Wii $250 - Nov 19th - The Nintendo 2-Day Press Event Thread!

[quote name='neudog']Looks like Nintendo will be saving me money by waiting. I say this because by waiting I can have my buddy in Texas, who by the way works at GS, buy my Wii and get me 15-25% off; I think it is 15% because the other 10% comes from the GS card.[/QUOTE]
you don't get 10% systems with the gs card and only on USED games/accessories.
[quote name='rodeojones903']So for a Wii, 3 controllers, and component cales (if they are even available at launch) will set a person back $460? PS3 here I come.
I understand that if you don't really have any interest in the Wii, but why would the thought of spending $460 make you want to run to a PS3 which will cost you $700 for the PS3, 3 controllers, and extra for HDMI cables? And no games?
I'm pretty happy with everything so far. Japan got a ton more info than we did, but I'll live.

Bundling Wii Sports with the console was a very smart business move. It's the title that everyone can play, and they're hoping that everyone who gets a Wii will have everyone in their family try it. I'm willing to pay the extra $50 that it adds to the console cost in order to support this decision.

WiiConnect24 looks a lot cooler than I could imagine. Being able to get automatically updated news and weather from my console is a surprisingly great idea. I'm shocked that MS hasn't done this.

Carrying around your charactures in the remote? Excellent! They're really driving home the "personalize your remote" concept.

I think releasing Zelda GCN a few weeks after the Wii version is a good business move. GCN owners who absolutely refuse to get a Wii will still get the game, but it might persuade the hardcore Zelda fans to get the Wii version earlier.

$60 for a full second controller? Ouch. That's the one truly bad piece of news in my opinion. $60 per family member kind of goes against their "Wii" philosphy.

Little if any news on VC for us. Here's hoping that NES games are lower than $5.
The launch date is stupid.

And everyone is talking about how the PS3's not being on the shelves is great for Nintendo. What would be great for nintendo is if the system was out BEFORE the PS3 so that word of mouth could generate enough buzz to make people not WANT a PS3 and want a Wii.

Stupid move Nintendo. Launch it early and take advantage of Sony's Blu Ray manufacturing problems.
[quote name='botticus']I understand that if you don't really have any interest in the Wii, but why would the thought of spending $460 make you want to run to a PS3 which will cost you $700 for the PS3, 3 controllers, and extra for HDMI cables? And no games?[/QUOTE]
add on top of that a 15% chance (which will be more) of the system breaking??? Look at the PS2 launch! Sony isn't known for having sturdy systems you know.
[quote name='botticus']I understand that if you don't really have any interest in the Wii, but why would the thought of spending $460 make you want to run to a PS3 which will cost you $700 for the PS3, 3 controllers, and extra for HDMI cables? And no games?[/QUOTE]

I had tons of interest in the wii, but the pricing on the full package is way too much. I have no games on the PS3 that I want to get extra controllers for. The whole purpose of the wii is mutliplayer, but when I'm cutting it that close price wise to the PS3 I might as well go with the superior technology.

Also, anyone spending $100 on a HDMI cable is a moron. www.monoprice.com or www.svideo.com will get ya hooked up for under $10.
[quote name='rodeojones903']So a Wii, 3 controllers, and component cables (if they are even available at launch) will set a person back $460? PS3 here I come.[/QUOTE]

You being sarcastic?

A PS3 w/3 controllers sets you back $750...

You could buy a second Wii for the difference.
Third party games better stay below $50 damnit. Add another tally to the "$60 for a controller is fucking ridiculous" as well.

Anyone know if Nintendo will be offering battery packs ala 360 controllers? Or will I have to shell out for double A's every 2 weeks.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I had tons of interest in the wii, but the pricing on the full package is way too much. I have no games on the PS3 that I want to get extra controllers for. The whole purpose of the wii is mutliplayer, but when I'm cutting it that close price wise to the PS3 I might as well go with the superior technology.

Also, anyone spending $100 on a HDMI cable is a moron. www.monoprice.com or www.svideo.com will get ya hooked up for under $10.[/quote]
I guess I understand your decision, but blaming the Wii price point for it is kinda silly. They'd have had to bring the system in at like $150 for your completely disparate "full packages" to be far enough apart in pricing.

You'd rather spend an additional $150 so you can play a more powerful gaming system by yourself rather than a less powerful system with three other people. It's kinda apples and oranges at that point. I mean, I could buy 4 Civics for me and my buddies to tool around in, but hell, if I'm gonna spend $80k, I might as well spend $100k on a Porsche for me ;) (I know that argument doesn't totally fly, but it popped in my head and I thought it was relatively amusing)

[quote name='slimpip']Third party games better stay below $50 damnit. Add another tally to the "$60 for a controller is fucking ridiculous" as well.

Anyone know if Nintendo will be offering battery packs ala 360 controllers? Or will I have to shell out for double A's every 2 weeks.[/quote]
Get rechargeable batteries if they don't.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I had tons of interest in the wii, but the pricing on the full package is way too much. I have no games on the PS3 that I want to get extra controllers for. The whole purpose of the wii is mutliplayer, but when I'm cutting it that close price wise to the PS3 I might as well go with the superior technology.

Also, anyone spending $100 on a HDMI cable is a moron. www.monoprice.com or www.svideo.com will get ya hooked up for under $10.[/QUOTE]
i want a ps3 as well, but there are no games coming out within the first year that look remotely exciting! Gengi??? Heavenly sword? come on now, sony could have done much better at their launch window. I will happily wait to get the PS3 when I see ANY ONE of the following get a firm release date...

Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter
Gran Turismo 5
FFVII remake

The only one with even a pic out is FF13 and it's just in video form. Come on sony!
[quote name='slimpip']Third party games better stay below $50 damnit. Add another tally to the "$60 for a controller is fucking ridiculous" as well.

Anyone know if Nintendo will be offering battery packs ala 360 controllers? Or will I have to shell out for double A's every 2 weeks.[/QUOTE]
ha, the 360 controllers have battery packs??? Im so stupid! I have 3 controllers and have gone through dozens of batteries! How much are they? Where have I been????

EDIT: sorry for the two posts. got carried away.
[quote name='rodeojones903']No component cables included either?!?! People got on sony's ass for not having HDMI, but this is much worse. HDMI users are a very small %, but even non HDTVs have component inputs. So inorder to get PROGRESSIVE SCAN i have to shell out another $50 for an item I can only get off Nintendo's website. BULLSHIT!!![/quote]

Nintendo's component cables are more than just wires. They actually have the DAC chip necessary to output digital signals inside of them.

The reason they sell them seperate is the exact same reason your Xbox remote came seperate.

So only people who are going to use that functionality will pay for it.

Helps keep the overall system cost down.
The pricing is a bit steep but makes perfect sense. Early adapters always pay more for the latest and greatest technology - these are people like us who actively surf the net and talk about this stuff. The more casual demographic, however, probably will not join the party until at least a few months after launch once several AAA titles have been released due to the untested nature of anything like the Wii.

Follow up with a price drop a few months later (as is standard) and suddenly everyone's on-board. Given what I assume is the inexpensive nature of the Wii I would expect that Nintendo can do a price drop within a year, unlike MS and definitely not Sony. Makes perfect sense from an economic stand point, and after thinking about it this way makes the $250 price tag a bit easier to swallow.
[quote name='botticus']I guess I understand your decision, but blaming the Wii price point for it is kinda silly. They'd have had to bring the system in at like $150 for your completely disparate "full packages" to be far enough apart in pricing.

You'd rather spend an additional $150 so you can play a more powerful gaming system by yourself rather than a less powerful system with three other people. It's kinda apples and oranges at that point. I mean, I could buy 4 Civics for me and my buddies to tool around in, but hell, if I'm gonna spend $80k, I might as well spend $100k on a Porsche for me ;) (I know that argument doesn't totally fly, but it popped in my head and I thought it was relatively amusing)

Get rechargeable batteries if they don't.[/QUOTE]

It wouldn't have hurt however if Nintendo packed the Nunchuck with the remote instead of separately to reduce cost.
[quote name='slimpip']Anyone know if Nintendo will be offering battery packs ala 360 controllers? Or will I have to shell out for double A's every 2 weeks.[/QUOTE]

Space-ace polymers brought us rechargable batteries well over a decade ago. Come into the 1990's. Using disposable batteries makes no sense, economically or environmentally.
The WiiConnect24 and having multiple avatars has more potential than I think Nintendo realizes. And with that I think people will have greater expectations.

I wonder how online gaming will work. Can we play against anyone and add them to our friends list? I mean you are at home now, parents should be able to have some parental control over who little suzy or johnny talk to and play against on their wii. That friends garbage with the DS got old fast. I still go through with it but yeah, this needs to be easier.
As far as the controller goes, I can see why selling the nunchuk and the remote seperate is better. Like, if your remote craps out on you you only have to buy another remote and not another nunchuk.. or vice versa. I think they should have 2 packages.. one where both are bundled together, perhaps at a lower price.. like maybe $10 cheaper. Who knows, maybe by the end of the year or next year, they will have some kind of deal like that. Eh
Space-ace polymers brought us rechargable batteries well over a decade ago. Come into the 1990's. Using disposable batteries makes no sense, economically or environmentally.
Yep. Be happy the controllers all use standard AAs as then you can buy a bunch of rechargeable ones and use them in ALL of your controllers and remotes! Propriatary stuff stucks.
First off, PS3 is a base price of $600... you need to get some accessories there as well (though not as much).

Regardless, this cooled the water for Nintendo. Had the released a 2-controller bundle for $250, everyone would be throwing confetti in the streets. All and all, pretty disappointing, because so many who wanted the Wii feel they are paying full price for Wii Sports ($50), rather than get a 2nd remote with the console.

My question to you guys is: Do you think the Wii will be near-impossible to get (like the 360, and probably PS3 this year) by Christmas time BECAUSE it is so much cheaper.
[quote name='mykevermin']Space-ace polymers brought us rechargable batteries well over a decade ago. Come into the 1990's. Using disposable batteries makes no sense, economically or environmentally.[/quote]

You can even find solar powered battery chargers for $20 or so and hump trees while not playing your Wii!

Joking aside, the solar ones sometimes run cheaper than your regular AC ones and with 4 AA batteries you can just rotate them in and out ad nauseum.
[quote name='slimpip']Anyone know if Nintendo will be offering battery packs ala 360 controllers? Or will I have to shell out for double A's every 2 weeks.[/quote]
I just bought 80 AAs for $18.

For comparison a 360 battery is $12 and a play and charge kit is $20.

Nintendo claimed 100 hours battery life for a wavebird, let's just say it would last 80 and half that for the wii controller, so 40 hours.

80 AAs = 40 x 40 = 1,600 hours of play time, if I play 4 hours a day, those 80 AAs will last me 400 days, so a little over a year.

I don't mind paying around $20 a year for batteries and if they don't release any battery packs you can always shell out the money for rechargeables, but it will cost you roughly 2 years worth of AAs for a set of 4 rechargeables with a charger.
This is fucking shit.

$250 just because they include the shit Wii Sports? If they had two full controlers and Wii Sports then maybe. Japan is really getting a better deal, Nintendo fucks America again.

And $60 for another controler?! So much for having your whole family play it.

very disappointing. Four million systems in 2 months would be nice if they could do it.
I would have definitely liked a second wiimote/nunchuck for $250 rather than Wii Sports. Wii Sports looks decent at best and I definitely wasn't going to rush out and get it on launch day (probably not ever).
Or with regards to the Wiimote battery issues...

All we need is someone to splice one of those induction flashlights (the ones you shake for power) into yer mote.

I doubt it'll supply enough power though.
[quote name='SpazX']I just bought 80 AAs for $18.

For comparison a 360 battery is $12 and a play and charge kit is $20.

Nintendo claimed 100 hours battery life for a wavebird, let's just say it would last 80 and half that for the wii controller, so 40 hours.

80 AAs = 40 x 40 = 1,600 hours of play time, if I play 4 hours a day, those 80 AAs will last me 400 days, so a little over a year.

I don't mind paying around $20 a year for batteries and if they don't release any battery packs you can always shell out the money for rechargeables, but it will cost you roughly 2 years worth of AAs for a set of 4 rechargeables with a charger.[/quote]

the hell with batteries.. ive wasted to many batteries with my 360 already.. i wish it lasted as long as the wavebird did..

i have to go buy the play and charge kit
I actually like the launch date. The DS launched on a sunday. It gives me a day of doing nothing to play around with the Wii. Also with it being the week of Thanksgiving, I have no class on wedsday and I'm taking off work as well. So that only gives me two days of work and school and a lot more time with the Wii.
[quote name='lordwow']Regardless, this cooled the water for Nintendo. Had the released a 2-controller bundle for $250, everyone would be throwing confetti in the streets. All and all, pretty disappointing, because so many who wanted the Wii feel they are paying full price for Wii Sports ($50), rather than get a 2nd remote with the console.[/quote]

Yeah, that's a better way to put it. I think they might have even been better off selling it for $250 with no chucks and just a pair of remotes instead, considering it's coming with Wii Sports. I understand that Nintendo has a certain responsibility to shareholders and everything but come on.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Is anyone else shocked that we are actually getting it before Japan :shock:

EDIT: Is Mario not a launch title?[/QUOTE]

No, Mario and Metroid are both 2007 titles...
Isn't Paper Mario headed to the Wii now?

And as a side note: I'm about to say fuck this generation and wait a few years until all the prices drop and snatch all of 'em up for $400
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Is anyone else shocked that we are actually getting it before Japan :shock:

EDIT: Is Mario not a launch title?[/QUOTE]

No and no.

We got the DS before Japan and Japan is getting a better deal.

And Mario was never going to be a launch title. Most likely come out in the spring.
[quote name='Midnite']I actually like the launch date. The DS launched on a sunday. It gives me a day of doing nothing to play around with the Wii. Also with it being the week of Thanksgiving, I have no class on wedsday and I'm taking off work as well. So that only gives me two days of work and school and a lot more time with the Wii.[/QUOTE]

I'll play around with my Wii and won't have to pay $250+ dollars to do so.

Didn't the third party companies think it would sell fo like $175?
wii system bundle: $249
extra wiimote/nunchaku: $60 ouch
Zelda: TP: 50
Trauma Center: $50
Memory card?
total: $410+

Ouch! my wallets gonna hurt on nov 19th.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']

And as a side note: I'm about to say fuck this generation and wait a few years until all the prices drop and snatch all of 'em up for $400[/QUOTE]

I often thought that was the best part of people bein in comas. If you wake up after 5 years you have a whole generation of games to play for the cheap too
Wait a second - before the N64 launched wasn't the price at $250 and then drop to $200? I can't remember since my dad bought me one for Xmas, and during those heedy times of life, price is never an issue. ;)

I wonder if Nintendo would do the same thing to create an absolute freeding frenzy.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']I often thought that was the best part of people bein in comas. If you wake up after 5 years you have a whole generation of games to play for the cheap too[/quote]

Let's have a coma party where we all induce severe head trauma to each other. It will be like time-traveling.
[quote name='David85']I think I'll just stick with the GC for at least a year if not more.[/quote]

I hope you have a shit ton of GC games in your backlog. You sure as hell won't be using it to play any new GC games next year. If you are going to wait for a year to purchase a new system, you should probably have a PS2.
[quote name='twanky']5 years of your life at a stop in order to save hundreds to play games, hrmmmm?[/quote]

But they'd be like new games. And on the cheap. I guess you're just not as big of a cheap-ass gamer as me...
The only thing REALLY getting to me is the controller prices. The console price is disappointing, but reasonable. There was plenty of speculation on the price of the console, so in a way we were prepared for that. Same thing with the VC prices, the end result was on the high end of the speculated prices. But I don't think anyone even considered that the remote and nunchuck would be sold separately. That's the one real SURPRISE negative to come out of all this; the one thing to make us go "OUCH" that no one really saw coming.
[quote name='BustaUppa']The only thing REALLY getting to me is the controller prices. The console price is disappointing, but reasonable. There was plenty of speculation on the price of the console, so in a way we were prepared for that. Same thing with the VC prices, the end result was on the high end of the speculated prices. But I don't think anyone even considered that the remote and nunchuck would be sold separately. That's the one real SURPRISE negative to come out of all this; the one thing to make us go "OUCH" that no one really saw coming.[/quote]

I agree that the complete controller cost is pretty steep. There was a good point that was made about not forcing people to have to buy both components. If the Wiimote gets broken, why should someone have to shell out $60 for a Wiimote AND nunchuck when they only need one component?

It still sucks though.
[quote name='lebowsky']I agree that the complete controller cost is pretty steep. There was a good point that was made about not forcing people to have to buy both components. If the Wiimote gets broken, why should someone have to shell out $60 for a Wiimote AND nunchuck when they only need one component?

It still sucks though.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo will probably cover their products with the standard 1-year warranty so perhaps the bundle will be a good thing until year 2.
bread's done