Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

I could have sworn Joystiq already had a review of Ryse earlier this week, unless it wasn't an official review.

EDIT: NM, it was a preview and there have been a few of them, none too promising. IGN wins though:

Ryse: Son Of Rome Is As Fun As Dialing Phone Numbers
At least for last gen yes that is the case. its crazy current gen is now officially ps4
and if it's anything to go by, next-gen is going to consist of complete online network shutdowns, overheating, broken HDMI ports, and who knows what else. The scariest part is the denial being shown on the boards. They sit there with all their wasted money and refuse to be angry about it due to brand loyalty. If my Xbox One is messed up you can bet your ass I won't be sitting here saying, "It's ok! I can just play in three weeks. I had stuff to do anyway guys! :)"

and if it's anything to go by, next-gen is going to consist of complete online network shutdowns, overheating, broken HDMI ports, and who knows what else. The scariest part is the denial being shown on the boards. They sit there with all their wasted money and refuse to be angry about it due to brand loyalty. If my Xbox One is messed up you can bet your ass I won't be sitting here saying, "It's ok! I can just play in three weeks. I had stuff to do anyway guys! :)"
I can guarantee that you would.
[background=#cf2020]![/background] Heads up — there's a new XBL Deals thread. Now with CAG 3.0 styling to support all official [US] XBL Marketplace sales for [background=#96ca3a]360[/background] & [background=#107c0f]XONE[/background] digital games/dlc/avatar items.
I could have sworn Joystiq already had a review of Ryse earlier this week, unless it wasn't an official review.

EDIT: NM, it was a preview and there have been a few of them, none too promising. IGN wins though:
Not that it matters, but I thought that was Game Informer's preview tag line.

I have no faith in Ryse, that game will be our Knack if not worse. I bet Forza and DR3 will get good scores. I am worried about my console failing, I spent a lot of money on this thing and if it doesn't work I will be very upset.
I have no faith in Ryse, that game will be our Knack if not worse. I bet Forza and DR3 will get good scores. I am worried about my console failing, I spent a lot of money on this thing and if it doesn't work I will be very upset.

It looks like there is enough space nothing should go wrong.

But you never really know. I'm just st hoping to get 3/4 years out of it.

I agree that the Ryse review being Thursday is probably not a good sign but you never know.  I already paid it off so if it sucks, I'll beat it quickly and trade it in while it's worth something.  Dead Rising 3 and Forza are the games I'm most looking forward too.  7 days.  Let's get it on

I could have sworn Joystiq already had a review of Ryse earlier this week, unless it wasn't an official review.

EDIT: NM, it was a preview and there have been a few of them, none too promising. IGN wins though:

Ryse: Son Of Rome Is As Fun As Dialing Phone Numbers
Maybe, just maybe, they mean rotary phone dialing, like the Flintstone that could be kind of fun.

But it definitely doesn't seem good. By Wednesday or Thursday people might already have their game orders being shipped. While the game can be returned, it's just the hassle of it.

I mainly want to play Ryse for the cooperative gladiator mode, I know it hasn't had the most promising previews but I absolutely loved the cooperative play of Colosseum Road to Freedom back on the PS2 that I can't wait for another co-op gladiator game!

I could have sworn Joystiq already had a review of Ryse earlier this week, unless it wasn't an official review.

EDIT: NM, it was a preview and there have been a few of them, none too promising. IGN wins though:

Ryse: Son Of Rome Is As Fun As Dialing Phone Numbers
I think Game Informer were the ones who said that. IGN posted a preview last week and it was mostly positive. The reviewer even says he left the demo wanting to play more.

I have no faith in Ryse, that game will be our Knack if not worse. I bet Forza and DR3 will get good scores. I am worried about my console failing, I spent a lot of money on this thing and if it doesn't work I will be very upset.
No matter the reviews.. I am still getting Ryse.

IGN can gave the new Zelda game high scores, yet I have zero desire to play it.

I think Game Informer were the ones who said that. IGN posted a preview last week and it was mostly positive. The reviewer even says he left the demo wanting to play more.
Thanks for posting this.

There was a good comment on YouTube basically saying the title has a lot of promising previews, but everyone is too hung up on one comment from Game Informer.

IE features sound pretty cool.  i'm already wishing I had the snap feature with TV.  Penguin game on tonight and I could be multi-tasking like a boss with the snap feature.  Dead Rising 3 and watching Penguins.  Yes please.

[quote name="Mako1215" post="11243270" timestamp="1384559462"]

I don't trust IE. Never have never will.

IE has improved quite a bit. Still not as good as chrome but its not that far behind. SkyDrive and are way better than google docs and Gmail though.
Just got an email from Costco telling me that the bundle I purchased is now being offered with a $20.00 Xbox Gift Card activation code and they'll be emailing me it to me separately. Pretty cool of them to do that. I doubt I even would have known about it if they hadn't emailed me. 

Just got an email from Costco telling me that the bundle I purchased is now being offered with a $20.00 Xbox Gift Card activation code and they'll be emailing me it to me separately. Pretty cool of them to do that. I doubt I even would have known about it if they hadn't emailed me.
uh it's right on the page you preordered.. but ends today

troll much? still puzzled why this guy even order a xbox one he seems like a sony person. :whistle2:k
Probably to make money off of suckers who think a day one achievement is necessary? LOL

I wouldn't want an Xbone even if it was given to me. Would love to sell one though. I'd hold onto that day one achievement for a month or two, I'm sure "cheevo" whores would pay $100+ for something as petty as that.

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I posted here first since it made sense, but my friend just said he just wanted the ps4 and didn't care if it was an even trade or not.

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and if it's anything to go by, next-gen is going to consist of complete online network shutdowns, overheating, broken HDMI ports, and who knows what else. The scariest part is the denial being shown on the boards. They sit there with all their wasted money and refuse to be angry about it due to brand loyalty. If my Xbox One is messed up you can bet your ass I won't be sitting here saying, "It's ok! I can just play in three weeks. I had stuff to do anyway guys! :)"
I can guarantee that you would.

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I'm real big into achievements (have around 107K gamerscore) but I think I'll be holding on to those day one achievements and if they are fetching a decent amount on EBay I'll definitely sale them.  I prefer to earn my achievements so I got no problem dumping them for paypal.  

As for the Sony trolls in here, go play your console.  It's out so why are you in here.  I have the PS4 and it's not bad.  Killzone is unfortunately about what I expected it to be.  7 days and the real gaming system launches!!!

I'm real big into achievements (have around 107K gamerscore) but I think I'll be holding on to those day one achievements and if they are fetching a decent amount on EBay I'll definitely sale them. I prefer to earn my achievements so I got no problem dumping them for paypal.

As for the Sony trolls in here, go play your console. It's out so why are you in here. I have the PS4 and it's not bad. Killzone is unfortunately about what I expected it to be. 7 days and the real gaming system launches!!!
Thanks for the laugh Neo. We all know if your beloved Xbox One had any problems you definitely wouldn't admit that it did.

It's also funny to me that you talk about brand loyalty, when you're the definition of fanboy with brand loyalty. You bash anything Sony related any chance you get and praise anything Microsoft related no matter what. (Including calling the Zune perfect and flawless lmao) You also complain about trolls in this thread when you yourself posts troll comments here all the time. Pot meet kettle.
When the Xbox One was revealed I led the weeks-long fight against it. Major Nelson was writing me multiple times even.

Looks like choosing to get the Xbox One over the PS4 as my first next gen system was a good choice.  So far the PS4 is looking like a reskinned ps3 with some features removed and some added.  The games seem mediocre and the features arent impressing me as much as i thought.  Killzone looks amazing tho.  I plan to get one but only had the cash to buy 1 of them.  Glade it was the Xbox,  hopefully it doesnt dissapoint.  Got Killer Instinct free and used my 10,000 point on the doritos thing to buy forza 5 with them.  Buying dead rising when i pick my system up xD

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I'll admit I'm quite brand loyal to Xbox.  Still stood with it even after the initial reveal.  I chose Xbox One over the PS4 because I liked the launch lineup better.  However had inFamous been a launch, PS4 first then One later.

I fully intended initially to get both but just bought a house last weekend so one had to go.  However I do get to redeem some credit card points coming up and will get a PS4 that way.  I really want to play more of Knack (I loved the simplicity of it to be honest) and Resogun looks absolutely fantastic!

That said I cannot wait another week for the launch of the one.  :D

To those of you that got PS4 enjoy your next gen gaming goodness while the rest of us have to wait another week.

Looks like choosing to get the Xbox One over the PS4 as my first next gen system was a good choice. So far the PS4 is looking like a reskinned ps3 with some features removed and some added. The games seem mediocre and the features arent impressing me as much as i thought. Killzone looks amazing tho. I plan to get one but only had the cash to buy 1 of them. Glade it was the Xbox, hopefully it doesnt dissapoint. Got Killer Instinct free and used my 10,000 point on the doritos thing to buy forza 5 with them. Buying dead rising when i pick my system up xD
Its obviously too early to call but I think you made the right call. I'm lucky enough to he getting both and the PS4 is better than I anticipated. But if your labeling your console as the gaming focused console and can't match X1 launch and have nothing coming till March, plus your best launch game is a PSN game that could easily run on last Gen hardware I'd say Sony got a long ways to go.

Not to mention no Titanfall, ouch
I always thought Xbox One was more geared toward multimedia functions than being more of a hardcore gaming machine. Isn't that what their message has been since the start?

bread's done