Win 400 MS Points Free

So no winners yet? I was already planning in what to do with my points. Don't count your chickens before they hatch I guess. But here's to hoping I win
[quote name='Izod517']No winners looks like - I'm guessing they're still off-cycle and we'll see on Thursday.[/QUOTE]I sure hope so. I need to get those MW2 maps.
Didn't win either. I hope it was just cause of the Thursday glitch, and not them cutting down on the winners or whatnot.
I feel slightly better knowing no one else seems to have won. I haven't missed a day since I found out about this offer and I've yet to win. A friend of mine has had the same lack of luck since I told her about it too.
[quote name='The Notorious ROB']I sure hope so. I need to get those MW2 maps.[/QUOTE]

My would you support something as crazy as $15 for a map pack?! next COD is going to have a monthly fee on top of XBL to play then map packs will cost $25 all because of people that supported the $15 map pack
No winners today? Hmm, I've actually missed a couple days after winning last week. Don't wanna take from those that havent won yet. Good luck in the future guys!
[quote name='TheHapaOne']My would you support something as crazy as $15 for a map pack?! next COD is going to have a monthly fee on top of XBL to play then map packs will cost $25 all because of people that supported the $15 map pack[/QUOTE]

This, I must agree. $15 dollars is not worth it for 3 new maps and 2 remakes. You're better off with a new arcade game or something. If you really want those maps, your best bet would be to wait until it goes on Deal of the Week.
Yeah no code yesterday and no reply for entry today. I wonder if it's over? I needed another 400 points for Mega Man 10!
While i do agree $15 is too much for MW2 mappack, i really suggest buying it. It was a lot of fun playing these new maps. Is holding out really going to help? Majority of people already bought it so i really don't see a difference. It's not like it's gonna drop anytime soon anyways so spend that $5 for extra time to play the maps. But anyways i was waiting for my last 400 points today to buy the maps because i have 800 points but instead no codes so i ended up buying a 400 point.
isn't it coincidental that the texts stopped coming the same day the mw2 stimulus package came out along with all the other issues it caused...
The MW2 map packs are most likely rubbish, I refuse to pay that much for extra for a game I already have. I will wait till they are offered as the deal of the week.
if it's over then oh well. Can't be too disappointed, came out 800 points richer than when I started. That's a $10 value for not having to do much.
Just won some points!

Had texted earlier today and got no response. Weird. Will check my gf's phone and see if she won. So far, I've won 1600!
some folks have reported multiple wins.

somehow winning points for gaming seems a whole lot more exciting than winning stuff elsewhere! especially when it's completely random and unexpected.
bread's done