UFC Undisputed 3: CAGFC - Iiit's Tiiime! CAGFC41: KNOCKOUT! (Fights due by 8/18!)

Hey Scorch I can either play tonight after Raw is over, or I can play after 10:30 PM CST tomorrow night and after 9:30 PM CST on Wednesday night.
Okay, I have a Madden game scheduled for 2:45 Pacific/5:45 Eastern. If you guys are available in the evening, then we could do our fights after my Madden game.
[quote name='Can Huntin']n8 im on your friends list lets do this tonight.[/QUOTE]

The deadline was last night...this is your first attempt at contacting me...and that's how you do it? That's not how this works, man. I've got a wife and kid. I can't just jump on my Xbox whenever the mood strikes me. If you expect to get your fights done, post in the thread or send them a private message asking when they can play. I am aware that I didn't do that for you either, but you're the new guy, who blew off the league after his first fight. Most people here are waiting on you to prove your worth.
N8 you have me on your fl i never got a message from you..... I have a scolarship to keep up with. Tbh i whooped you in the first fight i'll understand why your ducking me. I just finished a 40 page paper between lacrosse and my college im only free late at night.
[quote name='Can Huntin']N8 you have me on your fl i never got a message from you..... I have a scolarship to keep up with. Tbh i whooped you in the first fight i'll understand why your ducking me. I just finished a 40 page paper between lacrosse and my college im only free late at night.[/QUOTE]

lol...find yourself a new league fella. You could not be more wrong for this one.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']lol...find yourself a new league fella. You could not be more wrong for this one.[/QUOTE]
lol bye i guess...... you make escuse's why you cant contact me but when i have legitimate obligations im the bad guy. Im sorry If i cant check the website every day.
An old saying goes "If you cant fight run".
Are you really being serious?

You've had a week to get this fight made. It doesn't matter how busy you are or you can only play at a certain time...there are a number of ways to get in contact with anyone here...private message, message over xbox live, or just posting in here letting N8 know whens a good time to do the match.

Also keep in mind you flaked out after having one match. You didn't have a computer for a month or whatever it was...it doesn't really matter. You were let back in and asked to make sure to participate in the thread here more. So, having that against you, you would think you would want to send a message to N8 as soon as possible letting him know that your real busy and letting him know a time that would be good to do the fight. Instead, you post about the fight a day after the deadline then say its his fault for not messaging you and hes ducking you. All I can say is bravo sir...bravo.
Get over yourself bud. Like shotgun said, you already had a "strike" against you, so not even attempting to contact him its worse on you than him as he's never missed a fight yet. In fact, the only two missed fights in this league have involved you.

Nate even admitted he didn't contact you either, but again, you were the one who needed to show more effort to prove you wanted to be a part of this league. I don't think you've even attempted to schedule a fight in the past, nor posted to confirm the result of your fight, while everyone else at least done both for every fight.

It's a matter of respect for everyone else, which hasn't been shown by you. And now that you mention it, you're in college? So, you're saying the first time you flaked, you didn't have a computer, yet you're in college and couldn't find one in say a library or anything to do homework, let alone take 5 minutes to let someone know you couldn't get online? Your excuse kinda falls flat there.
[quote name='Can Huntin']lol bye i guess...... you make escuse's why you cant contact me but when i have legitimate obligations im the bad guy. Im sorry If i cant check the website every day.
An old saying goes "If you cant fight run".[/QUOTE]

Apparently, your scholarship doesn't cover logic courses does it? That's too bad. Oh well. Good luck on your 40 page paper. Reality hits you hard, bro.

My scolarship is athletic. I was trying to get the fight done, if you really wanted to fight you would have done it 1 day late. My bad for not getting it done, but real classy.

*My computer had a virus and i had to send it in to get fixed.......
[quote name='Can Huntin']My scolarship is athletic. I was trying to get the fight done, if you really wanted to fight you would have done it 1 day late. My bad for not getting it done, but real classy.

*My computer had a virus and i had to send it in to get fixed.......[/QUOTE]

Dude, did I even say I was available yesterday? I'm not going to fuck up my day just because you all of a sudden feel like posting in the thread. If you can't function like a normal human being and set up a fight in advance like everybody else in this league has been doing for two months, then you don't belong here. At this point, I don't even care if you can follow the rules. You've proven yourself to be a dipshit, and nobody in here should have to put up with that garbage. This isn't a league for douchebags.
[quote name='Can Huntin']lol bye i guess...... you make escuse's why you cant contact me but when i have legitimate obligations im the bad guy. Im sorry If i cant check the website every day.
An old saying goes "If you cant fight run".[/QUOTE]

Cool story, bro.

I wasn't on this week's card so I wasn't really keeping up with the thread. If I had I would have totally jumped in and took this fight. No training camp or nothing :D
Ok, guys! The card for CAGFC35: WARZONE is now up! I really debated on what to do all day because shotgunshine has really settled into his reign as supreme overlord of all weight classes, haha. So, I think when we have a situation like this where we have such a dominant fighter, the last thing that should be happening is forcing potential challengers to sit out a week (as Conrad Silva and Matt Domoracki just had to this past week).

Now, with Can Huntin so kindly evening up the Light Heavyweight division for us again, that one wasn't a problem. But for the Welterweights, there will be no title fight this week. Instead, we'll be looking for a #1 Contender to try to take down Troy Alvarez. If Alvarez beats the winner of that fight, then we'll have another #1 contender fight with two different fighters the week after that. What this will amount to is the champion fighting every other week.

Obviously, this only applies to divisions that are uneven, so for right now, the Heavyweight and Light Heavyweight divisions will continue as usual. I don't want to punish shotgunshine for being good. But I want to try to spark competition as well. Hopefully this will motivate somebody to up their game to the next level.

I'm also pushing the due date back a day since I've been posting the cards more often on Fridays anyway. So, fights are now due on Thursday, starting with CAGFC35 fights due by 5/3! Thanks for all the hard work, guys!
That sounds good to me. Looking forward to our fight. Im staying in this weekend so i'll be on and off today. If I see yall on i'll send a message or vice versa.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Dude, did I even say I was available yesterday? I'm not going to fuck up my day just because you all of a sudden feel like posting in the thread. If you can't function like a normal human being and set up a fight in advance like everybody else in this league has been doing for two months, then you don't belong here. At this point, I don't even care if you can follow the rules. You've proven yourself to be a dipshit, and nobody in here should have to put up with that garbage. This isn't a league for douchebags.[/QUOTE]

Hey, Im not saying I did the right I was wrong for not trying harder. For which I said sorry. But im just a little upset I saw you online 5 times and you couldnt take a 5 minute break. Im not trying to be a jerk I understand I was wrong in the scenario, im not trying to make you look bad but it was a little messed up. To be honest Im not an asshole your trying to make me out to be.

Give me another shot please I fucked up twice, Im still getting used to this whole league thing fella's I like the thing you have going and I will be on everyday to check the events. 1 more shot is all i ask if you refuse I will accept it and move on. Im a dipshit because I forgot because I had to wait a week to get in the card then forgot? Thats human. Now im sorry if i also come off to be a prick but your here with all your buds to back you up, and i look like a total asshole even though im just trying to compete.

[Edit] Dude, i wanted to get the fight in, we both were at some fault, Im agreeing to take the blame because i already had a mess up. We both could have tried harder so please dont throw me under the bus.
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I like run on sentences.

I'm available on and off all weekend. Sunday is my mom's birthday, and I think we are doing a dinner. Minus that, I should be able to be pretty flexible for the weekend.
Big Business | Ronald McDonald | Submission | 4:16 RD 5

Great fight, legitimately curious how it would have ended up had it went to the scorecard, but I made the mistake of trying too hard to get out of the bottom at the end, blew my stamina.

This is going to end up being a long video to upload so I'll let it upload overnight.
Big Business | Ronald McDonald | Sub | Round 5 at 4:16

Wow..this seriously was an epic match...moojuice fought an excellent fight...worked my body over really well which was already red in the first few minutes of the first. I couldn't get my game going at all...anytime I would try I would get tied up in the clinch or hit in the body and occassionaly front kicked in the face. I need to start changing things up... I realized im relying on too many dash punches...its fine when it works but I missed you most of the time or it was blocked. I think if this would've went to the judges I would've lost. I got a takedown then got mount and went for a last chance sub and got it. I breathed a hugh sigh of relief lol...fantastic fight man...hopefully we get to do it again soon.
Definitely a well fought fight. It could have game either way IMO as you got your fair share of work in done as well.

And don't know how I never realized it, but the fight timer isn't real time. We played nearly 5 rounds, but the video is only 16 minutes and change, including RD transitions, opening syncing, and the champion presentation.
Yeah watching again...I think it was closer then I originally thought. Still a great fight and would've been interesting to see how the judges would've had it.
[quote name='moojuice']And don't know how I never realized it, but the fight timer isn't real time. We played nearly 5 rounds, but the video is only 16 minutes and change, including RD transitions, opening syncing, and the champion presentation.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the UFC games have always been like that. That was one of the big selling points for EA MMA when it came out...that the rounds were real 5 minute rounds. Not really sure why THQ likes accelerated rounds. Maybe they figure the way most people fight, having a full 15/25 minutes available won't really matter anyway.
Matt Domoracki | Gail Pennyfeather | TKO| Round 1 at 4:25

Good fight Matt. I did a good job of using the fact that Gail is almost a foot taller than my guy to stay in low and take some body shots and stay under his big head punches.
Matt Domoracki | Gail Pennyfeather | TKO| 4:25 of Rd. 1

I think Gail needs to move up to heavyweight since he was good there and sucks at LHW.
[quote name='Matt Young']Matt Domoracki | Gail Pennyfeather | TKO| 4:25 of Rd. 1

I think Gail needs to move up to heavyweight since he was good there and sucks at LHW.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't be a bad idea. Heavyweight division needs some new blood.

What are the buttons for that takedown counter you were showing me before? Isn't it just back on the left stick and whatever kick is your back foot?
[quote name='shotgunshine']N8, you want to do our match today?[/QUOTE]

Just PM'd you. I can do it now if you're around. Or, I can do it after my Madden game at 7 PM EST...so like, 7:45'ish.

I'm feeling pretty beat, so going to take a nap now. If you're up for fighting later on though, I'm down. That, or any day after 7 PM EST during the week is cool.

Also, an update to all:
Friday, 5/4, I have my Physical Fitness Test. All words of encouragement and good thoughts are highly welcome. I've been training like a rockstar, but cardio is still my soft spot. I should be good, but extra encouragement is always appreciated. With my luck, I'll get injured the day beforehand. ;)
Pablo Garcia | Borat Sagdiyev | Sub | Round 3 at 2:36

Damn good fight with N8 even if we have to agree to disagree about my tactics...no shame in saying I was getting worked in the second round...first round I think it was more or less even but the punching in the clinch was really getting at me in the second....got too focused on worrying about that then started getting hit with other strikes...third round was probably going his way then he went for a takedown...his stamina wasen't that high and I went for a sub and got it.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wouldn't be a bad idea. Heavyweight division needs some new blood.[/QUOTE]

I'd create another light heavyweight as well so the balance wouldn't be thrown off.
[quote name='Fearia']Shotgunshine,

I'm feeling pretty beat, so going to take a nap now. If you're up for fighting later on though, I'm down. That, or any day after 7 PM EST during the week is cool.

Also, an update to all:
Friday, 5/4, I have my Physical Fitness Test. All words of encouragement and good thoughts are highly welcome. I've been training like a rockstar, but cardio is still my soft spot. I should be good, but extra encouragement is always appreciated. With my luck, I'll get injured the day beforehand. ;)

Sounds like your training hard so it shouldn't be a problem. Good luck man!
Pablo Garcia | Borat Sagdiyev | Tapout (Kimura) | 2:36 of Rd 3

All right, I guess things are going to start getting froggy around here. Obviously, I respect shotgunshine, and have appreciated how he's carried himself during his time here. But I do not respect losing a fight like this. In the 1st rd, we were trading really good, and he was definitely getting the better of me. I switched up my strategy in the 2nd rd, mixed in some clinch work, and tried to time him better. I felt like I won that round.

In the 3rd, I did my best to keep my momentum going, and felt like I was still getting the better of him on the feet. He had taken me down, but I managed to get back to my feet, and noticed my stamina was hurting. So, when I got a chance, I ducked under and took him down, so I could let my stamina refill a bit. A few seconds on his back, and he pops a kimura from full guard.

I'm sorry. That is and WILL ALWAYS be a bitch finish. I don't question his intentions because I know he's a good guy. But I have no desire to be in fights that end that way. That kind of submission is EVERYTHING that is wrong with the sub system in this series. Fighters don't lay there in full guard and just all of a sudden go "Hey, I think I'll do a submission now." What that move amounts to is an "Oh shit, I might actually lose" submission attempt. It's not realistic. And it's garbage.

As I said, shotgunshine is a good guy, and I know he meant no ill will by it. But I assure you. It's a slippery slope, and people will not continue in this league if people start pulling crap like that. In a way, it makes me want to ban subs off the back entirely just because of the fact that they're unrealistically easy to attempt. If you want to win the fight, gain a dominant position and win it. Don't puss out from your back just because you know how to click the right stick.

Video soon to come.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Pablo Garcia | Borat Sagdiyev | Tapout (Kimura) | 2:36 of Rd 3

All right, I guess things are going to start getting froggy around here. Obviously, I respect shotgunshine, and have appreciated how he's carried himself during his time here. But I do not respect losing a fight like this. In the 1st rd, we were trading really good, and he was definitely getting the better of me. I switched up my strategy in the 2nd rd, mixed in some clinch work, and tried to time him better. I felt like I won that round.

In the 3rd, I did my best to keep my momentum going, and felt like I was still getting the better of him on the feet. He had taken me down, but I managed to get back to my feet, and noticed my stamina was hurting. So, when I got a chance, I ducked under and took him down, so I could let my stamina refill a bit. A few seconds on his back, and he pops a kimura from full guard.

I'm sorry. That is and WILL ALWAYS be a bitch finish. I don't question his intentions because I know he's a good guy. But I have no desire to be in fights that end that way. That kind of submission is EVERYTHING that is wrong with the sub system in this series. Fighters don't lay there in full guard and just all of a sudden go "Hey, I think I'll do a submission now." What that move amounts to is an "Oh shit, I might actually lose" submission attempt. It's not realistic. And it's garbage.

As I said, shotgunshine is a good guy, and I know he meant no ill will by it. But I assure you. It's a slippery slope, and people will not continue in this league if people start pulling crap like that. In a way, it makes me want to ban subs off the back entirely just because of the fact that they're unrealistically easy to attempt. If you want to win the fight, gain a dominant position and win it. Don't puss out from your back just because you know how to click the right stick.

Video soon to come.[/QUOTE]

I hear you when you sent me a message saying its a 'video game sub'...I can kind of understand what your getting at...you dont see many kimuras off your back in real life. Then again, you dont see people doing the gogoplata sweep to full mount and i've had that happen to me. I hate cheesers and really didn't consider it that at all. I dont spam anything or subs but if I see a chance to go for one then im going to try it. You did an ill advised takedown, I saw your stamina was a little low, so I went for the sub... I really wasen't even sure if I was going to get it because your stamina wasen't all the way drained but I happened to get it.

So let me ask this...is it considered cheap to go for a triangle off your back or another sub? Not being a smartass here. Also, I dont know if you know this but you can block sub attempts...at least when your on top of the guy you can...you just hold the right stick back like you would normally block a transition. I'll be honest, im confused here as to why its cheesing.
[quote name='shotgunshine']I hear you when you sent me a message saying its a 'video game sub'...I can kind of understand what your getting at...you dont see many kimuras off your back in real life. Then again, you dont see people doing the gogoplata sweep to full mount and i've had that happen to me. I hate cheesers and really didn't consider it that at all. I dont spam anything or subs but if I see a chance to go for one then im going to try it. You did an ill advised takedown, I saw your stamina was a little low, so I went for the sub... I really wasen't even sure if I was going to get it because your stamina wasen't all the way drained but I happened to get it.

So let me ask this...is it considered cheap to go for a triangle off your back or another sub? Not being a smartass here. Also, I dont know if you know this but you can block sub attempts...at least when your on top of the guy you can...you just hold the right stick back like you would normally block a transition. I'll be honest, im confused here as to why its cheesing.[/QUOTE]

No, I know you're not being a smartass. As I said, it's a slippery slope because of how unrealistically easy some of those moves are to do. It's that reason that I've always hated rubber guard in this series...because it leads to exploits. There's nothing wrong with rubber guard itself, but when you can engage this inescapable submission animation just by clicking the right stick from it, it makes the entire position complete and utter garbage. I'd hate to just sweep some giant brush over ALL submissions off the back, but I don't know that there's a better way to differentiate.

I agree that some of the sweeps are ridiculous. Even the one I did to you that was like the scissor leg trip back to standing, what the hell is that? lol. I forgot I even had it because that was the first time I've pulled it off. But I'd be fine with just banning any moves that are unrealistically advantageous. We could easily just ask everybody to remove them from their CAF's moveset, and have people report if anyone uses them. But deciding what those moves are, might take some work.

And I will 100% acknowledge that you don't spam subs...and that's really the only thing that makes it a reasonable finish at all. But the fact of the matter is, at that point, you were losing the fight, you were in a disadvantageous position, and then all of a sudden, "Ooh! I win!" I probably did a shitty job trying to escape the sub, but I think it just caught me by surprise. You had me on my back earlier in the round, and I could have done the same thing (not saying I would have gotten it, but rather than trying to transition or ground sway, I could have just grabbed a kimura the second my back hit the mat. Again, slippery slope.

I'm open to suggestions and opinions on how this should be ruled on in the future, and I'd completely understand if people felt that it was "a part of the sport" (as poorly implemented as it may be). But I'll tell you with certainty, I'll lose respect for people who win like that. I say again, if you want to win the fight, dominate, and win the fight. Honestly, I thought you would have attempted a sub in one of your top positions earlier in the fight (I really expected an arm triangle when you had side control). But I'm never going to respect any "ha...I pushed a button" submissions off the back. They just reek of cheapness to me.
My thing is as long as you keep your stamina fine then your more then likely never going to get the sub anyway and your wasting your time going for it. At least if your going for it off you back.. I think there are better percentages of getting it if your on top. And if you go for a takedown, and your stamina is low, and your worried about getting subbed, then you can just hold the right stick back to block it while you let your stamina refill.

In the end its not a big deal to me.. I don't have to do any subs off my back in league matches ..none of my guys are really submission based anyway...I will admit...if I wouldn't of been losing so bad im not sure I would've 100% gone for it.... Also, I wanted to actually knee and elbow your body when I had side control to soften you up a bit before I either went for a sub or took mount but you got out of it before I could do anything.
This is going to sound insulting, and i want you to know it's not meant to be. That being said, a kimura off the back is perfectly legitimate in my book. I say this as someone who has trained bjj. The reason it's seen rarely in pro fights because it takes a blatant mistake to get caught in it.

All in all, I'd say for realism sake, if you are tired and go for a takedown, you are likely to get caught making a mistake like that in real life. Seems fair to me.

Now, if we weren't doing sim stamina and even stats... Well, then I'd understand being super pissed if you ran into a submission 100 dude pulling something like that. But late in the fight, low stamina, I can see it being perfectly legitimate. Mind you, I haven't looked at the fight yet.
[quote name='Fearia']This is going to sound insulting, and i want you to know it's not meant to be. That being said, a kimura off the back is perfectly legitimate in my book. I say this as someone who has trained bjj. The reason it's seen rarely in pro fights because it takes a blatant mistake to get caught in it.

All in all, I'd say for realism sake, if you are tired and go for a takedown, you are likely to get caught making a mistake like that in real life. Seems fair to me.

Now, if we weren't doing sim stamina and even stats... Well, then I'd understand being super pissed if you ran into a submission 100 dude pulling something like that. But late in the fight, low stamina, I can see it being perfectly legitimate. Mind you, I haven't looked at the fight yet.[/QUOTE]

Except that you're not taking into account the ease of clicking a stick. I just consider it cowardly. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. If you can't get off your back and impose your will in the fight, and want to "just win", good for you. As I said, I had opportunities to grab kimuras as well. Instead, I avoided punishment, timed my transitions, and got back to my feet. It's not like I'm arguing against submissions completely...and I'll even acknowledge that "comeback submissions" happen in MMA. But the way they're represented in this game is so half-assed, I just can't take them seriously.
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