2004 FYE Trade-In Prices - LIST HERE (Farewell!)

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Love the idea for this thread....but someone really need to take charge and open a new thread with all the prices on the first thread and update it.

No one is gonna read through 68 pages to get prices. Except for the 4 people who post.....that is....
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Love the idea for this thread....but someone really need to take charge and open a new thread with all the prices on the first thread and update it.

No one is gonna read through 68 pages to get prices. Except for the 4 people who post.....that is....[/quote]

Strider Turbulence updates on the first page all the time....
Kill.Switch (Xbox) - $15.00
Scaler (PS2) - $9.25

FYE stores are being Nazis now. They only accept 1 game of each kind. If they already have one or more of a game, they do not accept it. Then again YMMV, after all, the asshole employees were working when I went. My local FYE stores:

*FYE in Chicago Ridge Mall, IL
*Saturday Matinee in Chicago Ridge Mall, IL
Coconuts in Oak Lawn, IL

*I went to these two stores and the Nazis (employees) were really rude (you can tell that they're going out of business because of us CheapAss Gamers... and they're pissed! :D). I tried to trade in Splinter Cell (Xbox), Kill.Switch (Xbox), and Malice (Xbox). They didn't accept Splinter Cell because they already had a copy (yes, ONE copy), and they didn't accept Malice because of their random "this disc has scratches" bullshit. The disc was perfect, but whatever.

I can't wait for FYE to completely go out of business...
[quote name='joystickz'][quote name='superhugebutt']Dudes in Manhattan, the store I go to is out on Long Island. It's a haul, but worth it to trade lots of crap. In Queens (New Hyde Park) there's an FYE on Lake Success; great store. They've always been real friendly. Thought I'd throw in my two cents. :)[/quote]


the PATH Train to the creepyass Mall in Jersey (Newport Center) yields an FYE full of genius employees willing to take tons of crap.[/quote]

I know i am late to all of this BUT i just moved to jersey and i am familair w/ this mall. any advice on how i sld go about taking advantage of the ee's lack of knowledge? there is a TRU off of the turnpike and i was thinking about hitting them up for cheap games and trading them into to FYE. Isn't that what u guys did?
They won't take no more at the one I go to either.
Kudos to the person who tried to trade in 10+Drakes and Primals at once. They set off all kind of red flags. :x
Has anyone been able to preorder the PSP from FYE's website? I was able to "buy" gift cards with my store credit, but I can't determine which item on their website is the PSP pre-order and I definitely can't figure out what their package comes with.

Their customer support emails have not been helpful. I can post them if anyone is curious.
Went to FYE today to trade some games

For the PS2:
Magic Pengel $15.00
Metal Gear Solid 3 $25.89
Mojo $4.50
King of Fighters 2000/2001 $17.00
Primal $10
Mad Maestro $7.50
Sled Storm $6.50
Parappa the Rapper $7.50
Super Bust a move $4.00
Ejay Clubworld $4.00
K-1 World Grand Prix $7.50
Mace Griffin $7.50

And to top it all off,
$26 for a copy of Room Zoom that I had bought about 20 minutes earlier for $10.
[quote name='Rynoceros']Has anyone been able to preorder the PSP from FYE's website? I was able to "buy" gift cards with my store credit, but I can't determine which item on their website is the PSP pre-order and I definitely can't figure out what their package comes with.

Their customer support emails have not been helpful. I can post them if anyone is curious.[/quote]

post it in this thread other instead-------> http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=51605
wacky idea, would this work?

FYE has several games with $25 rebates right now, could we use all this credit have now to buy multiple copies and get cash back on the rebates? If so, DRIVER3 is $30 with a $25 rebate, thats a pretty good percentage back, then you could just sell the game, right?

Taking it too far?
[quote name='fivecardstud']wacky idea, would this work?

FYE has several games with $25 rebates right now, could we use all this credit have now to buy multiple copies and get cash back on the rebates? If so, DRIVER3 is $30 with a $25 rebate, thats a pretty good percentage back, then you could just sell the game, right?

Taking it too far?[/quote]

That's definitely an idea, if you don't mind waiting for the $$$. Maybe we could figure out how much the games with rebates trade in for. If Driver 3 costs $30 with $25 rebate and then you can trade it in for a further $10-15 in credit, for example, that would be pretty cool. What other games have sizeable rebates?
[quote name='fivecardstud']wacky idea, would this work?

FYE has several games with $25 rebates right now, could we use all this credit have now to buy multiple copies and get cash back on the rebates? If so, DRIVER3 is $30 with a $25 rebate, thats a pretty good percentage back, then you could just sell the game, right?

Taking it too far?[/quote]

where are the rebates?
[quote name='joystickz'][quote name='fivecardstud']wacky idea, would this work?

FYE has several games with $25 rebates right now, could we use all this credit have now to buy multiple copies and get cash back on the rebates? If so, DRIVER3 is $30 with a $25 rebate, thats a pretty good percentage back, then you could just sell the game, right?

Taking it too far?[/quote]

where are the rebates?[/quote]

FYE Rebate Link

Rebate shows that the purchases have to done by today.
wow according to the first page, Driver3 for ps2 gets 11 bucks! So our thirty in credit for the game would turn into $25 cash and 11 credit with a little patience. I wonder how many you could buy and redeem the rebate for? hehehe....
It wouldn't work, FYE rebates require the UPC code from the package. You could sell the game on EBay/Half.com but I don't think FYE will accept a game without a UPC code for credit.

That's what I did last year when they had Spy Hunter 2 for PS2 free after rebate. I bought it, played it for a few hours, sold it on Half.com for $14 and got my Rebate Check a few weeks later.
Traded in a couple games this afternoon. I was looking for the $15 rebate on Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, but after finding out about the `cut your UPC out' part of the deal, I politely declined. I'll just keep the credit around for a good deal later. There's got to be some way around this whole UPC thing though. Anyway...

XB Amped - $7.50
XB Drake - $15
XB Quantum Redshift - $7.50
PS2 Rogue Ops - $7.50
GC Freestyle Street Soccer - $17
XB Room Zoom - $26

Still nothing to buy there. At this rate I may end up pre-ordering a PSP.
I went in today, to yet another Fye's, and they did something different today. After the receipt printed, they turned it around and stamped it with the register. For all of my other trade-ins, they did nothing of the such. I'm assuming that this is just the policy of this one store. Any comments? Also, the FYE receipts I have, I have collected from 3 different FYEs...should this matter when I use them all at one FYE later? And finally, my GCN Sega Soccer Slam did not take in the computer.
lurknomore - I have only seen FYE do that on my receipt after I used the store credit to purchase something. Hope they didn't screw you.

You should have no problems using credit from different stores, I used store credit from 7 different stores to buy Gift Cards at one store.
They do that to me about 50/50. I think they call it "franking". I guess it's their way of knowing if it's "legit" but none of the employees seem to care if it's on the back or not. Once or twice, they've actually messed up my credit cause it gets stuck in the machine when they try to do it.

I'm not even sure if FYE uses that barcode at the bottom of the credit slip. I think all mine does is type in the amount of the credit slip? Anyone ever take notice?
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I've noticed the same thing as well, it does seem like they just type in the amount on the credit slip rather than scan the slip.[/quote]

Only the emloyees that know what theyre doing seem to do it, its useful if your reciept gets erased. Years ago this saved me from losing $24 because the whole front disappeared (as it does when you leave the slip in your wallet) and all I had was a blank reciept with $24.00 printed on the back
Thanks fellas for calming my anxiety. Hee. I've got to add up my receipts and see just how much excitement that I have. Thanks again fellas and to the OPs....
Btw, I'm getting 3 PSP's off of $90 out-of-pocket expense. Many thanks to the OP and those who have contributed.

The store I pre-ordered from didn't even know what a PSP was and it freaked them out when I ordered 3. Funny stuff :D
I would just like to thank the topic creator and the list updaters. Although I only traded in 5 games, I was still able to get $50 in credit, which was enough for me to buy a couple of CDs and preorder Yoshi's Touch and Go. Thanks!
Yesterday I traded in Sega Soccer Slam for the PS2 for $15. I picked it up as part of the Buy 2 Get 1 Free from EB, little less than $5 after the it was all said and done.
can anyone tell me the trade in value for

crash bandicoot TWOC (xbox)
splinter cell (xbox)
outrun 2 (xbox)

please dont make me look through 70 pages
i picked up 6 freestyle's at blockbuster the other day for $20 ($4.99 each, buy 2 get one free). FYE gives $17 each for them. Gotta make sure they have the manual though, or FYE won't take them.
[quote name='fivecardstud']i picked up 6 freestyle's at blockbuster the other day for $20 ($4.99 each, buy 2 get one free). FYE gives $17 each for them. Gotta make sure they have the manual though, or FYE won't take them.[/quote]

Mine did... but they wouldnt take my Simpsons Hit and Run because of scratches. It gets 7.50, BTW.
[quote name='dman1869']Is Siren for the PS2 is this massive list? I checked a couple pages, but didn't see it. Thanks.[/quote]

Traded for 18 tonite.
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