Trading PS4, Wii U and 3ds games. Also selling Canon Rebel with lots of accessories.

[quote name='buffdrew84'] cant be that expensive, it was only 5 bucks for the 360 version[/QUOTE]

I looked it up it's only $1.98 for PC on Amazon :lol: Is that the only game that's playable cross platform!? I tried to look it up and it only showed Shadowrun, Uno, and Halo 2 and since I seem to remember that Halo 2 doesn't have online support anymore...
no problem, ive been having problems with my xbox since i traded for a hard drive. the green power light turns on but it wont start up most of the time. im sure its connected right im just not sure why its not working.....oh well i guess ill try again
[quote name='buffdrew84']no problem, ive been having problems with my xbox since i traded for a hard drive. the green power light turns on but it wont start up most of the time. im sure its connected right im just not sure why its not working.....oh well i guess ill try again[/QUOTE]


That sucks, so have you been able to figure out why your xbox was having problems?
[quote name='OldSchool77']Bump...

That sucks, so have you been able to figure out why your xbox was having problems?[/QUOTE]

it works perfectily without the hard drive i got in a trade. there has to be something wrong with that. i already let the guy know and he says he has a spare one so ill probably get that.
[quote name='buffdrew84']it works perfectily without the hard drive i got in a trade. there has to be something wrong with that. i already let the guy know and he says he has a spare one so ill probably get that.[/QUOTE]

That's cool, do you have the option to format those hard drives?
bread's done