Xbox-> Hitman Contracts & Fight Club $5, Goldeneye & LOTR: 3rd Age $10 new at EB

Thanks OP, used my gift voucher for Hitman and Goldeneye plus a used Phantom Crash for the free shipping. Would have picked up LOTR: Third Age but got it less than a month ago for $15 for the PS2 already :(
Fight Club is a HORRIBLE game. I rented it as well and couldn't play more then a few matches. Honestly, this game is the worst of the worst. But I'm so addicted to games I would buy it for $5 as well.
Just called EB and the prices were as follows
Hitman Contracts $5
LOTR 3A $15
Goldeneye Rogue Agent $15
Fight Club $15
I hope LotR comes back for $10, I'd probably pick it up. Hitman Contracts is WELL worth the money, but I've already got it.
My order from this morning of Hitman Contracts, LOTR, Fight Club, and NBA Hangtime for Genesis already shipped by FedEx. Excellent! :)
I might pick up Hitman for $5... I wish Manhunt would drop to this price too.

I picked up LOTR for $15 a couple weeks ago at Fry's. I should have waited for this price drop at EB.
I can't belive Hitman is still in stock. When was the last time a $4.99 game was in stock for hours (excluding old sports games)? They must have a ton of copies to get rid of.
Scrolling through the list of cheap Xbox games, I also noticed EB raised the price of NBA Live 2004 from $2.99 to $4.99 now.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I can't belive Hitman is still in stock. When was the last time a $4.99 game was in stock for hours (excluding old sports games)? They must have a ton of copies to get rid of.[/QUOTE]

100 plus left in stock!!!
[quote name='evilmax17']All fully in stock. Hitman for $5, the rest for $15. They'll probably drop again at somepoint today or this week.[/QUOTE]

I hate when they have the price of the used game more expensive than the new. I want to use my Edge card, dammit!
[quote name='Pratt75']if you dare, aquaman is now $4.99 pp.[/QUOTE]

:bouncy: WA-HOO! FINALLY!

edit: oh, pre-played, thought they finally dropped the price of the new one. And it looks like everyone tossed in that 0.99 Wrestlemania game for free shipping too!
Fight Club is OOS AGAIN.....I'm waiting for all hell to break loose officially now......It's a mad mad mad world.......When's the meteor coming to his us??
[quote name='cruzincontrol']Fight Club is OOS AGAIN.....I'm waiting for all hell to break loose officially now......It's a mad mad mad world.......When's the meteor coming to his us??[/QUOTE]

lol, thats cracking me up man.
Thanks to CAG, I can be selective about even cheap games now... which explains how I didnt even blink when Fight Club showed up as 5 bucks... I did bite on the much better Hitman game... and I can wait on Goldeneye: RA until it drops to 5 bucks (the average reviews are keeping me from buying it)
Arg, just missed out on hitman! What crap, I was just going to do the pricegrabber deal too!
[quote name='spek']Arg, just missed out on hitman! What crap, I was just going to do the pricegrabber deal too![/QUOTE]

Ha, funny.. the sale lasted ALL DAY yesterday, I checked around midnight and they still had 100+ in stock..

Third Age and Rogue Agent are back in stock
Wow, EB is fast. I placed my order around 4:00 yesterday using saver shipping and I just got my order now, less than 24 hours later (they used UPS).
when I ordered Takio Drum Master from EB w/ saver it took almost 2 weeks for it to arrive, but I ain't complaining since I got it for $19.99:)
The shipping varies for some reason. I ordered the Xbox music maker pp with a ps memory card with SAVER shipping and it was shipped via Fed Ex for some reason. It seems to fluctuate to say the least.
Yeah it does, usually I get saver items through Media Mail but once in a while I get the order through UPS or FedEx. I think it has to do with how many parts they have to ship with an order.

Like if you order a used game and a new game and both items come from the same warehouse, they might ship FedEx or UPS but if they have to ship the used game from 1 warehouse and the new game from another warehouse, it gets sent media mail.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Yeah it does, usually I get saver items through Media Mail but once in a while I get the order through UPS or FedEx. I think it has to do with how many parts they have to ship with an order.

Like if you order a used game and a new game and both items come from the same warehouse, they might ship FedEx or UPS but if they have to ship the used game from 1 warehouse and the new game from another warehouse, it gets sent media mail.[/QUOTE]

I get both items sent to me seperately via Priority Mail everytime I order with SAVER.
EB does that a lot. I remember ordering Robotech Battlecry brand new there for $7.99 a few years ago. I picked the 3 day shipping, and got it in the mail the very next day after ordering it. I was quite suprised. I live close to their warehouse though (I live in Ohio, one of their warehouses is in CT). I love the EB website.
I got Hitman yesterday B&M and when Paper Mario went to $20 B&M yesterday, I bought it and mailed off the $20 rebate coupon which made it free.
Got part of my order today. Hitman, LOTR, and my Pre-Played NBA Hangtime came in, but no Fight Club. Its not even listed on the receipt. They must of shipped it separately because I got these UPS, and under my order status on the site it shows a package to be delivered on Friday, 5/27 by FedEx. So not bad, 3 of the 4 games bought yesterday using Saver were received in 1 day.
bread's done