Worst save file loses... :cry:

my ultramix, ddr file is corrupt, don't know what happend, everything is screwed up, doesn't credit me for grades i got, deletes them randomly, and say's i've beaten the entire challange mode,

sucks cuz i actually wanted to play the game, and i have at least 30 hours on there after having the game for 2 months
I sent my xbox in to be repaired (under warranty) and instead of fixing iot, they sent me a refurb. I was soo pissed when i found out. I lost everything on the harddrive
My brother and I used to always save over each others files by accident. I think I did him on Record of Lodoss War for Dreamcast and he crushed my FFVIII save. He also nabbed me playing Balder's Gate for the PC.

More recently I saved over my FFTA game that had over 250 missions complete. Oh well, shit happens.
The only problem I've had was with Riddick. I had put maybe six hours into it.. booted it up.. and the saved file on the HD was corrupt. Not sure why. I shrugged and started over and, sadly, beat it by the next day.
I lost my whole Xbox hard drive. Most of it wasn't so bad, but I had beaten Morrowind and done almost every little sidequest and had every good item, even brought one of the strippers into my stronghold... And now I have to beat the game again for GOTY just to play the expansions. I probably won't even bother.
My memorable save losses:
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic -
About 33 hours in, VERY close to the end, we find out that my newly-purchased refurbished XBox is defective (XBox Live service was thinking it was modded, something wasn't put back together right ;P), and so we need to send it to MS for a fix. Was flat broke at the time. Couldn't afford a memory card. Good thing they provided the packaging/shipping costs, or I wouldnt have been able to send it back for a while, either.
That sucked.

Sonic Adventure 2 (DC) -
Was living with my older sister and my niece at the time. I'd finally gotten all 180 emblems in the game, and everything unlocked. Few weeks later, my niece decides to play with my VMU (which amazingly, had a working battery) when I'm out of the house. I come home to a VMU with an altered time setting and all of my files erased from it. >.>
Another big save from that VMU was one for PSO v2, a level 180 FOMarl with about 300 hours logged. It was my secondary character, but it still sucked pretty badly. :(

Pokémon Blue -
All 151 Pokemon, countless hours logged on the thing. Somewhere over or around 350. Legitimately-transfered Mew (Nintendo event). Just erased itself. Not too big of a deal, though, as later I won another Mew from a contest at TRU on a Black Friday many years ago. :p

A ton of others just from the carts being old and the batteries losing power. And a TON of corrupted PS1 memory cards (yes, official. never had luck with ANY PS1 card :(). But none of those were really too important.
Probably All my saved games on PC when my hard drive bit the dust a while back.

Games that i had saved:
WC3 - Was about to beat night elf campaign.
Freedom Fighters - Hard, at liberty island end.
Half Life 1/2 way thru and such a pain to do.

Nothing too major, but i have never beaten WC 3 or Half Life to this day.
A decent amount of ff7 due to a 3rd party mem card.

So I ended up having that card be only for ff7, i would save like 6 times to it during each save before i stopped the game. One time i had like 4 corrupt files :p. Anyways i got bored trying to max lvl my characters and with over 110+ hours. I forgot what I was done, because of like a 5 year gap of playing. Then I asked the story and ending here on CAG :p
My copy of Super Mario All-Stars for SNES used to erase my games on a random basis. I cleaned the cart one day and haven't had a problem since.

And I used to have a buggy non-GH copy of Gran Turismo 2 for Playstation that would randomly freeze while I was saving. The first time it happened, I had been playing the game for about a month and had no will to start a new game. A few months later, I started a new game and kept a backup file on my PS2 memory card. Then the game got lost somehow, which was a blessing in disguise because I replaced it with a non-buggy GH version.
[quote name='magilacudy'][quote name='chosen1s']Clearly the morals of this story are:

2) You guys suck at picking friends[/quote]

What is it they say about that... that you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friends... :?[/quote]

I think its "You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. But you can't pick your friend's nose.

And to be on topic, I haven't lost a single save file yet, and I don't have back-ups of any of them. I guess I'm just lucky.
Worst for me was when I sold my old psx gameshark, and for some reason it completely skipped my mind that ALL of my psx saves were on it at the time. Out of the bunch of saves I regret losing Omega Boost simply because the game was hard as hell and FF7 because I had everyone maxed out .

Now I have my psx saves backed up on my ps2 card and in turn my ps2 saves backed up on another card .
I had my FF X-2 data erased not once, not twice, but three times. Twice by my brother, once by a friend. I probably lost over 100 hours of game time. I made them buy their own memory cards.
I was playing Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (gamecube) one night, about ready to fall asleep. I quit out of the game because it froze (first time I have had that happen). I went back to load the game up but the default is to start a new game. I clicked start a new game without realizing it...then clicked on my save....it asked me if it was okay to overwrite and I was too impatient and just kept hitting "A" without even realizing it. There went my save. It sucks because I was on the very last boss, and had put in ~15 hours.

I have been searching around the net for gamecube Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy gamesaves but haven't found any yet.
[quote name='msdmoney']I was playing Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (gamecube) one night, about ready to fall asleep. I quit out of the game because it froze (first time I have had that happen). I went back to load the game up but the default is to start a new game. I clicked start a new game without realizing it...then clicked on my save....it asked me if it was okay to overwrite and I was too impatient and just kept hitting "A" without even realizing it. There went my save. It sucks because I was on the very last boss, and had put in ~15 hours.

I have been searching around the net for gamecube Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy gamesaves but haven't found any yet.[/quote]

If you have a Sharkport, try the saves on GameFAQs.
[quote name='msdmoney']I was playing Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (gamecube) one night, about ready to fall asleep. I quit out of the game because it froze (first time I have had that happen). I went back to load the game up but the default is to start a new game. I clicked start a new game without realizing it...then clicked on my save....it asked me if it was okay to overwrite and I was too impatient and just kept hitting "A" without even realizing it. There went my save. It sucks because I was on the very last boss, and had put in ~15 hours.

I have been searching around the net for gamecube Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy gamesaves but haven't found any yet.[/quote]

Games that make 'New Game' (vs. Load or Continue) the default option annoy me. I mean you are going to choose 'New Game' one freaking time and then you'll choose 'Load Game' the next 100+ times after that. But many software developers don't put much effort into usability...
I play YuGiOh on my GBASP when I'm taking a #2. I usually spend a long time doing my business anyways, so what's another 15 minutes(around 30 mins. total). I also bring my laptop in there to surf.
I've got 2 Phantasy Star loses.

One happened earlier this week. After about 7-8 months of not playing, I boot up PSO on GC and it tells me my character is corrupt. 300 hours on one character, 90 on another and 75 on my fiancee's character all lost. :evil:
Somehow my PSO ep.III save on the same card is fine. :?

The other was back in the Genesis days when Phantasy Star II was brand new. Played through about 3/4's of the game and suddenly my save went bad. I guess I had more patience back then cuz I started right over and played until I beat it.
My Chrono Cross refused to save onto my PS2 memory card, so because I'm too cheap to get a memory card that would work, I have to play without dying a single time. On my third attempt I got halfway through, then died due to a pathetic encounter with some small, insignificant beastie.

I screamed.
Worst for me was when I tried playing an online game of PSO V1 for DC, game froze up while I was going into a world and lost most of my items. Pissed me off enough to make me stop playing PSO for good.
I had some weird glitch in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga where my game saved successfully but I was never able to progress past this one part because even though I completed an action it never triggered the event (I was in the town on Bean-Bean mountain and talked to the Hammerbros and jumped for them but the bridge was never completed outside. I think maybe I made Mario jump, saved, and then turned the game off without Luigi jumping).

But that was frustrating, luckily it wasn't that far into the game so I started over with no problems.

I bought Super Mario DX for the GBC and was playing it with Game Genie (or Shark?) The first time I started it without the using the GG, I noticed all the pictures in the album were deleted. Oh well.

Over Christmas break I was playing DDR over my friend's house and I left my memory card there. When I went back, they couldn't find it. Luckily I made a back up copy before I took it over.

When I was playing Broken Sword for the GBA, I got to this spot where I couldn't progress due to a game glitch (the priest kept polishing the chalice and wouldn't give it back). Luckily I saved a copy of an earlier file and then I started over from there. It wasn't that bad but I was pissed until I realized that I had backed it up.
I think mine are kinda harsh...

For the longest time my PS2 memory card would just quit working after a few hours of playing a game. I let it go, as usually it would work again a few hours later. I guess finally it decided it had had enough, and decided to just not work anymore. The PS2 would freeze whenever it was started with the card in there. With that card I lost pretty much every PSX save I ever had, along with every PS2 save. Well over a thousand hours there. I've since been able to get that memory card operational, thanks to the buggy Viewtiful Joe 2 demo that formats cards.

Also, I decided to quit playing FFXI for WoW...and by the time i realized WoW isn't that fun and decided to go back to FFXI...character gone, a few hundred hours down the drain.

And just recently I had my secondary 120GB hard drive die on me, which contained pretty much anything of value on my computer.

And finally, one that wasn't really my loss but affected me anyway. My friend wiped his Cube memory card by flipping the import switch to play his imported copy of Wind Waker. We had a ton of Smash Bros. vs. data on there, along with Resident Evil and Metroid Prime files that were mine (because I didn't own a cube at the time).

Yep, I've not had the best of luck with stuff being saved.
This brings back some old memories. When I was little and playing the original Legend of Zelda, I was at the last dungeon and had explored most of it, right before fighting Ganon. I go to start up the game one day, and all save data are gone. I was just a little kid at the time, so I'm not sure if I reset the system wrong one time and messed it all up or what. Even worse, my Nintendo crapped out on me before I could play through again, and I never got to beat that game until last year when I got the Zelda Collector's disk for Gamecube. Now that is sad.
I've had to start over in FF7 a few times after getting off to good starts because of accidental overwriting from other games that don't go for open save blocks when you want to save.

Also, I've had a memory just stop working after I finished moving saves onto it and filling it up. It was full with the general games and Madden saves on it, which had rental saves for games which I have had to start over once I bought them since getting to CAG. Literally over a dozen or two saves just gone in a second, the memory card has been sitting in my car's storage compartment for well over a year and a half just waiting for me to take it to EB or GS.
I was transfering files from the Saturn's internal memory to the Gameshark I used as a backup for ALL my files (and for imports). Finished, got an error message, then it wiped ALL my data. So many saves (PDS, Nights, Guardian Heroes, Dragon Force, Legend of Oasis and a wicked high score on Robotron) were lost that day. It was a crushing blow.
I was looking though the forum and I thought of my two times.

My first is happened when I bought my first playstaiton I bought a 15 page memory card and two years almost to the day later my memory card died.
It was over 200 hours of gaming on it and it all was gone. I would list everything that was on it but I really don't want to type that much.

My other gaming save file lose is from my GBA, I had a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance in it with almost 70 hours of game play on it and my friend who was also playing had almost 50 hours on it. Then my game boy was stolen.
How about losing over 150 hours of Disgaea gameplay? Or losing over 100 YEARS (gametime) in Monster Rancher? Worst part is, they both happened due to my stupidity. Oh and one time my Destiny Of An Emperor save battery died, 50+ hours all gone, threw the game in the trash after that.
My worst save file loss was when I was 98% complete on Burnout 3 on my roommate's Xbox. He sent it off to Microsoft for some reason to get refurbished... and well, you can guess the rest. I traded BO3 away to GR so fast that I forgot about it... until I saw this topic, lol. :)
I was replaying Zelda: Link to the Past on the SNES this summer. I was most of the way through the game, with only two dungeons left when the game froze. I reset the SNES, and when it powered back up, all three saves files were gone.

It looks like I'll have to get the GBA version. On a related note, how does the GBA version of Link to the Past play compared to the SNES version, given that the screen has a lower resolution and that the GBA has two face buttons instead of four?
For FF7 I had multiple saves I had one for just to have fun which had a stable full of S-class gold chocobos (I bred all of them) ruby and emerald weapon, over 10k gametickets, over 7 million gil, all games unlocked, all materia including master matteria, etc. I also had a save file before almost every movie in the game even the chocobo dance. A save before the last boss, and a few others.

For FF8 I had it saved in Ultimicias Castle

Saga Frontier I had it almost beat with three characters

I forgot the rest, but those were the ones I was most upset over
I deleted my friend's save file of Final Fantasy X. He had 80+ hours logged on, and pretty much finished the whole game inside and out. I wasn't so mad as much as he was. :p
I've been lucky, but there were two times I remember:

1) I bought a $20 guide for Discworld PSone back in '96 or '97, as the game was butt-ass hard. I ended up getting pretty far in it, then the file was corrupt. It took up about 14 blocks. I couldn't play anymore. I then sold the game/book together for $20. Seven years later, I paid $70 for the game off eBay. ::sigh::

2) I was deep into Final Fantasy 1 -- I'd say about 2/3 of the way, easy. My girlfriend showed interest. I said she could save over if she promised to play a while (there's only one file/cart). She played like an hour and never touched it again. Meanwhile, my game was bye-bye.
[quote name='daphatty']bump[/quote]

I don't think you want to bring this thread to the attention of past, present, and future CAGs who trade games with you... :wink:
Back when FF7 was new I lost several 40-50 hour saves. I was using a 3rd party memory card, one of those with 2 million pages. However, I loved the game enough to restart each time and eventually bought a Sony card. Other than that I've been lucky.
The worst when when I was playing Zelda 2 on the original Nintendo. I was at the final level, saved it, and stopped playing. I came back to play and the game cartridge crapped out with typical NES fashion. I got it working, and all the save files were deleted.

Honorable mention:

Losing 7 years of a Madden franchise
Super Punch Out file deleted
Having to replay the first level of Resident Evil Zero again (frustrating game)
lost my GC memory card w/ Zelda, Mario Sunshine, Metriod, Smash Bros., and Skies of Arcadia on it. I had finished them all accept Smash Bros., but i had put alot of effort on them and perfered to have memory of they're domination. Now I keep the huge memory card that Nintendo came out w/ in my cube at all times and one that i take out with me when i go out.

The worst was when I had a near completed FF7 file w/ all the ultimate materia AND an additional mastered Knights of the Round. My friend was fookin around, and accidently saved over it. I literally cried (you would too after spending 115 hours of your summer on it) and slammed my fist into his stomach. We're still close friends, but I'm still a little bitter over it
My sister got mad at me once and pulled out my copy of Super Mario All-Stars while I was playing it on my SNES. I snatched it from her and checked if it worked, it did, but all my save files were gone :(. I was so sad.
It's the thread that keeps on giving. Speaking of which, I just encountered a delayed response to a memory card getting corrupted: Gran Turismo 4 told me (that's right, it spoke to me..it's alive, Jim) that I could transfer liscenses from my GT3 savegame file(s)! I cheered! (and I hadn't read anything about GT4, so I didn't know this would be possible.) ..then, it also told me I could transfer MONEY from my old savegame! I cheered louder!! then, it read the memory card in my second slot and told me it had no licenses and no money! ...because it was a barely started savegame I half-heartedly started after losing my original file! :(
waaaaahahahahaha nooooooooo *sob*
Back on PS1, had Parastie Eve beaten with full marks once through. Also had Star Ocean : SS right before the final boss.

Power surge in the house wiped the card clean as I sat there.

(woot, 100 posts!)
Way back when I first got FF7. It was my first RPG, so it took me over 20 hours just to get out of Midgar. When I did and realized there was this whole world I'd get to explore, I was trilled out of my mind! Then my brother wanted to try, so I reset and let him start a game. He saved over mine at the first save point. I went upstairs and cried for a good 20 minutes.

#2 is my boyfriend's recent loss- his PS2 card corrupted. He basically lost all data for every game he's owned since he bought the PS2 back when they released, save for a couple files on a backup card. To add insult to injury, he'd moved some old PSone files to that card for storage, so he lost a bunch of those too. he was the most upset over the Front Mission 4 fie.
The last time I lost something that precious was my Baseball Stars league for NES. My brother, two friends and myself all had teams on that cartridge, with a season about to get underway. We would take turns borrowing it so that we could all work on our teams, and the last guy took it home. His sister erased it all.
What sucked is that we couldn't kick his sister's tail feathers, and it wasn't really our friend's fault either since she stole it and played it while he was gone. Damn. That's depressing.
I'm going to email him about it and curse him now.
[quote name='Wet Ninja']I was replaying Zelda: Link to the Past on the SNES this summer. I was most of the way through the game, with only two dungeons left when the game froze. I reset the SNES, and when it powered back up, all three saves files were gone. [/quote]Oh man, that game erased my save file like three or four times. Finally I just started copying the game to all three slots, EVERY time I played. Usually I would turn the game to find one or two of the files erased. I kept playing the game like this until I finally beat it... but man I still held my breath every time I turned it on... I kept hoping this wouldn't be the one time it erased all three slots.

Some of those old cartridges were terrible, I'm so glad we've got memory cards and hard drives now. Those will crap out too, but not nearly as frequently as the old cartridges did.

Oh, and once I copied over my friend's Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth PS2 file. The save system in that game was confusing as hell, so when I tried to copy created wrestlers over I ended up copying over the whole file without even realizing it. Luckily the seasons in that game are pretty short, so he didn't even really care... he was more stoked about all the wrestlers I made. I was so nervous about how he would react; I thought he would feel like I betrayed him or something. "I entrust you with my memory card and THIS is what I get in return?"

I had this X-Port device that lets you transfer PS2 saves to a PC, but unfortunately the new PS2 model won't read the disc. I'll have to write the company and see if they've updated it, because I realize how fragile some of this stuff is.
Shadow of the Colossus- Stupid me saved over the save file slot with another game. Luckly, while not the same, because my stats were more advanced at ealier stages, I copied the data from a friends card because together we played on a different save file. So while not the same, I played a lot on the other one too. :(

The Matrix: Path of Neo- Started game up one day to show someone a cool scene, but save slot was reset to 0% complete. Not sure to this day how it happened. The person beat the game afterwards, so I got the data "kinda" back, but with less unlocked secret content and on an easier difficulty. :(
bread's done