The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

[quote name='mykevermin']Oh, right-o.

EDIT: Also, msut, if you left town without catching up with me for drinks, fuck you. If you're still in down hit me up.[/QUOTE]

Sorry meant to tell you. Apparently the water in Philadelphia and I don't get along and I was laid out for my last week and a half.
So I just got into this discussion with and old friend on facebook (I dont normally talk politics on facebook but...) he posted an article that was titled...."Under the Obama admin its has been the worst for women in recorded history."

I responded...with how I thought over the top sensationalism was really the reason why America is going down the crapper. This spiraled completely out of control with him tossing out stat after stat after stat but all based on this..."worst in history" theory. Apparently slavery didnt happen, women rights didnt need to happen.

I just dont see how people live with this type of can America grow when people are thinking like this and using these types of references on how they make decisions.
[quote name='Soodmeg']So I just got into this discussion with and old friend on facebook (I dont normally talk politics on facebook but...) he posted an article that was titled...."Under the Obama admin its has been the worst for women in recorded history."

I responded...with how I thought over the top sensationalism was really the reason why America is going down the crapper. This spiraled completely out of control with him tossing out stat after stat after stat but all based on this..."worst in history" theory. Apparently slavery didnt happen, women rights didnt need to happen.

I just dont see how people live with this type of can America grow when people are thinking like this and using these types of references on how they make decisions.[/QUOTE]I'd have to know who wrote it and where it came from to really comment. But general answer to how America can grow with people thinking like this, we really can't.
Even Romney thinks we should raise taxes on the rich. That was surprising.

Man we are really fucked when we have a Dem President, a Dem Senate, and even mother fucking Romney thinks the rich are getting a free ride.
It was from a women for Mitt newsletter thing.....I didnt even read the contents because the title was so asinine.

He argued a bunch of points which I just kept countering with....what about when women werent allowed to vote? How is it worse than that? What about when any non white women was a slave or a maid? How is it worse.

Also, we have equal rights for hiring practices...I dont even understand how someone could do away with so many women specific jobs.

Its just data smooshing 101.
"Worst in history" is extremely hyperbolic and I don't know why he'd bother to try and post stats. How bad can Obama really be when he wanted companies to provide group policies that cover birth control and the fact that his very first bill allowed people to sue their employer for wage discrimination that was named and framed after a woman wasn't allowed to sue for back pay...especially when there are clear stats showing clearly sexist and discriminatory wage disparity.
[quote name='camoor']Even Romney thinks we should raise taxes on the rich. That was surprising.

Man we are really fucked when we have a Dem President, a Dem Senate, and even mother fucking Romney thinks the rich are getting a free ride.[/QUOTE]
They all come back to the center eventually, just like I said a while back. Spend the whole primary campaign trying to distinguish yourself, and then come crawling back to center once you win or are confident you have. There won't be much difference between Obama and Romney aside from the things each party is known for.
[quote name='Clak']They all come back to the center eventually, just like I said a while back. Spend the whole primary campaign trying to distinguish yourself, and then come crawling back to center once you win or are confident you have. There won't be much difference between Obama and Romney aside from the things each party is known for.[/QUOTE]

Eh - Dubya never advocated raising taxes on the rich. It's a pretty significant position for a Republican to take. It shows that American opinion is changing across the board.
That's my point, that isn't a very right wing opinion, it's more moderate. As time goes on candidates always return to the center. They spend the year campaigning with bold opinions and messages, and once they feel they've got the nomination on lock, they start slowly easing back towards the middle again. It's because we as a nation don't like radically different candidates, the plainer the better. Riasing taxes on the rich isn't really a bold idea, as much as some may think it is, it's pretty plain.

Sure, dubya didn't advocate for it, but I bet if you look back at some more radical things he said during both campaigns you'd see that they never happened. That's because they aren't meant to happen, they're just used to distinguish candidates while they're campaigning. It's hoped that people will forget they ever said it after the campaigns.
[quote name='Clak']Sure, dubya didn't advocate for it, but I bet if you look back at some more radical things he said during both campaigns you'd see that they never happened. That's because they aren't meant to happen, they're just used to distinguish candidates while they're campaigning. It's hoped that people will forget they ever said it after the campaigns.[/QUOTE]


I don't know what country you were living in at the time but plenty of radical things happened under Dubya's rule.
[quote name='camoor']Erm

I don't know what country you were living in at the time but plenty of radical things happened under Dubya's rule.[/QUOTE]
Erm, I didn't say that none did, I said go back (to when he was campaigning each time) and you'll probably find that he said plenty of radical things which never came to fruition. They all do this, I'll say it one more time, it's designed to distinguish candidates. No one can stand out if you've got a group of people all running with the same ideas and opinions, so they all have to stick something out there that is uniquely them, some bold opinion or idea they can be known for. Then more often than not all that is forgotten once they get the nomination because they no longer have to distinguish themselves from other candidates in the same party, and they're already distinguished from the other party of course.

It's why they can all come together as a party after the primary is over, it was bullshit to begin with and they know it, so no hard feelings. It's just how politics is played. I'll also point out in my original post how I said there wouldn't be a huge difference between Obama and Romney, and what you said about Romney and taxes on the rich pretty much showed that in one way. I don't think it's all that amazing that Romney has that opinion, I think he simply knows which way the wind is blowing so to speak.
How many death threats did Bush get do we know of? Like high profile death threats? I dont understand how is so cool now to talk about killing or taking out an American president now a days. But I cant remember if Bush received the same....yeah people ripped on him a lot but I dont recall so many people either "slipping up" and sending out racist emails, death threats, slandering etc etc.

Its far past just thinking the guy isnt a good president because many people didnt think bush was either and I dont know if he got the same amount of crap. I wonder what would happen if people were calling Bush a Muslim terrorist...asking for his birthday just seems like it has been and continues to be so far over the top here.
[quote name='Soodmeg']How many death threats did Bush get do we know of? Like high profile death threats? I dont understand how is so cool now to talk about killing or taking out an American president now a days. But I cant remember if Bush received the same....yeah people ripped on him a lot but I dont recall so many people either "slipping up" and sending out racist emails, death threats, slandering etc etc.

Its far past just thinking the guy isnt a good president because many people didnt think bush was either and I dont know if he got the same amount of crap. I wonder what would happen if people were calling Bush a Muslim terrorist...asking for his birthday just seems like it has been and continues to be so far over the top here.[/QUOTE]
Bush got a lot of shit for being an inarticulate boob, but Obama is black so his detractors think they can get away with turning the rhetoric up. The way they went afer Clinton was bad and he Did do some bad things, but Obama is and needs to be so squeeky clean, this is the only shit they can get him on.

But damn, when you got high profile people calling for armed rebellions, "Barack the Magic Negro," and the other dog-whistle racism crap, I have a hard time disassociating this with racist attacks.
I think you'd agree that "Barack the Magic Negro" is a bit too low in tone to qualify as dog-whistle. That's airhorn racism, everybody heard it.

When I see what Nugent said, I'm reminded of how maligned the Dixie Chicks were by our 'liberal media' for simply saying they were embarrassed to be from the same state as Bush. I wonder if Nugent will get even a tenth of the coverage that manufactured scandal did.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think you'd agree that "Barack the Magic Negro" is a bit too low in tone to qualify as dog-whistle. That's airhorn racism, everybody heard it.[/quote]
No doubt. I guess going with the watermelon patch would've been a better example? :lol: Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if people defended it as not being racist because it wasn't "Barack the Magic N****r."

When I see what Nugent said, I'm reminded of how maligned the Dixie Chicks were by our 'liberal media' for simply saying they were embarrassed to be from the same state as Bush. I wonder if Nugent will get even a tenth of the coverage that manufactured scandal did.
Of course not. It'll probably embolden Nugent and use it as a rallying cry.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Stay classy, Nuge:[/QUOTE]

Forever unclean...

[quote name='Nuge'](Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.[/quote]

Ultimate dirtbag draft dodger

Edit- I'm not sure why the link is being modified into a video but its actually an article.
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Man, guys, I really wish I would have taken the other pill so I could stay willfully ignorant of the worlds politics. Because I am finding that a lot of people I know who I thought where cool (regardless of political views just fundamental good person) are actually balls out racist, homophobic, sexist and if they had their way it would be 1900s all over again.

Obama has been a lighting rod for showing peoples true outlook because it quickly goes well beyond agree/disagree of bills and policies to...that $$$$a is a Muslim space chimp sent to destroy America and everyone just kinda shrugs...

I forgot about that Dixie chicks thing......I wonder what would have happened if they called Bush an closet Gay working with the KKK to destroy America...
[quote name='mykevermin']throw up "url" and "/url" in brackets, RvB.[/QUOTE]

Yep, tried that. Also tried the ["url="]Writing[/url] method and it still tried to make it a video...
[quote name='Soodmeg']Man, guys, I really wish I would have taken the other pill so I could stay willfully ignorant of the worlds politics. Because I am finding that a lot of people I know who I thought where cool (regardless of political views just fundamental good person) are actually balls out racist, homophobic, sexist and if they had their way it would be 1900s all over again.

Obama has been a lighting rod for showing peoples true outlook because it quickly goes well beyond agree/disagree of bills and policies to...that $$$$a is a Muslim space chimp sent to destroy America and everyone just kinda shrugs...

I forgot about that Dixie chicks thing......I wonder what would have happened if they called Bush an closet Gay working with the KKK to destroy America...[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the more you know, the more you realize how shitty the people around you are. It's harder when it's your own family.:cry:

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yep, tried that. Also tried the ["url="]Writing[/url] method and it still tried to make it a video...[/QUOTE]
Have you tried editing the text using advanced options? There are text editing buttons that do the work for you or can undo the hyperlink.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Man, guys, I really wish I would have taken the other pill so I could stay willfully ignorant of the worlds politics. Because I am finding that a lot of people I know who I thought where cool (regardless of political views just fundamental good person) are actually balls out racist, homophobic, sexist and if they had their way it would be 1900s all over again.

Obama has been a lighting rod for showing peoples true outlook because it quickly goes well beyond agree/disagree of bills and policies to...that $$$$a is a Muslim space chimp sent to destroy America and everyone just kinda shrugs...

I forgot about that Dixie chicks thing......I wonder what would have happened if they called Bush an closet Gay working with the KKK to destroy America...[/QUOTE]
Yeah I really wish these people would stay out of politics because it just destroys my enjoyment of their work. I can't even watch Frasier anymore because i keep thinking of this commercial.

So disappoint...
[quote name='Clak']Yeah I really wish these people would stay out of politics because it just destroys my enjoyment of their work. I can't even watch Frasier anymore because i keep thinking of this commercial.

So disappoint...[/QUOTE]

That's one of the worst things about Twitter. It gives far too many celebrities who don't think before they speak easy access to sharing their stupidity with the world. I imagine it can be quite the nightmare for publicists and agents.

I do my best to try to look past it, but I can't say, for example, that Patricia Heaton's recent stupidity on Twitter didn't have me reluctant to watch more of The Middle.
[quote name='Clak']Yeah I really wish these people would stay out of politics because it just destroys my enjoyment of their work. I can't even watch Frasier anymore because i keep thinking of this commercial.

So disappoint...[/QUOTE]

Eh entertainers are like that. Here's Maher on a misogynistic rant, kind of atypical and more characteristic of the right. I do like his crack about Fraiser though lmao
[quote name='camoor']Eh entertainers are like that. Here's Maher on a misogynistic rant, kind of atypical and more characteristic of the right. I do like his crack about Fraiser though lmao[/QUOTE]
Hahaha...yeah, Maher's [not]funny like that. It's similar to "I'm not a racist, but-" syndrome except that in his case, it's about women...and he pulls that shit a lot. I'm not sure how much of his material he writes himself, but the loons on the right have a point when he called Palin a cunt. Too bad it's all about scoring points rather than calling out their own ideological ilk on it's own racism, classism, sexism, etc.

As for Fraiser, I never really liked his show, but I also found it hilarious during the credits when he's singing about tossed salad and scrambled eggs. I don't think he's talking about a vegetable dish and dairy products.:lol:
[quote name='UncleBob']No, he's talking about the people who call into his show, the fact that they're nuts and have problems.[/QUOTE]
I was alluding to those terms also being the name of sexual acts, but whatevs.

[quote name='willardhaven']I'm sorry I just had to:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RedvsBlue']I tried everything I could think of. Even just editing out the and trying to do plain text doesn'...t the url from that site will mess up on CAG.
[quote name='dohdough']I was alluding to those terms also being the name of sexual acts, but whatevs.[/QUOTE]

FWIW I got a chuckle out of the joke.

By the gods UB does not have a sense of humor. I don't mean that as a knock - the man is interesting from a scientific standpoint. Like some freak that doesn't sweat or never blinks.

Too bad scientific oddities never manifest like the Xmen - that would be cool.
[quote name='dohdough']I was alluding to those terms also being the name of sexual acts, but whatevs.[/QUOTE]

I knew what you were alluding to, I was simply posting the actual meaning as per the writers of the song. :D
[quote name='camoor']Eh entertainers are like that. Here's Maher on a misogynistic rant, kind of atypical and more characteristic of the right. I do like his crack about Fraiser though lmao[/QUOTE]
Yeah I never really understood that, I can't watch the video right now, but I remember that show. I think it was just done as a joke though, it's hard to tell sometimes when someone is doing a comedy show.
[quote name='dohdough']Hahaha...yeah, Maher's [not]funny like that. It's similar to "I'm not a racist, but-" syndrome except that in his case, it's about women...and he pulls that shit a lot. I'm not sure how much of his material he writes himself, but the loons on the right have a point when he called Palin a cunt. Too bad it's all about scoring points rather than calling out their own ideological ilk on it's own racism, classism, sexism, etc.

As for Fraiser, I never really liked his show, but I also found it hilarious during the credits when he's singing about tossed salad and scrambled eggs. I don't think he's talking about a vegetable dish and dairy products.:lol:[/QUOTE]
Well to be fair I said the same thing about her and would again. Has nothing to do with the fact she's a woman, she's just a moron with moronic opinions.
[quote name='Clak']Well to be fair I said the same thing about her and would again. Has nothing to do with the fact she's a woman, she's just a moron with moronic opinions.[/QUOTE]
I have to side with perdition on this one. Calling her a cunt really isn't necessary when there are so many other insults to use...and I've used plenty.

It's kinda skirting the "I don't hate black people, just n****rs" line.
Well anyone who accuses me of hating women because I insulted Sarah Palin is just....well probably Palin herself. I will say in regards to Maher, he doesn't seem to have a great love for women, or maybe it's just that he's too cynical, who knows. He strikes me as someone who was rejected by women a lot and now has a fuck 'em and leave 'em kind of attitude.
[quote name='Clak']Well anyone who accuses me of hating women because I insulted Sarah Palin is just....well probably Palin herself. I will say in regards to Maher, he doesn't seem to have a great love for women, or maybe it's just that he's too cynical, who knows. He strikes me as someone who was rejected by women a lot and now has a fuck 'em and leave 'em kind of attitude.[/QUOTE]
Right. Someone saying that you hate women by using that word is completely off their rocker, but you don't have to hate to be sexist. Now I'm not well versed in feminist theory, but the words we use are pretty important. Hell, I have a hard enough time not saying retard to describe something stupid after over 20 years of that kind of programming. Same thing with f*g. I'm just saying it's something to think about as someone with straight white male privilege(I'm assuming the first two).

As for Maher, he mentioned that he was rejected a lot in school and that influences his decision to stay single and go from girl to girl. I noticed that he doesn't go for white girls though. His last two girlfriends were black and Latina respectively, if I remember correctly.
[quote name='dohdough']Hell, I have a hard enough time not saying retard to describe something stupid after over 20 years of that kind of programming.[/QUOTE]

That's one of my weaknesses, too. I don't say it very often, but I do slip on that one for sure.

It's crass and offensive, it marginalizes groups - and it's also unclear and uncreative. Hey, alright, you called someone a "fuckin' retard." You and everyone else do that. If you're going to insult someone, there are more accurate, more creative ways of doing it. That's what I have recently tried to strive for, but struggle greatly with. I even have tried to avoid words that would be considered blasphemous (e.g., shouting "AH, COME ON JESUS CHRIST!" in traffic) - again, thus far it's a challenge because we have spent the bulk of our lives talking this way.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's one of my weaknesses, too. I don't say it very often, but I do slip on that one for sure.

It's crass and offensive, it marginalizes groups - and it's also unclear and uncreative. Hey, alright, you called someone a "fuckin' retard." You and everyone else do that. If you're going to insult someone, there are more accurate, more creative ways of doing it. That's what I have recently tried to strive for, but struggle greatly with. I even have tried to avoid words that would be considered blasphemous (e.g., shouting "AH, COME ON JESUS CHRIST!" in traffic) - again, thus far it's a challenge because we have spent the bulk of our lives talking this way.[/QUOTE]
Yeah...I'm not full onboard with the religious stuff yet, but I try to keep myself in check around christian acquiantances, not that it makes it ok in private by any means. I also try to avoid pussy and bitch too, but those are a lot tougher.
I find crass language hilarious. It's almost like our language's way of knowing you're on friendly terms with someone.

Or in other situations, the complete opposite.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's one of my weaknesses, too. I don't say it very often, but I do slip on that one for sure.

It's crass and offensive, it marginalizes groups - and it's also unclear and uncreative. Hey, alright, you called someone a "fuckin' retard." You and everyone else do that. If you're going to insult someone, there are more accurate, more creative ways of doing it. That's what I have recently tried to strive for, but struggle greatly with. I even have tried to avoid words that would be considered blasphemous (e.g., shouting "AH, COME ON JESUS CHRIST!" in traffic) - again, thus far it's a challenge because we have spent the bulk of our lives talking this way.[/QUOTE]
I hate that so much, I catch my self saying jesus, christ, god etc. and it's because I grew up hearing it so much. And you know me, I should be yelling "Oh for the love of Darwin!":lol:
bread's done