W: Various Games

Nothing against anyone here but I really hope people can pick a specific time and stick with it. Last week some guy said his lowball was going to end at 1 and didnt end it till 3.
[quote name='Moneymaker3323']aww a bunch of angry people because i won a bunch of games and got lucky. see you all in the next lowball[/QUOTE]
wow no need to be such an asshole. You aren't as cool as you think.
[quote name='62t']Nothing against anyone here but I really hope people can pick a specific time and stick with it. Last week some guy said his lowball was going to end at 1 and didnt end it till 3.[/QUOTE]

Wow, that's awesome, I should design a two hour mega-rolling lowball like that. Ooo, and people could bid on numbers, and the game in each slot would change every ten minutes.
Not because you won the items, H4Y4TO ended it a bit after he said but you won fair and square. I am, however, serious because you're being a dick.

Edit: Wow I worded that horribly lol
[quote name='handsome_rakshas']Well Moneymaker, all I have to say is this...



Most Amazing thing i've seen all night! :cool:
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']Wow, that's awesome, I should design a two hour mega-rolling lowball like that. Ooo, and people could bid on numbers, and the game in each slot would change every ten minutes.[/QUOTE]

Sign me up! :puke:

Eh, most lowballs are already halfway there, you just have to be unscrupulous enough to exploit the way they're designed, haha.
[quote name='skinkrawl']dv8mad should get a percentage to moderate all lowballs.[/QUOTE]

I just wanna say if anything screwed up happens that involves some of my bids, I'd be willing to work with some of the other bidders to avoid sour grapes. Most of y'all on here tonight are cool people in my book, and we were all doing our thing right before we got into that jello after Midnight.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']I just wanna say if anything screwed up happens that involves some of my bids, I'd be willing to work with some of the other bidders to avoid sour grapes. Most of y'all on here tonight are cool people in my book, and we were all doing our thing right before we got into that jello after Midnight.[/QUOTE]

I like the cut of this guy's jib.
My grapes are not sour, merely righteously indignant :D Good on the olive branch, IS, I'll be interested to see who reaches out for it.
yeah, i'm willing to lose stuff when the rules fit. if indigo won that avatar, i wouldn't have complained one bit, as he is good people. but when you win after the rules have stated it's over, be humble. don't gloat, mock, or insult people.
Lowballs that end in chaos and controversy are actually kind of cute to me. It's the bitching, moaning, groaning, name-calling, and accusations that bring us closer together.

We are all lowball family.

Let's hold hands :p
[quote name='nneace']I realize lowball is over...can I nab the complete games that had no bids for $1?[/QUOTE]

PM me the ones you are interested in and we will work something out :)

[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']Moneymaker didn't snag all your stuff, he has some low bids slipped in there.[/QUOTE]

Some of his bids where even also losing bids...

[quote name='skiizim']The only reason why I like the psx version of mk trilogy over the n64 version is that it has both versions of Sub-Zero, I know there is another character like that but can't remember.

Other than that the load times are bad.... . . . . .[/QUOTE]

I also enjoyed MK Trilogy on the PSX

[quote name='aptanor']I'm feeling much better about not giving you Zombie Nation so cheap :I

Also, that's like, almost a quadruple post. The hell man?[/QUOTE]

I don't remember asking you for Zombie Nation... What is Zombie Nation anyways? lol

[quote name='aptanor']I still wanted that Zelda in box, Monkeyshines ;~;[/QUOTE]

I have another copy still, one that was not in the lowball, if you are interested let me know...
[quote name='handsome_rakshas']Lowballs that end in chaos and controversy are actually kind of cute to me. It's the bitching, moaning, groaning, name-calling, and accusations that bring us closer together.

We are all lowball family.

Let's hold hands :p[/QUOTE]

wow, I guess i should just let everyone accuse me and post a bunch of sad faces....or i could be a dick back to all the people who are running their mouth without knowing what they are talking about...seriously, and goguenator, have we ever spoken? or are you just mad i sniped the hell out of you, on this lowball and others as well. call me a dick if you want but everyone i responded to with smart ass remarks had something to say about me first.
[quote name='handsome_rakshas']Lowballs that end in chaos and controversy are actually kind of cute to me. It's the bitching, moaning, groaning, name-calling, and accusations that bring us closer together.

We are all lowball family.

Let's hold hands :p[/QUOTE]

your the most awesome person in this lowball by the way....i sniped a hell of a game from you (war song) and you were nothing but funny about it. thanks for not getting your panties in a bunch.
no one said anything about you, everyone wondered if the auction was over for ten minutes, pretty much stopping bids. then you made a ton of bids and a few seconds later, the auction was over. we simply wanted clarification from the lowballer as to what happened, if it ended at midnight, etc. all you had to do was win and be quiet, but you couldn't do that.
[quote name='integralsmatic']:grouphug:[/QUOTE]


@ Everyone else... Don't worry if you lost an item you really want; I have doubles and triples of some items that I would be willing to sell at lowball prices just let me know... ;) Lowball was not over till final post, everyone could have bids during the delay... Moneydude got lucky and ended up paying Ebay prices for most of the games he won... Also he did not win everything because some of his bids were losing bids...
hmm well, lets see, you need clarification..... clarify any lowball you have ever seen that ended BEFORE the host of the lowball said the lowball was over????....hmmmm im still thinking.............
well, you know, some people do business the right way. for some people, midnight is midnight. for some people, their word is their bond. so maybe some of us do need clarification as to why that doesn't occur.
[quote name='H4Y4TO']

I don't remember asking you for Zombie Nation... What is Zombie Nation anyways? lol

I have another copy still, one that was not in the lowball, if you are interested let me know...[/QUOTE]
Was directed at Money Maker.

And alright.
Wow that's some crazy shit. I think I won my items but who knows, someone might bid in an hour or two...LOL

And Moneymaker, you are one offensive, rude and obnoxious dude. Just saying.....
[quote name='skinkrawl']well, you know, some people do business the right way. for some people, midnight is midnight. for some people, their word is their bond. so maybe some of us do need clarification as to why that doesn't occur.[/QUOTE]

Simple reason for that.

He's greedy.
Wow, sorry that everybody got screwed here. I don't mind people waiting to bid, it is a risk. However, I hope some lowball administrators start enacting a rule in which a person has to place a bid on each item they intend to win before the last day, even the last hour. This somewhat takes away the sniping incidents and causes much more support for the lowball. Goguenator, me, Indigo Streetlight, etc. all bumped and promoted the lowball for H4Y4T0l since its beginning, and it sounds like some of them got nothing out of it.
Exactly and moneymaker, I do remember you from other lowballs and you always gotta start shit so that's why I called you a dick and you can win all you want, less money for me to spend. So have fun with that sniping, Im done talking to douchebags on cags.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Simple reason for that.

He's greedy.[/QUOTE]

I am defiantly not greedy... in fact I don't know why I am responding to you... Anyways lowball ended @ 12:10... All of you could have bid during those 10 minutes... If you think I am unfair or whatever the case may be then don't deal with me, it's as simple as that... :)

Thank you to all who participated! Invoices will be sent tomorrow...


[quote name='Agmaniacmike']Wow, sorry that everybody got screwed here. I don't mind people waiting to bid, it is a risk. However, I hope some lowball administrators start enacting a rule in which a person has to place a bid on each item they intend to win before the last day, even the last hour. This somewhat takes away the sniping incidents and causes much more support for the lowball. Goguenator, me, Indigo Streetlight, etc. all bumped and promoted the lowball for H4Y4T0l since its beginning, and it sounds like some of them got nothing out of it.[/QUOTE]

And I appreciate all of the support but realistically the last 1 hour or so is what really counts in a lowball... That is when people tend to really bid... Same thing goes for auctions and Ebay...
This was my first lowball but, sniping is common in these situations. Sniping at 12:10 is not something i expected to see however.
And a sniper talking smack like a kid on a b-ball court is just pathetic.
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[quote name='StripesOrBars']lol at angry people.

youre all dicks in my book of dicks.[/QUOTE]

you have a book of dicks?
its funny watching people talking about me talking smack, but they cant keep their mouth shut.....read the thread, I didn't open my mouth until anyone smack talked first. all you guys can keep typing away complaining about what I have to say but all your doing is the same thing I am. At least i'm not going WAHHH WAHHH WAHHHH you guys are so mean....WAHH WAHHH WAHHH you guys are dicks.... WAH WAHH WAHHHH....if you got something to say, then say it. But please don't complain about what im typing. its a little hypocritical
[quote name='StripesOrBars']lol at angry people.

youre all dicks in my big book of (big) dicks.[/QUOTE]


Never Lol'd so much on CAG in one night lol.
Here is what probably happened. OP could easily end it at 12 but want to squeeze few extra bucks and let it drag on a bit. Then he saw a post that easily an extra $20-30 and figure thats as good as any time to end it.

As for the people who are causing problems I am sure a mod will take care of it tomorrow.
bread's done