The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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Depends on how CAGly you are. If you're a true hoarder, all of them. If not, what's your budget? True CAG protocol dictates you target only 75% or greater discounts as well as sub-$5 prices.
I'm pretty CAGly, and probably hoard more than I like to admit. We're almost certainly talking about stuff going into the backlog. Let's say I have $20 burning a hole in my Steam Wallet. I want bang for my buck highly recommended games for cheap (of course).

What are you tempted by? What genres do you like?

I love Double Fine's Brutal Legend and Costume Quest, both have their trademark humor. Nation Red and Dead Pixels are fun pick up and play arcade zombie shooters. The Fallout 3 and NV are modern classics and as cheap as they will go at $5.
I enjoy RPGs, Shooters, Action/Adventure, and fancy myself into Strategy games but seldom have the time for them. I'm less into platformer or puzzle games. I picked up Miasmata, Sleeping Dogs, The Void, Ninja Blade, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I'm tempted by Max Payne 3 (kind of want this to be more like $7.50), I Am Alive and maybe Deadlight. Played a lot of Brutal legend, Fallout 3 and the Darksiders games on the Xbox. Own but haven't played yet New Vegas.

So I'm looking for the lesser known gems in the sale.


By the way: Crusader Kings 2 for anyone that wants it: 8D6TM-0YIRF-WEEAZ

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Ahhhh I still need to play Arkham City. It's near the top of my list. Maybe after Halloween's over and I get my horror genre fix I'll finally get into it.

Non-video game question: Favorite horror movies? Any horror movie suggestions that might be a bit more obscure (I love horror movies, the scarier the better, but I've already seen a whole bunch, so any suggestions for ones I haven't seen would be sweeeeeeet)?
anything original

friday the 13th

Nightmare on elm street

The Fog

no damn remakes

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Non-video game question: Favorite horror movies? Any horror movie suggestions that might be a bit more obscure (I love horror movies, the scarier the better, but I've already seen a whole bunch, so any suggestions for ones I haven't seen would be sweeeeeeet)?
The Thing (1982)

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So what's everybody playing for Halloween eve/night? I just turned out the lights and started F.E.A.R. When the sun goes down, though, I'm gonna finally dig into Amnesia:The Dark Descent.
I started early and have been playing Dead Space since monday. I'm very impressed so far, and surprisingly haven't found it too scary to keep playing (maybe that's defeating the purpose, but who's to say). I'm only playing 1-2 chapters at night though, so I'm not sure if I will finish it this week. Somehow I still don't own Amnesia, or I would probably be attempting that as well.

So there are a lot of games I'm unfamiliar with in the Halloween sale. I'm tempted by a few, but are there any must-buy recommendations anyone can make?

Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack is easily one of my favorite games I've played all year! You did say you didn't like platformers (which are my favorite genre, so that's probably worth mentioning), but for $2 I think it's worth trying anyway. Just plain unadulterated fun ^_^

Why isn't this thread a wiki? Was no one willing to update the OP?
I needed a break after the Summer Sale, but the OP is supposed to be a wiki (unless CAG 3.0 screwed up again...). I will likely make a new thread come the winter sale and try my best to keep it updated....

I'm rather fond of monster films that don't recieve massive critical acclaim, and were therefore harder to find. Ginger Snaps series, Feast series and of course, one of my favorites, Dog Soldiers.
I'm rather fond of monster films that don't recieve massive critical acclaim, and were therefore harder to find. Ginger Snaps series, Feast series and of course, one of my favorites, Dog Soldiers.
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack is easily one of my favorite games I've played all year! You did say you didn't like platformers (which are my favorite genre, so that's probably worth mentioning), but for $2 I think it's worth trying anyway. Just plain unadulterated fun ^_^
You may have sold me on this one... The price is certainly in impulse buy territory.

I'm rather fond of monster films that don't recieve massive critical acclaim, and were therefore harder to find. Ginger Snaps series, Feast series and of course, one of my favorites, Dog Soldiers.
Dog Soldiers, that's a fantastic movie. It's on the top of my DVD list this Halloween.

Any point in getting L4D2 if I've got zero friends to co-op with ?
Not really. You need a good team of friends when you first start playing because the community is shit. It's all very teamwork intensive, and if you're just starting out or not fast enough you'll get kicked immediately. I used to be in a league and have 1000 hours in the game, and people still kick me and call me retard.

Re: Favorite horror movies - Insidious, The Orphanage (Spanish w/subs), Audition (Japanese w/subs) and Warm Bodies are some of my favorites. I can recommend other movies (there are four Ju-ons, Grotesque, and anything else by Takashi Miike). Irreversible is great, too, but it's a real mind-fuck; shot in reverse like Memento, but it's one continuous scene.

Ahhhh I still need to play Arkham City. It's near the top of my list. Maybe after Halloween's over and I get my horror genre fix I'll finally get into it.

Non-video game question: Favorite horror movies? Any horror movie suggestions that might be a bit more obscure (I love horror movies, the scarier the better, but I've already seen a whole bunch, so any suggestions for ones I haven't seen would be sweeeeeeet)?
You ever seen Martyrs? Pretty crazy french horror flick. The Lost Ones or something like that was a decent Australian one. Been trying to track down V/H/S 2 at Redbox myself, the first one was good.

Why isn't this thread a wiki? Was no one willing to update the OP?
I thought it had been wiki'd? Don't know what happened.

Anyone ever see Deadgirl? Man, that movie is so fucked
That's high on my list to watch, heard it is pretty fucked up.

I'm rather fond of monster films that don't recieve massive critical acclaim, and were therefore harder to find. Ginger Snaps series, Feast series and of course, one of my favorites, Dog Soldiers.
So nice you had to say twice!

Some good recommendations in here. I'm having a horror movie marathon with my gf tomorrow and will check out some of these. Waiting for cheaplikeafox to chime in since he owns every horror game i've ever looked at on steam.

Not really. You need a good team of friends when you first start playing because the community is shit. It's all very teamwork intensive, and if you're just starting out or not fast enough you'll get kicked immediately. I used to be in a league and have 1000 hours in the game, and people still kick me and call me retard.
Thanks for the head's up. I guess I'll pass.

Here's one people should watch tonight. The Thing With Two Heads, starring Roosevelt Grier and Ray Milland
You guys should all watch A Serbian Film for Halloween if you haven't seen it already. Quality stuff right there. ;) Hey, it's better than 120 Days of Sodom and Cannibal Holocaust.

I'm rather fond of monster films that don't recieve massive critical acclaim, and were therefore harder to find. Ginger Snaps series, Feast series and of course, one of my favorites, Dog Soldiers.
Dog Soldiers is really awesome. I think I saw one or two of the ginger snap movies. Don't really remember being thrilled by them but I did finish them though so they weren't bad.

I've been playing They Bleed Pixels the past couple of days and like it quite a bit so far. Generally I don't go for platformers much, but I realized the reason why is that they tend to be linear with little room for creativity on the part of the player. TBP solves this problem by combining jumping and environmental trap puzzles with a fighting game/brawler-type combat system that opens up lots of options in how to deal with enemies. It is brutally difficult and so far I've only had a chance to play the first three levels, but I'm already quite impressed. It reminds me of the 8-bit days in terms of the difficulty-reward thing. At $2.50 minus cardz rebate, I'd definitely recommend it.
Dog Soldiers is really awesome. I think I saw one or two of the ginger snap movies. Don't really remember being thrilled by them but I did finish them though so they weren't bad.
Yeah Ginger Snaps isn't great by any means, but it is a decent werewolf flick, which are remarkably hard to come by.

Ooh, and hey, since people are buying Nation Red, we should play! It's a pretty entertaining game, even if it is a touch shallow.

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Anyone ever see Deadgirl? Man, that movie is so fucked
I've definitely told this story on the internet before, but I don't think in here, so here we go.

I saw that movie at a festival in a very small theater. When I got there the only seats left were in the very front row. There was a Q&A with the director and cast after the movie. When I say the theater was small I mean tiny, maybe only a dozen or so seats in a row, and only a few feet between me and the screen. The actress who played the Deadgirl was about 3 feet directly in front of me and standing while I was sitting. Anyone who has seen the movie can probably understand how terrifyingly awkward that situation was and why eye contact became a brief nightmare scenario.

I've definitely told this story on the internet before, but I don't think in here, so here we go.

I saw that movie at a festival in a very small theater. When I got there the only seats left were in the very front row. There was a Q&A with the director and cast after the movie. When I say the theater was small I mean tiny, maybe only a dozen or so seats in a row, and only a few feet between me and the screen. The actress who played the Deadgirl was about 3 feet directly in front of me and standing while I was sitting. Anyone who has seen the movie can probably understand how terrifyingly awkward that situation was and why eye contact became a brief nightmare scenario.
That's so cool, are you a VIP or something?

I've definitely told this story on the internet before, but I don't think in here, so here we go.

I saw that movie at a festival in a very small theater. When I got there the only seats left were in the very front row. There was a Q&A with the director and cast after the movie. When I say the theater was small I mean tiny, maybe only a dozen or so seats in a row, and only a few feet between me and the screen. The actress who played the Deadgirl was about 3 feet directly in front of me and standing while I was sitting. Anyone who has seen the movie can probably understand how terrifyingly awkward that situation was and why eye contact became a brief nightmare scenario.

I've definitely told this story on the internet before, but I don't think in here, so here we go.

I saw that movie at a festival in a very small theater. When I got there the only seats left were in the very front row. There was a Q&A with the director and cast after the movie. When I say the theater was small I mean tiny, maybe only a dozen or so seats in a row, and only a few feet between me and the screen. The actress who played the Deadgirl was about 3 feet directly in front of me and standing while I was sitting. Anyone who has seen the movie can probably understand how terrifyingly awkward that situation was and why eye contact became a brief nightmare scenario.
That QA sesh must've been so amazingly awkward

While we are throwing out movie ideas for Halloween night...The Goonies is one of my all time favs. Not so much horror, but it certainly captured that feeling of exploration you had as a kid....and thinking there was a massive conspiracy to kill/stop you from following that treasure map you just found in the attic. Oh and The Burbs (starring Tom  Hanks) is another with a light horror aspect to it. 

As for games, if you really want to be scared, go play Superman on the N64, or E.T. on the original Atari. That $#!^ was frightening. Down right torture.

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I thought The Innkeepers was a bit slow and plodding without much of a payoff. I enjoyed House of the Devil quite a bit more.
Yeah that was one I was wondering why I rated 5 stars, but included it anyway. I would have to watch it again to remember why. Strigoi is slow as well, but very good.

I'm too much of a wuss to watch actual horror movies, but The Frighteners (featuring Michael J. Fox) is really, really, really good.

It's got ghosts in it. That counts, right?
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