We had to import RPG Thread XII from Europe

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Started Crimson Gem Saga this morning. Standard turn based RPG that should help me burn some time while my things are packed up for the move.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Anyways, they mentioned time-travel in that article so any positive expectations for the narrative have more than disappeared for me.[/QUOTE]
hey now, great games like Chrono Trigger and great movies like Back to the Future have time travel!
[quote name='kainzero']hey now, great games like Chrono Trigger and great movies like Back to the Future have time travel![/QUOTE]
The surest way for a JRPG to set itself up for disappointment is to borrow elements from Chrono Trigger...
[quote name='Ryuukishi']The surest way for a JRPG to set itself up for disappointment is to borrow elements from Chrono Trigger...[/QUOTE]

The most recent game that I know of that had heavy influences from Chrono Trigger was Radiant Histora, which is incredibly badass.
[quote name='kainzero']Chrono Trigger[/QUOTE]
Speaking of Yuji Horii, I got my Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary gold-colored Slime sofubi today! :whee: Also some other DQ monsters and a Wanzer - http://myfigurecollection.net/picture/274771

Going to beat FFTA2 tomorrow if I'm not too tired.
I've pretty much given up on catching a red chocobo for "Rancher's Request - Red", which was the only incomplete optional quest left that's been showing up regularly in the pubs. Red chocobos are stupidly rare, as it turnes out.
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Wow, the new game reveals at the 3DS conference was pretty much a clip reel of what you'll never get to play if you're not Japanese. Square's new RPG looked fuckamazing even if it had the worst Engrish title ever.
[quote name='fwbweux']Wow, the new game reveals at the 3DS conference was pretty much a clip reel of what you'll never get to play if you're not Japanese. Square's new RPG looked fuckamazing even if it had the worst Engrish title ever.[/QUOTE]

What title is that?
You forgot the Flying Fairy part.

You said this game looked good? I don't even think I want to play a game with that title.

I would.
In case you are not excited by Four Swords



It is coming this month, and with single player mode. Best of all it is free
I've got shirts from Toys R Us and various local game/CD stores.

i think you should be fine.
rydia's not really necessary, just make sure you cure4 after each big bang and you'll be fine.

at least that's how it was in ff2snes =)

I think Zeromus is a lot harder in this version, because I was pouring on the dmg with Yang focusing (2X Dmg around 4000, with Cecil's sword hits, at about 3000, Kains jumps for 3000, and Rosa constantly healing). Her heals don't heal all the way for everybody like in SNES, and I think Zeromus has more HP.

Guess I'll have to grind. :\

Rydia is only lvl 56.
[quote name='kainzero']hey now, great games like Chrono Trigger![/QUOTE]

While this is true, and Chrono Trigger is probably my favorite game ever, even I have to admit there are a lot of time paradoxes that Chrono Trigger doesn't even attempt to deal with. Mostly centered around characters having an effect on their own pasts.

For instance (story spoilers):
If you go back as Lucca and save Lucca's mom, well what exactly should happen after that? For instance by going back in time to save her mom she never had to go back in time to save her mom, so does she remember going back in time to do that at all? Also, do all of Lucca's own memories change to represent the changes that clearly happened due to that time change, or since she was traveling through time does she not remember anything except her original memories of when she didn't save her mom?

Also, the Ocean Palace is also a huge paradox. For that we have to assume that there was one loop of the Ocean Palace that didn't involve Chrono and company or Magus (obviously he was there as Janus still) being there (which isn't too hard since according to Magus there being there had little to no effect on the outcome). But what happens after the loop where Janus (i.e. young Magus) sees his future self and also meets Chrono and company before they ever meet at Magus's castle in 600 A.D. Shouldn't this effect his knowledge of what is going to happen (i.e. his attempting to do anything at the Ocean Palace is futile) and shouldn't he also now recognize Chrono and company at Magus's Castle since he already met them?
One of Chrono Trigger's greatest strengths is that it doesn't tie itself up in knots trying to explain every little facet of the plot to death. It stays focused on the characters and moves quickly from exciting set piece to exciting set piece without giving the player a chance to slow down and think too hard. :) A common strength of SNES games over PSX games in general really.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']One of Chrono Trigger's greatest strengths is that it doesn't tie itself up in knots trying to explain every little facet of the plot to death. It stays focused on the characters and moves quickly from exciting set piece to exciting set piece without giving the player a chance to slow down and think too hard. :) A common strength of SNES games over PSX games in general really.[/QUOTE]

Oh I totally agree, it's just like whatever your going to have to take our word that this stuff works, and I didn't question it at all when I was a kid, haha. But now going back and playing the game I always wonder whether the game's plot works at all, and in general I come to the conclusion that it probably doesn't, or at the very least not in the way it's portrayed, haha. But I mean in general trying to have backwards time travel is always going to result in a plot that probably doesn't really work.

The Jak series of platformer games suffer from the same thing, in fact more so because
there is no indication that young Jak would have survived if the older Jak, that is the younger Jak who grew up in the past and then returned to the future, hadn't been there. But there had to be at least one time where somehow young Jak was able to go into the past because the first time he couldn't have saved himself. Of course saving himself at all creates an infinite loop where he is always sending himself into the past to become older so that he can go to the future to save himself and continue the cycle.

I do love time travel though, due in no small part to loving Chrono Trigger so much. Even when it doesn't make sense I still enjoy it. A really good novel if you like time travel and the paradoxes of it is The End of Eternity by Issac Asimov.
[quote name='2DMention']I think Zeromus is a lot harder in this version, because I was pouring on the dmg with Yang focusing (2X Dmg around 4000, with Cecil's sword hits, at about 3000, Kains jumps for 3000, and Rosa constantly healing). Her heals don't heal all the way for everybody like in SNES, and I think Zeromus has more HP.[/quote]
I don't think you need to heal all the way unless big bang does that much damage. You might also want to use haste or something on your caster, and don't be afraid to use items like Elixirs.

Also, don't jump with Kain unless you're trying to time it to avoid big bang; Kain does more damage doing regular attacks. And if you use spells on Zeromus he'll counter with big damage attacks too, so you might want to relegate Rydia to a healing role too.

[quote name='icebeast']While this is true, and Chrono Trigger is probably my favorite game ever, even I have to admit there are a lot of time paradoxes that Chrono Trigger doesn't even attempt to deal with.[/quote]
If you think about time paradoxes and time travel too much, it won't make sense.


It makes the movie or game that much more enjoyable.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm not sure that a title like "Bravely Default Flying Fairy" really qualifies as "English."[/QUOTE]

The individual words are English anyway. :D
[quote name='bvharris']
Certain Japanese game devs/anime producers/etc. are the equivalent of English-speaking anime fans who randomly pepper Japanese words in their conversations. That's my theory, anyway.

[quote name='kainzero']If you think about time paradoxes and time travel too much, it won't make sense.


It makes the movie or game that much more enjoyable.[/QUOTE]
that's true to an extent, though english is cool everywhere in japan as opposed to anime fans and a few people with tatoos in the west. japan just names things in english or anything based on germanic languages for no particular reason other than they think it's awesome sounding.

this is exactly how they probably sound when titling their software around some conference table


edit: holy shit we both just took something from steins;gate at the same time
[quote name='kainzero']If you think about time paradoxes and time travel too much, it won't make sense.


It makes the movie or game that much more enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

I would actually suggest it is equally or more fun to consider the impossibility of time travel (in reverse only of course, since forward time travel (for instance being frozen or put to sleep for a long period of time) only doesn't create paradoxes), but that's just me.

Like I suggested earlier, if you like time travel then The End of Eternity by Issac Asimov is a fantastic read. It actually outlines a case where time travel in forward and reverse might actually work, and then proceeds to analyze the social repercussions entailed with being able to change anything in time, as well as revealing that even in a system which seems to make time travel work there still might be the possibility for paradoxes.


Tonight I'm probably going to get back to Dragon Age II again, fairly sure I'm getting close to the end of that game now. I seriously think Dragon Age II would be one of my favorite games ever and even better than DA1 if they just had more environments, it is really sad that that one thing is what is holding it back from being a truly amazing title. I seriously love everything else about the game, the city is great and looks wonderful, the characters are fantastic, I love how the story is told; I just wish there were more than 4-5 dungeons total that get reused for the entire game (I mean they look great, but there aren't enough), because it feels so awkward to enter a different cave and have it look exactly like all the past caves you've gone to but with doors blocking a couple paths. Even with that deficiency I still love the game a lot though and I probably wouldn't put it far behind DA1 as one of my favorite games this generation.
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I don't think about Time Travel a whole lot, but if I don't want to worry about paradoxes and such, I usually just imagine an infinite number of parallel dimensions at any given instant. These are branched off of different ancestors based on whatever happened in the past, so that the whole structure is like a tree (in CS terms, or even just the basic real-life tree analogy): there's one common instant at the beginning of the universe, and then different actions cause different parallel dimensions from there, and so forth. In a book/game where someone goes back to the past and then changes something or takes some action, and then the reader/player goes "back" to the future, you just end up in a different dimension than the original one, though both still "exist." Simple.

Coincidentally enough, I just finished Braid and next on my list of games to play is the Back to the Future game from PSN. :)
[quote name='Backlash']I don't think about Time Travel a whole lot, but if I don't want to worry about paradoxes and such, I usually just imagine an infinite number of parallel dimensions at any given instant. These are branched off of different ancestors based on whatever happened in the past, so that the whole structure is like a tree (in CS terms, or even just the basic real-life tree analogy): there's one common instant at the beginning of the universe, and then different actions cause different parallel dimensions from there, and so forth. In a book/game where someone goes back to the past and then changes something or takes some action, and then the reader/player goes "back" to the future, you just end up in a different dimension than the original one, though both still "exist." Simple.[/QUOTE]

That still doesn't fix all paradoxes, for instance consider you go back in time and say for instance change something that would prevent you from going back in time in the first place, what happens to the you who time traveled? Does that parallel dimension then exist where there are now two copies of you and there is no effect on the you who time traveled but now couldn't have, or does it simply wipe out the time traveling you in which case you couldn't have possibly have existed to cause whatever change that caused the time traveling you to not exist?

Another interesting thing, is what if you go back in time to only a couple minutes before you went back in time, and each copy of you then goes back in time to the same exact point, now there are 4 copies of you, and you could continue this until there were infinite copies of you (or anything really).
[quote name='icebeast']I would actually suggest it is equally or more fun to consider the impossibility of time travel (in reverse only of course, since forward time travel (for instance being frozen or put to sleep for a long period of time) only doesn't create paradoxes), but that's just me.

Like I suggested earlier, if you like time travel then The End of Eternity by Issac Asimov is a fantastic read. It actually outlines a case where time travel in forward and reverse might actually work, and then proceeds to analyze the social repercussions entailed with being able to change anything in time, as well as revealing that even in a system which seems to make time travel work there still might be the possibility for paradoxes.[/quote]
I'll probably give that book a read, since I've been reading a lot lately.
But overall, the point of Chrono Trigger is not to scientifically analyze time travel but to use it as a means of moving the narrative forward. And the means in which it is implemented is not so far-fetched to where it's unbelievable, which makes it both a good story and a good game.

I think that's why I don't like Back to the Future 2 or 3 as much, because they attempted to add in more science that just ended up making it more confusing.
[quote name='icebeast']Tonight I'm probably going to get back to Dragon Age II again, fairly sure I'm getting close to the end of that game now. I seriously think Dragon Age II would be one of my favorite games ever and even better than DA1 if they just had more environments, it is really sad that that one thing is what is holding it back from being a truly amazing title. I seriously love everything else about the game, the city is great and looks wonderful, the characters are fantastic, I love how the story is told; I just wish there were more than 4-5 dungeons total that get reused for the entire game (I mean they look great, but there aren't enough), because it feels so awkward to enter a different cave and have it look exactly like all the past caves you've gone to but with doors blocking a couple paths. Even with that deficiency I still love the game a lot though and I probably wouldn't put it far behind DA1 as one of my favorite games this generation.[/QUOTE]
Cosign. I still prefer DA2 to DAO overall though.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I still prefer DA2 to DAO overall though.[/QUOTE]


Considering how similar our game tastes are overall, it's shocking how often I disagree with you completely. :cry:
Yeah, time travel in general just leads to paradoxes. The parallel universe thing isn't infallible, it just makes it easier to digest some stories.
Theorectically time travel is somewhat possible, just not in the sense we're used to. Time slows down near objects of large amounts of mass. Blackholes have a great amount of mass, so time goes signicantly slower the closer you are to it. If it was somehow possible to get close enough to a blackhole without being sucked in and chill out near it for 20 years then come back to earth, more time would've passed on Earth. Even though you would've aged 20 years lets say something like 40 would've passed on Earth.

Kinda gotten away form the topic but I love this kinda stuff.
[quote name='bvharris']Wha?

Considering how similar our game tastes are overall, it's shocking how often I disagree with you completely. :cry:[/QUOTE]
Yeah, Origins was just an okay game for me. I mean obviously I enjoyed it enough to play through twice and buy all the DLC and such, but it could be a really stodgy and sometimes boring game. The faster pace and more fluid, animated combat in DA2 were just what the doctor ordered IMO. I also found most of the characters in Origins pretty unappealing (bar Morrigan and Shale) but I really liked pretty much everyone in DA2.

What else do we disagree about? You think XII is the best Final Fantasy right? I mean who doesn't? ;)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']What else do we disagree about? You think XII is the best Final Fantasy right? I mean who doesn't? ;)[/QUOTE]

You're opening multiple cans of worms with this question and should probably think twice about actually asking it, hah.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']What else do we disagree about? You think XII is the best Final Fantasy right? I mean who doesn't? ;)[/QUOTE]
I can't tell if you're being serious or not :p
Time travel is possible. Just in one direction, forward. You do it each night when you put yourself to sleep. Get placed in a month long coma, travel forward a month.
i know DA2 can be played in the same manner as DAO (at least on PC), so I'm open to playing it when I have the time. DAO had some very good subplots and the combat was challenging, but it became less and less rewarding as you went on. so if any improvements have been made I hope it's in regards to loot rewards and overall character advancement. i didn't mind the characters in DAO but it's true only 2-3 actually stood out.


XII is not my favorite but I'd agree it's the most well made. for the 100th time we've had this conversation, anyways.
So in Etrian Odyssey 3 I've finally got to the point to subclass my guys.

I have a Prince and a Monk. I can see how either one would be helped by subclassing the other a Prince/Monk or Monk/Prince, but what do i do with the other one? (Ie if I subclass Monk/Prince what do I subclass Prince/?

Subclasses Hoplite with Ninja and Zodiac with Wildling. My other character is an Arbalist. Not sure what to subclass him with.
[quote name='eldergamer']So in Etrian Odyssey 3 I've finally got to the point to subclass my guys.

I have a Prince and a Monk. I can see how either one would be helped by subclassing the other a Prince/Monk or Monk/Prince, but what do i do with the other one? (Ie if I subclass Monk/Prince what do I subclass Prince/?

Subclasses Hoplite with Ninja and Zodiac with Wildling. My other character is an Arbalist. Not sure what to subclass him with.[/QUOTE]

Retire the Princes and get another DPS. Sub Gladiator or Zodiac or Buccaneer on the Arbalist.
[quote name='kainzero']i find the term "DPS" to be quite strange for a turn based game[/QUOTE]

Damage Per Sequence, duh.
Seriously though maybe it should be DPT, Damage Per Turn.
Haha, Square only releasing one game instead of a collection. They could have at least put X-2 in there, but I suppose that upscaling towns into HD is hard work.

Every time I want to buy one of these HD collections, I should just put the money in a fund to go toward a desktop PC capable of emulating upscaled PS2 games. Though I'm going to be first in line for Ico/SotC, admittedly, because they're two of my favorite games EVAR.
[quote name='blueshinra']Nothing against FFX in particular, but I'm starting to get sick of all these ports/HD remakes/whatever of previous gen games.[/QUOTE]

My shitty TV is happy, now I can play some of these HD remakes without latency issues.
Odd choice. While I love X (just finished a replay a couple months back actually) I was hoping if they were going to do any HD remakes they'd look at the PS1 games (or an HD remake of VI... :D ). Must be "HD" like the other PS3 HD collections. Just up-rezed. Doubt they'll make new assets.

Hope they continue from III and IV remakes on 3DS. V and especially VI would be pretty sweet.
[quote name='panzerfaust']only natural to see PS2 games next in line as technology improves.[/QUOTE]
Bet a dollar this is just a port of the PS2 game using the same assets. Just like Metal Gear Solid/Silent Hill/Ico/God of War/whatever else. That said, release it on 360 and I am there day 1.
[quote name='fwbweux']Haha, Square only releasing one game instead of a collection. They could have at least put X-2 in there, but I suppose that upscaling towns into HD is hard work.

Plus the more separate games they remake, the more $$$.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']That said, release it on 360 and I am there day 1.[/QUOTE]

Don't hold your breath. ;)
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