Xbox 360 Preorders (Amazon/TRU, Costco, EB, GameRush, GameStop, Ritz, Sams, Walmart)

[quote name='Eastsidecracker']Didnt know B&N sold games (or about to, or just online). My total comes out to 910, so you save some money.[/QUOTE]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but B&N has a tie in with GameStop.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Gamestop is selling pre-orders past their allocation I believe. Just because you pre-order with them doesn't guarantee you will be shipped one.
[quote name='paramount']Correct me if I'm wrong but Gamestop is selling pre-orders past their allocation I believe. Just because you pre-order with them doesn't guarantee you will be shipped one.[/QUOTE]

I like to hope :)
[quote name='wildnuts02']here to report the best bundle deal i've seen yet: NO TAX + FREE SHIPPING

Computers 4 Sure and Techdepot offering the same bundles but the former has free shipping. The games are questionable but can be easily exchanged.

Call of Duty 3
Quake 4

Core System: $499

Platinum System: $599[/QUOTE]

Their inventory have been CAG'ED!
even though it says they are out of stock you can make the preorder bundle guys. they aren't out of stock of preorders....know what i mean?
It's funny how everyone got pissed off about the lottery idea but I don't remember seeing anything about the first person in line not getting a ticket with a number 1 on it. What if every 2 hours Wal-Mart went down the line and passed out tickets in order. They then could tell people to go home, sleep in their car, take a hike, whatever. You still get credit for showing up early but you don't have to sit around and waste time. It seems more and more that people attack after being rebutted. I thought this would be a place where like minded people would get together for the greater good of gaming, but I've found this place to be full of people that love to get on here and try to destroy others to feel better about themselves. Sorry for going on so long, guys. I'll see ya Nov 22.

It's a great time to be a cheap ass gamer.
[quote name='depascal22']It's funny how everyone got pissed off about the lottery idea but I don't remember seeing anything about the first person in line not getting a ticket with a number 1 on it. What if every 2 hours Wal-Mart went down the line and passed out tickets in order. They then could tell people to go home, sleep in their car, take a hike, whatever. You still get credit for showing up early but you don't have to sit around and waste time. It seems more and more that people attack after being rebutted. I thought this would be a place where like minded people would get together for the greater good of gaming, but I've found this place to be full of people that love to get on here and try to destroy others to feel better about themselves. Sorry for going on so long, guys. I'll see ya Nov 22.

It's a great time to be a cheap ass gamer.[/QUOTE]
Its always a great time to be a cheap ass :)
[quote name='depascal22']It's funny how everyone got pissed off about the lottery idea but I don't remember seeing anything about the first person in line not getting a ticket with a number 1 on it. What if every 2 hours Wal-Mart went down the line and passed out tickets in order. They then could tell people to go home, sleep in their car, take a hike, whatever. You still get credit for showing up early but you don't have to sit around and waste time. It seems more and more that people attack after being rebutted. I thought this would be a place where like minded people would get together for the greater good of gaming, but I've found this place to be full of people that love to get on here and try to destroy others to feel better about themselves. Sorry for going on so long, guys. I'll see ya Nov 22.

It's a great time to be a cheap ass gamer.[/QUOTE]

I agree with the latter half of your post, but your "lottery" idea is entirely flawed - it's not a lottery at all. Basically, you have described a first come, first served system with the voucher caveat. How would any store be able to hand out these vouchers in a fair and orderly fashion? People would line up hours before the determined 'hand out time,' thus negating much benefit from such an overly complicated system. What if people failed to show up the next morning? Additionally, you have now introduced the likelihood and temptation of people reselling these vouchers. Admittedly, your plan would effectively reduce the number of people waiting inside/outside the store throughout the night. I salute the concept, but I think the execution would leave many consumers unhappy and confused.

I hope you do not construe my response as an 'attack.' I am merely rebutting your rebuttal. :)
So is there any official word yet on how stores that didn't take pre-orders (Target, Best Buy, TRU, Wal-Mart, CC, etc.) will be handling 360 sales? Is it going to be wait in line all night first come first serve like usual? I know I read a few pages back in this thread the possibility of some stores doing a lottery system which is nonsense, especially if they don't announce it first. I know I'd be pissed if I waitied outside Wal-Mart all night only to find out the people who got there at 6am have the same chance of getting one as the people who got there at 6pm the day before. Around here, PS2's were impossible to find at launch, but were readily available before Christmas, X-Box could be bought off the shelves the day of Launch, and Gamecube I remember lining up for at Toys R Us at about 7am the day of release.
[quote name='spmahn']So is there any official word yet on how stores that didn't take pre-orders (Target, Best Buy, TRU, Wal-Mart, CC, etc.) will be handling 360 sales? Is it going to be wait in line all night first come first serve like usual? I know I read a few pages back in this thread the possibility of some stores doing a lottery system which is nonsense, especially if they don't announce it first. I know I'd be pissed if I waitied outside Wal-Mart all night only to find out the people who got there at 6am have the same chance of getting one as the people who got there at 6pm the day before. Around here, PS2's were impossible to find at launch, but were readily available before Christmas, X-Box could be bought off the shelves the day of Launch, and Gamecube I remember lining up for at Toys R Us at about 7am the day of release.[/QUOTE]

I would explicitly talk with the manager of each store a day or two prior to the launch. I imagine some stores leave these decisions up to manager discretion, while others have strict nationwide policies. It's better to be safe than sorry. Best of luck.
If anybody is looking for a 360 around the Freeport, IL area or any ShopKo for that matter.. all locations are receiving 3 core and 12 premium systems which will be sold on a first come, first served basis.
[quote name='Jobbercho']If anybody is looking for a 360 around the Freeport, IL area or any ShopKo for that matter.. all locations are receiving 3 core and 12 premium systems which will be sold on a first come, first served basis.[/QUOTE]

I can never remember which one is which....
Got to play the 360 tonight at Wal-Mart. Only had time to play Kameo for a little bit and watch a couple of videos. Kameo was NOT impressive at all. Looked like an XBox game and it said it was in high-def. If that is what high-def is to Microsoft it's gonna suck. The controller kicked ass and the videos with gameplay looked great though.
[quote name='vivisection']Got to play the 360 tonight at Wal-Mart. Only had time to play Kameo for a little bit and watch a couple of videos. Kameo was NOT impressive at all. Looked like an XBox game and it said it was in high-def. If that is what high-def is to Microsoft it's gonna suck. The controller kicked ass and the videos with gameplay looked great though.[/QUOTE]

Kameo was supposed to be one of the better looking launch games too. Oh well, wait and see I guess.
Xbox preorder are officially for sale on eBay. It's within the 1 month window for preordered items.

Possibly legitimate sales have gone for $950 or more.

Scammers are selling it for $900.

The seller with the $1K sale is going to make at least $400 profit. The scammer is probably going to be doing quite well for himself.

Here's the question for those of us with 1 preorder ...

Are you honestly going to keep your system when you can generate a $400 profit for less than 4 hours of work?
[quote name='paramount']Kameo was supposed to be one of the better looking launch games too. Oh well, wait and see I guess.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was looking forward to Kameo. Maybe the final build will look better. Man I hope so.
Hard to know whether to put my preorder on eBay now, wait until I have the system, or just keep it. Seems like there will be a flood of them on eBay the day it comes out, so that saturates the market. And this is if the shortages are real and not made up by MS...
I'm a Costco member, and even though their pre-orders sold out, do you think there will be some available in store on launch day, or did they pre-order all of their expected shipments? Thx!
[quote name='vivisection']Got to play the 360 tonight at Wal-Mart. Only had time to play Kameo for a little bit and watch a couple of videos. Kameo was NOT impressive at all. Looked like an XBox game and it said it was in high-def. If that is what high-def is to Microsoft it's gonna suck. The controller kicked ass and the videos with gameplay looked great though.[/QUOTE]
I totally agree. I wasnt impressed with Kameo at all.
[quote name='vivisection']Got to play the 360 tonight at Wal-Mart. Only had time to play Kameo for a little bit and watch a couple of videos. Kameo was NOT impressive at all. Looked like an XBox game and it said it was in high-def. If that is what high-def is to Microsoft it's gonna suck. The controller kicked ass and the videos with gameplay looked great though.[/QUOTE]

This is b/c the kiosks weren't set up properly. There is a news article over at about this. Supposedly the xbox output display was set to 480i, but the lcds they were hooked up to were 720p native. That's why the games look like absolute crap.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Xbox preorder are officially for sale on eBay. It's within the 1 month window for preordered items. Possibly legitimate sales have gone for $950 or more.


The two auctions you listed aren't legitimate. Both buyers had zero feedback and now they are NARU-ed.

Just looking at the first page of completed auctions, almost every auction seems to have a buyer or seller who's either zero feedback or NARU'ed.
[quote name='wcleme']This is b/c the kiosks weren't set up properly. There is a news article over at about this. Supposedly the xbox output display was set to 480i, but the lcds they were hooked up to were 720p native. That's why the games look like absolute crap.[/QUOTE]

Thank god. I went back and looked last night and it still looked the same. I guess I just figured they would have them set up correctly. Thanks for the info.
I just got back from the Walmart in Orlando on SandLake and John Young. They had one of those xbox360 kiosks there. I selected the Call Of Duty playable demo and it just locked up. I hope it was a setup error!
[quote name='mccall']The two auctions you listed aren't legitimate. Both buyers had zero feedback and now they are NARU-ed.

Just looking at the first page of completed auctions, almost every auction seems to have a buyer or seller who's either zero feedback or NARU'ed.[/QUOTE]

There are going to be a lot of scammers out there this holiday season. They were legit when I posted them. I'm not surprised they were scammers.

If I sell any 360s, I'm going to require some combination of delivery confirmation, signature confirmation or a return receipt.

The Ebay average selling price is only $552. That's about $100 profit per system. (Yeah, I know, only $100. ;) ). Market saturation may be happening. It's so hard to tell because so many XBOX 360 listings are for EMAIL accounts.

I'm glad I don't have dozens of systems preordered and paid in full. Right now, I only have $50 tied up and I can always use it as store credit. If there isn't a serious uptick by November 10th or so, I'd rather use the $50 for disc cleanings.

With any good fortune, all of the preorder hoarders will dump their goods on eBay on release date with auction style listings.

There'll be such a glut that the final selling prices might be below retail.
i will be waiting about 5 years to get one of these, if i get one at all. Hopefully they will be cheap by then(about $150 or so, or used for under $100)
For those that bought mega-bundles, the following titles have been confirmed as 2006 releases:

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Feb. thru Apr.)
Saint's Row (Apr. thru Jun.)
The Outfit (Jan. thru Mar.)

So, don't expect to see those games in your "launch" shipments.
For anyone wanting some info on how mnay each Wal Mart store will get:

My store which is 185K square feet and located about 80 miles NE of Houston will be getting 32 premium bundles and 16 core's.

This store is kind of in deep east Texas so that is a pretty nice allotment.The metro stores should recieve about the same or more.
Did anyone receive an email from wal-mart .com concerning your pre-order? I just got an email from them stating that there will be a delay on the shipment of my premium system. I pre-ordered in september too.....this is not lookin good.
[quote name='BMA']Did anyone receive an email from wal-mart .com concerning your pre-order? I just got an email from them stating that there will be a delay on the shipment of my premium system. I pre-ordered in september too.....this is not lookin good.[/QUOTE]

I got it too. They sent it because on our original order date they have the XBox 360 shipping around November 5-6. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just means they can't ship it early because their original projected ship date was wrong.
[quote name='vivisection']I got it too. They sent it because on our original order date they have the XBox 360 shipping around November 5-6. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just means they can't ship it early because their original projected ship date was wrong.[/QUOTE]I also got it. MAKE SURE to call/e-mail them about your order and tell them that you want to keep it, though. In the e-mail it says that if you don't contact them within 10 days, your order will be cancelled (a lot of people might not notice this).

Also, did anyone else's order page change in the past couple of days? Mine used to list arrival dates for all my items; now it just lists them for the games I chose. I suppose that's probably because launch date changed and they haven't updated their system, though.
[quote name='vivisection']I got it too. They sent it because on our original order date they have the XBox 360 shipping around November 5-6. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just means they can't ship it early because their original projected ship date was wrong.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure? My first email supports your idea because it said it would show up Nov 17-21st or something like that. But my order on their website has always said the 25th-dec 1st. Now after the email there are no dates on my online order except for the two games. I've got a bad feeling about this :( Could anyone else who ordered through walmart check? Possibly those who ordered really early?
[quote name='RoadDogg']Are you sure? My first email supports your idea because it said it would show up Nov 17-21st or something like that. But my order on their website has always said the 25th-dec 1st. Now after the email there are no dates on my online order except for the two games. I've got a bad feeling about this :( Could anyone else who ordered through walmart check? Possibly those who ordered really early?[/QUOTE]I just assume I'm in the clear because I ordered September 7th, when they put up the second wave of Pro bundles (they were available about a week before, but only for a few hours). My estimated ship date was today, and I figured that's why they sent the e-mail. If your estimated ship date was later, and you still got the e-mail, then I don't know.

Someone should call and ask about the status on these things. I would, but I'm at work.
Well I just called to say dont cancell it after 10 days. The guy I talked thinks that those emails went about because the release date for some of the games was changed to after launch and for some reason the emails went out to all of the orders, even those that dont have delayed games. For now it seems like everything is ok, but its still probably worth the call to say you dont want them to cancell it.
Dam it I just called Gamestop and they said my order is on 2nd shipment (originally told I could possibly get the 1st shipment). Now I'll probably wait in a line to get one. Any suggestions? I was thinking of maybe a Super K , Sam's Club, or Costco. Does anyone know if they get the systems on launch and if so do they sell at a certain time?
[quote name='scdoanintendo']Dam it I just called Gamestop and they said my order is on 2nd shipment (originally told I could possibly get the 1st shipment). Now I'll probably wait in a line to get one. Any suggestions? I was thinking of maybe a Super K , Sam's Club, or Costco. Does anyone know if they get the systems on launch and if so do they sell at a certain time?[/QUOTE]

Walmart sells at 12am
bread's done