XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='Briar36']A World of Keflings opinions, anyone?[/QUOTE]

Awesome as hell! Well technically I haven't played World of Keflings yet, but Kingdom was really fun and addictive, and Akimi Village on PSN was great too.

I can seriously sink 3 hours into these Kefling games and not realize how much time has gone by. It's always "oh, I'll just build one more building"...
[quote name='bajingo']off topic a bit-has anyone with the dashboard update pre release have issues with xbox live connecting? i cant be logged into live when playing ME3, it makes me put in my password and then gives an error and i stay signed out. anyone else have similar issues?[/QUOTE]
I More have problems with errors popping up whenever I try to download something off the marketplace on my 360. The website though has been horribly annoying, whenever I use Firefox to go to my 360 account about half the time it tells me that something went wrong and it can't connect to my Live account. Though using Explorer and it logs right in with little fuss.
Do you guys think the Dead Island DLC is worth it?

I can trade in my vanilla copy for $16 at GS and I can buy the GOTY copy for $20 at Best Buy. Is the DLC worth $4?

(GOTY is $20 with @gamer coupon at BB. The approximate $16 GS TIV is for pure unlocked members).
I've had all sorts of minor problems with the new dashboard, not to mention it seems to need updating every week or so.

Also, my list of arcade games loads faster on the new dashboard, but everything else is still slow as hell, worse than it was on the old dashboard. Maybe it's just cuz my harddrive is full...
[quote name='Ciffy']I had an issue where I bought braid in the S&S app last week but it didn't download. I went back to the download history on xbox.com and it WAS there to re-download. I'm trying to look now and see if it shows as me owning it on the xbox.com page but the site's still being goofy to me.

Edit: finally got it up. Braid AND Ikaruga both show up in my purchase history to redownload, but neither of them show as purchased when I look them up by title in the marketplace.[/QUOTE] I'm having similar issues with Mercury HG. Thank you for the tip.
[quote name='tylerh1701']I've had all sorts of minor problems with the new dashboard, not to mention it seems to need updating every week or so.

Also, my list of arcade games loads faster on the new dashboard, but everything else is still slow as hell, worse than it was on the old dashboard. Maybe it's just cuz my harddrive is full...[/QUOTE]
Does it constantly log you off? Or if you're just turning on your xbox you login offline?
[quote name='GUNNM']Does it constantly log you off? Or if you're just turning on your xbox you login offline?[/QUOTE]

I think I've only been randomly logged off once or twice, so that may have just been network errors on my side.

Before the last couple of updates, when I would turn it on it wouldn't log me in to Xbox Live almost every time. But that seems to have been fixed for me.
[quote name='crunchewy']When are we supposed to get the new dashboard? I mean those of us not in the beta?[/QUOTE]

Seems like it's usually in November, but I could see it happen in late October to sync up with Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and the new Surface Tablets
[quote name='tylerh1701']I've had all sorts of minor problems with the new dashboard, not to mention it seems to need updating every week or so.

Also, my list of arcade games loads faster on the new dashboard, but everything else is still slow as hell, worse than it was on the old dashboard. Maybe it's just cuz my harddrive is full...[/QUOTE]
My Xbox is slow as fuck. I thought it was because my HDD is full also, mine has been slow like this before the beta dash though. Pretty much since the old NXE dash beta
Of course you're gonna get a lot of dashboard updates if you're in the beta. You should never be shocked, surprised, or appalled by this. :p It's been crazy annoying about me verifying my security, and I can't seem to purge a particular email address from my Xbox profile no matter what I do, but other than that the beta's been smooth sailing for me. My game library loads a hell of a lot faster, and I haven't noticed anything else being more sluggish than usual. The library loading was really the only thing that ever bothered me.
I Have a 250GB HDD on my fatty 360 and am in the dashboard update and for the most part, things are faster. Games load up faster and some of the DLC heavy things I got (Rock Band and Dance Central) load up much quicker then they did before, specifically Dance Central, which before update it needed about 10 seconds to load up the songs, but it's instantaneous now. Hulu and Netflix though I think remain about the same speed to load up the queue and menus and what not.
what's the deal with microsoft points being fazed out? does this mean we have to spend our leftover points as soon as possible so they don't go to waste?
[quote name='Barry Burton']what's the deal with microsoft points being fazed out? does this mean we have to spend our leftover points as soon as possible so they don't go to waste?[/QUOTE]

I'm sure they'll just convert remaining points balances to display real-world currency instead.
[quote name='Barry Burton']what's the deal with microsoft points being fazed out? does this mean we have to spend our leftover points as soon as possible so they don't go to waste?[/QUOTE]

It's a persistent rumor that has never been substantiated (that I know of-unless something new has come up recently?) I wouldn't worry about it until we hear something a little more substantial than hearsay. If it does happen your points balance would be converted over or they would have to give you a refund of your money.
[quote name='Barry Burton']what's the deal with microsoft points being fazed out? does this mean we have to spend our leftover points as soon as possible so they don't go to waste?[/QUOTE]

there's nothing saying that it's being phased out. just more rumors. The Verge's article only shows Windows 8 having real money as the default payment option for buying movies/rentals. Having points as the alternative payment doesn't mean it's being phased out.

In fact, Microsoft just partnered with Coinstar to convert change to points. Seems silly if they're just going to phase it out.



[quote name='dark_inchworm']Of course you're gonna get a lot of dashboard updates if you're in the beta. You should never be shocked, surprised, or appalled by this. :p It's been crazy annoying about me verifying my security, and I can't seem to purge a particular email address from my Xbox profile no matter what I do, but other than that the beta's been smooth sailing for me. My game library loads a hell of a lot faster, and I haven't noticed anything else being more sluggish than usual. The library loading was really the only thing that ever bothered me.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember having nearly this many dashboard updates in the last dashboard beta I was in, but maybe I'm remembering incorrectly.

Also glad to see that I wasn't the only one rolling my eyes at the most recent rumor of the demise of MS points. The reason they used to generate that rumor didn't even make sense.

I also can't believe how many people want to see the points go. They clearly aren't versed in the ways of CAG.
[quote name='bardockkun']The only update to that rumor is Windows 8 will be adding the option to pay with cash instead of points.[/QUOTE]
I would love to have that option for everything on Xbox Live.

The only thing I don't like about the dashboard beta is that they don't use the beta channel for news/changelogs like you'd expect when you see what's there. Every year's beta goes by and they do next to nothing with it.
[quote name='tylerh1701']I don't remember having nearly this many dashboard updates in the last dashboard beta I was in, but maybe I'm remembering incorrectly.

Also glad to see that I wasn't the only one rolling my eyes at the most recent rumor of the demise of MS points. The reason they used to generate that rumor didn't even make sense.

I also can't believe how many people want to see the points go. They clearly aren't versed in the ways of CAG.[/QUOTE]

my purchases on xbox live would be reduced drastically if points went away. the people who hate msp just dont know how to get them cheap. 30 to 40% off the points + xbox live deals combo are pretty much the only reason i even spend money on xbox live.
[quote name='tylerh1701']I don't remember having nearly this many dashboard updates in the last dashboard beta I was in, but maybe I'm remembering incorrectly.[/QUOTE]

Nah, I will concede that it seems like this dash is being updated more frequently than last year's beta dashboard. I would consider that a good thing.
[quote name='harry hood']Any thoughts on Rise of the Martian Bear and The Lost Hobo King DLC?[/QUOTE]
Rise if the Martian Bear is good but tough. It also adds a bunch of higher level gear.
[quote name='harry hood']Any thoughts on Rise of the Martian Bear and The Lost Hobo King DLC?[/QUOTE]

Rise of the Martian Bear practically begs to be played co-op, the levels are borderline unbeatable solo from my personal experiences and what I've read. So if you're just going to solo it, I'd think twice.
[quote name='harry hood']Any thoughts on Rise of the Martian Bear and The Lost Hobo King DLC?[/QUOTE]The Lost Hobo King is pretty much more of the same, which isn't a bad thing. It'll probably take about 2 to 3 hours to complete, but it's decent enough to warrant the price, especially with achievements.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Rise of the Martian Bear practically begs to be played co-op, the levels are borderline unbeatable solo from my personal experiences and what I've read. So if you're just going to solo it, I'd think twice.[/QUOTE]
It's not too hard to find a random to play with online though, is it?
Sure you can find people, but usually they all want to play the unlimited mode. If anyone wants to play through the actual levels of Iron Brigade with me, shoot me a msg or friend request on XBL.

I already own all the Double Fine stuff (all great, buy it ALL, even the DLC lol), so I guess I'll get Swarm for 200, even though I don't need it. :p Sort of tempted on Mercury Hg and Quarrel as well, but they seem like they would work better as mobile (iPhone) games.
[quote name='harry hood']It's not too hard to find a random to play with online though, is it?[/QUOTE]

I didn't have much luck with it, I actually only ever found one group of 3 when playing online, and they were just doing survival. It's definitely not one of my favorite games, so I only looked for others online maybe 3 separate times, so I'm probably not the best to answer that question.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']Sure you can find people, but usually they all want to play the unlimited mode. If anyone wants to play through the actual levels of Iron Brigade with me, shoot me a msg or friend request on XBL.[/QUOTE]

I added you last time the game was on sale but never pressed you to play... oops!

The Martian Bear levels are hard as hell, but they can be done solo. If you're willing to endure a whole lotta pain, anyway.
Definitely grabbing Quarrel, Swarm, Mercury HG and Iron Brigade... can't decide about the expansions for both Toy Soliders games (won codes for both games + the Kaiser expansion, but have never actually booted them up!) and Iron Brigade (haven't tried it)...
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's a shame that there won't be a Costume Quest 2 about the kids' adventures during the next Halloween.[/QUOTE]

That would be awesome. Or maybe a Christmas Quest?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's a shame that there won't be a Costume Quest 2 about the kids' adventures during the next Halloween.[/QUOTE]

Are you just lamenting the fact that there isn't a Costume Quest 2, or have they actually said that there won't be a sequel?
[quote name='rapsodist']Are you just lamenting the fact that there isn't a Costume Quest 2, or have they actually said that there won't be a sequel?[/QUOTE]
There won't be a sequel since the lead for the original left Double Fine.
[quote name='dark_inchworm']That would be awesome. Or maybe a Christmas Quest?[/QUOTE]
Grubbins on Ice was basically that.
[quote name='rapsodist']Are you just lamenting the fact that there isn't a Costume Quest 2, or have they actually said that there won't be a sequel?[/QUOTE]

Double Fine never does sequels. They've expressly stated that time and time again.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Double Fine never does sequels. They've expressly stated that time and time again.[/QUOTE]

They're working on a sequel to one of their games (Happy Action Theater) as we speak...
It figures, certain Call of Duty zombie map packs got confirmed for eligibility for October's featured reward offer after they were no longer on sale [reference link forthcoming on the rewards thread, Resurrection I believe qualifies]. Fortunately, I am not too distraught over that. The other "of course," is my inability to remove my other payment option through the website, now that my $1 for 1 month is over (I just renewed with a 12-month card). I feel it is so convenient their "system is temporary unavailable due to technical reasons" while I am sure they are eager to get new payment options from me.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's a shame that there won't be a Costume Quest 2 about the kids' adventures during the next Halloween.[/QUOTE]

I had thought the Grubbins on Ice DLC (Christmas) set up potential stories with Valentines Day (chocolates) to be its next DLC with maybe Easter (marshmallow peeps) following that. Alas with the departure of the creator and main lead, the original vision is no longer there to follow through. I loved the game, while simplistic by play mechanics, it's all about the charm. I think that is what separates Double Fine games from the rest. If you were to strip out all the charm of fresh scenarios/locales/characters (say moving generic indiscernible cubes along flat planes minus dialogue), I'd think less of the actual games Double Fine makes, but we are blessed with humor, story, and flavorful dialogue which makes them fine experiences.

I am seriously considering the loser deals for the Sales and Specials + app. As for World of Keflings, I found the original Kingdom for Keflings busy work, from what I tried of the demo to the sequel, it seems like new and improved busy work ^^.
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[quote name='FriskyTanuki']There won't be a sequel since the lead for the original left Double Fine.

Grubbins on Ice was basically that.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Double Fine never does sequels. They've expressly stated that time and time again.[/QUOTE]

I'm sad to hear both pieces of info. I was really hoping for a CQ sequel!
[quote name='vantheman']Anyone else getting worms revolution?[/QUOTE]

gahhhh! worms is getting so complicated.

I just want a simple online multiplayer artillery game! how about the gorillas PC game from when I was a kid and you're throwing bananas at each other?


Or how about a new Scorched Earth? I could totally go for that!

I bought Swarm and Quarrel and both of them are extremely fun im mostly enjoying Quarrel but Swarm is really good too so it was well worth 400Msp for both.
[quote name='dirtyvu']

I just want a simple online multiplayer artillery game! how about the gorillas PC game from when I was a kid and you're throwing bananas at each other?



Oh my god that picture sure brought memories of when i used to play that as a kid.
Iron Brigade's Rise of the Martian Bear is a must-own if you have Iron Brigade. I honestly wouldn't recommend buying Iron Brigade at all if you're not getting the DLC too. Martian Bear adds an epilogue story, but more importantly, 10 more experience levels to progress through, several new campaign levels, and lots of new equipment. Oh, and new Achievements.

Iron Brigade actually does have a loyal community and it shouldn't take more than 5 or 10 minutes to find a group when playing during peak hours. You have to remember that games go on for longer than in many titles, so a little patience helps. Anyway, if you're stuck at level 10 or below and can't play the new missions, you'll have a harder time finding a group. Go all in and you'll be happily unrestricted.

Also, the Martian missions aren't that tough as long as your group is decent. A little building up in survival is actually important in this game, and not some optional thing you should ignore. Survival gives you the EXP and credits you need, plus exclusive equipment, some of which is fantastic. Anyway, build up properly and your team won't have much trouble with Mars at all.

Did I mention that Iron Brigade is a game you play cooperatively with friends/other players, and not very much by yourself? Yeah.
Just played through the Toy Soldiers Invasion! DLC tonight. Took me about 2 hours on Normal difficulty to get through the 3 campaign levels and brought back a lot of awesome memories of the game. It's probably my favorite of the 4 DLCs, though it does have one glitchy achievement "Rocketman" which made me replay 2 full levels, which sucked.
[quote name='eastx']Iron Brigade's Rise of the Martian Bear is a must-own if you have Iron Brigade. I honestly wouldn't recommend buying Iron Brigade at all if you're not getting the DLC too. Martian Bear adds an epilogue story, but more importantly, 10 more experience levels to progress through, several new campaign levels, and lots of new equipment. Oh, and new Achievements.

Iron Brigade actually does have a loyal community and it shouldn't take more than 5 or 10 minutes to find a group when playing during peak hours. You have to remember that games go on for longer than in many titles, so a little patience helps. Anyway, if you're stuck at level 10 or below and can't play the new missions, you'll have a harder time finding a group. Go all in and you'll be happily unrestricted.

Also, the Martian missions aren't that tough as long as your group is decent. A little building up in survival is actually important in this game, and not some optional thing you should ignore. Survival gives you the EXP and credits you need, plus exclusive equipment, some of which is fantastic. Anyway, build up properly and your team won't have much trouble with Mars at all.

Did I mention that Iron Brigade is a game you play cooperatively with friends/other players, and not very much by yourself? Yeah.[/QUOTE]

Okay fine, I'll buy it but are you going to help me with the co-op?

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