WebRidestv.com: Free Ps3/Wii/360/iphone/amazon gift cards+many more

[quote name='Crazyglitcher']What? That's impossible cause they took down the 50 and the 100 amazon GC's....are you sure you dont mean the 20 dollar GCs?[/quote]
The 50 and 100 are back. I picked up a 50 while I had the chance. Time to finally get me GTA 4, even if it's a used copy.
dang it, oh well, so they update 'usually' around 5 30- 6 00 est, oh well. i guess ill just save up for the psp and hope for the best.
[quote name='chimpian']dang it, oh well, so they update 'usually' around 5 30- 6 00 est, oh well. i guess ill just save up for the psp and hope for the best.[/QUOTE]

Na. It varies. Both times I got GTA IV it was like 10 am EST. Also he says he updates 2 of every game almost daily. If thats true I would just keep checking all day when you can.
I've been checking GTA 4 every half hour the last two days. Here's hoping I can snag a copy soon, cause I'm getting tired of doing this.
[quote name='Crazyglitcher']Wow seriously? That's kick ass ^_^[/QUOTE]

Not really. They are really overpriced compared to the cost of everything else on there.
y is every1 talking about the 11 videos and then u wait a min and do another 11? i just go to a video, the page loads up, i get my 10 credits and i go straight to another. i didnt get the page where they take my credits away.
[quote name='jtokchain5']y is every1 talking about the 11 videos and then u wait a min and do another 11? i just go to a video, the page loads up, i get my 10 credits and i go straight to another. i didnt get the page where they take my credits away.[/quote]

First of all, they don't take your credit away. The page just says "DOS attack has been detected! All your credits is belong to us!" or something like that. They don't actually do it. All the page is used for is stopping the points people from automatically gaining their points in a few seconds. Second, "everyone" is talking about 11 videos because some of the people here, if not most or all, usually open tab videos to get points faster. The max you can open tab videos in a row and not get the retarded ass message (Mentioned previously) is 11 videos.
[quote name='musha666']Not really. They are really overpriced compared to the cost of everything else on there.[/quote]

But still, they at least put them back up right? Better than just 20 for more than half of what 50 used to be.
Yea, only now they screwed it up so the videos start automatically. Anyone know how to disable that? I have IE and FF to do both accounts at once and use the flash block add on for FF to stop them, is there an extension for ie that does the same?
in half the time it would have took me to get GH3 with this site i saved money to get it....
and i still have not got NFS: Pro Street...
got enough for mario kart...waiting for restock.

i emailed asking about when they'd restock it...no answer

i also emailed asking what versions of the 360/PS3 they have (description doesn't say)...no answer
[quote name='JTHuffy']got enough for mario kart...waiting for restock.

i emailed asking about when they'd restock it...no answer

i also emailed asking what versions of the 360/PS3 they have (description doesn't say)...no answer[/quote]

Well, it usually takes a while for them to respond. However, the answer to the first question is easy: "We assure you another restock is coming" lol
[quote name='JTHuffy']got enough for mario kart...waiting for restock.

i emailed asking about when they'd restock it...no answer

i also emailed asking what versions of the 360/PS3 they have (description doesn't say)...no answer[/quote]

Pfft, good luck on that. I've been sitting on 88,000 points for months and haven't gotten squat from Webrides TV.
[quote name='funknjunk']just got my gh3 xbox today ordered may 29th[/QUOTE]

good to hear. someone else reported on another site they got their wii version they ordered the same date (may 29th) and I know I ordered the ps3 version that day. That should mean mine would be here soon.
What the hell? I ordered Super Mario Galaxy on May 9th and still haven't received. I'm only gonna wait a few more days before e-mailing them about it.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']What the hell? I ordered Super Mario Galaxy on May 9th and still haven't received. I'm only gonna wait a few more days before e-mailing them about it.[/QUOTE]

Its possible theyre shipping out on a game-by-game basis. Guitar Hero first, then Grand Theft Auto, then Mario Galaxy.
But that wouldn't be a smart way to do it, though.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']What the hell? I ordered Super Mario Galaxy on May 9th and still haven't received. I'm only gonna wait a few more days before e-mailing them about it.[/quote]

That's not that long.. Here is what I got when I emailed them on 5/16..

[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']"Your order was received on 4/11/2008 and we received your address on 5/9/2008, so it’s been 4 weeks.[/FONT]

[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']We ask you allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your item, thanks.[/FONT]


[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']The funny thing is I emailed them to tell them I never even got a request for my adress and yet somehow they received it a month after my order. Its now over 9 weeks since my order was placed..and nothing.[/FONT]
Any idea around what time they restock?

I know the days are randomized, but there has to be a reasonable time frame between the hours of X and Y they do it right?
I e-mailed them about my situation. Got a response yesterday telling me that they were getting in their games today, and that they would be sending me my game via USPS. Also, they haven't restocked what I've wanted in a long time. It's getting annoying having to check the damn thing every day.
[quote name='Foladar']Between 9am and 9pm would probably be the safe hours, but more then likely between the hours of 2pm and 9pm.[/QUOTE]

The last two times I got stuff from them it was around 10-11 AM EST. And I dont know how much validity there is to this, but rance said he restocks the games almost every day.
[quote name='musha666']The last two times I got stuff from them it was around 10-11 AM EST. And I dont know how much validity there is to this, but rance said he restocks the games almost every day.[/QUOTE]

I call bs on the almost every day restocks, I saw that post too. Someone would be posting here atleast every other time on a restock (or on "other" sites) and nobody else sees it either. Maybe every other week, but not every day.
I'm with Foladar. He definitely doesn't add a new game every day. If that were the case then I would already have what I wanted. Still sitting on points. But I'm sure they know that they can make people wait as long as they want, since they want to use the points.
[quote name='Greg_Is_God']Dude Thank you so much!!!! Seriously I've been trying to get a 360 for maybe a year now omg i can't thank you enough!!!!![/quote]

.....what? So did you get it? I don't really understand your post...
[quote name='Shady3011']What is this, the dating thread?[/QUOTE]

That would explain where this rash came from...

I wish these people actually had their products in stock when they update the schwag page. They had GTA IV up before it came out and they had it shipped out in 2 weeks. I ordered on May 20th and May 29th and still dont have it. Guess its time to bug them again to see where it is.
bread's done