What time is your bed time?


13 (100%)

2am gotta be at work at 7:30am, and yes I am always fucken late even though its a 5 min drive from my house lol.
School nights? Usually 12-1230.
Weekends? Whenever I'm tired from partying.
edit. I voted "1 am", cuz I usually watch the first 20 mins of Conan before I crash, and it comes on at 12:07 here.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Whenever I decide it to be. Last night it was about 5AM.[/QUOTE] Same here. I'm going to try for a bit before 5 tonight though.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Where's the "I don't have one" option? I go to sleep whenever I get tired at night.[/QUOTE]

fight crime at night would be your answer lol
What is the diffrence between night time and daytime? All I know is that I have nothing to insert into during noght time and I have no job to go to in the daytime. Ether way next week will be break and I do not have to go anywhere at all. Until January. So as you can all guess I stroke myself to sleep on what is left of my futon supporting my back with pillows. Why sleep at all when the human body does not need sleep but love, warmth, and companionship...Then the stinking money that is worth mixilpop.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']What is the diffrence between night time and daytime? All I know is that I have nothing to insert into during noght time and I have no job to go to in the daytime. Ether way next week will be break and I do not have to go anywhere at all. Until January. So as you can all guess I stroke myself to sleep on what is left of my futon supporting my back with pillows. Why sleep at all when the human body does not need sleep but love, warmth, and companionship...Then the stinking money that is worth mixilpop.[/QUOTE]

That's the first time I've ever laughed out loud at a Regalsin post. Something I told myself I would never do.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']That's the first time I've ever laughed out loud at a Regalsin post. Something I told myself I would never do.[/QUOTE]
I just want to know what a mixilpop is...
It ranges from 11pm to 2 am depending on the night (and what I'm doing the next morning) but I would consider myself a night owl. Going to bed at 11:00 is early, 12:30 - 1:00 am is usual for a week night, 1:30 to 2:00 am is about right for Friday night (especially if I'm gaming before bed), 11:30 to midnight for Saturday (I get up at 7:00 for church on Sunday morning).
1:30-2:00, get up at 8:15. I wish I could function on less. I get a good second wind at night...it's like my mind opens up completely and I get more focused than I am at any point during the day.
[quote name='ITDEFX']fight crime at night would be your answer lol[/quote]
I do sleep, so none of them fit. I'm sorry you couldn't make a better poll.
I haven't regularly slept more than four hours a night since I was in HS, so I'm typically going to sleep between 2-3 AM. I'll sleep when I'm dead...or something.
On Monday through Wednesday and Friday this semester I had classes at 9, so I usually went to bed at around 12-12:30. On Thursdays my only class was at 1, so on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights I usually stayed up past 1.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']I never sleep cause sleep is the cousin of death.[/quote]

Holy shit, that's creepy. I was watching World Trade Center tonight, and they were saying "Don't go to sleep" and I said out loud "sleep is the cousin of death".. and I had never heard this anywhere and don't know where it came from.


Anyway. I fight crime at night.
Sleep, those little slices of death; Oh how I loathe them.
--Edgar Allan Poe

Maybe from that Scorch?
That happens to be on of my favorite quotes by Poe.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']What is the diffrence between night time and daytime? All I know is that I have nothing to insert into during noght time and I have no job to go to in the daytime. Ether way next week will be break and I do not have to go anywhere at all. Until January. So as you can all guess I stroke myself to sleep on what is left of my futon supporting my back with pillows. Why sleep at all when the human body does not need sleep but love, warmth, and companionship...Then the stinking money that is worth mixilpop.[/QUOTE]
How these posts go undeleted, I'll never know.
When I first got to Japan last year, I would try to go to bed by 9 because I was waking up at 6 to get ready for work.
That lasted about a week.
Then it was 10-6:30.
Then 10:30-6:45 for a looooooong time.
Then, once I got my car this past summer, its been 10:30-7.

BUT, now that Zelda is in my life, its been 11/12:00-7 and I've been MORE awake at work in the mornings. Crazy...
[quote name='Scorch']Holy shit, that's creepy. I was watching World Trade Center tonight, and they were saying "Don't go to sleep" and I said out loud "sleep is the cousin of death".. and I had never heard this anywhere and don't know where it came from.


Anyway. I fight crime at night.[/QUOTE]

Funny thing is that I FELL asleep during WTC like within 10 minutes of putting it into my dvd player...of course I just took some night time cold meds that knocked me out lol :)
Wow, you guys must all be younger than me. I know when I was 18-21, I'd be up until midnight every night (but I rarely needed to be up before 8am).

Now, I have to be up by 6:30 for work, so I'm out between 10-10:30 most nights. I can't properly function without close to 8 hours sleep.
[quote name='lordxixor101']Wow, you guys must all be younger than me. I know when I was 18-21, I'd be up until midnight every night (but I rarely needed to be up before 8am).

Now, I have to be up by 6:30 for work, so I'm out between 10-10:30 most nights. I can't properly function without close to 8 hours sleep.[/QUOTE]

lol Im 29 and I have been hard wired to go to sleep at 2am ... this is due to the fact that during my college years I use to work on projects and assignments up til 2am in the morning. Now I have to freaking be at work at 7:30am and sometimes wake up at 6:30am-7:00am so basically 4-5 hrs of sleep everynight and yes I do have dark patches under my eyes :)
[quote name='ITDEFX']Tell!!

2am gotta be at work at 7:30am, and yes I am always fucken late even though its a 5 min drive from my house lol.[/QUOTE]

HAHA!!! That is me to. We should be fired!!!
[quote name='Scorch']Holy shit, that's creepy. I was watching World Trade Center tonight, and they were saying "Don't go to sleep" and I said out loud "sleep is the cousin of death".. and I had never heard this anywhere and don't know where it came from.


Anyway. I fight crime at night.[/QUOTE]

It's from new york state of mind by Nas. I'm sure you've heard it, it's a classic.
I go to bed between 11 and 12 every night of the week. I have to be up between 5:30 and 6 every morning and I need at least 6 hours or I'll die. There are no days off and there is no sleeping in - I haven't slept past 7am in over 2 years. Damn I'm tired.
This thread poll is Eastern Time Zone biased.

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']This thread poll is Eastern Time Zone biased.


Someone needs a Carebear hug huh?

[quote name='javeryh']I go to bed between 11 and 12 every night of the week. I have to be up between 5:30 and 6 every morning and I need at least 6 hours or I'll die. There are no days off and there is no sleeping in - I haven't slept past 7am in over 2 years. Damn I'm tired.[/quote]

I thought you big time lawyers had big cushy sofas in your offices for naps...
Usually about 2 AM. Well, that's when I lie (lay?) down anyway... I watch an episode of Married... with Children from my DVR, and I go to bed.

If I'm still not tired, I'll watch an episode of the Simpsons, too.

I typically get up about 10:00 AM.
bread's done