Wii Shop Channel Thread - 12/29 StarTropics II, Maboshi's Arcade, Cue Sports: Pool

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[quote name='blueweltall']Buy alot of sd cards, problems solve![/QUOTE]

If Nintendo would enable booting from an SD card (SDHC compatible of course) it would indeed be problem solved. The Wii wouldnt be able to be a Media Center, but it would solve most game storage issues.
The Wii SD slot is only compatible with 2GB SD Cards, not SDHC.

I assume Nintendo has capped the read/write speed on the SD slot since it takes a ridiculous amount of time to transfer files from the Wii to the SD and vice versa. Since internally the Wii uses flash memory, I imagine that the read/write speeds would be similar to the SD card when it isn't capped. Although that depends on the brand of SD card you're using.

So I think it's possible to be able to run VC/Wiiware games directly from the SD card, if not at least make it so we can move our games over to the SD card and back without it taking forever.
[quote name='lilboo']I personally like MY idea of using the Gamecube memory card, :nottalking:[/QUOTE]

I don't, not with the high failure rate of the larger cards, which were overpriced to begin with anyway.
Yeah Gamecube memory cards don't have a lot of space and since they are proprietary they will cost more. As opposed to 2GB SD cards that you can get for around $8.00, if not cheaper.
You can't fight bad logic with bad logic, bilbo.

It's not like a sword fight with penises, where you can win by deploying a well-hidden pineapple.

See? I use clearly thought out metaphors in order to fully explain my side.
[quote name='yukine']The Wii SD slot is only compatible with 2GB SD Cards, not SDHC.

I assume Nintendo has capped the read/write speed on the SD slot since it takes a ridiculous amount of time to transfer files from the Wii to the SD and vice versa. Since internally the Wii uses flash memory, I imagine that the read/write speeds would be similar to the SD card when it isn't capped. Although that depends on the brand of SD card you're using.

So I think it's possible to be able to run VC/Wiiware games directly from the SD card, if not at least make it so we can move our games over to the SD card and back without it taking forever.[/QUOTE]

I always assumed it was due to some insane encryption scheme that Nintendo decided to place on the cards. Maybe someone with more knowledge of the Wii innards could elaborate?

In any case, there should be an easy solution, but there's not. Nintendo beats to the beat of their own drum even when everyone else is using a better drum. I could ramble on some more, but I'd rather not kick a horse to death when its already been done many times over. If/when a solution does arrive, I'll have to say it'll be about time.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']I've got a hunch this is going to be another e-Reader or another Transfer Pak style accessory. DO NOT WANT.[/QUOTE]

Actually, in the same link, Miyamoto says that "we've got enough peripherals."

Now he was mostly talking about controller interfaces (Balance Board, WiiMotionPlus, etc), but maybe they actually mean it this time?

Ho ho ho. Oh my, I almost got myself there.

[quote name='BlueLobstah']Nintendo beats to the beat of their own drum even when everyone else is using a better drum.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='yukine']
I assume Nintendo has capped the read/write speed on the SD slot since it takes a ridiculous amount of time to transfer files from the Wii to the SD and vice versa. Since internally the Wii uses flash memory, I imagine that the read/write speeds would be similar to the SD card when it isn't capped. Although that depends on the brand of SD card you're using.

So I think it's possible to be able to run VC/Wiiware games directly from the SD card, if not at least make it so we can move our games over to the SD card and back without it taking forever.[/quote]
Hackers haven't been able to get full speed out of the USB ports. They act like 1.1, but they are really USB2.0. However, there is some homebrew that runs just fine off of SD cards... My guess is Nintendo's broken encryption. A while back I did an experiment where I tried loading an emulator and Donkey Kong 64 off an okay SD card (Kingston IIRC) and a shitty SD card reader ($2 at dealextreme) and it only took like a minute to copy. Maybe even less, but I'm not digging through 1000+ posts to find it.
So if running EVERYTHING (all VC games + WiiWare) from an SD card isn't quite possible, the gamecube card (LOL) won't work, and they wish not to make an HDD--What exactly could the solution be?

NOT including: BUY MORE Wiis! Buy more SD cards! DELETE AND STORE! !!!1
So it really WOULD be simple to run the games from an SD card? Any certain emulation harder than others? Meaning it might be simple to run an NES game from the SD card, but what about a NeoGeo game or a TGCD game?

WiiWare games, too?
The only problems when running games of the SD card on Wii is N64, and although I haven't checked, probably Neo Geo, maybe TG16/CD too. NES, SNES, GEN, etc. all run fine. (maybe SNES has some problems with Mode-7?) WiiWare is probably not possible, unless someone makes a tool to run channels via SD. You can, however, install WiiWare via the SD card.
Well that's what I mean. I'd only want the solution to be to play games from the SD card IF ALL GAMES were easily playable from that.

NES, SNES, Genesis, and TG16 games are not a problem. NES & TG16 games are like 20-30 blocks, and SNES/Gensis games are like 30-60 blocks (on average, of course). The N64, NeoGeo, and TGCD games are what kills us on space, thus, the reason we need a storage solution to begin with.

The fact that my Wii menu only consists of like 6 games, and 3 channels (Mario Kart, Wii Fit, and Nintendo) and I only have literally 2 blocks left is pretty disgusting. It's some of these damn WiiWare games that take up a lot of space :wall:

Oh, and the fact that a lot of save data WON'T transfer over to an SD card is HELLA lame. Even though the majority of the saves are 1-4 blocks EACH, that shit adds up for every VC, WiiWare AND retail game I have played.. :wall:
[quote name='lilboo']
Oh, and the fact that a lot of save data WON'T transfer over to an SD card is HELLA lame. Even though the majority of the saves are 1-4 blocks EACH, that shit adds up for every VC, WiiWare AND retail game I have played.. :wall:[/quote]
Hackers have solved this as well.
Hackers: 9001 Nintendo: 0
You know what, through reading one of lilboo's post on another thread, I think I've figured out what their "better solution" will be. They're going to revamp the wii and put bigger memory inside of it. Therefore, people who don't already have one won't complain about it, and the people who already have one will need to buy another one.
The Wii should of had internal storage space like a HDD to begin with, they just wanted to keep the cost down but I think a lot of us would of been fine paying an extra $30.00 or so to have that.

Although it's of little to concern to Nintendo since Soccer Moms probably don't need more space. Only "Geeks and Otaku" need more space.
But what about the iPod? That's aimed at ANYONE and they are up to, what..160gb? I mean I totally get the idea was to keep the cost down because a $600 console is not very casual and aims at anyone. Memory is cheap these days, from what I heard, so making the flash memory 4gb would not have been much more. They could have easily made it 4gb and kept it at $250, hell, $275 was STILL alot lower then the 360 and PS3 at the time and I think it still would have sold out like crazy.

With 4 gigs, I def think we wouldn't have run out of room very easily. I mean, I have a ton of shit on my 2gig SD card and that block amount is still crazy high (and I have like 700 pictures on there as well)

Everytime this conversation comes up I just get really mad and disappointed in this fuckin system.
[quote name='lilboo']
Oh, and the fact that a lot of save data WON'T transfer over to an SD card is HELLA lame. Even though the majority of the saves are 1-4 blocks EACH, that shit adds up for every VC, WiiWare AND retail game I have played.. :wall:[/quote]
This is what really gets me. There are so many wii games, including 1st party Nintendo games that won't let you transfer your saves out to a different storage device. So, if my wii data suddenly goes corrupt the only choice I have is to replay everything to get my data back.

Oh yippee, I have to unlock everything in SSBB again!

Lame as hell, the Gamecube handled this crap better!

At this point I'm almost hoping Nintendo goes 3rd party, it's unacceptable that they have made no progress in nearly 2 years! And this isn't just a hardcore problem, this problem is affecting the casuals too.

The only people it doesn't affect are non-gamers who only got wii sports, so I'm guessing that's all Nintendo cares about these days.

This is seriously causing me to limit myself. If Nintendo catered to me just a little, I might actually buy more games.
That's what I don't understand.
Any casual/non-gamer who picked up a Wii at launch = success for Nintendo. Right?
That's what they wanted, and it seems like that's what they got.
Why are the continuing to aim at these people....when....in 2 years they only picked up Wii Play and Wii Fit? Why are they only trying to aim at those people? Sure, Wii Music will sell well..but if that's ALL they are buying..3 games in 2 years is silly.
[quote name='lilboo']Memory is cheap these days, from what I heard, so making the flash memory 4gb would not have been much more. They could have easily made it 4gb and kept it at $250, hell, $275 was STILL alot lower then the 360 and PS3 at the time and I think it still would have sold out like crazy.[/QUOTE]

No kidding. Micro Center's had these generic flash drives for years, and they just keep getting cheaper, so much so that now they're by the registers as impulse buy items.

Actually, that would be a solution I'd buy into: if you could run games or save files off of USB flash drives. That's probably even worse than the SD cards in terms of piracy potential, but it's also cheap and incredibly flexible.
[quote name='leveskikesko']This is what really gets me. There are so many wii games, including 1st party Nintendo games that won't let you transfer your saves out to a different storage device...
Lame as hell, the Gamecube handled this crap better!

Really? Can you give me proof? GC cards can't easily be read on a PC like SD cards can, unless you bought a special device (which I'm not even sure are legal, or at the VERY LEAST are difficult to come by).

On top of that, a lot of games didn't let you transfer data off the card it was originally written to. So it's exactly the same thing with the Wii.

At this point I'm almost hoping Nintendo goes 3rd party, it's unacceptable that they have made no progress in nearly 2 years!

Let's use facts here instead of useless hyperbole please.
Gamecube had much less non transferable games. Off the top of my head:

Animal Crossing
F-Zero GX (garage only?)
Phantasy Star Online 1&2 (not sure, but think about it)
PSO 3 (same as PSO 1&2)
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon XD (not sure, probably)
Pokemon Box

Pretty much just games for the practical reasons. FZ GX probably would hang up on two identical cars in the garage. AC might not allow you to travel to an identical town. Pokemon would allow pokemon duplication, which would possibly ruin tournements. PSO would allow online cheating. I'm sure there's more no copy save files on GC, but I still think that Wii has more.

Wii has USB 2.0 ports, just nothing has unlocked the full speed yet, official or otherwise. So if Nintendo stopped being Nintendo they could allow third party storage. If not I'm sure hackers will fix it soon enough. :roll: Isn't that sad? A bunch of issues that I have with Wii are solved by third party hackers working in their free time.

loading off SD
games not on VC
heath warning screen
no copy save files
demos (this one's a stretch)
[quote name='yukine']The Wii should of had internal storage space like a HDD to begin with, they just wanted to keep the cost down but I think a lot of us would of been fine paying an extra $30.00 or so to have that.

Although it's of little to concern to Nintendo since Soccer Moms probably don't need more space. Only "Geeks and Otaku" need more space.[/quote]
The Wii doesn't need a HDD they just needed to include more flash memory, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-4 GB. Chances are if the Wii had that much flash memory 99.99% of Wii owners would never fill it up.
Has question.
Take a look at the Xbox360. :looks at:
Why can't Nintendo make something a long the lines of a memory unit like the 360 has? I'm not talking about the HDD, I'm talking about those portable ones that go into the slot.

They can hold everything the HDD can; gamertag, pics, videos, XBLA games, demos...it's just a limited amount of space.

So, what exactly does this memory unit qualify as and why can't Nintendo something similar?
[quote name='Kaijufan']The Wii doesn't need a HDD they just needed to include more flash memory, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-4 GB. Chances are if the Wii had that much flash memory 99.99% of Wii owners would never fill it up.[/quote]

Yes, anything. But what do we get? 512 MB internal flash memory... not that flash memory is bad, it works for the Wii in that it keeps the console small and relatively cool while it runs. The problem is the amount of space we were given, Nintendo knew they were going to be releasing VC games and WiiWare so what's the deal?
[quote name='yukine']Nintendo knew they were going to be releasing VC games and WiiWare so what's the deal?[/QUOTE]

First off, we don't know if they knew about Wiiware either A) prior to launch or B) during the inception/schematics period. I'm still surprised as hell that Wiiware actually became a reality - I was absolutely certain it wouldn't for a long time (if ever). Then, out of the blue, it got announced. My honest opinion is that they finally saw the utility of things like XBLA and PSN, and combined that with a bunch of small indie developers asking if they'd be interested in their own unique titles (Lost Winds is the best example). Then they went and found that they could get Square on board, and finally decided digital original IPs were a good idea.

But since I still think this all came well after the final design of the Wii was created, the space wasn't considered an issue prior.

This leaves VC games, which we all know Nintendo sees as a "clean the fridge" situation. A funny thing to consider is just how they thought they'd do VC stuff, since the whole "hey let's package the emulator with EVERY game" is eight kinds of ludicrous and fourteen kinds of ridiculous. You could reclaim 75% (I'm guessing) of the current space you've got toward VC stuff right now if you only had one local copy of each emulator sitting on your flash.

I don't think they considered that they'd be making Wii Channel extensions either (Mario Kart, Wii Fit), and thus didn't think that would contribute to the spacing issue.

Really it came down to small VC games and some system messages. Otherwise I don't think Nintendo thought 512 was too little. I'm still not convinced they think it's too little now, given that they seem to yo-yo between "we're working on a solution" and "suck my ballz."

Lilboo: Stop with the memory card talk. It didn't work well with the GC, and it wouldn't work well here. There is never an instance where proprietary storage is a good idea. It allows the owner to jack up the prices AND forces people into a limited situation where they can't ever control all of their data. You think the DRM is bad now, but imagine Nintendo implementing memory cards that call home like Steam does, and doesn't allow you to move data between different systems.

Look, the only honest solutions at this point are external storage or some kind of online storage. I think the latter is out because Nintendo doesn't know a thing about an online infrastructure; this doesn't mean they won't do it, it just means that we as gamers will NOT be happy with whatever abomination shows up. The former is out because Nintendo is worried about piracy and doesn't want people to start sharing everything.

I guess there could be some other options out there, but they aren't available yet, and I don't have much trust in some new form of DRM+storage solution.
I know that if they made their own memory card, the prices would be insane. Hell, when the 64mb Memory Unit for the 360 came out, wasn't it like $40? LOL

But at least we'd have our options.
I know one of the reasons they aren't going "Yeah sure, use the SD card to load your games! ::firmware update::" because they are afraid of piracy and always have been. It's understandable (though the Wii has clearly been hacked and pirated already) so of course they are going to TRY and take an approach to make pirating more difficult. This is why I don't mind a memory unit of some sort. I personally would not mind paying $100 for like.. a 4gb memory unit. I say that because I know I would actually use it. Yeah that sounds ridiculous--because it IS--but it's getting to the point where this whole system feels like such a waste.

They have this service, and yet, they basically have no where for us to put it :lol: It makes no sense and I really don't mind whatever the solution is: As long as it works.
That's a dangerous attitude to have about it, primarily because it's so subjective. I like Nintendo quite a bit, but they'd have to promise me blowjobs for a month to get me to drop a hunnerd' bucks on the equivalent of four gigs of storage. In other words, no one would go for it. We'd have a solution less accepted than the e-Reader.

And even then, where does it interface? USB? Can't do that because Nintendo could say that most people are using both ports for A) the Wii LAN adapter and B) the upcoming Wii Speak. So then it becomes a "choose wisely" situation, and that NEVER works. I'm not sure loading up with a USB hub attachment would work either (although I imagine this is how the Wii version of Rock Band works, since I've never seen it, but know this is how the 360 handled it). Can't go with SD cards. Joe Wii-Owner doesn't even know the GC card slots are there. So where does it even plug in?

I'm as annoyed by all of this as you guys, and I desperately want a solution, but it's almost two years now and lots of us have had problems for the last six+ months. I don't think a solution is going to happen with the current model, and that REALLY sucks when I consider that the next model most likely won't let me transfer all my data over to it.

Nintendo is staunchly oldskool in some of their methods, and this just happens to be one of them. They are Dwight Shrute - the best salesman in the office, but the most difficult to get along with, and are still convinced that the Internet is a fad.
I wonder what's going to happen next year at E3 when they announce the Wii for the hardcore gamer: aka the Wii with like 8gb of flash memory :rofl: :rofl: :twoguns:
[quote name='lilboo']I wonder what's going to happen next year at E3 when they announce the Wii for the hardcore game[/QUOTE]


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[quote name='lilboo']I know that if they made their own memory card, the prices would be insane. Hell, when the 64mb Memory Unit for the 360 came out, wasn't it like $40? LOL

But at least we'd have our options.
I know one of the reasons they aren't going "Yeah sure, use the SD card to load your games! ::firmware update::" because they are afraid of piracy and always have been. It's understandable (though the Wii has clearly been hacked and pirated already) so of course they are going to TRY and take an approach to make pirating more difficult. This is why I don't mind a memory unit of some sort. I personally would not mind paying $100 for like.. a 4gb memory unit. I say that because I know I would actually use it. Yeah that sounds ridiculous--because it IS--but it's getting to the point where this whole system feels like such a waste.

They have this service, and yet, they basically have no where for us to put it :lol: It makes no sense and I really don't mind whatever the solution is: As long as it works.[/QUOTE]

I would love a memory solution also. I dont download that many games but when i saw strong bad take over 300+ blocks. I gasped and had to delete Kirby64 and Starfox 64 to make room for it...and i was still playing kirby =(

Well Bushing from Team Twizers who created the Twilight Hack actually contacted Ninty about the security hole that Twilight Princess creates in the Wii and the Hack keeps that hole allowing for more homebrew stuff. Ninty is trying to make pirating more difficult, but if Bushing and his team keep hacking the newer versions...its like DAX and Team M33 hacking every firmware that gets released to counter his hacks. Nintendo is looking in to that hole but as of now that damage is done. current homebrew users won't upgrade their firmwares and there is no way Nintendo can really force them too..

Well i found this article through Digg last year. Its states that Ninty has selected a company to allow to use their software which is a usb host stack(whatever that means) to allow use of selected USB drives by Nintendo. This was reported in May 2007. Looks like Nintendo has gone no where since.

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Sept. 8, 2008
School's back in session, but it's not the only place to get your brain buzzing. This week's additions to the Wii™ Shop Channel include a challenging new puzzle game available via WiiWare™, plus a pair of crackling Virtual Console™ actioners to keep your imagination raging between classes. Even if your school days are behind you, this latest lineup of downloadable titles will help get you fired up for fall, fueled by the one-of-a-kind fun of Nintendo's top-selling Wii™ system.

Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:


Groovin' Blocks (Empty Clip Studios, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points): A music-based game like no other, Groovin' Blocks adds innovative musical game play to an addictive action/puzzle game foundation. Play to the rhythm of the music to increase your score, and try to hit "Superbeats" to double your multiplier. Go for the high score in each of the 27 stages as you collect stars to unlock 15 levels of power-ups. Groovin' Blocks features three skill levels, from the accessible Casual to the fiendish Hard mode. Play with your friends in co-op mode or against them head-to-head. Head-to-head brings it up a notch as the power-ups now become attacks on your opponent. Play head-to-head with people of all skill levels using a golf-style handicapping system.

Virtual Console

Final Solider (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone—Mild Fantasy Violence, 700 Wii Points): A vertically scrolling shooter from the well-known Soldier series. In the 23rd century, invaders from the future suddenly attack Earth. Controlling a fighter created by the world's scientists, you rise to meet the enemy. Collect power-up units, such as LASER, E-BEAM, FIRE and MISSILE, and then equip them in Options to launch a variety of attacks. For each of these weapons, you can freely select from three different types in SET-UP. Anticipate enemies' strikes and deftly switch between weapons to defeat the invaders. In addition to NORMAL GAME, there are also 2 MINUTE GAME and 5 MINUTE GAME score-attack modes. The most perfect blend and balance of any game in the series, Final Soldier is a title you don't want to miss.

Cho Aniki (TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM, 1 player, Rated E10+ for Everyone and Older—Mild Fantasy Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes, 900 Wii Points): The odd world in this shooter made for quite the conversation piece in its day. Players control either Idaten or Benten, celestial warriors out to bring an end to the tyrannical rule of the emperor of Planet Builder, who holds muscular prowess to be the supreme virtue of the universe. Aided by able-bodied muscle-head options Adon and Samson, they must battle to defeat the emperor's army across five stages. Use the buttons to fire away and lay into the Builder forces. Power up your character and options with protein from defeated enemies to have them "bulk up" with a yell, and take their macho battle to the next level.

[quote name='EXStrike']CHO ANIKI BOUGHT[/QUOTE]

Uh-oh. I wasn't planning on buying anything this week, but I may not be able to resist. :shock:

Once someone buys Cho Aniki, could they tell us how many blocks it is?
From what I've read, the Turbo Grafx Co Aniki isn't even all that suggestive, nor is it particularly good. It wasn't until the PS1 /Sega Saturn game that it got completely over the top with the homoerotic stuff.

I NEVER knew this, but you want to know the first Final Fantasy game to be released in the UK?


I got all my NES and SNES games of my neighbours/relatives, so I didnt know anything about any game unless they did. I thought my freinds and relatives just didnt buy or care about the FF games, but I never knew they werent released!
Another reason not to turn my wii on.
Only turned it on once for a friend in the last 2 months.
I am pretty sure some of my vc games and gamecube games look better than most of my wii titles.
:rofl: Cho Aniki. I can't wait to go home and try this. Even if it's TERRIBLE, I am supporting an insane game. That's what we need, right?

I am really interested in Groovin' Blocks too. I hope someone can give impressions on it. The fact that Cho Aniki is a TGCD game means it's going to be around 200 blocks..and I'm sure Groovin Blocks is going to be around 150-300.. :( :( :( :wall:
I want to see a review on Groovin' Blocks, actually. There's some possibility there.

Cho Aniki will be had merely for the wtf factor.
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