Wii Point Card Giveway - no catch, signup needed. (Daily contest)

Messed up the remotes once, took 10 seconds to ansewr the rest. Score! How long does it take for them to email you?
1st Place Doomed
2nd Place scurker
3rd Place B-Man
4th Place EXStrike
5th Place evilmax17
[quote name='Doomed']Messed up the remotes once, took 10 seconds to ansewr the rest. Score! How long does it take for them to email you?[/quote]
Good to know that you don't have to be flawless in order to win. Congrats!

I wish they posted the full results, I'd like to know how I did.

Edit: Oh! Thanks VGF.
[quote name='VideoGameFreak']1st Place Doomed
2nd Place scurker
3rd Place B-Man
4th Place EXStrike
5th Place evilmax17

[quote name='Grecco']The wiimote question was supposed to be 4 not 3... Pet peeve :p[/quote]

here's what I found on the web:

At E3 2006, Nintendo displayed white, black, and blue controllers. IGN published numerous photos of the event featuring the black controllers, but have since taken them down, as well as requesting their removal at other sites that had republished the photos. The Wii console launched with only the white model, with Shigeru Miyamoto commenting that new hues will be provided after the relief of supply limitations which are expected to continue "until Spring [2007]".

Maybe there was some other announced somewhere else, but the question did say e3 06.
I answered the first question then the server crashed on me. After that everything was fine, but the winner was announced by the time I got to question five. D'oh. I really wish I was better at this...
i was on question 2 and somebody already won... i hate playing this trivia crap...some geekazoid always wins... they should go back to the old school enter the numbers as fast as u can... that was classic...and i had a chance to win
So close. I made it all the way to the end with no winner annouced but spaztic beat me to it. I thought I was done in with the Mario quesion and I guessed super bowling and was shocked to be right , but then the kirby question got me instead and that did me in.

At least there were no errors for me tonight and it was way more fun than last nights brain killer questions.
[quote name='WiiGame']i was on question 2 and somebody already won... i hate playing this trivia crap...some geekazoid always wins... they should go back to the old school enter the numbers as fast as u can... that was classic...and i had a chance to win[/quote]

This is fair, unlike the who has the fastest fingers(keyboard connected to wii or wiimote) and internet connection.
[quote name='WiiGame']i was on question 2 and somebody already won... i hate playing this trivia crap...some geekazoid always wins... they should go back to the old school enter the numbers as fast as u can... that was classic...and i had a chance to win[/quote]

yeah, but i'd still do it just for fun even if there wasn't a prize
Yeah, trivia is really the fairest thing to do instead of the Fastest Finger Contest. As for today's....5th, surprised the hell out of me.
[quote name='OldKai']Yeah, trivia is really the fairest thing to do instead of the Fastest Finger Contest. As for today's....5th, surprised the hell out of me.[/quote]

what one was that again?
[quote name='VideoGameFreak']what one was that again?[/quote]

Their previous contest where you entered the numbers when they appeared. I personally hated that one cause I had all sorts of problems with my Wii Shop connection then.
[quote name='OldKai']Their previous contest where you entered the numbers when they appeared. I personally hated that one cause I had all sorts of problems with my Wii Shop connection then.[/quote]

yeah, that was stressfull. i meant what was the 5th question though. was that the one about super mario 2?
I wish they had an option where you could play today (or yesterday's) trivia. I didn't get to play today, and I was curious to do it just for fun, or to see how well I might have done.
Tonight's theme is N64 Screenshots. You'll need Flash to see them this time, you'll get why when it starts. Note to IE users: you may need to click on the image to "see" it.

Will it work? eh...
Wow, just amazing. One minute I think troz won. I got glitched on the second picture, he won by the sixth. Congrats. Wetrix held me up.
On second thought, wasn't that bad after got through service error hell. I guessed and got it right on the first, and almost smooth sailing after. Just took me a while longer than it should.
[quote name='VideoGameFreak']what do you mean? think it was too hard?[/quote]

More like service error annoyance that held me up. But I thought about it again and retract that statement.
Wow, how did you do that so fast?!

I was on number 6 when troz won. This was probably my best hope at winning since I'm a N64 guy, and I blew it. Oh well.
I don't know exactly how well I did but I didn't get any wrong again at least. It would have been nice of them to mention that you have to look over the picture with the lens to see the picture. I know just showing the pics might have made it too easy but some explanation would've helped.
Yeah, that was real fast.
First two took what felt like forever due to site errors and an error of my own. But otherwise no issues whatsoever.
[quote name='evilmax17']Some service errors, but overall pretty good.

Do they post the results anywhere immediately after the contest?[/quote]

1st Place troz1820
2nd Place StarKnightX
3rd Place evilmax17
4th Place moiety
5th Place Raww
[quote name='VideoGameFreak']1st Place troz1820
2nd Place StarKnightX
3rd Place evilmax17
4th Place moiety
5th Place Raww[/quote]
Moving up in the rankings! I was 5th last time I played.

Are you finding these listed anywhere? Or actually, are you the guy in charge of this?
[quote name='evilmax17']Moving up in the rankings! I was 5th last time I played.

Are you finding these listed anywhere? Or actually, are you the guy in charge of this?[/quote]

They usually put them on the game page about 15 minutes after the contest starts.
[quote name='evilmax17']Moving up in the rankings! I was 5th last time I played.

Are you finding these listed anywhere? Or actually, are you the guy in charge of this?[/quote]

just gotta refresh the page after a bit and it shows it, i cut/paste'd it here.
From the site...
News: Remember how last week we said we were going to announce something new this week? Well, for next week the top 5 players will be receiving "tickets". Who ever has the most tickets at the end of the week will be getting a Wii game of their choice on us! (up to $50 value)
[quote name='OldKai']Question 2 was a white screen the first time...and I waited forever for some reason...then I took too long on Spy Hunter.[/quote]

yeah, spy hunter kinda blended in with the gray of the falling boxes - was confusing
I whizzed through the questions pretty easily until 9 (I was on 9 when Static won). 9 and 10 really gave me a run for my money.

I swear, I was on 9/10 for like 2 minutes. I kinda like this mode, but it does tend to feel a little slow.
bread's done