The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

[quote name='dohdough']Yeah...I'm not full onboard with the religious stuff yet, but I try to keep myself in check around christian acquiantances, not that it makes it ok in private by any means. I also try to avoid pussy and bitch too, but those are a lot tougher.[/QUOTE]
You know, just for the sake of equality, I have to say that for as much as some religious folks get their panties in a bunch over certain phrases being said, they sure don't care if things they say or do make anyone else uncomfortable or offended.
[quote name='Strell']That's not the -my word I would associate with Catholic boy cores.[/QUOTE]
And Strell goes for the easy catholic sodomy joke.:lol:;)
Quiet, ruffian. I do not consort with common dandies such as you show yourself to be. Now withdraw from this exchange at once, that we may all return to decency!
[quote name='Strell']Quiet, ruffian. I do not consort with common dandies such as you show yourself to be. Now withdraw from this exchange at once, that we may all return to decency![/QUOTE]
Filthy cur, dost thou wish for fisticuffs? Thou should know I am an excellent pugilist.
We shall duel in the manner those of class all follow, and settle our dispute for satisfaction upon the court of tennis! May you draw your racket swift and true, its machinations pleasing to deliver victory to that who most deserves it!
Tennis? Is thou of the female persuasion? Men of honor settle disputes on the battlefield!

*pulls out Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots game*

Woudst though like to be the red or the green robot?
[quote name='Clak']Tennis? Is thou of the female persuasion? Men of honor settle disputes on the battlefield!

*pulls out Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots game*

Woudst though like to be the red or the green robot?[/QUOTE]
Tennis it is, Clak.

Rules are that the person who is challenged gets to choose the weapons.

Tennis. It. Is.
I would have presumed him to have an advantage at a sport which requires gripping a stick and swinging it with the vim and vigor of Hercules against a volley of balls.
[quote name='Strell']I would have presumed him to have an advantage at a sport which requires gripping a stick and swinging it with the vim and vigor of Hercules against a volley of balls.[/QUOTE]
Ho ho, humor of that sharpness should be wielded with more care. One might be so inclined to insult thine good mother! Who as I have come to hear, was like the village motor car, everyone desired a ride!!
[quote name='Clak']Ho ho, humor of that sharpness should be wielded with more care. One might be so inclined to insult thine good mother! Who as I have come to hear, was like the village motor car, everyone desired a ride!![/QUOTE]
Oh Snapth! Thou hast evoked the besmirchment of Strell's giver of birth!

Bureau of Labor Statistics says Wisconsin lost more jobs in past year than any other state

MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin lost more jobs in the past year than any other state, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The bureau's figures show the state lost 23,900 jobs from March 2011 to March 2012. No other state lost more than 3,500 jobs, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (http://$$$$$$$/IpnExl).

Of those 17,800 were government jobs.

The loss of 6,100 private-sector jobs was also tops among the 50 states and Wisconsin was the only one of those that saw a decrease in total non-farm jobs, which includes both the public and private sector.

Yep. It's times like these that being a nihilist makes life easier.
Some pure comedic gold in some of the comments too...
The twisted world of Republicans will call this a win, because it's largely government employees - so that's cutting spending, huzzah!

(never mind that poor government employees are poor in the same way that private sector employees are when they're fired.)
Just like how, I think it was Rick Perry, crowed about adding jobs to the state, but most were government jobs. That's really shrinking government/cutting spending.
So opinions on mitt romneys borrow mony from your parents and take more risk comment for students facing a bleak job market?

Although j try to stay indepent in my political views republicans baffle the hell out of me. I wonder what would happen if the current president said everyone should just borrow more money.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I wonder what would happen if the current president said everyone should just borrow more money.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that what he's said?

Oh, wait, that's just for the government with the basis of his entire economic plan. :D
[quote name='Soodmeg']So opinions on mitt romneys borrow mony from your parents and take more risk comment for students facing a bleak job market?
Not to stir up a huge debate but just from experience. I been out of a job since last august in my field. (Graduated with a degree in computer science which is supposed to be a great degree), been applying to 5+ places a week with CS jobs, I get about 1 call if that a month about places I apply to.

So yeah, in my experience, that taking more of a risk thing isn't working out :lol:. I could imagine unless you are mr 4.0 and are a god in their field, your going to have a fucking hard time.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Not to stir up a huge debate but just from experience. I been out of a job since last august in my field. (Graduated with a degree in computer science which is supposed to be a great degree), been applying to 5+ places a week with CS jobs, I get about 1 call if that a month about places I apply to.

So yeah, in my experience, that taking more of a risk thing isn't working out :lol:. I could imagine unless you are mr 4.0 and are a god in their field, your going to have a fucking hard time.[/QUOTE]
I feel your pain.
Honestly somebody with no degree but some experience and a good number of certifications would probably have an easier time of it right now. Sometimes I think that, career wise at least, school was a waste of money. I could have spent that time and money studying for cert tests and probably be better off as far as job prospects go.
I think that all the time although I have no real regrets. In my ultra subjective field I probably could have done more training and had a better leg up then being 25k in debt.

Mitt seems to be from a different world that I don't relate too. To just casually say take more risk and borrow money from yOur parents seems completely out of touch.
Romney has a distinct inability to look beyond his own position in life. It's an insult for anybody, Romney or otherwise, to simply tell someone, "Borrow the money from your parents". It assumes firs that they have the money to lend, but then that is simply shifting hardship around, from the younger child to the older parents. That doesn't solve any problem, it could create a whole new one.

It kills me that Kerry was labeled as some blue blooded elitist, and Romney apparently isn't, bullshit. They're both wealthy white guys who haven't had to really work much in their lives.
[quote name='Clak']Honestly somebody with no degree but some experience and a good number of certifications would probably have an easier time of it right now. Sometimes I think that, career wise at least, school was a waste of money. I could have spent that time and money studying for cert tests and probably be better off as far as job prospects go.[/QUOTE]

Don't know about that, a college education on a resume still carries weight.

Alot of the value from college comes from contacts. Do you have any colleagues who landed jobs - perhaps they could put in a good word for you.

Half the game is working your contacts, seriously.
[quote name='camoor']Don't know about that, a college education on a resume still carries weight.

Alot of the value from college comes from contacts. Do you have any colleagues who landed jobs - perhaps they could put in a good word for you.

Half the game is working your contacts, seriously.[/QUOTE]
Right. Around here, a BS in CS is pretty much the baseline for tier 1 help desk. Without someone to put in a good word for you, prospects are not good.

edit: I'll probably have my CCENT in the summer and do ICND2 for the CCNA by New Years, so I guess we'll see how that goes.

edit2: About Romney, I seriously wonder if he thinks he's privileged. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he thinks he isn't because someone like Buffet or Gates has tons more fuck you money. Just looking at how he talks to people in lower economic classes, it's so obvious that he really has no idea how to relate to them. It's fucking bonkers.
[quote name='camoor']Don't know about that, a college education on a resume still carries weight.

Alot of the value from college comes from contacts. Do you have any colleagues who landed jobs - perhaps they could put in a good word for you.

Half the game is working your contacts, seriously.[/QUOTE]
Short answer, no. Long answer, no. They're all in the same boat as me basically.
[quote name='Clak']It kills me that Kerry was labeled as some blue blooded elitist, and Romney apparently isn't, bullshit. They're both wealthy white guys who haven't had to really work much in their lives.[/QUOTE]

The funny thing is that Kerry could beat Romney if he was a Republican. War veteran that married well could've gone all the way with a good country song to back it up.
[quote name='Clak']Short answer, no. Long answer, no. They're all in the same boat as me basically.[/QUOTE]

That sucks man.

You just need that big break, good luck to you.
[quote name='camoor']That sucks man.

You just need that big break, good luck to you.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, and that's getting harder all the time it seems. I'd like to take some of those cert classes, but some are $4,000 for just a 1 week course, it's insane. That doesn't even include the cost of taking the cert test.
[quote name='Clak']Yeah, and that's getting harder all the time it seems. I'd like to take some of those cert classes, but some are $4,000 for just a 1 week course, it's insane. That doesn't even include the cost of taking the cert test.[/QUOTE]

There are some cert tests that you can take after buying a book, downloading the demo software, and studying/playing with it. Pick a hot tech and you can start out as an admin and work your way into dev.
Nothing new, but an interesting read on a study about the lack of empathy among conservatives that finds the more into politics the less empathetic a conservative is--while the opposite is true of liberals.

[quote name='camoor']There are some cert tests that you can take after buying a book, downloading the demo software, and studying/playing with it. Pick a hot tech and you can start out as an admin and work your way into dev.[/QUOTE]
That works for the simpler stuff, I'd never imagine taking a class to take say the A+ exam. For more complicated stuff though, it might be worth it to take a class, since the cert test themselves aren't cheap to begin with. Some let you take them again if you fail, but not always. If i were to go for my CCNA for example, I'd probably want to do the class, having never worked with cisco equipment.
[quote name='Clak']That works for the simpler stuff, I'd never imagine taking a class to take say the A+ exam. For more complicated stuff though, it might be worth it to take a class, since the cert test themselves aren't cheap to begin with. Some let you take them again if you fail, but not always. If i were to go for my CCNA for example, I'd probably want to do the class, having never worked with cisco equipment.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, definitely take a class if you've never touched any Cisco hardware. Nothing beats being hand-held to learn their IOS or even basic network theory. Looking back, I could've learned binary and subnetting on my own, but it would've been SO much harder and I'd be bald from ripping all my hair out.

If you're serious about getting some certs, you really can't beat going to a community college with a Cisco Academy. Classes are cheap(mine was around $350), mini-sessions can get you through a class in 2-3 months, and you get a 58% off voucher on cert tests(which brings the cost down to about $150) with I think a free re-do if you fail. Plus, there is no need to buy a book because the entire curriculum is online though Cisco and you have access to all the updated versions for life.

Those cram/crash courses are good if you're already working on the stuff everyday, but for a noob like me, there's just simply no way I could've done it.
Well I honestly will probably stay Microsoft side, simply because I do have some experience with Server 2K8 AD, etc. Would be harder for me to start from scratch with Cisco stuff. i was just using the CCNA as an example. I haven't checked in a while, and these certs change too damn often, but I think there is an MCP cert that deals with systems/server administration I may do.
[quote name='Clak']Well I honestly will probably stay Microsoft side, simply because I do have some experience with Server 2K8 AD, etc. Would be harder for me to start from scratch with Cisco stuff. i was just using the CCNA as an example. I haven't checked in a while, and these certs change too damn often, but I think there is an MCP cert that deals with systems/server administration I may do.[/QUOTE] b...I thought you wanted to go into network admin from your example. But yeah, MS certs have a much more complicated cert tree, so I decided to stay far away from them. Especially since they change them up every few years.:lol:
Yeah the constant changing pisses me off. Used to be fairly simple with the MSCA and MCSE, now deciphering what is what is like a test in and of itself. I'm looking more at systems/server administration I think. It will just be easier for em to get into at this point, having had classes in college relating to it. Might look into Linux+ and along those lines too since Apache and Linux are used so much for web servers. I believe MS has a cert based around IIS, but I don't see a lot of job openings that mention IIS.
RE: Chart
So a disinterested liberal is more of a dick than a disinterested conservative? That's kind of weird, you'd think baseline would be mutually zero.
Kind of a fun chart.

Pops that myth about young republicans not having a heart and old dems not having a brain (however given the giant ideology shifts of both parties, the saying has been defunct for years)
It doesn't get at age though, just how interested one is in politics and there level of empathy. Sure, interest in politics increases with age generally, but I wouldn't read much into that from the chart.

As for nasum's observation, that the lines cross is interesting.

Pure speculation on my part, but I'd guess the conservatives who aren't interested in politics reporting higher empathy than disinterested liberals is probably related to family values/religious reasons as I don't think the empathy measure gets at whether you're empathetic towards people different than you, or just towards friends/families/neighbors who share the same world view and so on. Being disinterested in politics they may buy in more to the golden rule parts of religion, helping one's neighbors etc.

As interest in conservative politics increases, they probably shift away from that as they buy into the "welfare state" rhetoric of the right, become more concerned with their bottom line than helping others and so on.

Where as maybe liberals start lower as they're less engrained in family values/religion and increase as they get more interested in politics with the liberal focus on social welfare and helping those less fortunate than yourself etc. as their social awareness is raised due to heightened attention to liberal politics.

But again, just pure speculation/thoughts on my part.
Romney might be the least inspiring candidate ever.

A leaked video of Mitt Romney's remarks at the home of pizza tycoon John Schnatter show the GOP presidential candidate marveling at the luxurious setting and declaring that Republicans believe that "everyone should live like this.",0,2643281.story

Papa Johns pizza sucks but I always thought the owner seemed like a nice guy. Who knew he was a douchebag Republican.

"Republicans believe that everyone should live like a tycoon" Exactly how is that going to work Romney? Jesus Christ.
[quote name='Clak']It's a damn good thing everyone doesn't live like that actually.[/QUOTE]

The dirty secret is that when Romney says "everyone" he isn't talking about you and me.

In Romneyworld, to be somebody you need to have alot of green.
I try to stay as open and in the middle as I can but republicans just baffle the hell out of me. I dont disagree with many of the things they they say but I am just blown away at how many of their plans seems to be fueled by certain sections of the American population just simply vanishing...or not existing.

I was talking to a guy about welfare and how much he thinks.."thats whats wrong with America...blah blah blah." I told him...fine...I agree..worst thing in the world should be cut tomorrow (I dont think this but it was important to my next point)...sooo..I that welfare is gone today what are you going to do with those people who were on it yesterday?

Then he did what I like to call the "Re-pub Shrug" which happens when you ask them a very direct logic based question expecting an answer that solves..."Once you do that...what happens to this."

You know that internet joke:
Step 1: Get on the internet
Step 2: Make a website
Step 3: ??????
Step 4: Profit

This is basically what I get from Repubs when I ask them questions...they never seem to have a 3rd step. When they do its always so basic that you had to have gone to college to say something so stupid. For example...this guy said well they would have to get a job instead of sucking on the tit of the government.....and what if they dont? His answer....ughda;ljlfdasjkldsa;jid shrug shurg...they will become homeless then. So...then what are you going to do with a bunch of newly homeless people?

The conversation ended after that.

Mitt Romney
How do I succeed in life?
Step 1: Take more risk
Step 2: Borrow money from parents
Step 3: ?????
Step 4: Do two chicks at the same time because you are a millionaire

I swear I use more energy simply trying to understand what the hell they are talking about because they seem so damn hypocritical...not that the Dems are not but Repub like the Ninjas of double speak.
So, the LDS church seriously didn't allow black people into the priesthood until nearly 1980? That's fucked up. This is church that Romney belongs to, and belonged to while that policy was actually still in place.
but rev jeremiah wright!

While a silly comment, it makes the point that you can't condemn a candidate based only on association. If you want to knock Romney for anything, go with the bulletproof special panties. Hey, at least we could save some money on Secret Service Agents!
Some group called "Sons of Liberty" (local group maybe, not familier with them) rented some billboard space near my place of work...

Our country is bankrupt while the president lives like a sultan.

Made me :roll:
[quote name='nasum']but rev jeremiah wright!

While a silly comment, it makes the point that you can't condemn a candidate based only on association. If you want to knock Romney for anything, go with the bulletproof special panties. Hey, at least we could save some money on Secret Service Agents![/QUOTE]
Not only, sure, but depending on what that association means, you can certainly infer at least a little about them. If someone is in the Klan I think you can tell at least a little something about them.;)
bread's done