Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

[quote name='johnnypark']


Part of my NES collection. You won't find copies of FF1, Crystalis, or either Zelda in better condition.
And yes, that's a copy of Mega Man 1 =) I don't have a box for Mega Man 5, but otherwise the NES MM collection is complete.[/QUOTE]

I know it's probably convenient, but isn't it a bad idea to heave your top loader on top of those NES games?

They're not going to get crushed, no, but the boxes are probably going to get dented and/or color, regardless of how careful you think you're being. Just saying... because that's a stupendously beautiful collection and those games aren't exactly worthless.:)
[quote name='johnnypark']
Part of my NES collection. You won't find copies of FF1, Crystalis, or either Zelda in better condition.
And yes, that's a copy of Mega Man 1 =)

Nice collection. I too have all Final Fantasies, Zeldas, Mega Mans, Dragon Warriors, etc. all complete and in near mint to mint condition with all baggies, pamphlets, etc. for NES as shown in the NES/SNES collection thread from ages ago.

[quote name='Vinny']I know it's probably convenient, but isn't it a bad idea to heave your top loader on top of those NES games?

They're not going to get crushed, no, but the boxes are probably going to get dented and/or color, regardless of how careful you think you're being. Just saying... because that's a stupendously beautiful collection and those games aren't exactly worthless.:)[/QUOTE]

That's probably a good point, I'll find a better place for the top loader. Trust me, if it was the original toaster NES, it never would have been there, but the top loaders are pretty light. Still a good idea.

I found the top loader at a local Play N Trade in it's box in pristine condition for $50. I was pretty excited.

[quote name='addicted2games']Nice collection. I too have all Final Fantasies, Zeldas, Mega Mans, Dragon Warriors, etc. all complete and in near mint to mint condition with all baggies, pamphlets, etc. for NES as shown in the NES/SNES collection thread from ages ago.


[quote name='johnnypark']


Part of my NES collection. You won't find copies of FF1, Crystalis, or either Zelda in better condition.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, bud, I've got ya beat on that one. Original copies that I bought brand new on their respective launch days, both gold, not the re-issued gray "Classic Series" versions (although, I do believe that the Classic Series carts are technically rarer). My copy of Zelda 1 is pre-reset button warning. You can't imagine how many saved games I lost as a result of NOA not having a system for that worked out before launching battery backup games :(


Still, that's a nice collection. I wish I still had all my NES games. These two Zelda titles are it. I sold everything during college to, em, pay for college :mrgreen:
If you want to turn it into a contest, all you have to do to find one in better condition is just look up a "gold level" VGA graded copy on eBay.
Meh, just having them rated doesn't mean they're in better shape, they've just been looked over by an "authority".

I wasn't really trying to make a contest out of it. Johnnypark's post seemed almost like a challenge, and that's why I replied as such ;)
[quote name='wiggyx']



I also have my launch copies in similar condition...They are just packed away in a closet at my parents house with Metroid, Super mario 2, super mario 3, spy hunter, elevator action, Ghost and Goblins, and probably some others I don't remember. ;)
[quote name='wiggyx']Meh, just having them rated doesn't mean they're in better shape, they've just been looked over by an "authority".

I wasn't really trying to make a contest out of it. Johnnypark's post seemed almost like a challenge, and that's why I replied as such ;)
Everyone seems to think their stuff is the best. :p I can't even tell you many eBay item descriptions I've seen that have said stuff like "You won't find x in better condition!"
[quote name='lmz00']Everyone seems to think their stuff is the best. :p I can't even tell you many eBay item descriptions I've seen that have said stuff like "You won't find x in better condition!"[/QUOTE]

I love when people post that or say it's mint, and it comes to you in crap condition. Learned my lesson with that years ago. I make sure I get pics of everything and they accept returns.
[quote name='wiggyx']Meh, just having them rated doesn't mean they're in better shape, they've just been looked over by an "authority".

I wasn't really trying to make a contest out of it. Johnnypark's post seemed almost like a challenge, and that's why I replied as such ;)

Haha, no, I wasn't offering any challenge =) I'm just really stoked to have a complete FF1 in such good condition. Most boxed copies I see don't come with the guide and map, or if they do they have a lot of wear & tear.
[quote name='wiggyx']Sorry, bud, I've got ya beat on that one. Original copies that I bought brand new on their respective launch days, both gold, not the re-issued gray "Classic Series" versions (although, I do believe that the Classic Series carts are technically rarer). My copy of Zelda 1 is pre-reset button warning. You can't imagine how many saved games I lost as a result of NOA not having a system for that worked out before launching battery backup games :(


Still, that's a nice collection. I wish I still had all my NES games. These two Zelda titles are it. I sold everything during college to, em, pay for college :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

I'll give credit where it's due, and no doubt, your Zelda's win! If I was old enough to be buying games on my own back in the early NES days I might have something similar. I used to have even more NES boxes but naively downsized when I was a lot younger not even thinking about what they might be worth. I kept my favorites, though, many of which are the ones that are either worth more or are just more desirable.
Most of my stuff is boxed from moving joining other stuff that got boxed from moving. I have almost all the areas in my place stuff with toys and action figures. I've cut down on buying things dramatically, part of me hates all the room it takes up, part of me wants to keep adding. But I'm sorta at a limit that I find reasonable. What do you guys plan to do in the next 10 years. I used to think DLC would be a threat to physical games, but with various collectors editions and swag it really isnt.
[quote name='lmz00']Everyone seems to think their stuff is the best. :p I can't even tell you many eBay item descriptions I've seen that have said stuff like "You won't find x in better condition!"[/QUOTE]

Very true.

I've been on both ends of that issue with eBay sales. It's not fun either way, that's for sure :(

[quote name='aTaRiFrEaK223']I love when people post that or say it's mint, and it comes to you in crap condition. Learned my lesson with that years ago. I make sure I get pics of everything and they accept returns.[/QUOTE]

I've never had anything come to me in crap condition, but have definitely received items that are definitely not in the condition described.

[quote name='johnnypark']Haha, no, I wasn't offering any challenge =) I'm just really stoked to have a complete FF1 in such good condition. Most boxed copies I see don't come with the guide and map, or if they do they have a lot of wear & tear.[/QUOTE]

It is nice indeed! I'm also jealous of the complete boxed MM series. I had all 6, but only 3-5 were boxed and I couldn't bring myself to spend a fortune on the other 3 just to get the boxes :/

[quote name='johnnypark']I'll give credit where it's due, and no doubt, your Zelda's win! If I was old enough to be buying games on my own back in the early NES days I might have something similar. I used to have even more NES boxes but naively downsized when I was a lot younger not even thinking about what they might be worth. I kept my favorites, though, many of which are the ones that are either worth more or are just more desirable.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Theenternal']...What do you guys plan to do in the next 10 years. I used to think DLC would be a threat to physical games, but with various collectors editions and swag it really isnt.[/QUOTE]

I was worried about physical media disappearing as well (which would have marked the end of my new game buying, period). Much like how the presence of the internet didn't at all cut down the use of paper as many predicted, but in fact multiplied consumption by a rather large margin :cry:
Small update, shifting stuff around, got some more stuff, cleared up some space.

Here's the new collection set up for now, for at least until I get too much stuff again.









My biggest worry is what will happen when the second room is filled up too...
Wow! That's a serious, SERIOUS collection! My wife would murder me if mine ever got that big LOL!

Looks great. Might be time for some custom, built-in shelving...
Ok i have to ask after seeing so many post of people with these huge collections of games.
Do you actually play all of them or are you just a collector?
[quote name='Squarehard']


My biggest worry is what will happen when the second room is filled up too...[/QUOTE]

Well, looks like you would have a hard time getting to it in the first place :lol:
There's absolutely no way to play all of those games (all the way through at least). I used to have a collection about 1/2 that size and there was NO WAY I was ever gonna play all those games. It's a collection thing (at least, for me it was).
[quote name='Slappybob']Ok i have to ask after seeing so many post of people with these huge collections of games.
Do you actually play all of them or are you just a collector?[/QUOTE]

I attempt to play the ones I haven't beat's tough to do (this is having a smaller collection that doesn't break 150 games across all systems)

Yeah, the shelving and wall-collections get crazy at a certain point; though I have book-shelves for books (of all things) it can take 10 years to use all the content on the shelf. :bouncy:
[quote name='Slappybob']Ok i have to ask after seeing so many post of people with these huge collections of games.
Do you actually play all of them or are you just a collector?[/QUOTE]

I try my best to get to all of the things I own. My backlog is huge as you have probably guessed, so that's really the only way to knock out most of this stuff.

I've played all the games at least half an hour or so when I first get the game, but other than that, I say I'm maybe 55% through my whole game collection, and maybe about 30% through my anime collection.

The bad part is that the collection is ever growing, so I doubt I'll ever really not have a backlog of less than 60% at any point, but nice to always have something to do if I was bored at home. ^___^

[quote name='Pookymeister']Well, looks like you would have a hard time getting to it in the first place :lol:[/QUOTE]

Good point. Time to grab a shovel and start digging a basement. :3
[quote name='wiggyx']


Still, that's a nice collection. I wish I still had all my NES games. These two Zelda titles are it. I sold everything during college to, em, pay for college :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

Damn! That even smells new!
OK, sorry for a couple of blurry pics. There's not much light in the ol' man-cave, and I don't have a tripod.

I'm in the middle of trying to solve controller storage problems...



Most of these are movies (the bottom row is N64 boxes and there's PS1 games one shelf above that).


...Ahh, there we go. I knew I'd eventually find a use for these absurdly shallow shelves.


Wii, PS2, Xbox, N64DD, and DS titles.


'Cube and Saturn games.



These guys are unfortunately stuffed into the corner :(


I actually found this TV on someone's tree lawn. Needed a new bulb, a remote, and for the smallest of the 3 cooling fans to be cleaned in order for it work. Cost about 100 bucks total for a SONY 60" DLP. I was so proud of myself for diagnosing and fixing the problem in order to get it running. It was semi-disassembled in the dinning room for about 2 weeks. My wife didn't care much for it at that point, but I haven't heard a single complaint from her since it started up for the first time :)

Sweet room wiggyx. WHat about taking out all the shelving in the back behind your couch and doing new shelving? I know it would be costly, and a lot of work, but it may be able to house your collection more long term too.

It's something I've thought of, but the wife and I have done TONS of improvements to the house since we moved in (2005), and this hasn't managed to make its way to the top of the priority list yet. Actually, the next thing we want to do to that specific room is remove the bar that's on the opposite side (not shown). Depending on what we end up doing over the next few months, this may very well end up being a summer project for me ;)
[quote name='wiggyx']Thanks!

It's something I've thought of, but the wife and I have done TONS of improvements to the house since we moved in (2005), and this hasn't managed to make its way to the top of the priority list yet. Actually, the next thing we want to do to that specific room is remove the bar that's on the opposite side (not shown). Depending on what we end up doing over the next few months, this may very well end up being a summer project for me ;)[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a ggod plan.... Keep us posted with what you do!
[quote name='wiggyx']


Glad to see, I'm not the only one who drinks the real sugar (Mexican) Coke, though I prefer Fanta.:lol:

Great set-up. Are those giant shelves in the back like... built into a wall or are they just stand alone shelves?
Looks good, Wiggy! I like it a lot!

Hoping to get a picture of my new room in the new house taken soon... I'm still waiting on one last shelf to get in stock (because somehow Ikea is out of them!), so it can be more complete.
LOL! Yup, love the Mexi-coke. It's sooooo much better than the HFCS stuff (plus, the glass bottles help too).

The shelves are built in. Our house had SO much paneling and wood cabinetry build into the house when we moved in. It was a total PITA to work around. We've removed a TON of it, but there's still plenty left (as you can see).

The shelves on the far right are great. Perfect depth, infinite height adjustment, etc. Buuut, there's no stairs behind them, so they can be any depth we want. The shelves on the left are right in front of the staircase that leads into the basement, so I'd have to build out into the room to gain more depth. Still may be worth doing, but it's gonna take some serious effort.

Luckily the room is rather large. Adding/Modifying shelving won't do much to lessen the usable floor space. That small couch will prolly just go, which is no biggie. There's a HUGE sectional across from the shelves and the TV that I'm sitting on while taking the pics ;)
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Also, meant to post these. I think the only systems that I don't have a box for is my Super Fami/Satellaview and the 64DD. Of course they're the two that would be the absolute hardest to find boxes for :(


Man, I think the only Anime I have in my collection that's also in yours is that Eva box set LOL (although, there's got to be a copy of Akira in there as well, right?)

If anyone is in need of some custom shelving at this point, it's definitely you! That collection is getting massive! :applause:

I just did some rearranging as well in order to accommodate all the custom cases I've been doing. I'll try and post a pic later.
[quote name='wiggyx']Man, I think the only Anime I have in my collection that's also in yours is that Eva box set LOL (although, there's got to be a copy of Akira in there as well, right?)

If anyone is in need of some custom shelving at this point, it's definitely you! That collection is getting massive! :applause:

I just did some rearranging as well in order to accommodate all the custom cases I've been doing. I'll try and post a pic later.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Akira is hiding around somewhere in there. ;P

It's becoming more and more clear that wall mounted shelves might be the next step, that or I take a big sledgehammer and knock down the wall between the two rooms and make one mega room.
[quote name='skiizim']Wheres the hentai collection Squarehard? Is it hiding behind closed doors in the closet? =P[/QUOTE]

Prolly where the rest of us keep it; on the D drive ;)
Squarehead, have you ever bumped one of your shelves and sent things toppling down? Also i agree with the posters above. Its time to get rid of the walls. I'm serious think about this... get some library shelves and ones that can take the place of walls and provide extra room.

[quote name='Theenternal']Squarehead, have you ever bumped one of your shelves and sent things toppling down? Also i agree with the posters above. Its time to get rid of the walls. I'm serious think about this... get some library shelves and ones that can take the place of walls and provide extra room.[/QUOTE]

There's actually one shelf that I constantly bump into all the time because it's right next to the door, but luckily it's mounted into the wall, so nothing really shifts, although my shoulder does hurt afterwards. :p
bread's done