XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='Dthib87']lmao, i love spelunky. dying on spelunky was frustrating but it wasnt like SMB in the way of me spending 45 minutes dying every 15seconds on the same exact spot. I just couldnt handle that shit.[/QUOTE]

I love both games, and think they deserve every bit of praise they get and more. But at least in Super Meat Boy, no matter how many times you fail in that situation, you still only get set back 15 seconds at a time. It's a lot easier to figure out where you're making an error, and adjust for the situation in SMB. In Spelunky, however, it's the opposite. However much time you spend on the game is how far you get set back when you die. I hate the feeling of spending half an hour+ on a Spelunky run, managing my resources the best I can, working hard to afford good items, going out of my way to get as many Damsels as possible, navigating the traps with utmost care, and then- getting stunlocked by a Tiki Trap/mummy/yeti/etc. and having all that time wasted.

I understand they're both platformers that put emphasis on player skill progression over artificial in-game stat progression, and that's what I like about them. It's the same reason I love Dustforce and (while outside the platformer genre) Demon's/Dark Souls. What I don't like, however, is when you have to put in an extended amount of time for each shot at player progression. I mean, yeah, that mentality is probably why a "Stage Select" feature was implemented in the XBLA version of Spelunky in the first place. But there are locations you can't reach if you take even one of the shortcuts, and considering those are the places I need to practice most, it's admittedly discouraging to spend so much time on just the opportunity to develop my skills as a player. :/
Only a few things have had their price changed at the moment (one of Iron Brigade's & Toy Soldier's DLCs are discounted at the moment), but I noticed Catherine got dropped 1/2 price to $20. I have a feeling that might fall under the "Horror" category, and that'd help a lot towards what you need to get the 300 MSP back for Xbox Rewards (just $5 short).

S&S+ Scratch & Win loser deals:

Quarrel: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Swarm: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Mercury HG: 200 MSP (1/2 off)

Chain Reaction Deals, all Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13:

Deal 1: 5 Course Pack, 800 MSP (1/2 off)
Deal 2: Emerald Dragon, 160 MSP (240 MSP off)
Deal 3: Blue Monster at Doral, 120 MSP (280 MSP off)
Deal 4: Wolf Creek, 80 MSP (320 MSP off)
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[quote name='Zonic505']
S&S+ Scratch & Win loser deals:

Quarrel: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Swarm: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Mercury HG: 200 MSP (1/2 off)[/QUOTE]

These loser deals are better than the actual DoTW. All of these games are no brainer at 200msp. Already have Swarm and Mercury, gonna buy Quarrel now.:)
[quote name='Sath666']These loser deals are better than the actual DoTW. All of these games are no brainer at 200msp. Already have Swarm and Mercury, gonna buy Quarrel now.:)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Mercury is the only one I don't have, think I'll be correcting that this evening.
[quote name='Zonic505']
S&S+ Scratch & Win loser deals:

Quarrel: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Swarm: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Mercury HG: 200 MSP (1/2 off)

Chain Reaction Deals, all Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13:

Deal 1: 5 Course Pack, 800 MSP (1/2 off)
Deal 2: Emerald Dragon, 160 MSP (240 MSP off)
Deal 3: Blue Monster at Doral, 120 MSP (280 MSP off)
Deal 4: Wolf Creek, 80 MSP (320 MSP off)[/QUOTE]

fuck never would have thought any of them would go down to 200 :) already finished Quarrel but haven't started Swarm yet... anyway going to get mercury HG all of them are no brainers at 400 MSP at 200 MSP just get them! lol
This is my fault I possess the perfect storm of being unlucky, unskilled, uncoordinated, lacking the time, and being just plain stupid. I have accepted this fact after decades of experience. It is a wonder I even try to play video games.

[quote name='eastx']Dude, Toy Soldiers is not that hard. Look up a guide or a YouTube video... Also, Cold War can be made easier with delightful local co-op.[/QUOTE]

The mission where I can only use the planes is just plain too difficult for me and me alone. I have done as you've suggested already, but for the factors listed above I am unable to do this. I've done the suggestions of turning the difficulty all the way up, but it still doesn't make up for my inability to fly-shoot-bomb accurately. This mission is my roadblock which may suggest the Toy Soldiers games are just not for me.

[quote name='Sath666']Spelunky is still my favourite XBLA game for this year. Beating Hell was so rewarding - not that these last levels were too hard, but accomplishing this after soo many requirements before feels really good. Shame most of the gamers are put off by the difficulty. :/[/QUOTE]

You! I actually edited out "[probably Sath666]" from my previous posting just to not single out anyone =P.

I've not even seen hell yet. Given the months, yep, months it took me to finally pass Olmec with no money, I have this horrible feeling I wasted away my time on this game. Over a dozen times have I reached Olmec without money only to have an unfortunate set of circumstances, forcing me to spiral out of control to close the deal. As I have said, it is impossible for any human to be as unlucky as I playing the game. I can't help but leave this game with the most emptiest of feeling which was described best by Jackie Chandler:

[quote name='Jackie Chandler']I love both games, and think they deserve every bit of praise they get and more. But at least in Super Meat Boy, no matter how many times you fail in that situation, you still only get set back 15 seconds at a time. It's a lot easier to figure out where you're making an error, and adjust for the situation in SMB. In Spelunky, however, it's the opposite. However much time you spend on the game is how far you get set back when you die. I hate the feeling of spending half an hour+ on a Spelunky run, managing my resources the best I can, working hard to afford good items, going out of my way to get as many Damsels as possible, navigating the traps with utmost care, and then- getting stunlocked by a Tiki Trap/mummy/yeti/etc. and having all that time wasted.

I understand they're both platformers that put emphasis on player skill progression over artificial in-game stat progression, and that's what I like about them. It's the same reason I love Dustforce and (while outside the platformer genre) Demon's/Dark Souls. What I don't like, however, is when you have to put in an extended amount of time for each shot at player progression. I mean, yeah, that mentality is probably why a "Stage Select" feature was implemented in the XBLA version of Spelunky in the first place. But there are locations you can't reach if you take even one of the shortcuts, and considering those are the places I need to practice most, it's admittedly discouraging to spend so much time on just the opportunity to develop my skills as a player. :/[/QUOTE]

Worded so eloquently, describes my suffering to the T. I love both games as well, but I am glad I got Super Meat Boy on release at 800MSP and Spelunky as a prize from PlayXBLA to make up for my poor choice to get Dungeon Fighter Live at launch. My gut feeling told me 1200MSP was too much to pay to suffer in Spelunky, I would have purchased had it released at 800MSP (but not on sale down to 800MSP from 1200MSP). Again, my "general badness" at video games knows no bounds, but doesn't hamper my enjoyment of these challenging platformers. [Also, I enjoy your impractical for PvP Astral Finishes ^^]

[quote name='Friend of Sonic']I do hope for Fighters Megamix as well. That was fantastic. Nothing beats playing as the Daytona car. NOTHING.[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ, I like using Janet from Virtua Cop 2 ... she fires and reloads, like in the game she came from ^^.

Anyway, I am glad the holidays will be coming in the next couple months. I have been patient on quite a few XBLA titles released this year to land with a proper discount. I've been patient with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD, Quantum Conundrum, Sine Mora, and Counter Strike: Global Offense [maybe Sonic 4-2 as well]. I'm already storing moon points up for the winter like a squirrel. I figure by next April, I will have lost my patience for a discount and will do the CAG thread a favor and finally purchase one NeoGeo Battle Colosseum, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, or Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo at full price such that everyone can benefit from a sale on it the week after.


[quote name='CAiNiACprime']I will forever hear Crono's posts read in the voice of the most interesting man in the world from this point forward. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I don't always try for the most interesting man in the world statements, but when I do, I usually fall flat on my face.

[quote name='Zonic505']Deal 2: Emerald Dragon, 160 MSP (240 MSP off)[/QUOTE]

I was wide-eyed at first and mistakenly thought of the PC-Engine (TurboGrafx 16) and X68000 classic JRPG and thought "Oh snap! Must buy!" ... and so I set myself up for disappointment.

I know others on this thread love Quarrel, but alas the last of my perfect storm of badness at video games, being just plain stupid, will keep me from progressing at the game ^^.
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[quote name='Crono-00']
I've not even seen hell yet. Given the months, yep, months it took me to finally pass Olmec with no money, I have this horrible feeling I wasted away my time on this game. Over a dozen times have I reached Olmec without money only to have an unfortunate set of circumstances, forcing me to spiral out of control to close the deal. As I have said, it is impossible for any human to be as unlucky as I playing the game. I can't help but leave this game with the most emptiest of feeling which was described best by Jackie Chandler:

Hey man, i can say you are completed the hardest task in the game - Low Scorer achievement. Took me forever to nail this one. Ended my Spelunky journey with 1500+ deaths lol.
So I bought Transformers: WFC (still in the same boat as Crono in terms of the GoDs), DFLive, Fable Heroes, VF5: FS, Braid (FINALLY!), Monkey Island & Arkadian Warriors. I was pleased to see that 3 of the 6 arcade games I bought had a meaty 400 GS each, not too shabby.

Thanks for posting the Sales & Special deals, they were updated pretty late as opposed to the usual time they put up the new ones, weird. But god damn, I spent $40 on points last week and had it all figured out to spend only $20 this week (picking up Keflings, Toy Soldiers, and all 4 Toy Soldier DLCs), and now I'm gonna have to at least figure out how to get 200 or 400 points (have been dying to get Mercury Hg, LOADS of fun).

It seems like the Double Fine sale is the usual fare, (which sucks cause I think I bought both the Costume Quest & Stacking DLCs which never got a sale up until that point for full price but now they're a token part of the sale, ugh) almost forgot Iron Brigade got a price drop in August I think but the game's good enough that I don't mind that I got it for 600 MSP in like May. But if you were ever going to pick it up, this is the cheapest it's gonna get and I HEARTILY recommend it. I'm surprised Costume Quest and Stacking haven't gotten similar drops, they shouldn't cost more than Iron Brigade.

Was hoping to see Psychonauts randomly show up, or at least a sale on the Brutal Legend DLC or the Sesame Street DLC (for those of you who have the Once Upon A Monster game, which I don't), because the only thing I don't have from this sale is Happy Action Theatre (don't gots a Kinect). But that just means I can save money to put towards Mercury Hg and maybe Swarm.

I have a feeling that Catherine (which was a HUGEEEE surprise, was hoping it was a permanent drop), will be the GoD deal of the week, I guess they figured after seeing the high number of people buying WFC for 50% off, it was worth a try for a more niche game. And that game should DEFINITELY go towards the promo, but the BlOps zombie DLC didn't, so you never know.

The Chain Reaction for the next 2 weeks is a joke, knowing EA that multiplayer will be down in a heartbeat. But at least that's more money to put towards better sale items. By the way, loved Super Meat Boy, was happy to pick it up on sale for 400 last Black Fridayish, those poor devs took a lot of shit from Microsoft (mostly for the reasons Cornelius stated).

Oh, and for the person who wanted a good list of unlockable avatar items, 360Achievements does a pretty good job, and it's spyware-free! -> http://www.xbox360achievements.org/awardables/

It ain't perfect (I wish someone would just start cataloging unlockable gamer pics already) but it's plenty good.

In regards to the OP, since I already have most of it done, a quick update should be all that's needed. I'll be happy to do it after I get out of my morning class. Can't wait to finally be able to remove that Fable Heroes section next week and start making the OP smaller again.

Edit: I think I'm actually suffering a physiological reaction to having to miss out on picking up SF3 on sale, lol. CURSE YOU MICROSOFT.
[quote name='BobbyTastic']
Oh, and for the person who wanted a good list of unlockable avatar items, 360Achievements does a pretty good job, and it's spyware-free! -> http://www.xbox360achievements.org/awardables/

It ain't perfect (I wish someone would just start cataloging unlockable gamer pics already) but it's plenty good.

That list is very incomplete. Off the top of my head it's missing Dust : An Elysian Tale, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic 4 Episode 2 and Swarm. Probably a lot more too.
This is my reference site. It's very good, give a description of the Awards items and is kept updated (though it is also missing Sonic Adventure 2):
[quote name='Zonic505']Only a few things have had their price changed at the moment (one of Iron Brigade's & Toy Soldier's DLCs are discounted at the moment), but I noticed Catherine got dropped 1/2 price to $20. I have a feeling that might fall under the "Horror" category, and that'd help a lot towards what you need to get the 300 MSP back for Xbox Rewards (just $5 short).

S&S+ Scratch & Win loser deals:

Quarrel: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Swarm: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Mercury HG: 200 MSP (1/2 off)

I have the first two. Guess I need to check out Mercury.
[quote name='t4nd4r']Anyone know what's in the Double Fine sale?

I would assume Double Fine games....[/QUOTE]

Costume Quest + DLC
Iron Brigade + DLC
Stacking + DLC
Happy Action Theater

so far...
[quote name='t4nd4r']Anyone know what's in the Double Fine sale?

I would assume Double Fine games....[/QUOTE]

Damn, can't believe I forgot to play Scratch and Match to get Braid and Ilomilo. More so Ilomilo, since I have Braid on Steam, but still. There was a 100 MB update for the app and I was lazy and didn't want to wait so I kept ignoring it.
Should I get Costume Quest, or the three loser deals from the S&S app? Not sure how I'll like any of them so I've got the trials queued up, but I would like your opinions on them.
[quote name='VaultBoy101']Costume Quest is the greatest game of all time, so get that one.[/QUOTE]

I loved it, but that's a HUGE stretch. The game was very, very repetitive. Extremely charming, but incredibly repetitive.
[quote name='Tsel']I loved it, but that's a HUGE stretch. The game was very, very repetitive. Extremely charming, but incredibly repetitive.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, it was indeed a huge stretch. ;)
[quote name='VaultBoy101']Costume Quest is the greatest game of all time, so get that one.[/QUOTE]
I might stop a little short of greatest game of all time, but it is incredibly fun and I can't recommend it highly enough. Just started another playthrough in honor of Halloween.
[quote name='Decker']That list is very incomplete. Off the top of my head it's missing Dust : An Elysian Tale, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic 4 Episode 2 and Swarm. Probably a lot more too.
This is my reference site. It's very good, give a description of the Awards items and is kept updated (though it is also missing Sonic Adventure 2):

Wow. Had no idea how incomplete the list I had was, thank you. Bookmarking when I get home.

As for the other link, I prefer the Game Informer one only because I like having one clear & concise list, but I like the other link's division into categories. If they had a page with just one list, it'd be fine.

The only games that the Game Informer link is missing is: Testament to Sherlock Holmes, Fable: The Journey, Fire Pro Wrestling, Sonic Adventure 2 & the Windows Phone 7 games.

I have a feeling that the discounts are done for the day, at least in terms of the Double Fine sale. So it's the usual stuff, bleh. I would definitely recommend Costume Quest (though I wish they'd give it a chance to hit 400 like Iron Brigade) & the DLC, but it's not the best game ever by any margin. Very little replayability (unless you take a longggg break from it), imo and it can seem somewhat repetitive by the time you finish the main game and play the DLC. Still good, but only for one solid completionist playthrough every blue moon.

Thanks for the note about Happy Action theatre being imported into the sequel, I'll see if I can make a note in the OP. TO WORK!

Edit: As of right now, the sales from last week are STILL good, so if anyone wants to make a last minute purchase, go for it. I'll leave them in the OP.

Edit 2: @Strider That's probably because, like Risk: Factions, it's only worth $5, lol.

Edit 3: Have no idea why the font in the S&S app part got small, but it got small wayyy before I did any edits to it. I blame them internet ghosts!

Disappointed to see that Mercury Hg's add-ons individually cost more than the base game now... really?

Also, I love seeing the Robinsons GoD go up and down, it's obvious it's an October markdown but they're probably trying to milk the .01% of people who would buy it into buying it for the higher price until the rest of October's markdowns are finalized.

Edit 4: Just have the Double Fine sale left, so far, so good. Also @Zonic, saw you on the Happy Wars 360achievements' leaderboard. What's your opinion on the game? I also saw Eastx in the Happy Action Theatre forums. It's cool seeing people you know around the internetsphere.

Edit 5: Done! Enjoy everybody. See you next week. And as of 12:41 EST, last week's sales are all (aside from Scratch & Match and Chain Reaction) STILL good.

Question to all of you though, do you think they'd allow Costume Quest to count for this month's rewards promo? And for those of you who added me for Wizard Score on FX2, I finally finished playing all my purchased tables, so my Superscore has seen a marked increase.
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Some prettttttttty good deals again, to go along with the past couple of weeks.

I have Costume Quest already, such a fun carefree game. I picked up the DLC last time it was on sale in March, I was just waiting for the holidays to get in the mood to play it.

I still haven't made a decision on which Toy Soldiers and what DLC to get. I'll have to think about that one a little while longer.

Definitely picking up Iron Brigade + its DLC. Also going to pick up Stackings DLC. I missed out on it last time it dropped to 200, so itll go nice with the Stacking full game I bought at 300 a few weeks ago.
I'm gonna have to pass on Costume Quest seeing that it's 600. If I hadn't already played it, I'd definitely consider it, but I'm just gonna hope to find it and the DLC cheaper in an upcoming Steam sale.
[quote name='Sath666']Spelunky is still my favourite XBLA game for this year. Beating Hell was so rewarding - not that these last levels were too hard, but accomplishing this after soo many requirements before feels really good. Shame most of the gamers are put off by the difficulty. :/[/QUOTE]

It's quite a shame. I still think they should patch in an easy mode which disables achievements, just so more players can actually get through the game. I know I'd like to see the end, but I don't have the time or patience to do so.

[quote name='Zonic505']Only a few things have had their price changed at the moment (one of Iron Brigade's & Toy Soldier's DLCs are discounted at the moment), but I noticed Catherine got dropped 1/2 price to $20. I have a feeling that might fall under the "Horror" category, and that'd help a lot towards what you need to get the 300 MSP back for Xbox Rewards (just $5 short).

S&S+ Scratch & Win loser deals:

Quarrel: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Swarm: 200 MSP (1/2 off)
Mercury HG: 200 MSP (1/2 off)

Chain Reaction Deals, all Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13:

Deal 1: 5 Course Pack, 800 MSP (1/2 off)
Deal 2: Emerald Dragon, 160 MSP (240 MSP off)
Deal 3: Blue Monster at Doral, 120 MSP (280 MSP off)
Deal 4: Wolf Creek, 80 MSP (320 MSP off)[/QUOTE]

Damn those are great Scratch n Match loser deals. All 3 are totally worth $2.50 (I paid $7.50 for Swarm alone, damn it.) I'll probably re-buy Swarm since I own it on PSN. It too has avatar awards as well as it's an awesome game and I can scoop up some quick 'cheevos on it, since I'm kind of awesome at the game.

[quote name='Sath666']These loser deals are better than the actual DoTW. All of these games are no brainer at 200msp. Already have Swarm and Mercury, gonna buy Quarrel now.:)[/QUOTE]

Quarrel fucking rocks too. I had a real tough time in the later half of the campaign because they made the AI ridiculously good.

[quote name='weeman43302']Should I get Costume Quest, or the three loser deals from the S&S app? Not sure how I'll like any of them so I've got the trials queued up, but I would like your opinions on them.[/QUOTE]

I'd actually recommend the 3 loser deals over Costume Quest. I think I like Swarm more than CQ.
[quote name='VaultBoy101']Costume Quest is the greatest game of all time, so get that one.[/QUOTE]

I whole-heartedly agree, buy it.
CQ makes you feel like a kid again. It's fairly easy, but full of charm, and it's on sale just in time for Halloween. Do yourself a favor and play it.
Considering buying the Cold War DLC and get the maingame when it is 400 MSP too hum....already bought Mercury HG today (wish DLC was on sale as well) and got the first Toy Soldiers with both DLC packs hum...
can anyone estimate when if ever there will be another thq (namely sr:tt) sale, i am also wondering if anyone could tell me if they would ever make the online pass half off? thanks
[quote name='shinn']can anyone estimate when if ever there will be another thq (namely sr:tt) sale, i am also wondering if anyone could tell me if they would ever make the online pass half off? thanks[/QUOTE]

They had a sr3 sale not long ago, its a guess as to know when it'll be on sale again.
[quote name='BobbyTastic']
As for the other link, I prefer the Game Informer one only because I like having one clear & concise list, but I like the other link's division into categories. If they had a page with just one list, it'd be fine.

I am assuming by "other link" you're referring to the one I posted. Yes, it is broken down by category as opposed to one big list. However, it is the only one posted so far that is actually up to date.
[quote name='shinn']can anyone estimate when if ever there will be another thq (namely sr:tt) sale, i am also wondering if anyone could tell me if they would ever make the online pass half off? thanks[/QUOTE]

By the end of the year for a THQ sale I'd guess and yes there's always a possibility that a season pass will get marked down. We just had a week of daily deals with a different season pass being discounted each day a few weeks ago.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Did they ever fix the issue with purchases made in the sales app not reflecting on the marketplace?[/QUOTE]

I had an issue where I bought braid in the S&S app last week but it didn't download. I went back to the download history on xbox.com and it WAS there to re-download. I'm trying to look now and see if it shows as me owning it on the xbox.com page but the site's still being goofy to me.

Edit: finally got it up. Braid AND Ikaruga both show up in my purchase history to redownload, but neither of them show as purchased when I look them up by title in the marketplace.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Did they ever fix the issue with purchases made in the sales app not reflecting on the marketplace?[/QUOTE]

I already bought two games with this App and marketplace and download history do recognize this =)
off topic a bit-has anyone with the dashboard update pre release have issues with xbox live connecting? i cant be logged into live when playing ME3, it makes me put in my password and then gives an error and i stay signed out. anyone else have similar issues?
[quote name='bajingo']off topic a bit-has anyone with the dashboard update pre release have issues with xbox live connecting? i cant be logged into live when playing ME3, it makes me put in my password and then gives an error and i stay signed out. anyone else have similar issues?[/QUOTE]

Not having trouble logging in atm but I've had a whole lot of the enter password and set security options pop up every time i log in. I tried setting them at least 6 times but it keeps asking.
[quote name='bajingo']off topic a bit-has anyone with the dashboard update pre release have issues with xbox live connecting? i cant be logged into live when playing ME3, it makes me put in my password and then gives an error and i stay signed out. anyone else have similar issues?[/QUOTE]

Not specifically what you're talking about. Mine however, keeps asking me to verify my account (via phone/text) every so often. It's a pain in the ass. I hope it's not a "feature" they want to retain in the final release.
I highly recommend Happy Action Theatre for anyone with young children. It is the perfect style of "game" for young kids since it basically runs itself and does not require any skill or rules to follow and no controller or special gestures. I use "game" in quotes since it is basically more of an activity than a game, but definitely fun. For adults, it is a neat novelty, but will not have any lasting appeal (other than showing it to people who haven't seen it yet).

Definitely worth $5 for the novelty of it. Worth more than $5 if you have kids.
I suppose it will be time to pick up Happy Action Theater.

Costume Quest is a lot of fun and easily worth the sale price. Was worth it at full price IMHO. The DLC is very short, but worth the sale price (not more).
Costume Quest is a delight. Sure, it's been cheaper on Steam and likely will be several more times, but if you're in the Halloween spirit and like fairly easy achievements then it's spacebucks well spent. I haven't got around to playing the DLC, but now that October's come back around I think it's time I do so. :D I was really hoping Brutal Legend DLC would be on sale since I just started playing the game, but oh well.

The "loser deals" are pretty damned awesome too. Three games with decent reviews for 200 MSP a pop? Oh hell yeah. Considering Swarm debuted only a year and a half ago at 1200 MSP, that's amazing.
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