2004 FYE Trade-In Prices - LIST HERE (Farewell!)

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man, room zoom supply is at a alltime low. half of the ebs i go to do not get any more copies. the lady at one just shook her head when i walked in. it made me realize how sad my life is: the Room Zoom kid. i saw some copies at TRU a few days back. do they PM? if they do, how do i prove the RZ price? have them call a EB?
Traded a few GBA games to the FYE near where I live. These were the trade-in values I got:

Boktai - The Sun Is in Your Hands - $6.50
Hamtaro - Ham Ham Heartbreak - $10.00
Oddworld - Munch's Oddysee - $6.00
Prince of Persia - Sands of Time - $7.50
Virtua Tennis - $7.50
dafunkk12 wrote:
Orlando Fashion Square Mall today:

XBX - Drake $9


Can anyone else confirm this?!?! This will most definitely suck if true.
I was still getting $15 for Drake as of Thursday, but it could have been a recent change. All the FYEs/Coconuts I deal with went to trade-in only (rather than cash) that day, so maybe they're doing some policy changes :(
[quote name='Timothyx']man, room zoom supply is at a alltime low. half of the ebs i go to do not get any more copies. the lady at one just shook her head when i walked in. it made me realize how sad my life is: the Room Zoom kid. i saw some copies at TRU a few days back. do they PM? if they do, how do i prove the RZ price? have them call a EB?[/quote]

They will PM with a flier (which you won't have) or calling an EB that has them in stock. (Unlikely) However, you can get them 2 for $30 at TRU, which is OK, but not as great.
Tiger Woods 05 GCN - $11
Freestyle Street Soccer GCN - $17
Freestyle Street Soccer Xbox - $17
Metal Gear Solid TTS GCN - 8.50
Mario Kart GCN - 18.50
Room Zoom Xbox - 26
Naked Gun DVD - $3
WWF Monday Night War DVD - $5
CONFIRMED: Drake (xbox) is now $9 credit.

I just traded in 4 this morning at 4 different stores.

Here are some more values:

Bomberman jetters GC 9.00
Freestyle soccer XBOX & GC
Oviedo Marketplace mall today:
PS2 -Mr. Mosquito $ 6.50
PS2 Max Payne 2 $7.50
XBX Shadow Ops Red Mercury $22.19
XBX Room Zoom $26
XBX Urban Freestyle Soccer $17
GCN Urban Freestyle Soccer $17
Damn, glad I unloaded those 7 copies (all at different stores) of Drake between Tuesday and Thursday, that and a few others preordered a PSP.
Ah Drake, I'll miss you. I had one that I was going to trade in on Thursday, but didn't have enough time to get out there. Oh well, I'll probably trade it in for the $9 anyway (only cost me $5), but at least I was able to trade in 2 already. =)

Now hopefully Room Zoom won't drop in price before my copy shows up from EB sometime next week.
Oviedo Marketplace mall today:
GCN Black & Bruised $7.50
XBX Sneakers $27
PS2 Van Helsing $9
XBX Metal Dungeon $1 (kept it to trade somewhere else)

Also seems they had too many copies of Room Zoom and Freestyle Street Soccer... D'oh. To another mall!
I just made a trip to FYE. I traded in a number of game and ended up with $148.xx of credit.

I pre-ordered a PSP and Ridge Racer, so I no longer have the slip that lists credit amounts for each game. I will post what I can remember though.

Star Fox Adventures -- Wouldn't scan
Wave Race (NGC) $4.00 -- decided to keep it for now
Xenosaga (PS2) $7.50 -- see above

A lot of the games that I did trade in seemed to vary slightly from the amounts listed on the front page. For example, Gunmetal (XBOX) is listed as being $8.50, but I got $10 for it.

I will edit the post later with the full list of games I traded in and any values I can remember.
Yeah, I just realized that EB raised the prices of Malice and Dinotopia. They used to $10 and $5 NEW and I was gonna stock up on them for psp pre-orders. Drake dropped so that is even more depressing.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Yeah, I just realized that EB raised the prices of Malice and Dinotopia. They used to $10 and $5 NEW and I was gonna stock up on them for psp pre-orders. Drake dropped so that is even more depressing.[/quote]

I have one more Drake left. As long as Room zoom doesn't drop I'll be able to pay PSP + Mercury+Luminies off

How much is Malice trade in?
The XBOX Malice was $27, the ps2 version is around $12. The only problem with Malice is that it has to be manually entered and that is why it's often refused at most stores.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']The XBOX Malice was $27, the ps2 version is around $12. The only problem with Malice is that it has to be manually entered and that is why it's often refused at most stores.[/quote]

Ok. Thanks.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Yeah, I just realized that EB raised the prices of Malice and Dinotopia. They used to $10 and $5 NEW and I was gonna stock up on them for psp pre-orders. Drake dropped so that is even more depressing.[/quote]I was going to pick up some $4.99 Primals from them but they raised it to $23.99... :x
BlackStone: Magic & Steel (Xbox) went down to $18.50 :(
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (PS2) - $11.00

Do any Illinois cheapass gamers still post on this thread (besides me)? I doubt it, but I just wanna know will the FYE and/or Saturday Matinee in Chicago Ridge Mall (as well as Coconuts in Oak Lawn) have PSP games for sale on March 24th? I just wanna know, and I wont ask the employees becuase they're Nazis.
[quote name='dafunkk12'][quote name='Strider Turbulence']Yeah, I just realized that EB raised the prices of Malice and Dinotopia. They used to $10 and $5 NEW and I was gonna stock up on them for psp pre-orders. Drake dropped so that is even more depressing.[/quote]I was going to pick up some $4.99 Primals from them but they raised it to $23.99... :x[/quote]

Looks like EB is paying us back for all jumpacks traded in.
A little update from my trade-in today.

PS2 Max Payne 2 - $7.50
PS2 Metropolismania - $7.50
GC - Extreme G3 - $7.50
PS2 - Hitman 2 - $7.50
PS2 - Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm - $9
PS2 - Primal - $10
XB - Mojo - $8.50!
XB - Drake - $9 =(
PS2 - Serious Sam: Second Encounter - $9
GC - Freestyle Street Soccer - $17
PS2 - Tekken Tag Tournament - $4
PS2 - Turok - $4

Also two notable CD tradeins:

Beatles - Live at the BBC - $10
Al Stewart - Rhymes in Rooms - $10

Actually, I really should have checked half.com on that Al Stewart CD before trading it in. A friend of mine gave it to me when he was leaving town and it was in great condition. Crap, there's someone trying to sell one for about $40 in the same condition on ebay!
[quote name='CaptPete']A little update from my trade-in today.

GC - Freestyle Street Soccer - $10

Uh-oh! Can anyone else confirm this? I hope not, I got a backlog of 7 of these to unload.
[quote name='fivecardstud'][quote name='CaptPete']A little update from my trade-in today.

GC - Freestyle Street Soccer - $10

Uh-oh! Can anyone else confirm this? I hope not, I got a backlog of 7 of these to unload.[/quote]

Sorry, typo! I don't want to give anyone a heart attack! It was $17.

I went to 3 Blockbusters today and noticed that all 3 had Room Zoom for $6.99. Only 1 copy per store.

Just last week i went to these same stores and didn't see Room Zoom so this could be a sign of them getting rid of this game.
Now that Drake's officially a no-go for trade in fodder :cry: , I'm thinking of branching out to Freestyle Street Soccer (Xbox). My local Blockbuster has a whole stack for $4.99 each, but they're all in standard Blockbuster dvd cases...has anyone found this to be a problem? If so, is there an easy (and cheap) way to purchase blank x-box cases?
[quote name='paradoxikus']Now that Drake's officially a no-go for trade in fodder :cry: , I'm thinking of branching out to Freestyle Street Soccer (Xbox). My local Blockbuster has a whole stack for $4.99 each, but they're all in standard Blockbuster dvd cases...has anyone found this to be a problem? If so, is there an easy (and cheap) way to purchase blank x-box cases?[/quote]

fye won't take games without the instructions. The standard Blockbuster cases don't leave room for the instructions (unless it's the smaller GameCube instructions). I haven't had any problems switching out the case with a standard black dvd case.

One way you can get free xbox cases is by just asking your Gamerush employee if they have any extras.
I went to the FYE in Ann Arbor and I got $15 for it today (2/28). Maybe they raised it back up, or this store is a little behind. And Primal was still getting $10.
[quote name='paradoxikus']Now that Drake's officially a no-go for trade in fodder :cry: , I'm thinking of branching out to Freestyle Street Soccer (Xbox). My local Blockbuster has a whole stack for $4.99 each, but they're all in standard Blockbuster dvd cases...has anyone found this to be a problem? If so, is there an easy (and cheap) way to purchase blank x-box cases?[/quote]

I've been able to trade in GC and XB Freestyle in the original blockbuster cases at three different stores without a problem, just make sure they have instructions before you buy them. I'll check tonight and see if FYE is still giving $17 apiece.
[quote name='CaptPete'][quote name='fivecardstud'][quote name='CaptPete']A little update from my trade-in today.

GC - Freestyle Street Soccer - $10

Uh-oh! Can anyone else confirm this? I hope not, I got a backlog of 7 of these to unload.[/quote]

Sorry, typo! I don't want to give anyone a heart attack! It was $17.[/quote]

Ahhh just saw that.. thanks! Time to up my meds...
Is the BB buy 2 get 1 free still going on? and it's a promotional thing that's all over the US right? i went to one and they said it was over.
[quote name='oper00']Is the BB buy 2 get 1 free still going on? and it's a promotional thing that's all over the US right? i went to one and they said it was over.[/quote]

It is still on. It also shows up on the GameRush website.
[quote name='djinni'][quote name='oper00']Is the BB buy 2 get 1 free still going on? and it's a promotional thing that's all over the US right? i went to one and they said it was over.[/quote]

It is still on. It also shows up on the GameRush website.[/quote]

WTF I just called my BB and they said not all BB run the promotion. I don't see the website saying "only in participating BBs" :evil:
[quote name='oper00']Does anyone know if outlaw golf Holiday gives decent credit?

edit: i accidentally said hotshots[/quote]

Ha, i had the outlaw volleyball & outlaw golf blockbuster exclusive expansion discs scanned today and....

Outlaw Golf expansion disc didn't scan
Outlaw volleyball expansion dis came up at $7.50 whish is utterly mind boggling
Left my receipt in the car for the trades that went through, but here are some low values I remember:

Mall at Millenia:
GCN Sega Soccer Slam $0.01
XBX Sega Soccer Slam $4
[quote name='dafunkk12']Left my receipt in the car for the trades that went through, but here are some low values I remember:

Mall at Millenia:
GCN Sega Soccer Slam $0.01
XBX Sega Soccer Slam $4[/quote]

My GCN Sega Soccer Slam didn't take in the register, so maybe this is a new development.
how much do they give for dinotopia? on the list it says 24-26. is it really 24-26, or is it less. are they still giving 25 for red dead revolver on ps2 and 22 for it on xbox.
Went to BB tonight, had plenty of copies of Freestyle Street Soccer for both XBX and GC....only problem is, they're all marked with the Previously Played $14.99 sticker. They had the B2G1 deal goin on, but $30 for three copies, or $10 a piece, is too rich for my blood. Damn.
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']Ok I need to know if they still give ten for primal and 15 for drake before I go to clean out my TRU.[/quote]

don't know about primal but drake is down to $9
[quote name='oper00']when trading in BB games, do you guys remove the sticker or leave it as it is?[/quote]

I take off the back sticker as well as the price sticker on front. You can't do much about the BB Exclusive tagged onto Freestyle Street Soccer. I got it for 5, no instructions, and had no problem at FYE. So I guess its YMMV on the BB used prices.
[quote name='clariste']Went to BB tonight, had plenty of copies of Freestyle Street Soccer for both XBX and GC....only problem is, they're all marked with the Previously Played $14.99 sticker. They had the B2G1 deal goin on, but $30 for three copies, or $10 a piece, is too rich for my blood. Damn.[/quote]

Just like every other deal YOU HAVE TO GET THE ITEMS SCANNED!!!
I just bought 6 copies that were marked $7.99 each, they rung up at $4.99 each.
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