt that you're as concerned about people working at NPR affiliates as people working because of Limbaugh.
[quote name='camoor']Who cares?

Activist, lobbyist, concerned citizen, student interested in birth control issues, whatever

Any one of them would kill to be the political news story of the day.

Any one of them would kill to get one of the blowhards on the other side of the aisle to formally apologize and Rush Limbaugh is a pretty big catch (as far as blowhards go)

Any one of them would kill for a congratulatory call from the President.

Saying she is a failure just shows that someone doesn't understand Washington politics.[/QUOTE]
You know what's funny? That if she was a stereotypical activist, I'd say she's doing a pretty good motherfucking job if Limbaugh apologized, got national exposure, and got a call from the Big Cheese himself. All those things are big deals on their own, but together, it's like OVER 9000!!!!
bread's done