Wii Point Card Giveway - no catch, signup needed. (Daily contest)

For a couple those I just guessed, and guessed right, I've never played Life Force or Little Nemo before. I think I might of got one wrong too, but I didn't win so it doesn't matter. Try Monday I guess.

edit: Wooo. Another 5TH
I was still on the first one when it was over.

I don't mind the flash games, but I thought Friday's was done much better. I don't really care too much for the way it was done, I like it to gradually show better. Maybe that's just me, but some other people seemed to do just okay...
[quote name='Grecco']How long does it take to get the code?

I still havent gotten mine[/quote]
You normally get it the same night. You should definitely e-mail them and ask what's up, if you haven't already.
[quote name='Grecco']How long does it take to get the code?

I still havent gotten mine[/quote]

You still haven't got it? You might want to email them..like soon, I haven't ever won one but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have it by now.
[quote name='Grecco']How long does it take to get the code?

I still havent gotten mine[/quote]
They're doing it different this week.

At the end of the week, they're going to add up everybody's total points, and the winner of that gets a free $50 Wii game of their choice.

No nightly Wii points give-aways this week.
[quote name='evilmax17']They're doing it different this week.

At the end of the week, they're going to add up everybody's total points, and the winner of that gets a free $50 Wii game of their choice.

No nightly Wii points give-aways this week.[/quote]
Yeah, but then why does it say "2000 Wii Points Card" next to his name on the leaderboard?
[quote name='evilmax17']They're doing it different this week.

At the end of the week, they're going to add up everybody's total points, and the winner of that gets a free $50 Wii game of their choice.

No nightly Wii points give-aways this week.[/quote]

Really? I thought that they were giving away a game in addition to the points?

If not, then that's really a downgrade from the points. $100 worth of Wii points, possibly split between 1-5 people, versus a $50 dollar game for one person? That's not nearly as cool.

Especially considering that for me to have a chance at winning the game, I have to do pretty well in all five of the games this week. If I do poorly on one or two, my chances are pretty much shot. And I didn't even play yesterday. I usually don't fare too well in these trivia games; my best shot was to get an unusual set of questions that I happened to know the answer to.
It better not be down to a weekly prize now, they just fixed the majority of the errors people were getting. That would really kill the interest in the contest.

Appears as it's not the case but Monday's winner doesn't have their card..
The Wii sensor bar question, and the last question really threw me off (of course the last answer I picked would be the correct one)... I could have sworn that the sensor bar only had 6 LEDs, but upon further review it is 10.
[quote name='Troz1820']I bombed this one. I got stuck on the # of launch games and eliminated every wrong answer :lol:[/QUOTE]

I did the same thing except it was on the how many Wii sold in 2006 lol
I got my card btw. Email problem...

The winner still gets pts. The seccond best for the week will get the free game (lol i kinda prefer the free game. I really want that Bleach game)

Anyways i did horribly. The best selling game was Wario Ware? Red Steel has sold more than a million according to Ubisoft So i thought that was a better seller.

Also got stuck on the Sensor LED... 10 LEDS? What?
[quote name='Grecco']I got my card btw. Email problem...

The winner still gets pts. The seccond best for the week will get the free game (lol i kinda prefer the free game. I really want that Bleach game)

Anyways i did horribly. The best selling game was Wario Ware? Red Steel has sold more than a million according to Ubisoft So i thought that was a better seller.

Also got stuck on the Sensor LED... 10 LEDS? What?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I thought. But look at this picture:


There's 5 LEDs, and that's only on one side.
[quote name='OldKai']still haven't released 2nd-5th for today[/QUOTE]
1st Place Reyn 2000 Wii Points Card
2nd Place easycheese124 4 Tickets
3rd Place forallofthis 3 Tickets
4th Place yoshi 2 Tickets
5th Place Bloodshot 1 Ticket
looks like some new people have been making the leaderboard, i swear exstrike and troz are there almost every day =)
[quote name='OldKai']Tonight's Theme: User-Added Questions

I know I've added a few, anyone else from here add any?[/QUOTE]

I've added a few. This could either be really good, or really hard. I hope there's a wide range of questions and not more than one from the same person.
[quote name='Troz1820']Holy hell I was way behind on that one.

And congrats OldKai, I got stuck on your question :lol:[/quote]

And I got stuck on most of the rest, I did horrible on them. I actually forgot I sent that question in.
woo hoo , after getting 2nd place for like a whole week , and then forgetting about the contest monday and tuesday I finally pulled through. I was actually surprised since I got hung up on a couple of questions , the most annoying being the wii colors one , since I remember them asking that question before and I couldn't remember the answer. The WWE one also got me.
[quote name='Doomed']What the fuck was up with that Majora's Mask question? Elvis?[/quote]
Yeah, this is the one that wrecked me. Obscure question with an obscure answer from a game I never played. Next time!
[quote name='Grecco']Lol someone took 2 minutes to win this

I have no idea how the hell they did. Especially with that Majoras Mask one.[/QUOTE]

2 Minutes? It sure felt longer then that when I was answering the questions.

As for the majoras mask one I just used some process of elimination and guessed. I knew that link wasn't there. I knew that while Mario was there , I was pretty sure luigi wasn't. So It really just came down to elvis and lennon , and elvis seemed more likely.
[quote name='StarKnightX']2 Minutes? It sure felt longer then that when I was answering the questions.

As for the majoras mask one I just used some process of elimination and guessed. I knew that link wasn't there. I knew that while Mario was there , I was pretty sure luigi wasn't. So It really just came down to elvis and lennon , and elvis seemed more likely.[/quote]

My clock said 9:02 when you won. It starts at 9 so yeah you took 2 min. I bow to you sir.

And im boggled at the Elvis one because i remembered he had a Mario mask but i never one remembered seing that Elvis one.
Well I guess after winning yesterday I was due to suck today. Got stuck on bomberman , metroid and kirby. I never knew there were 17 kirby games and I love kirby. Also I thought the 64 disk drive came out in 2000 , that almost threw me off at the end.
bread's done