Zelda: TP Limited Edition Hardback guide back to 19.99 Best Buy B&M


288 (100%)
Edit: Oh sad day that they now are back to 19.99!

I put in this thread, but people (Edit: Indeed, Sir Roufuss) are saying it deserves its own thread.

The LE Zelda Guide with the gold trim and cloth map is $17.99 at Best Buy in store. In-store link:

I didn't know this. I saw it at 19.99, decided using a GGC on it was good enough for me, so I checked out. I noticed the clerk was taking a little longer than I thought he would. Turns out it rang up 17.99, but he overrode the coupon's 19.99 limitation anyway, giving it to me for 12.99.

At the worst you can get it for 17.99, aye?

Edit: Wanted to add this - oddly, the LE guide was next to the other Prima guides (both the Wii and GC versions), and they were marked 19.99 as well. So go figure on that.

Edit 2: The bullet list on the back states "written specifically for the Wii version." Sorry Roufuss. :(

Edit 3: Holy shit. Appears to be 9.99 now. ....I OVERPAID THREE DOLLARS!!!
Picked one up for $9.99, there were I think 4 left at the Greenspoint location in Houston, TX, all still marked $19.99. Took forever to find them (no, they weren't hidden, they were by some Gamecube stuff, I'm just a dumbass :drool:). Nice looking guide for a very nice price, must nicer than the official soft cover.

They wouldn't let me use the $5 off coupon, but I think it was because they were only letting me use the coupon for 1 item on the transaction (not sure if that is how it is supposed to work or not). Had I only been buying the guide it probably would have worked, I don't know.

Do what now? Where is this book of which you speak? Dost thou have a scan?

[quote name='Masterkyo']Do not forget checkout CODEs & CHEATs Book on the last Page they have $5 off coupon (any Prima Guide). My buddy went to the BB early this morning & get price adjustment down $9.99 and he can used $5 off coupon too.

Good luck ;)[/QUOTE]
Got one at the golf mill bb (still a few left) in Illinois. I tried using the accessory coupon but the cashier said that she cant because its not a accessory. Overall a good deal on a nice looking book.
I gotz minez. According to their computer, they still have 8 copies somewhere in there, although they could only find 2 in the wherehouse when I was there.

Location: Las Vegas ; W. Charleston across the street from the Red Rock Casino.

Happy Hunting!:bouncy:
Hot damn! So glad I saw this on the forums. Ran straight to my Best Buy store and they had three guides left. The price on the guide showed $19.99, but when they rang it up, it was priced at $9.99!!!

Am on the phone with GameStop.com Service to cancel my $40.08 order for that same guide, and that was with the cheapest shipping!
I just grabbed one from Dadeland Mall BB in Miami. They still had 5 left if anyone in my area is looking for one. They also seemed to have got a huge shipment of wiimotes and nunchucks.
Called my father who lives near the Rivergate Charlotte, NC Best Buy. He picked one up for me and mailed it. Two left at that location, at least this morning. Good luck, everyone. The guide sounds awesome.
I was at the Buckhead Best Buy in Atlanta about an hour ago and they had 3 of the LE guides. I got one for myself and one for a Christmas gift, so there was one left on the shelf. Good luck to those still looking for one.
There were 4 left at my Best Buy after a co-worker and I bought one each. The guy had to get it from out back though. Thanks op. I like how the pages are crunchy.
[quote name='erehwon']I passed on one since I didn't get my coupon to work.[/quote]
You are a true CHEAP ass gamer. :lol:
[quote name='nakedsushi']I like how the pages are crunchy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, talk about a bitch to get every page to separate from one another due to that gold painting on the edge.

Got mine price adjusted today. Was about a dozen there on Monday, none there anymore. ^_^
[quote name='Kendro']You are a true CHEAP ass gamer. :lol:[/QUOTE]
I passed since funds are getting low and I'm going to have to pay my credit cards. I'm still tempted to go back for it though.
BestBuy in Aventura , Fl had them. This book is so big and nice. Totally worth it 1st ever guide I bought. It will remain Brand New on my shelf for the rest of my life. Thanks for posting this deal on it.
Also the instore availability is not even accurate! that would piss me off in it said in stock and you go there its all out! as sometimes it's best to call first.

There might be more shipments to come as Zelda just came out? Or was this guide released by then when Zelda came out for Wii?
[quote name='coltcannon']OOS here in west madison. Again the madison horders that lurk on these boards are most likely to blame.[/QUOTE]
See above post.

Sorry man, I hate that you have to deal with that shit.
I almost walked out of the store emptyhanded I did not see any guides but then I asked a employee if they had the guide in stock he pointed it out to me it was right in front of me all the way at the bottom of the GBA section how could I miss it?. The first thing he did was scan the guide he could not believe it was only $9.99 he asked me why the price was so low I responded by saying I don't know if only he knew I had two $5.00 off coupons.:) Then he scanned the regular TP guide and asked me why it was more expensive than the collector's edition htf should I know? I took the last two they had and got on line the cashier did not want to use the coupons at first because she said the guide was not for the Wii but after I showed her that it was for the Wii she said alright. I had two coupons she processed my purchase as two different transcations, two receipts one for each guide. It is a beautiful book. Thanks a lot for the coupon link, Kendro!!
DAMN, how did I miss this thread - and I could have gotten one a few days ago when I was at Best Buy getting some other stuff.... I had no idea. Well, it shows in stock at some places (but no online order for in store pickup - boo). I've found in the past that when it shows "in stock" by being bolded, but not available for in store pickup, then 75% chance they don't actually have it (even if I rush over). And I was really planning to stay home tonight too... Grrrrr...
What a dick! >_<

I hope that the local BB will have one or two available... one for me, and one for any of my friends who needs a little extra help in Zelda.

The hoarding needs to stop.
May karma and ebay seller fees bite him in the bum.
[quote name='io']DAMN, how did I miss this thread - and I could have gotten one a few days ago when I was at Best Buy getting some other stuff.... I had no idea. Well, it shows in stock at some places (but no online order for in store pickup - boo). I've found in the past that when it shows "in stock" by being bolded, but not available for in store pickup, then 75% chance they don't actually have it (even if I rush over). And I was really planning to stay home tonight too... Grrrrr...[/QUOTE]

Mine said they didn't have any in stock but lo and behold they had 7 sitting there.
[quote name='organicow']I scored one at the BB in Downtown San Fran just now. They had 3 more after I bought mine.

Also, FYI: this BB also had about 30-40 of the somewhat elusive Pink DS Lite in stock.

EDIT: I would also like to thank CAG GundNataku for hoarding and Ebaying these guides. You're awesome.

Wow, great Christmas spirit shown by that tool. I vote for a ban.
[quote name='lawdood']Wow, great Christmas spirit shown by that tool. I vote for a ban.[/QUOTE]
My favorite part is the ridiculous markup he has going on. $45? $60?
[quote name='nwaugh']My favorite part is the ridiculous markup he has going on. $45? $60?[/quote]
LEAST he could of done was offer one or two to his fellow CAG's who weren't fortunate to find one of these at their local BB. Give back to the community that allowed him to get this deal in the first place.
dont bother with pasadena ca store. they show they *should* have 10 in inventory but none of the guys that work there can find it.
My local Best Buy has at least 8 additional copies. Please let me know if you are interested. I am planning to come back tomorrow as I will buy Viva Pinata. I will ship cost + paypal fees + shipping + delivery confirmation, which should be around $16. Please send me a PM and I will buy those tomorrow.
I got 2 today at the best buy in muskegon, mi. (One for me, one for a friend.) They have 4 more in stock, but they are in the back. I had to use their computer to bring it up on there website and show the guy by clicking on local store pickup that it was available. He was like how'd you do that. Um, I know how to use your website, duh. Then he took the sku and checked their inventory, and it showed they had six. I told him I wanted 2 and he went in the back and found them. Before I showed it to him on the website he was trying to tell me that it was the white premium edition. Anyway 4 more in muskegon, mi.
Went to three BB's, and picked up a guide per store. One was for another CAG who asked about it last night, and two others are up for dibs. $16 shipped insured media mail w/DC, or $22 shipped insured priority mail w/DC, if you're interested.

Edit: One of the two is sold, and the other one's pending out, with a line growing for it. I'll see what I can do about the line, and maybe find some more out there. :whistle2:s
bread's done