Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Are you planning on picking up Ryse? I haven't heard good things from a few of those who have gotten a chance to play it...
I'm so on the fence but luckily my buddy is getting it so I can just borrow it from him. That and I have it on my GF queue after NFS Rivals.

EDIT: My launch lineup is: ACIV, BF4, DR3, Forza, NBA 2K14

Downloading: Crimson Dragon, KI (I got that for free from MS), and Lococycle.

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No, what he is saying is nobody here wanted the defective debacle the ps4 is turning into. Many of the few people who got EARLY consoles were reporting that they were breaking/bricking. The .4% that sony estimated is an underestimate, but yeah anyone who preordered a PS4 in this thread... they already have a damn Xbox One preordered... HECK, I have TWO (was just doubling my bets as I did 1 at BB and 1 at GS) but still regardless, stick it in your trade thread and get out of the preorder threads, nobody's biting at the hook...
This. People will keep quoting that pre-launch percentage though lol.

hopefully there's a b2g1 launch week.  definitely would pick up forza and dead rising 3 but unsure about the 3rd.  I have bad feeling ryse is going to be disappointing.  I guess nfs rivals, nba 2k14 or cod ghost for the 3rd

Slightly off-topic: Any word/rumor if Target is going to expand on their online B2G1 free selection OR if Amazon (or other online retailers) are going to run a Xbox One specific B2G1 free promotion?
That's on topic, as it actually relates to pre-orders and sales.

A few pages back, a poster here mentioned that they had an online chat with an Amazon representative for the potential of an Xbox One games promotion. The chat person apparenly was vague, but hinted at there being something being done. That doesn't mean a definite Buy One Get One, or Buy Two Get One. It could be something great, very disappointing, or really just nothing. But that's all that seems to be known so far.

Anti-climatic, but honest. I look back for the post.


Here's the post. I remembered the dancing cactus.

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just heads up neo if you think x1 will not have issues at launch you are mistaken. All this stuff going on with the ps today makes me nervious for next week. We are beta testes you should know going into a electronic launch you will have problems.

ON a good note i think i decide on launch games. ac4,bf4,nba 2k14 and dR3 

hopefully there's a b2g1 launch week. definitely would pick up forza and dead rising 3 but unsure about the 3rd. I have bad feeling ryse is going to be disappointing. I guess nfs rivals, nba 2k14 or cod ghost for the 3rd
I'm in the same boat, but I have a feeling no one is going to have a B2G1 unfortunately. If that's the case I'll just get Forza and DR3.
just heads up neo if you think x1 will not have issues at launch you are mistaken. All this stuff going on with the ps today makes me nervious for next week. We are beta testes you should know going into a electronic launch you will have problems.

ON a good note i think i decide on launch games. ac4,bf4,nba 2k14 and dR3
Please don't let Sony's business-as-usual get you down about the Xbox One. That's probably the saddest side effect of all this. Anybody who saw E3 and followed the expos knew that the PS4 was delicate and defect-prone. It has nothing to do with the Xbox One.

This. People will keep quoting that pre-launch percentage though lol.
Well, it's actually "LESS THAN .4% of SHIPPED UNITS," not just a "pre-launch percentage"... Damn those pesky facts getting in the way of your delusions!

Damn it, why am I feeding the troll again. Bye, Neo. Have fun in The Matrix.

Please don't let Sony's business-as-usual get you down about the Xbox One. That's probably the saddest side effect of all this. Anybody who saw E3 and followed the expos knew that the PS4 was delicate and defect-prone. It has nothing to do with the Xbox One.
Your right, as you may have it worse as Microsoft had to change the console in a hurry since E3 for all their back pedaling.

Also, they seemed to have rushed the system out, as if they were caught off guard by Sony.
Lol at caught off guard...

You realize the Xbox 360 was done and finished over eight years ago right?  The PS3 came out a year after that and yet came out before the Xbox 360's successor.  If anybody is in a rush to release it's Sony, and it's showing.

Lol at caught off guard...

You realize the Xbox 360 was done and finished over eight years ago right? The PS3 came out a year after that and yet came out before the Xbox 360's successor. If anybody is in a rush to release it's Sony, and it's showing.
Amazing enough you always try to turn everything back on Sony instead of looking at the facts.

The One has been rushed. They have changed several details. Hell that day one patch to remove DRM could brick several consoles.

Microsoft better open the floodgates for their launch games, I've got a 30% coupon for target with Dead Rising 3 and Forza 5's name on them. Hopefully target will get enough stock.

Question: Are retailers only going to be selling the day 1 editions at first? Or are they going to coexist with the regular versions of the game.

Amazing enough you always try to turn everything back on Sony instead of looking at the facts.

The One has been rushed. They have changed several details. Hell that day one patch to remove DRM could brick several consoles.
Which is exactly what a lot of issues with the PS4 are related to. They sit there with DRM all over their box but pretend they don't and now people have to get a "Day One" patch to get rid of it and that's causing a lot of issues too. People are literally having discs "spit out" of the console as they play it in some instances.

Microsoft was up front right away with what was going on, and then got to work on the software reversal and it's ready to go. They've been open and honest with everything from the start, unlike Sony who has been the exact opposite of that. Honestly, I am sad that they are the competition for Microsoft because someone else could challenge them so much harder in so many other respectable ways.

Question: Are retailers only going to be selling the day 1 editions at first? Or are they going to coexist with the regular versions of the game.
Both. I found a picture that I posted previously here. Make sure you check the casing for Ryse, Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 so that you get the Day One content.

That's on topic, as it actually relates to pre-orders and sales.

A few pages back, a poster here mentioned that they had an online chat with an Amazon representative for the potential of an Xbox One games promotion. The chat person apparenly was vague, but hinted at there being something being done. That doesn't mean a definite Buy One Get One, or Buy Two Get One. It could be something great, very disappointing, or really just nothing. But that's all that seems to be known so far.

Anti-climatic, but honest. I look back for the post.


Here's the post. I remembered the dancing cactus.
I read that from the bottom and all I saw was "dancing cactus". Took me a sec to realize that was me. Made my day a bit :D

I'm hoping something something comes out of that Amazon chat and I didn't get everyone's hopes up. In other news though my target is allowing me to use the B2G1 this week and exchange next week for 3 X1 games!

I read that from the bottom and all I saw was "dancing cactus". Took me a sec to realize that was me. Made my day a bit :D

I'm hoping something something comes out of that Amazon chat and I didn't get everyone's hopes up. In other news though my target is allowing me to use the B2G1 this week and exchange next week for 3 X1 games!
That's a good idea to use as a backup. I wonder if Target stores are all that flexible on swapping games as long as the prices are the same.

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Its ok guys, Neo has agreed he will stop posting when next week rolls around and the Xbox One one will have launch issues just like any other system.

Judging by the Amazon reviews, the PS4 looks like it's having serious issues. Here's to hoping Microsoft has their game face on.
I was looking at the reviews last night when it went back in-stock for the launch edition and it had 8 reviews then. All five stars. Seeing it now actually just makes me depressed.

I wanted Microsoft to actually be challenged and be the underdog but this is pathetic at this point.

I was looking at the reviews last night when it went back in-stock for the launch edition and it had 8 reviews then. All five stars. Seeing it now actually just makes me depressed.

I wanted Microsoft to actually be challenged and be the underdog but this is pathetic at this point.
I think you're the only one looking pathetic atm.

Its ok guys, Neo has agreed he will stop posting when next week rolls around and the Xbox One one will have launch issues just like any other system.
Yep. You show me the Xbox One having anywhere near the problems what the PS4 is having and I'll stop posting. I never posted really until this thread anyway and I'll be having a blast with my Xbox One cause I GUARANTEE it will be fine.

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Yep. You show me the Xbox One having anywhere near the problems what the PS4 is having and I'll stop posting. I never posted really until this thread anyway and I'll be having a blast with my Xbox One cause I GUARANTEE it will be fine.
No, I said problems period. You said there will be zero issues AT ALL when it comes out which anyone with half a brain knows that won't happen.

Im glad you won't be posting anymore anyways since no one is going to miss your fan boy bullshit.

Which is exactly what a lot of issues with the PS4 are related to. They sit there with DRM all over their box but pretend they don't and now people have to get a "Day One" patch to get rid of it and that's causing a lot of issues too. People are literally having discs "spit out" of the console as they play it in some instances.

Microsoft was up front right away with what was going on, and then got to work on the software reversal and it's ready to go. They've been open and honest with everything from the start, unlike Sony who has been the exact opposite of that. Honestly, I am sad that they are the competition for Microsoft because someone else could challenge them so much harder in so many other respectable ways.
Literally, no one will be able to challenge them except an Apple console which I doubt will ever happen. They both have to have tons of followers or followers that will buy all their products. There is no fan-base large enough to compete with them. Not even a Dreamcast 2 could do much to challenge them. The steambox seems like a cool idea but there isn't a broad enough base for people to buy it when they already play on their rigs. Their controller looks weird as hell and I'm pretty sure not anywhere as good as the Xbox or DS4 controller.

Yeah, it won't have problems.  Here and there I'm sure a person won't be able to get it to work with their AV system or something but the Xbox One launch will not be known as a problematic launch and it'll be a non-issue and a non-story.  It'll be like a GameCube in that way.

This PS4 thing is going to just get bigger and bigger and by Friday when the Xbox One comes out the PS4 is going to fully accepted as something that shouldn't have even been responsibly released.

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Soooo... Is that pre chosen images, or does the system snap a screenshot and use that as the achievement image?
Screenshot capture. That should really prevent cheating :D Hell I bet the measure was put in pretty much to prevent it in the first place rather than be a cool way of changing the achievement tiles. ;)

Screenshot capture. That should really prevent cheating :D Hell I bet the measure was put in pretty much to prevent it in the first place rather than be a cool way of changing the achievement tiles. ;)
Wow, that's awesome! Gonna make those push start to begin the game achievements that much more intense! :p

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Wow, that's awesome! Gonna make those push start to begin the game achievements that much more intense! :p
And... apparently when you check each achievement, the ones that need progress will show a progress bar. No more depending on the devs to put that in the game. Shit drove me nuts on the 360. Some had it and some didn't.

And... apparently when you check each achievement, the ones that need progress will show a progress bar. No more depending on the devs to put that in the game. Shit drove me nuts on the 360. Some had it and some didn't.
I agree, progress bars are gonna be a great addition! The games that did have them built into their menus really did help when it came to ones such as "Destroy X enemies with X gun" or such, let's you know how long it should take still!

Okay maybe not... I thought he had tweeted they were screenshots but I guess not... I must have misread it in all my excitement :razz:

I'll tweet him and ask :)
No problem, it's still cool either way, screenshot or premade image, more fun then just the little symbol it is now!

Its ok guys, Neo has agreed he will stop posting when next week rolls around and the Xbox One one will have launch issues just like any other system.
I think you need to ease up on the guy. He's mentioned that this is the only reason he has to live (well, this and his cat). If the launch isn't anything but wonderful, I'm worried about what he'll do to himself.

No one here wants that defective crap. Seriously.
Today the Xbox brand and Halo brand both turn 12 years old.

This is also my youngest cat's birthday too. She's four today. We just took this.
Basically if you got a Microsoft system that froze upon use I would pay them to ignore your problems. You are the most annoying microsoft CAG in existence. I would love to see you get a defective system just to see you complain for days….and thats just mean but you deserve it. Regardless I am amazed you are a loyal customer considering your gamer tag is basically shit. 140K is garbage considering thats the 08 average shit right there.

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Basically if you got a Microsoft system that froze upon use I would pay them to ignore your problems. You are the most annoying microsoft CAG in existence. I would love to see you get a defective system just to see you complain for days….and thats just mean but you deserve it. Regardless I am amazed you are a loyal customer considering your gamer tag is basically shit. 140K is garbage considering thats the 08 average shit right there.
If he got a defective unit, he would just go silent or lie and act like he didn't because he wouldn't want to hurt his beloved Microsoft and Xbox reputation, as if their reputation can be damaged any more than it already is.

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As long as we are off-topic, here's one of the 200+ Amazon Verified 1-star reviews:

We ordered two of these, one died on initial startup. The light flashed red and it beeped and showed nothing but red pixilated snow on the set. But here are the pros and cons of the one that works.
-It plays games
-Not being able to get through to Sony support
-Bluray loads painfully slow. This is a Sony product, you think it would load faster than my 2 year old standalone Panasonic Blu-ray player.
-Blu-ray will not output digital sound, neither will games. But the dashboard will?
-Blu-ray looks DVD quality and a little bit muddy on my 1080p Set
-Blue blinding light on controller, with no option to turn it off.
-Battery in controller dies in less than 6 hours of gameplay.
-Constant game Freezing
-Poor interface for inviting friends to online games
-Just plain poor interface
-3.5 hour initial set up.
As much as I wanted to liked this console I can't say that I do. I've had launch consoles in the past, but I've never had one with so many bugs.

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Basically if you got a Microsoft system that froze upon use I would pay them to ignore your problems. You are the most annoying microsoft CAG in existence. I would love to see you get a defective system just to see you complain for days….and thats just mean but you deserve it. Regardless I am amazed you are a loyal customer considering your gamer tag is basically shit. 140K is garbage considering thats the 08 average shit right there.
Just because you rent/play a bunch of shovelware doesn't make you a more or less of a loyal customer. Yeah, this Neo guy is trolling.

So what? Block him and report him if he's breaking forum rules. All you're doing is feeding him and pushing the thread more off-topic.

so, back on topic....visually, Ryse is the best looking next gen title so far, right?


As long as we are off-topic, here's one of the 200+ Amazon Verified 1-star reviews:

We ordered two of these, one died on initial startup. The light flashed red and it beeped and showed nothing but red pixilated snow on the set. But here are the pros and cons of the one that works.

-It plays games
-Not being able to get through to Sony support

-Bluray loads painfully slow. This is a Sony product, you think it would load faster than my 2 year old standalone Panasonic Blu-ray player.
-Blu-ray will not output digital sound, neither will games. But the dashboard will?
-Blu-ray looks DVD quality and a little bit muddy on my 1080p Set
-Blue blinding light on controller, with no option to turn it off.
-Battery in controller dies in less than 6 hours of gameplay.
-Constant game Freezing
-Poor interface for inviting friends to online games
-Just plain poor interface
-3.5 hour initial set up.

As much as I wanted to liked this console I can't say that I do. I've had launch consoles in the past, but I've never had one with so many bugs.
So why did you cherry pick this review? 3 of his negatives are about bluray playback which I can't confirm or deny since I haven't played a bluray, but if these issues exist they can and will be updated via firmware. Blue blinding light on the controller is BS, it points toward the ground, who is looking at it? Have not experienced a controller dying of battery life and I played all day Friday. Again not a single game freeze and I played all day Friday. 2 points about interface which are subjective. And the initial setup with 1.50 firmware took 10 minutes. So were you trying to point out a potential Xbot review? Cause looks to me like he just took a bunch of random FUD N4G headlines and made a review out of them.

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Please cut the PS4 talk in here please.

And to those exclaiming "WHERE ARE THE MODS!?!?" keep in mind we don't read every thread. If you actually, you know, report something we'll check into it. A post in here was reported at 4:22 AM and I got to it at 5:10. Sorry it took so long in the middle of the night but I was busy playing my perfectly functional PS4 (after watching a Blu-ray on it that looked fine) ;).
bread's done