Things you miss form your childhood?

[quote name='the3rdkey']Having no interest in girls![/quote]

:rofl: So they still run away screaming when you wanna talk to them?
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']The belief that you were judged on your merits and not your connections.
The feeling of being indestructable and that death was so far away.
The feeling that days lasted forever and now they seem like they fly by.
Captain Kangaroo.
Star Wars was a good thing and didn't represent the very definition of greed in all forms.[/quote]Honestly, while I could write a big post about lots of sad stuff, that is the thing I'm noticing most in recent times.

Days go by, weeks go by, months go by, and suddenly years seem to have disappeared. Frankly, I hate it.
Besides lots of things already mentioned, I miss the local mall arcade. It was in the mall for 16 years and it was always a hangout for me and my friends and I had 2 birthday parties there (you got to the mall an hour before it opened and the arcade was open for you and your guests only and all games were on free play for that hour). In 2002, the mall wouldn't re-new their lease because "they didn't think an arcade fit in with the mall's new image" and I'm still angry at the mall since then.
The cartoon shows. Today's cartoon shows don't even come close to ones like "David the Gnome" or "King Arthur and the Knights of Justice.":cool:
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']I used to love David the Gnome, but I'll bet it really did suck.[/quote]No way. That show was awesome!
[quote name='Ma12kez']No way. That show was awesome![/quote]

What I meant to say was...

It was the best show ever and I'm starting a petition to bring it back!
God this is really depressing me! Haha, Strell's post really hit me. I mean, I can't honestly relate since I'm still in my childhood home, but I can understand the feeling. Part about Earthbound put a big smile on my face, who wouldn't want that to happen?

Almost everything posted so far I remember. I miss waking up on weekends and instantly remembering about that game I rented, and I would be feeled with so much damn joy, it was amazing. Life is so pointless right now, it blows. I never, ever know how I'm going to get through the day in terms of entertainment. I can't just park myself in front of a TV or random game, my mind wanders.

I admit that I currently have no real responsibilites, no real job and still doing basic classes in community college. I'm still very afraid of giving up any ounce of childhood/freedom I have left.

Overall, I miss the total abscene of fear. So much worrying about fending for myself, being alone, these things really scare me. Never was this a problem growing up.
lets see

-Coming home after school to watch great shows like transformers, gi joe, thundercats, knight rider, ateam and so on during the 80's... in the 90's it was Batman:TAS, and the disney afternoon shows :p

-getting grounded for getting into trouble :p
One thing that I miss that is more of an attack on culture is that when I was a kid, trick or treating was a huge, multiple-hour affair. We wouldn't start until it was pitch black (normally 6:30 or so) and didn't stop until 10-11 at night.

Now kids start at about 4 in the afternoon in broad daylight and are done by 6 or so. Half of them barely have costumes, and the ones that do generally just have a mask or something.

It's a total abortion of what the holiday used to be.

And even as I lament that, my dad tells me when he was a kid, they'd literally stay out all night, and the city buses would run them to different neighborhoods for free, and they'd get tons of phat lewt.

That sucks for kids. I want to take my kids around for hours and hours of the night, when it gets so dark that you sort of develop that hyperized paranoia that maybe there are ghosts and monsters out there in the neighborhoods, but you're smiling and having fun in the midst of that kind of hysteria.

That is why Halloween is the coolest holiday there is. Just that suspicion that anything could happen, that it's that much darker, that everything is that much creepier, etc.

I miss that. And kids today have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.
Let me twist this topic a little bit: you know what else I miss about childhood? How different gaming used to be.

About eight or nine years ago, before I had the internet, you know what happened when I got stuck on a game? My parents wouldn't let me call a $1.50 per minute line, so I didn't get help there. We had no internet, so I couldn't look up a FAQ. Chances are none of my friends knew the answer, so I couldn't go to them. You know what I did? I stuck with it and dinked around!

Have you played Breath of Fire II? It's an RPG. When you're on the world map the lead character in your party can do a "special" move. You get this monkey guy, for instance. In the game, there are these poles sticking out of the ground. If you have the monkey, you can press "Y" when you're standing next to it, and it allows you to reach across gaps. I once rented Breath of Fire II and I was at a point in the game but I didn't know people had those map powers. So I was stuck. Stuck for days and days. Eventually, my rental ran out and I had to bring it back. I remember re-renting it, and was able to resume my progress when I finally accidently hit "Y" while standing next to that thing.

I rented A Link to the Past countless times. The game can be beaten in an afternoon -- probably just around 4 hours or so. Well how was it that I would go complete rentals without even getting to the "Dark World," or whatever the hell it was called? It's 'cause back then, games were more of an adventure.

It's like I can't play a game now without having surprises spoiled for me. Even if I don't read FAQs, I like to post on message boards of a particular game when I really like it. You know what always inevitably happens? I have stuff spoiled for me. "Spoiler" is arbitrary. A lot of people don't consider little secrets spoilers. I do!

Not to mention that when you're stuck in a game, it's so tempting to look at an online resource for help. We didn't have that luxury back in the day, and I think we were better off, for that reason...

Or renting games, more on that: I used to rent games like crazy. Probably three a month (considering I only rented on weekends, usually, that's saying a lot). I tried out oh-so-many different games. Back in the day, I didn't rent games because of ads I saw on TV, trailers I saw played or hype surrounding a game. You know how I picked them? The box. If they were intriguing enough, I'd give it a rental.

And more on renting: remember how when you'd rent an RPG and have to bring it back, you were always worried someone would play on / delete your file!? Can anyone else relate to that? It was almost like an unwritten rule of renting that you never deleted the "best" file -- eg: the one with the most hours.

God, I could go on all day!
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']
And more on renting: remember how when you'd rent an RPG and have to bring it back, you were always worried someone would play on / delete your file!? Can anyone else relate to that? It was almost like an unwritten rule of renting that you never deleted the "best" file -- eg: the one with the most hours.

God, I could go on all day![/quote]Hahaha, so true.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']And more on renting: remember how when you'd rent an RPG and have to bring it back, you were always worried someone would play on / delete your file!? Can anyone else relate to that? It was almost like an unwritten rule of renting that you never deleted the "best" file -- eg: the one with the most hours.[/quote]

Haha, I remember that. Goldeneye was a big one... I remember times when I would cross my fingers when renting Goldenye in hopes that I would get one with one or more files with like everything unlocked, cheats, levels, everything. :lol:
What would you do, recess, legends of the hidden temple, Doug, Pete and Pete, Rocko's Modern Life, Wild n crazy kids....The list goes on.
Growing up is a bummer no doubt, but it also has it's advantages:
  • Job = Money: I love my job, so I get paid to do something I love to do.
  • Getting married: I don't need to divulge the benefits of co-habitation...or the pitfalls...;)
  • Having children: There is nothing in this world better than coming home and having your children yelling "DADDY!!!" and jumping into your arms.
Sure there are responsibilites and constraints, but it doesn't hurt anyone to struggle just a little bit. It makes you appreciate what you DO have.

The saddest part about it, and somebody posted it earlier, it goes by so damn quick. That's what really sucks!
[quote name='guinaevere']
I miss having my Daddy around.[/QUOTE]

Your post made me cry a little. I miss my own parents so much, they are not gone yet but are getting up there in age and Im 1500 miles away. I moved pretty young to take a job in the North East and I think its something Ill always regret. Now my health is too poor for me to travel and I have no idea when I will see them again.
[quote name='ITDEFX']lets see

-Coming home after school to watch great shows like transformers, gi joe, thundercats, knight rider, ateam and so on during the 80's... in the 90's it was Batman:TAS, and the disney afternoon shows :p

-getting grounded for getting into trouble :p[/QUOTE] I never watched any of those 80's shows, and I didn't start watching Batman:TAS until sophomore or junior year in high school, when it was on cartoon network right after I got home. :oops: :lol:
I miss having my mind blown by *good* classic action movies. I wasn't 18, but my dad took me to see Total Recall AND Predator. He said, "Don't tell your mom."

Those were some times I remember very fondly.

I also miss (I created a thread once on CAG about this) sitting down with a huge bowl of cereal plotting out my entire morning from 6:30am - 11:30am. 9am-10am was when you had some tough decisions. That was effectively "prime-time" for kids. (when "In the News" would come on and signify the end of the morning cartoons). This might sound odd to you younger CAG's that didnt experience the one-day-a-week mega thrill of Saturday Morning Cartoons but this weekly event certainly qualifies as one of the BEST parts of my youth.

And I should also throw a special mention out for, of course, the holidays which had more meaning for me when I was a kid - and hopefully that meaning will return when I have a family. Was there anything more exciting that trying SO HARD to go to sleep Christmas eve... wondering what G.I. Joe vehicle might be waiting in that big box in the corner under the tree?
i really wish i would have understood how lucky i was to have my parents paying for a place to live, food, etc. oh and back then, regardless of how bad or hard a game was, i was so much more patient and worked really hard to get through the game. now, my attention span sucks and if i keep losing or if the game's horrible, i'll stop playing immediately. there are so many games that i beat when i was younger that are now categorized as "almost impossible to beat" or whatever. shoot, now if a game is remotely hard, i never get through it because i give up on the first try. also, when i was younger, i had no problems with sitting there for hours on end trying to get one thing. for example, when there's like one of those "chances" things where you might get a high quality/rare item, i had no problem saving and re-loading the game over and over and over again until i got that item. now, i just wanna get on the rest of the damn game, hehe.
#1 - Christmas being exciting. When I had both sets of grandparents still alive, I'd have Christmas at my house in the morning, get a card with a fat check in it from the grandparents on my dad's side, then we'd all go to the house of the grandparents on my mom's side for round 2 of gifts, which was usually almost as big as round 1 and equal in quality. This was especially cool because once every few years we'd have family that is strewn about the country all there as well. It was a big house. The year I got an NES was insane, I got the NES at my house, went to the grandparents house and got Pro Wrestling as a second game, plus my older cousins brought down Metroid, among other games. My older cousin wanted to "show me Metroid," and of course he ended up playing through the entire game in one sitting without dying.

Now it seems like I always end up showing people where to get stuff for the best price (inherent CAGness I guess) so I always know what I'm going to get, and I never really want that much to begin with. Yes, this point has a lot of greed to it, but so what? It's fucking Christmas. Kids are supposed to be greedy on Christmas.

#2 - The days being longer. That is, working makes the days fly by (not that it means they are exciting, it just means there is rarely any time to do anything you WANT to do)

#3 - No internet. As much as I like it, I often wish it wasn't around. Too much of the little free-time I do have is wasted.

#4 - "Quitting" video games. This one is more recent (around '96 or so...mid-high school), but after the Genesis phased out I was no longer interested in video games. For some reason a few years later when they had the 3-pack-in games for Saturn deal, I asked for it for Christmas and got it. A year later I bought a refurb PS1. I wasn't able to quit again after that. I'd be a rich man if I didn't play games.
This is such a depressing thread...

I miss Ecto-cooler...that Hi-C Ghostbusters themed drink.

Also, not worrying about grades, jobs, girlfriends, and having a brother in rehab are all things that I could go back to doing without.
I miss renting games too. I did follow the magazines (EGM, Video Games & Computer Enterainment, Gamepro, Nintendo Power) but alot of time I would choose a rental game just by the box. And if there was something I really wanted to play, trying to chase it down was half the fun. My mom wouldnt mind shuttling me all over town to look for a game (especially if it was one she wanted to try too). And EVERYWHERE had NES game rentals. Hell, there was an old Sonic drive thru that had been converted into a bait/tackle/seafood place called The Boiling Point and THEY rented out NES games. It was the only place in town to get Legacy of the Wizard...

The magic of Christmas. Forget about sleeping that night. I usually stayed up REAL late (like 4 in the morning) and helped wrap presents last minute, and my mom and I would just sit up and drink hot cocoa, decorate cookies that were baked earlier in the day, watch holiday videos on VH1 and CMT and just stare at the tree and ornaments and talk about past holidays... it was always so serene, so special.. a hush that was simply perfect. Then of course, sleeping for a couple of hours and awaking to a tree bursting with presents and dad coming home from work around 8am after doing his special Christmas radio show and then wed open everything. He would make cinnamon rolls and we'd just sit around and chat before starting preparations for the holiday dinner and arrival of the rest of the relatives... it was a ritual. And one that I miss terribly.

I miss the family get togethers and the sense of no fear. Nothing was ever too big or too horrible. Mom and dad could make everything right again. And now with everything gone wrong and being so far away, there is no one left to save me. Its sad.
I miss the black & white 13" television my dad gave me when I was a kid. The R/F Connector in the back was so trashed that I had to use ducktape, a lollipop stick & speaker wire just so I could play Ghosts & Goblins.

Yea, I'd like to have that TV again so I could smash it over my dads head.

I'd like to thank my dad for the ghetto upbringing, for letting me open my Nintendo Entertainment System on December 25th 1985 & for making me wait until the next day so I could connect it for no apparent reason. Not that I would dare question why I couldn't plug it into the TV immediately, since my dad would've strangled me with the controller cable. I'd like to thank him for giving me the look of death everytime he would see me gaming but most of all, I'd like to thank him for teaching me to be the exact opposite of him.
I miss WWF ice cream bars. They had some kind of soft breaded goodness on one side with an outline of a wrestler & each box included a wrestler card!
Everyone being there in the same neighborhood and in the same city/state/country...

Seems like for me (I know most people have a few friends that move away) as soon as I became "best friends" with that person, he or she moved away, it must have happened like that to me with right at 10 to 12 people... that sucked
Heres one nobody's probably thought of. The days before everyone you knew had a cell phone. Back in the day when you had to call somebody's house to see if they were home to hang out, and when you knew all your best friends phone numbers by heart. Hell, I don't think I know one friends number now without my cell.
[quote name='Tateros']I miss the black & white 13" television my dad gave me when I was a kid. The R/F Connector in the back was so trashed that I had to use ducktape, a lollipop stick & speaker wire just so I could play Ghosts & Goblins.

Yea, I'd like to have that TV again so I could smash it over my dads head.

I'd like to thank my dad for the ghetto upbringing, for letting me open my Nintendo Entertainment System on December 25th 1985 & for making me wait until the next day so I could connect it for no apparent reason. Not that I would dare question why I couldn't plug it into the TV immediately, since my dad would've strangled me with the controller cable. I'd like to thank him for giving me the look of death everytime he would see me gaming but most of all, I'd like to thank him for teaching me to be the exact opposite of him.[/QUOTE]

I think you need some help son.
Watching a block of cartoons on Saturday mornings, talking to friends about them, and getting the FOX! Kids magazines in the mail.
[quote name='Deiji']getting the FOX! Kids magazines in the mail.[/quote]:rofl:Man, I remember those! I was cleaning out my closet recently and I stumbled upon one of the issues (as well as my "Highlights" magazine/books). It had the original Power Rangers and Bobby's World on it. Good times, good times..
Thanksgiving - It seems that as I've gotten older, it's become too difficult to get the family together for a nice Thanksgiving meal. Last year, we didn't even cook a full turkey, just a turkey breast in some gravy. I'll always remember when I was a kid, sitting out on my swing set on Thanksgiving day (After the parade, of course), and smelling the turkeys cooking through the whole neighborhood. And, of course, it was also the day I beat Wizards and Warriors for the first time, just in time for dinner. It's become my own personal tradition to beat the game every Thanksgiving.

Christmas - You can never really recapture the feel of a childhood Christmas. That overwhelming urge to get to sleep so that Santa would come just a little sooner. The amazement of coming out to the tree in the morning and seeing presents that weren't there in the morning. My mom would always try to make something special, like a treasure hunt for my first bike. Then, after a small Christmas breakfast, everyone but me would lie down for a nap, and I'd have the house to myself to enjoy my Christmas swag. Sometimes it didn't work out so well, like the year I broke my new Inspector Gadget figure within a few hours.
I miss enjoying the holidays...
Things I miss from my childhood? Not giving a fuck about anything, watching ECW on Philly public access, oh and not giving a fuck.
Afternoon cartoons while doing the homework. Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats, MASK, and Robotech. Good times every afternoon before playing war outside.
[quote name='MadFlava']Afternoon cartoons while doing the homework. Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats, MASK, and Robotech. Good times every afternoon before playing war outside.[/quote]

I never really bought into Mask being "The Ultimate Illusion!"... I mean, they had stickers/paintjob on the side that said.... "MASK"...

I remember what a fucking secret we thought we stumbled on (i think it might have even been public access tv) with Robotech... people DIED in that show.. no parachutes.. this was HUGE. nobody died in cartoons ever! not even duke in the g.i. joe movie (though he was supposed to).

and then one day robotech wasn't on the air any more.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']I never really bought into Mask being "The Ultimate Illusion!"... I mean, they had stickers/paintjob on the side that said.... "MASK"...

I remember what a fucking secret we thought we stumbled on (i think it might have even been public access tv) with Robotech... people DIED in that show.. no parachutes.. this was HUGE. nobody died in cartoons ever! not even duke in the g.i. joe movie (though he was supposed to).

and then one day robotech wasn't on the air any more.[/quote]

I miss that show... :cry:
[quote name='BlueWingX']Thanksgiving - It seems that as I've gotten older, it's become too difficult to get the family together for a nice Thanksgiving meal. Last year, we didn't even cook a full turkey, just a turkey breast in some gravy. I'll always remember when I was a kid, sitting out on my swing set on Thanksgiving day (After the parade, of course), and smelling the turkeys cooking through the whole neighborhood. And, of course, it was also the day I beat Wizards and Warriors for the first time, just in time for dinner. It's become my own personal tradition to beat the game every Thanksgiving.

Christmas - You can never really recapture the feel of a childhood Christmas. That overwhelming urge to get to sleep so that Santa would come just a little sooner. The amazement of coming out to the tree in the morning and seeing presents that weren't there in the morning. My mom would always try to make something special, like a treasure hunt for my first bike. Then, after a small Christmas breakfast, everyone but me would lie down for a nap, and I'd have the house to myself to enjoy my Christmas swag. Sometimes it didn't work out so well, like the year I broke my new Inspector Gadget figure within a few hours.
I miss enjoying the holidays...[/QUOTE]

You know, I'm with you. The holidays aren't the same when you get older. But, I've found that you actually can still have some of the holiday magic, if your willing to work for it (and no, I'm not saying to go out and volunteer, though it's nice if you want to).

Like, for Christmas, one of the magical things for me was always getting that new toy (or video game) that I wanted all year. That's what made that Christmas anticipation great. So, now, I do the same thing. So, for instance, I want FFXII. I've been looking forward to it for awhile now. I picked it up today in one of the deals for a good price. Instead of playing it now, I'm waiting for Christmas (my parents send me money to buy gifts anyway, so I'll just consider this from them). That way, Christmas will be special. It won't be the surprise, but the anticipation of being able to play the game helps keep some of the magic. It isn't the same, but it's as close as you can get in your 20's.

Thanksgiving is the same as other holidays. Sometimes, like you do, you have to have a personal tradition. Mine, every year I watch the parade, and it's the first time of the year that I have egg nog (love the stuff). I also only have it from Thanksgiving to New Years, then I finish off the carton I have, and it's waiting for Thanksgivng.

The big thing is that you have to have the willpower to wait for stuff. You can't half-ass it either. You have to hold to your traditions rock solid, even when it hurts a bit, because the payoffs are worth it.

I think holidays is one of the few things you can try to hold on to from childhood, at least to some degree.
A family.........................

Cartoons, Comics, Video Games, Toys and everything else is just trash........
[quote name='guinaevere']I think he fancied I'd be my generations' Ayn Rand. (I've sorely disappointed him there. *tears*) At the moment his confidence in me and his support of me to be more than just a pretty face, but a person of substance... that didn't hit me consciously. Years later, I've seen how it meant more to me than anything I could explain.[/quote]

It's never too late, to be what you could of been.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']It's never too late, to be what you could of been.[/quote]

Unless your parents wanted you to be straight instead of gay. Then that's a whole new ballpark.
[quote name='Strell']Etc, etc...........You can never go back home.[/quote]

I know you dont care for me much, and my views of nintendo... but that story was the best story I've ever read on CAG.

You're awesome, and you should be a writer. Thats all.
[quote name='Strell']For a while I started a new game of Earthbound at Thanksgiving.

I might have to ressurect that tradition.[/QUOTE]

That sounds fun. I haven't played Earthbound in far too long...
[quote name='coolcolt']What are some things you miss from your childhood?[/QUOTE]


Not that there isn't a bunch of quality toons out there (Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy, Camp Lazlo, Fairly Oddparents, Ed, Edd & Eddy, etc.) but I miss being able to turn on my tv and catch Rocko's Modern Life, Tiny Toons, Ren & Stimpy, AAHH! Real Monsters, Goof Troop, TailSpin and tons of other classics playing basically non-stop.

I also miss the feeling of excitement from going to new places. Even at only 19, it feels like I've already seen most of it and anytime I do go somewhere new it's just meh.

- edit [quote name='BlueWingX']
Christmas - You can never really recapture the feel of a childhood Christmas. That overwhelming urge to get to sleep so that Santa would come just a little sooner. The amazement of coming out to the tree in the morning and seeing presents that weren't there in the morning. My mom would always try to make something special, like a treasure hunt for my first bike. Then, after a small Christmas breakfast, everyone but me would lie down for a nap, and I'd have the house to myself to enjoy my Christmas swag. Sometimes it didn't work out so well, like the year I broke my new Inspector Gadget figure within a few hours.
I miss enjoying the holidays...[/QUOTE]

This too, except replace breakfast with Little Debbies from our stockings.

I get horribly depressed when Christmas rolls around especially when I'm around people who are enjoying Christmas the way I wish I could.

Thank god for liquor.
mr. t
melting bugs with a magnifiy glass
zelda/mario cereal yum yum yum
riding a bike everywhere you went
climbing trees
school! work sucks
bread's done