The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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It also seems smart to leak the dates to build hype, and throw some weird verbiage about sale prices staying the same out to get people to buy things in the Fall sale rather than waiting for the Winter sale.
I have a worthless degree in advertising. I'd gamble the email wasn't proactively leaked, but that the Valve dudes wrote the email under the wise assumption that, through word of mouth, the Fall sales would be said to be "just as good" as Winter.
I enjoyed it. That said this is usually bundled with other stuff on Amazon and I'd wager a prime candidate for the Humble Squeenix Bundle.
On the other hand, everything is potentially a future bundle. $2 is probably as good as it's going to get without bundling, and it's a fun game to boot.

Contemplating buying Brutal again, because I sold all the cards but now I want the badge.  Probably cheaper getting a fresh set than going to the market.

I'm shocked at my self control this year. i've wanted Far Cry 3 for $7.50, Sniper Elite 2 Bundle for $10 (Amazon) or $12 (Gamersgate, including the original game), Megabyte Punch for $5 on Steam, and PAC-Man DX+ for $2.50 from GameStop.

Every time I think about picking one up, I think about my pile of shame, and how I probably won't even play any of these games for years. It's not like these won't be on sale again, right?
On the other hand, everything is potentially a future bundle. $2 is probably as good as it's going to get without bundling, and it's a fun game to boot.
And on the mutated gene third hand is that there's a 99% chance it'll be $2 again during the Holiday sale so might as well wait and see. :bouncy:

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[customspoiler=Yes.]Some repeats, some new. Some better prices, some worse.[/customspoiler]
no more repeats fuck repeats i meant as in same winter sale i want new sale new games my wish list yo no mroe like summer and more flash sale 8 sale and also there will be community choice badges and tits and elite cag will have big party of chat wildness like last night brought to u by mind link and icedragon15/tebowdragon15 corporation

[customspoiler=Yes.]Some repeats, some new. Some better prices, some worse.[/customspoiler]
no more repeats fuck repeats i meant as in same winter sale i want new sale new games my wish list yo no mroe like summer and more flash sale 8 sale and also there will be community choice badges and tits and elite cag will have big party of chat wildness like last night brought to u by mind link and icedragon15/tebowdragon15 corporation

I passed on tomb of adventurer last sale, but 59 cents is cheap as hell. Might pick that up this time.

There are also single player outfits. Some were preorder bonuses and some were just released as DLC. At 19 cents each I might grab those.
Which ones are SP? I was under the impression they were all Multiplayer exclusive.

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Which ones are SP? I was under the impression they were all Multiplayer exclusive.
Tomb of the Lost Adventurer = sp tomb

Demolition, Mountaineer, Sure-Shot, Hunter, Aviatrix, Guerilla = sp skins

Animal Instinct, Headshot Reticule, Agility Skill, Pistol Burst, Pistol Silencer = early unlocks

All the rest is multiplayer

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I have a worthless degree in advertising. I'd gamble the email wasn't proactively leaked, but that the Valve dudes wrote the email under the wise assumption that, through word of mouth, the Fall sales would be said to be "just as good" as Winter.
Or the flip-side, and the Winter sale is considered just as bad as the Autumn one.

Tomb of the Lost Adventurer = sp tomb

Demolition, Mountaineer, Sure-Shot, Hunter, Aviatrix, Guerilla = sp skins

Animal Instinct, Headshot Reticule, Agility Skill, Pistol Burst, Pistol Silencer = early unlocks

All the rest is multiplayer
Thanks Hal, I see you have a time of 1:56:65 in the Intel Grid 2 thing. The sweet spot for "fastest" times seem to be 2:46:00 to 2:47:00. Their sorting code is jacked up, and you have to make 5 mistakes to inflate your time on each picture finding setup (assuming 3 times) to force that time.Good Luck.

Thanks Hal, I see you have a time of 1:56:65 in the Intel Grid 2 thing. The sweet spot for "fastest" times seem to be 2:46:00 to 2:47:00. Their sorting code is jacked up, and you have to make 5 mistakes to inflate your time on each picture finding setup (assuming 3 times) to force that time.Good Luck.
Actually it's a lot more lenient than that. I got 3:21 today and won another key. I wasn't even trying, my browser screwed up which increased my time. So you could win a key if your time is past 3 minutes.
Actually it's a lot more lenient than that. I got 3:21 today and won another key. I wasn't even trying, my browser screwed up which increased my time. So you could win a key if your time is past 3 minutes.

What do I need to do for you to get that key?
Just as an FYI, Tony confirmed that the Amazon $5 EC coupons won't be usable until January 4th -- AFTER the Steam sale ends.

Just as an FYI, Tony confirmed that the Amazon $5 EC coupons won't be usable until January 4th -- AFTER the Steam sale ends.

Anybody Else getting the "You've already played today" on the Grid 2 Giveaway? I haven't played in over a week, got my hopes up that I won, checked email and cried a little on the inside.  Not sure what's going on.

Little help?

I want to buy Star Trek from Gamestop / Impulse (currently priced at $3.74), but their site really hates me and won't let me buy the game. If anyone could please buy it for me, I'll reimburse you via gifted PayPal immediately.

Edit: Neuro5i5 for the save. Thanks dude.

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Thanks Hal, I see you have a time of 1:56:65 in the Intel Grid 2 thing. The sweet spot for "fastest" times seem to be 2:46:00 to 2:47:00. Their sorting code is jacked up, and you have to make 5 mistakes to inflate your time on each picture finding setup (assuming 3 times) to force that time.Good Luck.
So it's not about being fast completing the race? that's just weird, and I was getting excited about making 1:15...

Just as an FYI, Tony confirmed that the Amazon $5 EC coupons won't be usable until January 4th -- AFTER the Steam sale ends.
While that's true, that still doesn't prevent the possibility of them price matching Steam's Daily Deals in Dec. for a chance at more EC credits.

BTW, Spooder, if you happen to get another key, I'd appreciate it.

Amazon is having The Secret World for $9.99 as Lightning Deal. MS Store also has the boxed version for the same price and free shipping.
Hmm, did the boxed version come with anything to put it over the digital version?, maps?, art?, pretty pictures in the manual? I loved the art in the manuals of the older Warcraft games, anything? I imagine you still have to load 37 gigs from the bluray to your HD even with the disc, so other than the price if you can't score the digital, is there anything that makes the boxed version preferable?

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[quote name="spoderman" post="11311709" timestamp="1386025192"]
You can't.. I won it for Detruire.[/quote]

How can I thumbs down a post?

Edit: stole this from spoder in the amazon thread:

On a more serious note, what do I have to do to get you to win one for me? :D
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Hmm, did the boxed version come with anything to put it over the digital version?, maps?, art?, pretty pictures in the manual? I loved the art in the manuals of the older Warcraft games, anything? I imagine you still have to load 37 gigs from the bluray to your HD even with the disc, so other than the price if you can't score the digital, is there anything that makes the boxed version preferable?
I am not sure what are the contents inside the box but I guess some people may prefer to have a physical copy of it.

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I have the DA:O UE on xbox 360, is there really any reason to pick up the PC version? Mods? I do plan to play it at least 2 more times.
I just traded in my DA:O UE to gamestop today actually...planning on getting it on PC, because this is a game where PC is undoubtedly the best version, and not just for typical PC reasons. Yes, obviously graphics are better on PC, and yes, there are mods (some of which add content, some of which are for graphics, etc), but apparently the gameplay is best, too. You may want to just google for comparisons, but this a game where you definitely want it on pc.

BTW, gamestop gave me 11 bucks ins tore credit for it, I believe - so it's not one of those games where you trade it in and they give you 15 cents. Got Demon's Souls.

Realized I had Dragon Age 1 on Origin, but not with all the DLC. Of course it would be cheaper to rebuy it all on Steam than get just Awakenings from Origin. Looks like I'm double-dipping.

DA:O looked like shit on PS3. It looks much better on PC, so yeah I would say it's worth buying for PC. I don't know how the 360 version compares though.

Oooo. Thanks for the link. Look like im going to pick it up. Anyone know about any cool mods?

I only know of the topless mod for Morrigan. It's the only mod I needed.
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