WebRidestv.com: Free Ps3/Wii/360/iphone/amazon gift cards+many more

well i missed the survey, any1 know when the next one is? sux how i let this one go by, 3000 points gone like that =[.
[quote name='jtokchain5']well i missed the survey, any1 know when the next one is? sux how i let this one go by, 3000 points gone like that =[.[/quote]
No clue, they just randomly show up in my email.
whats up with webrides i cant upload a video or look around in the forum there and by the way you can post in the forum about the second survey and tell them that you do not have your points yet
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']i still haven't got NFS:pro Street...[/QUOTE]

I emailed them 2 weeks ago about my Guitar Hero 3 that I ordered March 28, they said it would ship out that week or early the next and they would give me a tracking number. Over 2 weeks later and still no tracking number and they ignore my emails now:|
i cant complain about webrides i upload a few videos every other day or so (most not even about cars) and ppl look at the video rate it and leave messages about it and/or give friend requests so i get 3 or 4 hundred points for uploading the vids and then all the points from every one else so its a really easy site to get points and get the stuff couse i do not have to time or patience to mess with some of the free stuff sites out there like coke rewards been doing that for a year and i still dont have much to talk about from them and i go through a ton of cokes at my house
Yea this site is fairly simple to get points at. Even with the limit its not like its asking you to fill out surveys or requiring you to sign up to different services all the time. You click a few videos or upload stuff a few times a day when you have a minute, and before you know it free stuff.

I got my tracking for GHIII:D Should have it Monday. Cant beat free, whether it takes a week or month to get here.
I just ordered another GTA 4 for 360:)

There is some stuff left. Burnout Paradise is there for now and 2 of most game titles while they last.
[quote name='lilredvampy']i am still saving up for the big prize ps3 :)[/quote]

I'm doing the same for my main. My alt. I'm trying to get a PSP by the end of this year.
Are there any restrictions preventing you from simply reloading repeatedly or just clicking on one video, pressing the back button on your browser immediately, then clicking on another? Is it really this easy?
[quote name='cheapkevin']Are there any restrictions preventing you from simply reloading repeatedly or just clicking on one video, pressing the back button on your browser immediately, then clicking on another? Is it really this easy?[/QUOTE]

I dunno if that counts. You could try and see though. I just go middle click 11 videos on one account. Switch to another browser with my second account and middle click 11 there. Go back to the first account, close the tabs and then click 11 more.

Its that easy.
[quote name='cheapkevin']Are there any restrictions preventing you from simply reloading repeatedly or just clicking on one video, pressing the back button on your browser immediately, then clicking on another? Is it really this easy?[/quote]

I believe that if you click on the same video/picture in the same day that it will not register as credits. I've tried doing what you have stated, but it knows that you've clicked the link already. You can watch the same videos every day but not more than once in a day. Hopefully that made sense. But yeah what i do is just click videos and have it register as credits and close them once i get the credits. Pictures work too, I rather look at the pictures than the videos.
[quote name='samisdumm']how many days did it take u of doing daily 11 click vids to get GH3?[/quote]

well you can get 1000 points a day, and I believe guitar hero is 92k credits, so basically 92 days.
[quote name='samisdumm']how many days did it take u of doing daily 11 click vids to get GH3?[/quote]

Thing is, its not the points you should be worried about. You will have more than enough points by the time they actually end up RESTOCKING the mart lol.
[quote name='Crazyglitcher']Thing is, its not the points you should be worried about. You will have more than enough points by the time they actually end up RESTOCKING the mart lol.[/QUOTE]

Ive actually had no problem of being on when they restock. The stuff seems to stay in stock for a lot longer now (even when they only add 2 copies of each game).
Surveys will show up in your email. First however many people to do them get the points.

Yea the images dont all load up on the site now. Oh well.

You will click more then 11 videos a day, just have to do it 11 at a time or else you get that 'all your schwag points belong to us' page. So you middle click the first 11, wait a minute (or click 11 on your other account) and then do 11 more.
I don't know if this will be informative to anyone else, but I ordered the forza 2 game(that friday night they removed SM: Galaxy, and it was the only thing left), and it came in last week and, to my surprise, was a double pack of Forza and Marvel:UA. I was a little disappointed at having to settle for Forza, but now I am stoked about getting UA, because I had been wanting that game.

Just a heads-up.
hey guys, finally got an email for my lost game
[quote name='Webrides']Hi Nathan,

We did receive your game you sent back. We sent you the correct game after it was received. The game must have been lost in the mail. We are going to get our new shipment in tomorrow and we will send you a new game with confirmation from the Post Office. Sorry for the inconvenience.


I smell a restock
anybody kno anything bout the poker run contest?
i have no clue what the riddles are...lil help?...
any hints as to whena re stock happened previously?
i think it is after 5 EST, cause i havent seen one yet and im usually on here at work
They have FIVE $100 Amazon GCs in stock now. I'm still saving my points for something else, so get the GCs while you can!

They also have six $50 GCs in stock too.
They are restocked if only slightly. I managed to grab a $50 amazon gift card (as there was no GTA4). There were 4 left as of 5 minutes ago and much more in stock.

edit: And stock is back to it's "empty" state. Glad I checked first thing after work.
[quote name='matth00lt']They are restocked if only slightly. I managed to grab a $50 amazon gift card (as there was no GTA4). There were 4 left as of 5 minutes ago and much more in stock.

edit: And stock is back to it's "empty" state. Glad I checked first thing after work.[/quote]
What? That's impossible cause they took down the 50 and the 100 amazon GC's....are you sure you dont mean the 20 dollar GCs?
bread's done