9/26: Added various Band Hero items for PS3.

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TLP no need to hold the Nintendo thing for me. If it is there it is there, it it is not it is not. :)

Also how is ToV treating you? :D I got your FR on xbox.com and accepted it.

A few recommendations Xbox Wise:

Mass Effect 1 & 2 - I know ME2 is PS3 bound but you don't get the full experience of the ME world without actually playing ME1 and plus then you would get to import your own Shepherd into ME2. :)

Blue Dragon - This game IMO gets a bad rap. I liked it and plus you can get it on the cheap. Traditional turn based game and it was pretty fun

Halo Wars - IIRC, I think you like RTS? This is an actual RTS that works on a console. Shocking right? Yeah I think you will like this one. Even if you are not a Halo fan. Easy to pick up and play once you learn a few things.

Hope those help. I see you added MC2 & Lost Odyssey to your want list. Good choices there. :) Sorry I didn't get you LO, I thought ToV would be a better choice since you and the wife like the Tales series. :D
Hey TLP, I'm actually interested in your FFXIII trading arts set. I was hoping you could PM me about them when you get a chance so we can further discuss things? Thanks! :D
[quote name='Tsukinikawatte']I will snag the Metroid Art Folio for Dv8's sale, please. Send me a pm pig, that'll do![/QUOTE]

PM responded to; sorry, late night. I didn't get home until almost 8pm.

[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Up!

I have directed someone to your thread TLP. :D[/QUOTE]

Why, thank you good sir.

Speaking of which...

[quote name='Cheska19']Hey TLP, I'm actually interested in your FFXIII trading arts set. I was hoping you could PM me about them when you get a chance so we can further discuss things? Thanks! :D[/QUOTE]

PM sent.

[quote name='phoenix529']I'd be interested in the FFXIII figures, but you want too much lol.

Aw, *** you Cheska.[/QUOTE]

I'd suggest making an offer, but I think $45 shipped for the set of six is more than reasonable. I've checked ebay and other sites and all of them would be quite a bit more expensive after shipping. Feel free to point me toward a cheaper set and I may consider a lower offer. :)
i got magna carta 2, only got about 12 hours on it :) im interested in your hexyz force :) think we can work something?

also, did you get demon soul from me/dv8? :D
You can take ODST off your want list Peter Porker. I'll go ahead and send it to you in your next package. I would give you Halo 3 as well, but it's Japanese so... Yeah.
Good news!
(kind of)

We found that we don't have the money to pay both credit cards tomorrow, so we'll pay the second one a little late on the 15th after Ai gets paid.

Why is this good news? Because we took some of that money that would have gone toward the card payment and shipped your package! Now it will most definitely make it there by Christmas!

EG070186284JP ;)
Well everything I've bought out here I've pretty much watched and played, so when I get back home to Hawaii I'll need the space. :p

It might be awhile though, might be going home a month from now, or 4-5 months from now. :)
[quote name='thelonepig']Must be finals... :)[/QUOTE]

Haha yes SIR you are correct there! I'm glad that's over with :).
Did you ever take system and signal analysis as an undergrad???? Such a difficult class but I love it!!
I am waiting to make you an offer you won't refuse due to my friend not getting back to me yet :bomb: on making a trade with him to get some stuff on your wants list. I think he might legitimately be busy right now though. -_-

I am probably heading over to his house tomorrow so I will get that trade done with him and hopefully have an offer up to you Sunday night or sometime on Monday :D
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