Trading PS4, Wii U and 3ds games. Also selling Canon Rebel with lots of accessories.


yeah, got to mission 6 and decided to jump in mp. wasnt as fun as i expected. i was getting meleed once and shot and i was getting killed. i would melee people twice and shoot, and i die the second they melee me. i hope i like call of duty better (never tried either that or halo online before, more than a few matches). the campaign is phenomenal. i love this universe, but playing infection 8 times in a row SUCKS. i cant pick my loadouts fast enough (and cant tell what they are by the little pic-except the ones ive used in campaign). theres no brief description of how to play each type of game, so it sucks if you are a newcomer. i could go on and on, but ive took up enough of your thread space complaining.

ive added you on both systems, so just accept or shoot one back like you said on psn. im very decent at games, so i wont hold you back. like 8-0 people on my friends list are playing Reach every time i get on, but they've all got 5-6 people in their party (and im not the type to ASK if i can join in). so yeah, we can definitely do some multiplayer (im getting the hang of it now) OR co-op on campaign anytime. i wouldnt mind replaying any mission, but i dont want to jump ahead of where i am in the story. next ive gotta go finish halo3, lol.
yeah they are red. your shield recharges, but the little bars can be refilled only by health packs. some are kinda hidden-you gotta search around after a big fight. there arent any in the midst of fights sometimes, so ill just run back to where there was more than one and use it. campaign is harder on normal than the other halos' campaigns (say MANY of the reviewers i know). most on my friends list are reviewers, so by the time i get a game, they are already tired of it. my real life friends are ALL married (and games are OFF LIMITS, lol). they sneak to my house to play. i got tired of footing the bill so i only have 1 controller for all current gen systems. i tell them they can play all they want if they bring a controller (heck, im unemployed and they have jobs).

did you get my friend request on either console? accept my 360 one and we can play co op, or some multiplayer (definitely tomorrow, maybe tonight, but i got lots to do as of right now).

edit: aww that sucks....i took too long typing that or else i could've bumped it for you (that was my intention). sorry.
i found the medpacks, i was still on the first mission and they werent "introduced" yet. i havent been on live or psn in the last day or two. ill likely be back on sunday and we can play. ive been married almost 5 years now and my wife knew i was a gamer before we got married. lol.

I tried to add you on Live but I haven't checked to see if it worked yet because I caught a head cold the next day:cry: I'm glad to hear that several people have been saying that Reach is good, now if only it would come out on PC ;)
[quote name='buffdrew84']ive been sick myself and havent been on live. reach is awesome though[/QUOTE]


I'm finally getting better but It seems that several people I know were sick this past week. I went last Friday to see the new Resident Evil 3D movie and I actually thought that it was pretty good, it could have been the cold medicine though :lol:
[quote name='buffdrew84']Ill wait for dvd on that one. Im finally back at work from strep throat. It sucked![/QUOTE]


I had strep throat seven times, thankfully I haven't had it in years now. Did you ever trade for Other M? Let me know what you think of it ;)
havent had any luck getting other m now. i traded a boaload of my games into gamestop, which they were doing the trade 3 get an extra 10 bucks trade 5 get 20 deal. so my list dwindled a bit. im really wanting nba 2k11 now. Im in s fla and a biiiiiiig heat fan so i want to use them with lebron/wade/bosh online against people.
[quote name='twztid13']bump

i love the dolphins and the heat (cant stand the texas teams just because so many annoying people here LOVE them).[/QUOTE]

ive lived in so fla my whole life so im a huge fan down here. the heat are going to be too awesome this year.
[quote name='buffdrew84']havent had any luck getting other m now. i traded a boaload of my games into gamestop, which they were doing the trade 3 get an extra 10 bucks trade 5 get 20 deal. so my list dwindled a bit. im really wanting nba 2k11 now. Im in s fla and a biiiiiiig heat fan so i want to use them with lebron/wade/bosh online against people.[/QUOTE]

After I finish Other M I can lend it to you if you want to try it out, I can already tell that it will be a game I won't play again after I beat it. I'm not into basketball too much but I have a friend who wants 2k11 since he's a Lakers fan ;)
bread's done