Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

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well i just got 6 game sets and 7 faceplates in the mail, mailman came to the door with a large garbage bad full of the packages lol.


[quote name='tahoesnowboarder']UPDATE!!!!- hey everyone, i think they caught on to everyone. i tried playing the game today, and now they send the 48 codes to your registered email address. dont know if this is also true for prizes yet.[/quote]
NO! I just went into the site to generate some 48hr trial codes for a friend and got the the same message that they would send the codes out to my registered email address within 6 weeks!?!?!?!?! fuck I wish I would have written some of my codes down before!

I would be interested to find out what happens now if you win a prize.

UPDATE - oh man, I just went into the site to test it out again and won 100ms points my 1st try. It does give you the code immediately, just like before. I wonder if its still the same with the faceplates and game packs? Anyone???
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']NO! I just went into the site to generate some 48hr trial codes for a friend and got the the same message that they would send the codes out to my registered email address within 6 weeks!?!?!?!?! fuck I wish I would have written some of my codes down before!

I would be interested to find out what happens now if you win a prize.

UPDATE - oh man, I just went into the site to test it out again and won 100ms points my 1st try. It does give you the code immediately, just like before. I wonder if its still the same with the faceplates and game packs? Anyone???[/quote] yeah i just won a faceplace and its the same as before
Some people are really greedy, this contest wasn't meant for one person to win 6 Game Packs your the reason I won only 100 points within 2500 entries. All I wanted was to win one game pack all I came away with was a Faceplate given to me by WZ, and 100 MS Points.
[quote name='Krohboy']Some people are really greedy, this contest wasn't meant for one person to win 6 Game Packs your the reason I won only 100 points within 2500 entries. All I wanted was to win one game pack all I came away with was a Faceplate given to me by WZ, and 100 MS Points.[/quote]there is no rule about winning more than one thing. and everyone on here played that much so if you dont like it then leave it alone. 6 game sets out of 4500 isnt shit
[quote name='Krohboy']Some people are really greedy, this contest wasn't meant for one person to win 6 Game Packs your the reason I won only 100 points within 2500 entries. All I wanted was to win one game pack all I came away with was a Faceplate given to me by WZ, and 100 MS Points.[/quote]

cry me a river. im sick of the people coming on here crying because they didnt win anything. You know what its not our fault you were late to the party and missed out.
[quote name='mikebz28']cry me a river. im sick of the people coming on here crying because they didnt win anything. You know what its not our fault you were late to the party and missed out.[/quote]
Or maybe it's just that they aren't greedy.
really the only people to blame are the ones behind this flawed contest...if anybody has any issues they should probably complain to the people in charge...

i for one am pleased to have gotten my 1 gamepack and 1 faceplate...but if i did know for sure that these prizes would be sent out i am sure i would have played alot more then i did

i am shocked that it took this long for them to finally fix the problem...but of course its too late

edit...mistook a couple of posts regarding the codes being sent to email address as a fix...guess it was only for the 48 hour codes
[quote name='jennyfur']I've only played once a day with my real email address. Even I've won 100 MS pts. already.[/QUOTE]
I won 100 points also playing once a day with my real email addy.

[quote name='Jedi1979']really the only people to blame are the ones behind this flawed contest...if anybody has any issues they should probably complain to the people in charge...

i for one am pleased to have gotten my 1 gamepack and 1 faceplate...but if i did know for sure that these prizes would be sent out i am sure i would have played alot more then i did

i am shocked that it took this long for them to finally fix the problem...but of course its too late[/QUOTE]
I love this excuse and it always makes me laugh. It is the American way to always blame someone else.
I gave up after winning my first game pack just because it wasn't worth it to me to spend time doing this crap after that. If someone wants to do it because they have nothing better to do or whatever, more power to them...anyone else here could have done the exact same thing. It's up to those who create the contest to make it more secure/less exploitable (says the man who has a contest running right now himself, see sig).
[quote name='Krohboy']Some people are really greedy, this contest wasn't meant for one person to win 6 Game Packs your the reason I won only 100 points within 2500 entries. All I wanted was to win one game pack all I came away with was a Faceplate given to me by WZ, and 100 MS Points.[/quote]
I can't speak for anybody, but I assume the people who won multiple times weren't trying per se to win multiple items -- just the big Xbox package which is all right to want.
[quote name='pentapenguin']I can't speak for anybody, but I assume the people who won multiple times weren't trying per se to win multiple items -- just the big Xbox package which is all right to want.[/quote]

That's half true..although I'll admit I wanted to win as many game packages as I could as well.
[quote name='spoo']I won 100 points also playing once a day with my real email addy.

I love this excuse and it always makes me laugh. It is the American way to always blame someone else.[/quote]

its not an excuse...its the truth
you know that annoying guy from youtube.....

Originally Posted by shaggyj
ok, are u that annoying kid from youtube,,. really if you are man you really got owned by some folks! lol anyways if your not just say so,... by the way,.. xbox 360 is better!
aiight home slice... (your avatar) is stoooopid

yo dis is chadwarden higga. fuck u son i aint gettin owned by no people the hell r u talkin about. and xbox 360 man? sheet, we aint tryin to play no geometry :roll: wanna no who da only higgas that play that shit r? gay higgas. n dat makes u a gay higga. u just jealous u can't afford one. $600 aint sheet to chadwarden.

my avatar man? sheet that sheet is slick, black. higga dat sheet is BALLIN!!

- chad

see his (censored video) also i had to edit some words, just thought you would like a laugh
[quote name='nyj1218']i have not won anything but 48 hour codes. ive entered like 200 times now[/quote]

I won a forza and a few ms points in the last couple days. I really think the prizes are about dried up though.
[quote name='WZ_Man']I have 1 forza code, free faceplate codes, 48hr trial codes, and some MS Points for sale/trade. PM me if you need anything. :cool:[/quote]

[quote name='WZ_Man']I have 1 forza code, free faceplate codes, 48hr trial codes, and some MS Points for sale/trade. PM me if you need anything. :cool:[/quote]
Pm'ed about forza XD
now since it says the 6 week thing? will it send it to you in six week and how come it gives me the same acess code everytime? do i need to make a new account everytime to get a diff 48 hr code?
[quote name='romaniandudeisbk']now since it says the 6 week thing? will it send it to you in six week and how come it gives me the same acess code everytime? do i need to make a new account everytime to get a diff 48 hr code?[/quote]

Yes, you do need to make a new account and a email account to receive them now. That's the free code,(no purchase code) everybody has won with that code.
I still have 4 forza game packs(trading/selling for 1,600 m$ points) still available and 1 face plate. Pm me if you're interest, of course first pm gets the face plate.
[quote name='artimus_black']ha romanian... Sounds like you got caught... Just keep making new accounts. That's what I did.[/quote]

yea lol im so pissed i only managed to find out about this enough to get 1 code right then and there, the 2nd day i go on and it starts not working then 3rd day the 6-week thing. o well i'll still get it eventually. wish i knew about it from the beginning, read alot people won prizes.
Got my faceplate in the mail today. What a POS. I'm going to be stripping it and painting it with something custom.

BTW - I made a test XBL account and of the 5 or so 48hr codes I tried from a few weeks back, none were valid.
[quote name='sp00ge']Got my faceplate in the mail today. What a POS. I'm going to be stripping it and painting it with something custom.

BTW - I made a test XBL account and of the 5 or so 48hr codes I tried from a few weeks back, none were valid.[/quote]

that's because the codes repeated. I've seen the same 48 hours code multiple times.
I didn't get in on the abusing of this game, anybody have any extra copies of things they don't want? I only entered this legitly :,(
FYI: For those interested (could be YMMV)

Forza 2 gets $35
FF2 gets $15

Starting Tuesday you can preorder Halo 3 for $50 (that is $10 off for preordering, should be at all Blockbusters)
[quote name='h2dk']FYI: For those interested (could be YMMV)

Forza 2 gets $35
FF2 gets $15

Starting Tuesday you can preorder Halo 3 for $50 (that is $10 off for preordering, should be at all Blockbusters)[/quote]

FF2 looks like a pretty good trade considering it gets around the same on ebay...too bad theres no Gamerush around me.
[quote name='nikelecious91']FF2 looks like a pretty good trade considering it gets around the same on ebay...too bad theres no Gamerush around me.[/quote]

Like I said, it doesn't have to be a Gamerush. This info was from a regular Blockbuster.
[quote name='WZ_Man']Did anyone that actually won the VIP first prize console get anything yet? Even the papers that they have to sign?[/QUOTE]

a good number of us received our papers like 2 weeks ago. it can take something like over 6 weeks for them to process our papers and send the prize
[quote name='Wario64']a good number of us received our papers like 2 weeks ago. it can take something like over 6 weeks for them to process our papers and send the prize[/quote]

How long did it take for you to get your papers?

So, nobody has actually gotten theri VIP console package yet?
[quote name='WZ_Man']How long did it take for you to get your papers?

So, nobody has actually gotten theri VIP console package yet?[/quote]

Nearly a month, just sent my papers in friday so it's going to be a while before I get my 2 Vip console packages.
[quote name='WZ_Man']How long did it take for you to get your papers?

So, nobody has actually gotten theri VIP console package yet?[/QUOTE]

well i won the vip package like the day after this thread was posted in july, so yeah about a month as killer said. but they shipped like all prizes and the papers on 1 day (about 2 weeks ago), so that's why it appeared like it took a long time to get the papers.
[quote name='Wario64']well i won the vip package like the day after this thread was posted in july, so yeah about a month as killer said. but they shipped like all prizes and the papers on 1 day (about 2 weeks ago), so that's why it appeared like it took a long time to get the papers.[/quote]

Excellent, thanks for the info!
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