Trade 4, get 1 (PS2/GC/PSP/DS). Trade 2, get 1 (360). Sam Goody/FYE/etc. Dead?- YMMV


179 (100%)
Stopped in my local Sam Goody today and saw this deal there.

Xbox360- Trade in any 2 360 games and get a new 360 game for free.
PS2/Xbox/GC/PSP/DS- Trade in any 4 games and get a new game for free.

Restrictions: Can't mix and match (ie- trade 2 PS2 games and 2 Xbox games and you can't trade 4 Xbox games and get a PS2 game). New game must be 39.99 or less (44.99 or less for 360). Anything that trades in for a penny in their system is ineligible (any sports 2003 or before + a few other titles).

End date: Sept 10th (but some places are honoring it til the end of September)

Notes: The lady mentioned that this was good at all sister stores (Wherehouse, Strawberries, FYE, Coconuts, etc.). Even if your particular store doesn't carry used games, they will still accept them and then transfer them to other stores.

Since there are basically no restrictions, you should be able to bring in any 4 crap games and get a brand new game for them. I will try and answer any questions as best I can. Have at it and enjoy it while it lasts.

PS- I found (and tested) this at the Sam Goody at the Parkway Plaza mall in El Cajon.
Next time, find the games you want and THEN put your trade-ins on the counter. When I went this afternoon, I went to the store and picked out the 3 games I wanted. After I had the employee hold the items for me, I went out to my car and brought in my trades. It works much better that way.
:D I got to order Okami today at FYE. The guy workin put a note on the slip saying they will honor the deal even if the deal is over with by the time it comes in.
[quote name='ihzer0']It says original UPC code, though. Though, the code does match the one that's on the shrink wrap.[/QUOTE]

I just checked the price tag and the numbers match. Could there be a ten spot in my future?
[quote name='bstan21']Independence Center. I love the Werehouse on Noland/40....gotten some good deals there lately.[/QUOTE]

Samgoody in Independence Center is Pretty PISSED me off today. I accepted 24 DvD's out 32 DVD but i have to get 6 DVD's exactly $26.99 (no more, no less or even is onsale). I told them i'll pay extra $$$ but they rejected me for good. I drove down Warehousemusic by 40 hwy Noland Road and trade-in 32 DVDs for 8 DVD's box set and pay extra $31.XX :)

PS. Also, warehousemusic accepted all DVD's w/o Bar code or even slight scratch on the Disc ;)
[quote name='Masterkyo']Samgoody in Independence Center is Pretty PISSED me off today. I accepted 24 DvD's out 32 DVD but i have to get 6 DVD's exactly $26.99 (no more, no less or even is onsale). I told them i'll pay extra $$$ but they rejected me for good. I drove down Warehousemusic by 40 hwy Noland Road and trade-in 32 DVDs for 8 DVD's box set and pay extra $31.XX :)

PS. Also, warehousemusic accepted all DVD's w/o Bar code or even slight scratch on the Disc ;)[/QUOTE]

...awesome? No clue what is going on here.
Huh. I had a strange experience last night.

I went to a FYE near me that I hadn't been to before and they've added an interesting twist to the trade-in deal. All DVDs/Games must have at least a trade-in value of $3 to qualify. Of course, out of the 16 games/DVDs that I brought in, 2 of them `qualified,' making the trip a giant waste of time.

After that I headed to the local Wherehouse music and got a great deal! Not only did they take all the Games/DVDs, the girl at the counter read the deal as 2 `Xbox' games for a new `Xbox' game (including a full price 360 game). Luckily I had 2 with me! Also, I didn't even notice at the time, but she also took a $0.01 game (Primal). Needless to say, I hope that she dosen't get into trouble for doing it; I wonder how carefully they scrutinize the trade-in reciepts?
At my Fye the guy didn't even look for scratches. He was working alone and seemed kind of new. This is the first B&m deal I have landed in ages
[quote name='CaptPete']Also, I didn't even notice at the time, but she also took a $0.01 game (Primal). Needless to say, I hope that she dosen't get into trouble for doing it; I wonder how carefully they scrutinize the trade-in reciepts?[/quote]

Oh, there are gonna be some pissed off manager's come the end of this sale. I would even go as far as selling the parent company's stock off right before the earnings reports come out! Then again, for everyone that's gotten the super hook-up from this deal, there seems to be a couple pissed off people that got shot down at every place they've been.
[quote name='depascal22']Oh, there are gonna be some pissed off manager's come the end of this sale. I would even go as far as selling the parent company's stock off right before the earnings reports come out! Then again, for everyone that's gotten the super hook-up from this deal, there seems to be a couple pissed off people that got shot down at every place they've been.[/quote]

I don't even know how FYE stays afloat in the first place. They sell things at MSRP 99% of the time.
I went and traded in 12 more games at another FYE today and walked out with Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins
Loco Roco

Best part about this deal was the fact I had just bought all my games from gamecrazy earlier for a total of $40, So nice little turn around.
[quote name='trunks982']im thinking about trading in:

Red Faction 2
Pikmin 2
LotR the Two Towers
Madden 03

will these work?[/quote]

I think the definitive answer is that there is no definitive answer
[quote name='trunks982']im thinking about trading in:

Red Faction 2
Pikmin 2
LotR the Two Towers
Madden 03

will these work?[/quote]

You would really have to go in, but I know for a fact that madden 03 will not work, and Pikmin 2 should work since I saw someone at a coconuts trade it in towards the deal.
Brought in:

Max Payne 2-Xbox
Max Payne 2-PS2
I think Jampack Vol. 14-PS2

At first the girl wouldn't take the Jampack but then she realized it rang up for more than the other three games. She let me pay the difference on Yakuza, and woohoo!
People in the Spokane Northtown Mall must have thought I was up to something really seedy. First, Gamestop wondered what the hell I was doing buying 4 copies of the same game.
Then, the clerk at Sam Goody (who happened to be a large and very intimidating woman) thought I was up to something illegal, and refused to take four copies of Max Payne 2. She did, however, take 2 copies along with 2 copies of Powerdrome. Hitman:Bloodmoney, you are mine. And, tomarrow, I will try to return you for store credit to get that matrix boxed set. :whistle2:D Stay in your shrinkwrap, my child, your time has not come yet.
Lol, bit of a horror story with this stuff, but I still got an amazing deal.

So 2 days ago I took 11 PS2 games and 2 GC games to trade in. The GC one's were $2 ea. at Kmart, and I spent $24.80 on the other 11 PS2 games. I bought some new Max Payne 2's, XIII, and 7 older sports games (figured I'd give it a try). The 2 GC ones worked, the three MP2's worked, XIII worked, and 2 other sports games worked (Madden 05, which was $1.99 I think, and another one...), and the other 5 PS2 sports games didn't work.

I got Dirge of Cerberus and Madden 07 (To trade in). So today, I head to a different FYE to see if I can trade Madden 07 for store credit, and whaddaya know, the only guy there was the SAME DUDE who rang up my previous deals. At this different FYE. I pretended I was just looking around, said hi, and got outta there. I'l just trade in Madden 07 with 2 other games at EB, lol....

But since I still had those 5 sports games, the dude at EB let me get a refund for them. I got $12 back. Whee! So I got Dirge, plus appx. $35 bucks to EB (from Madden + 2 games) for around $15. w00000000000000t.

Anyway, I think I'll try again (at another different FYE) with another XIII, MP2, and whatnot. whee.
[quote name='nicholas01']Definatly YMMV on this deal...

I had a copy of Kameo, and a copy of PDZ. I wanted Saints Row. Since I'm in San Diego, I went to the Sam Goody's in Mission Valley, after calling ahead, and the manager there took a look at the sign, and interpreted it as meaning "trade in two games, and use the money towards a purchase of a new one." Essentially, no real deal, as my games were worth $25. So, I headed to another Sam Goody's, downtown. There, after about 30 minutes of the manager looking for the paperwork and trying to figure out how to do the deal, he rang in the trade in values of each game at 29.99 and 30.00 respectively, so I got Saint's Row for the price of tax, around $5.00.

It was a hassle to ride around and do this, but given the right employees, they'll let you get a $60.00 360 game for two old ones. I suggest calling ahead, and making sure that they know about the deal, and that they'll honor it. At both places, I was the first one to try the deal, hence all the confusion.

BTW, I know I should have gotten Dead Rising instead, or another game that THQ hasn't released region free that's available for $40.00 on Play Asia, but I wanted Saint's Row yesterday; I'm happy with my decision, so don't hassle me on that note.[/quote]

You're in San Diego, too? Good thing you checked for me. I'm gonna check the Sam Goody at UTC tomorrow at my lunch. I've been wanting Saints Row so if this works I might pick up that and maybe a couple others.
[quote name='Nobi-Wan']You're in San Diego, too? Good thing you checked for me. I'm gonna check the Sam Goody at UTC tomorrow at my lunch. I've been wanting Saints Row so if this works I might pick up that and maybe a couple others.[/quote]

Another no go at Mission Valley. Going to Sam Goody @ Parkway to pick up Dirge, Yakuza, Madden 07, and Tiger Woods 07.
[quote name='Nobi-Wan']You're in San Diego, too? Good thing you checked for me. I'm gonna check the Sam Goody at UTC tomorrow at my lunch. I've been wanting Saints Row so if this works I might pick up that and maybe a couple others.[/quote]

The is no Sam Goody at UTC. They went out of business a few months ago when a whole hoard of Sam Goody's were closing down at once. The only places that this deal is good at, as far as I've learned, are as follows (in the San Diego area):
Sam Goody in Parkway Plaza
Sam Goody in Fashion Valley (kind of)
Wherehouse in Del Mar
Wherehouse in El Cajon (but only for the DVD's... no games)
[quote name='Nealocus123']Almost positive it's the 10th.[/QUOTE]

At the wherehouse music that I went to, I saw the sheet they had that told them how to do the deal and it said it ran until the 10th. It was their labor day trade-in promotion.
[quote name='Warner1281']The is no Sam Goody at UTC. They went out of business a few months ago when a whole hoard of Sam Goody's were closing down at once. The only places that this deal is good at, as far as I've learned, are as follows (in the San Diego area):
Sam Goody in Parkway Plaza
Sam Goody in Fashion Valley (kind of)
Wherehouse in Del Mar
Wherehouse in El Cajon (but only for the DVD's... no games)[/quote]
Dude that SUCKS. They were the closest one to me and they still have them listed in Yahoo's yellow pages. Thanks for saving me a trip.
Well, I did this. How many people actually got a 360 game for free? I went to Comp USA and picked up the NBA Live 06 and NHL 2K6. They were 14.98 (marked 19.99 though) plus had a red star 25% off for being clearance (ending in .98). Then I traded them in at FYE and they showed me the "back" of the sign which states you can get any 360 game up to 44.99. He was nice though and said I could pay the difference which I did to get Enchanted Arms. However, I still paid about $42 after all was said and done. So I saved $25 bucks which is nice. But I could get the game used for 39.99 (if still in stock) so I don't feel like it's as nice as deal as it would have been for just the cost of the cheaper games. Anyway, I added one to the RPG collection so that was cool.
[quote name='KABUKISTAR']In Spokane, they've been telling me it's ending today. I can't help but wonder if I had somehthing to do with that decision.[/quote]

Another Spokompton CAGer! I am heading over to Northtown today after class to get some sweet games... hopefully it works!
[quote name='captmurphy']Another Spokompton CAGer! I am heading over to Northtown today after class to get some sweet games... hopefully it works![/quote]
Good luck! The Gamestop on the second story had 9 copies of Max Payne 2, when I left there last night, so go there, if you need some cheep PS2 fodder.

Also, if you get the same clerk as me, she probably wont let you trade in more than 1 of the same game. Good luck!
[quote name='Nutts']Well, I did this. How many people actually got a 360 game for free? I went to Comp USA and picked up the NBA Live 06 and NHL 2K6. They were 14.98 (marked 19.99 though) plus had a red star 25% off for being clearance (ending in .98). Then I traded them in at FYE and they showed me the "back" of the sign which states you can get any 360 game up to 44.99. He was nice though and said I could pay the difference which I did to get Enchanted Arms. However, I still paid about $42 after all was said and done. So I saved $25 bucks which is nice. But I could get the game used for 39.99 (if still in stock) so I don't feel like it's as nice as deal as it would have been for just the cost of the cheaper games. Anyway, I added one to the RPG collection so that was cool.[/QUOTE]I got lucky and the clerk couldn't find the exclusions or details after studying his printouts so I got Madden and Ridge Racer 6 knocked up to $30 credit each and paid the tax on Saint's Row. I'm tempted to try College Hoops + NHL to get Dead Rising for $30 but it's not really worth the trouble since I can probably do a straight trade with Saint's Row after I'm done with it.
It might be ending today because some store will not do trade in on weekend.

Also it seems to me the employee are making their own policy. Today at they told me the game has to be $39.99 and uner, but i want charged tax.

Trade in
Hitman 2
GT 3
for Loco Roco

They didnt take May Payne 2 cause they got too many copies
Traded in 8 games yesterday. I told the guy that I didn't see anything I wanted and asked if I could get store credit instead. He was cool and gave me $80 in credit for the games.

I have a hard time getting a game like KH2 knowing that I will be able to get it for $10-15 eventually. So I may try and return KH2. Has anyone been able to return a game with a receipt that shows the trade-ins and a trade-in adjustment on it? My receipt with KH2 has an adjustment of around $44...

I think I will use the credit to get a black DS lite.
did anyone ever tried trading the SEGAGT/JGR FUTURE xbox game in 1? they have a bunch of these at GS/EB for $1.99. also, anyone has a list of $1.99 and up games to pick up at GS/EB? i would appreciate it! thanks
This deal is awesome. I went to EB and picked up 2 copies of Madden 06 for the 360 and used my Edge card to get them both for $29. The Wherehouse I went to didn't have any copies of Saints Row so I called their Sam Goody store affiliate and they had 5 copies in stock. Now I have Saints Row for $29.

Best. Deal. Ever.
[quote name='espy605']Brought in:

Max Payne 2-Xbox
Max Payne 2-PS2
I think Jampack Vol. 14-PS2

At first the girl wouldn't take the Jampack but then she realized it rang up for more than the other three games. She let me pay the difference on Yakuza, and woohoo![/QUOTE]

I'll have to definetely recommend Jampack V14! It's got $3 trade-in value and the clerk never even looked at it twice. Not a bad way to pad out your trades if you need an extra.
Nice. Know what's sad? I traded in 2 power-dromes ($2 each) a couple days ago, and the next day, I saw them on sale at Sam Goody for $20 each.

Say, does anyone have a link to Sam Goody's return policy? I want to see if I can trade in Bloodmoney for something I actually want.
[quote name='Nutts']Well, I did this. How many people actually got a 360 game for free? I went to Comp USA and picked up the NBA Live 06 and NHL 2K6. They were 14.98 (marked 19.99 though) plus had a red star 25% off for being clearance (ending in .98). Then I traded them in at FYE and they showed me the "back" of the sign which states you can get any 360 game up to 44.99. He was nice though and said I could pay the difference which I did to get Enchanted Arms. However, I still paid about $42 after all was said and done. So I saved $25 bucks which is nice. But I could get the game used for 39.99 (if still in stock) so I don't feel like it's as nice as deal as it would have been for just the cost of the cheaper games. Anyway, I added one to the RPG collection so that was cool.[/QUOTE]

I cleaned crap out of my collection and didn't have to buy anything. Which I thik e this a better deal for me
I'm confused about the restrictions no mix and matches? So I can't trade in for ex:

2 PS2, 2 GC or 2 Xbox and 2 PSP games and get one PS2 game for free?
[quote name='CaoPi']I'm confused about the restrictions no mix and matches? So I can't trade in for ex:

2 PS2, 2 GC or 2 Xbox and 2 PSP games and get one PS2 game for free?[/QUOTE]

Depends on your store. =) The three stores that I've been to have all had different restrictions:

FYE #1: no Xbox games (not mentioned on flyer), games must be in system and > $0.01. Can't mix and match trade-ins (4 from same system); didn't seem to have a problem getting a game for a different system, although I never tried it. Had to pay tax (although strangely enough, the game was adjusted _down_ in price to the trade-in values, so I paid tax on that, making it a bit cheaper). Set up a `suspended transaction' at the trade-in desk, then finished at the front.

FYE #2: games must be in system and > $3 trade-in. Would mix and match and didn't seem to have a problem with Xbox games. Gave the new game value + tax on a gift card at the trade-in desk, then let you take it up front to pay (got lucky on this allows you to use the Backstage Pass and get 10% off! It also gives you a reciept that dosen't have any mention of it being a trade-in).

Wherehouse: Xbox games were fine; needed to be in system and > $0.01. No problem changing systems or getting used game instead. Also were fine with getting any game, even up to $49.99 (or $59.99 for Xbox 360). Transaction done completely at the `front desk', since they that is their trade-in desk. Also didn't have to pay tax.
This deal is very YMMV. You'll even get different responses depending on who's working at the desk. It really all depends on how the people choose to interpret the signs or how lazy/incompetent they are.
I had a great clerk at FYE..he couldnt take my penny worth DVDs and games and he held me to the price restrictions, but some of the DVDs and games with scratches and smudges, he would closely inspect and wipe them clean as best as he could..took everything questionable and went through it all with some pretty good patience.

In all, I had 14 DVDs he took. So I got to trade 12 for 3 new ones, and he bumped up the remaining 2 DVDs to 6.75 each, so I still got a deal on them. I traded in the following:

Friends Vol2 - Scratched up DVD I got for free.
Neverending Story II - Son's DVD that he hated
Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Got it free from a store promo
Christmas Story - Old version. I have the newer one.
The Cell - Wife's crappy DVD
Ravenous - Paid a few bucks for this one
Robin Hood - Paid a few bucks for this one
Man on the Moon - Paid full price for when originally came out, but is worthless now
Legionnaire - Paid a few bucks for this one
Happy Gilmore - Paid a few bucks for this one
Friday Night Lights - Paid 5 bucks for
Seabiscuit - Got for free from a buddy
Open Range - Got for free from my dad
Reservoir Dogs - Old, original release. I have the better one now.

He took the following games:

Tiger Woods 03 - GC
Powerdrome Racing - PS2
Metal Gear Solid 2 - PS2
The Getaway - PS2

They wouldnt take XBox games, but they were giving 7.50 credit for Madden 06 on Xbox, so I took that in addition.

All said, I got 142 bucks in credit.

I got the following:

Loco Roco - PSP - $40
Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 5 - $35
Tripping the Rift Season 2 - $30
Reno 911 Season 3 - $27
Da Ali G Show Season 2 - $30
FYE Backstage Card - $25, but I got to take 10% off what I got. :D

All in told, I paid about a 30 dollar difference at FYE. Not bad for all that.
Traded Rise of Kasai, Indigo Prophecy, Red Dead Revolver, DBZ Budakai 3
Got Yakuza

Traded Socom, SW: Battlefront 2, Psychonauts, Splinter Cell
Got Hitman: Blood Money
just came back from a coconuts empty handed. brought them 16 games and only wanted to take 4. i bought 13 cheap games at gamestop, took all the stickers out but forgot to take the ones that are on the back on some of them. so this lady gave them back to me. no offence but it seems like if its a lesbian-like woman behind the counter ringing them up it seems like they are the most strict. same damn thing happen at the FYE i posted earlier on this thread, also a lesbian. very weird.

anyways this deal is ending on monday, so anyone whos planning on doing this better do it soon. this corporation seems to have a quick-change of policy every time you visit a different store. this deal is really YMMV, BIG TIME! but if you are able to pull it off, its a sweet thing! i got Street Fighter Alpha Collection for games i bought at EB for $8.

just to help anyone who plans to do this, here are the games i found they are willing to take:

Max Payne 2 ($1.49 !!!!)
Max Payne 1 ($1.99)
Madden 2003 ($1.99)
Madden 2004 ($2.99)
Madden 2005 (i think its $2.99 also)
Mad Maestro ($3.99)
Gran Turismo 3 ($4.99)
NFL2k5 ($4.99)
MLB 2005 (cant remember which one atm, $4.99)
LOTR: FOTR ($4.99)
LOTR: TT ($4.99)
Onimusha ($2.99)

good luck, and remember to take the stickers from the back, the lady's reason for not taking them is because "they're already used".
keep in mind after they got a certain number of copies, they cant take any more.

traded in
Max Payne 1
Powerdrome Racing
Jampack Vol. 14

tried to get Yakuza but they wont let me so i got Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Picked up NBA 06 and NHL 06 for $11.98 each at COMPUSA
traded for Dead Raising.

Then Did the same at the local Gamestop for two 14.99 games NFL, and NHL
for Prey the Collectors box set.

Next traded four PS2 2002-03 sports games for the New Spy hunter game.
Well its a mixed bag but I made out like a bandit!!!

Attempt 1 - This was 2 days ago and I was told all 6 of my games were scratched up.

Attempt 2 - I hit up EBgames right next door and bought 16 games and I made the clerk let me check the condition of each game (i know, lame, but the employee was awesome and I bought him 2 preorders to help him out for the troubles). Every single game I bought was 1.99-3.99 and all were old sports games or old crap games in general. Went right next door. Nice old clerk took every single game with no hassles and I simply went to the front and grabbed whatever new game under 44.99 I wanted. I grabbed Madden and Tekken for PSP and Madden and Dance Factory for PS2. So I scored about 160 dollars worth of games for a cool 40ish bux. Not bad!

Attempt 3 - Went back to a different EBgames, picked up 12 more cheapy titles for 1.99ish and hit up a FYE in the mall. Guy was real nice again and same with the EB employee (who I threw a trade in for his trouble as well). He told me I couldnt mix and match at first. Then I told him the other FYE let me grab whatever I wanted. Guy then said its at our discrestion but then was so nice he said to grab whatever you want an we'll work it out. So I brought up another Dance Factory and Tekken PSP (this was a mall store so selection sucked compared to the super store) and he said ok. I will either sell these on ebay or try and bring one back to get NHL 07 when it comes out on the 12th. I didnt get a 3rd game at the time because of the crap selection but I told him to take whatever 8 games would he rather have sitting on his shelves... he thought that was generous. So no hassles after searching for scratchless cheap games.

So all in all made out like a bandit. Will actually go again until the sale ends. Fun deal for us.
bread's done