90% off Green Tagged Items at TRU

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1 (100%)
This just came in on the intranet this afternoon. Starting tomorrow (2-9), all green tagged items will now be reduced 90%.

Odds are, there isn't much good stuff left...but what IS left will be $1-4, so some of that junk might be worth looking into.
[quote name='oleander'][quote name='tcrash247'][quote name='oleander'][quote name='tcrash247'][quote name='SGT Killjoy']my grabs:

GBA Space Channel 5
GBA E-Reader Donkey Kong 3 and Clu Clu Land
PS2 Jedi Starfighter
PS2 Star Wars Starfighter
PS2 Fatal Frame
PS2 Jak and Daxter
PS2 Spy Hunter
PS2 Mad Maestro x 2
PS2 Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance
DC Virtua Tennis
DC PSO Version 2
DC Tennis 2k2
DC Quake 3 Arena
N64 Perfect Dark
N64 Pokemon Snap
PC No One Lives Forever 2
PC Homeworld
PC Yuris Revenge

and i got Arc the Lad for $8.

I saved $271.46[/quote]

Nice haul! I wish I found PSO 2, Quake 3, and Yuri's Revenge[/quote]

PSO2 is hard to find? My TRU has a bunch...[/quote]

Wanna pick one up for me? It is 90% off at yours, right?[/quote]

I'm going back anyway...assuming they're still there, sure I'll pick one up.[/quote]

any chance that there is an extra atl?
Secondly, my 3rd and final haul for the night.

Ran out to the Durham store...if there's anybody in NC looking for DC games, they have a number.

I got for PC:

Army Men collection (hey, the original one's supposed to be good, at least) $2
Instant Immersion English (for my ESL tutee) .50

PS: Formula One $1.50

GBA: NHL 2002: $3

Passed up Okage...maybe I'll go back and get that if it's still there? Don't know.
I hit Morse Rd and Hamilton in Columbus. Nothing, ignored Sawmill after warnings.

I did grab some action figures, legos and what not. Games? Nothing except mario party E-reader for a buck.
[quote name='EddieBelfour'][quote name='SolidSnakeX99'][quote name='SGT Killjoy'][quote name='SolidSnakeX99'][quote name='SGT Killjoy'][quote name='SolidSnakeX99']Romance of the Kingdoms VIII[/quote]

I loathe you.[/quote]

There were a bunch of these in stock, want me to pick one up for you?[/quote]

how much?[/quote]

3 BUCKS!!!!


CAN YOU PICK ONE UP FOR ME? :lol:[/quote]

if you could pick me up one as well that'd be great.
[quote name='tcrash247'][quote name='PhrostByte']Second trip, DC keyboard = $2.50, baseball bat = $1.50, PS1 LCD screen = $15[/quote]

Whoa, did they have any more keyboards? I need one to go with my Typing of the Dead.[/quote]

Nope sorry... last one... it was standing out like a sore thumb with it's sleek blue/black box. Btw I just finished playing Typing of the Dead. I died at the bonus level (level 6). That game is sooooooo cool. I had a lot of fun playing it.
[quote name='terribledeli']As I was picking up HeadHunter, the electronics lady mentioned that I got a good deal on it. I then responded that its often like a second christmas with these prices. Then she told me she picked up an $125 piano for $4 this afternoon. If I worked there, I'd be setting aside all sorts of stuff for family/friends to pick up on my behalf.[/quote]

I would, too. Having worked retail for many years, I know how much store employees have to put up with, and figure for as little as they make, they deserve a fringe benefit like first pick on cheap stuff once in a while.

Of course, I love it when they don't know about it themselves or when they leave enough for me.
When they scan a game like for 10 and says promo after the price and game, does that mean its 90% off?

hey also have some nice micro car toys for around $1.50 to 3. You guys should check out the toys too there.
[quote name='Death2Sanity']Secondly, my 3rd and final haul for the night.

Ran out to the Durham store...if there's anybody in NC looking for DC games, they have a number.

I got for PC:

Army Men collection (hey, the original one's supposed to be good, at least) $2
Instant Immersion English (for my ESL tutee) .50

PS: Formula One $1.50

GBA: NHL 2002: $3

Passed up Okage...maybe I'll go back and get that if it's still there? Don't know.[/quote]

thanks for the heads up, but no way I am driving out there. Maybe tdphillips can score some good deals
I haven't gone through the whole thread, but I remember a few people speculating that they'd come across some Gamecube Broadband adaptors today... So did anyone actually find any? If there are extras I'd really love to buy/trade for one!
[quote name='PhrostByte'][quote name='tcrash247'][quote name='PhrostByte']Second trip, DC keyboard = $2.50, baseball bat = $1.50, PS1 LCD screen = $15[/quote]

Whoa, did they have any more keyboards? I need one to go with my Typing of the Dead.[/quote]

Nope sorry... last one... it was standing out like a sore thumb with it's sleek blue/black box. Btw I just finished playing Typing of the Dead. I died at the bonus level (level 6). That game is sooooooo cool. I had a lot of fun playing it.[/quote]

Rub it in some more won't you? :p
I'm heading back tomorrow, when I left it had:

Segasports Tennis (PS2)
Fatal Frame (PS2)
Black and Bruised (PS2)
Headhunter (PS2)

If anyone wants any of these, I'll be happy to pick it up. Just total cost and shipping.
mine had some 90% off stuff and lots that I didn't get but i got a decent haul

Kill.Switch 1.99
Terminator Dawn of Fate 4.00 (mistake)
2x Primal (one for me one for a buddy tons left) 1.50
Eternal Darkness (mine had tons and left them there for other cags) 3.70
DC Sports Bundle (a few left) 1.20
Syphon Filter 3 1.50

saved about 150 bucks and got some decent titles....may go back later in the week with some popcan money and get some extra stuff
I'd love to pick up Kill Switch for $2. I'm definately going to have to check this out tomorrow.

Has Kill Switch been hard to find at all?
[quote name='tcrash247'][quote name='alfonsosoriano']These speakers rock! $3!!!!!!

I can't wait to get to more TRU's and get more games to trade in.[/quote]

Are the speakers really that good? They had them for $3 at mine, but I wasn't sure if I should buy them. I don't usually stand my PS2 vertically, but if these speakers are that good, I'll do it.[/quote]

Well I mean, for $3 they are good. You can obviously do much better. You can keep it horizontal, you don't need to do it vertical. This is the 2D one, not the 3D one.
[quote name='PhrostByte'][quote name='tcrash247'][quote name='PhrostByte']Second trip, DC keyboard = $2.50, baseball bat = $1.50, PS1 LCD screen = $15[/quote]

Whoa, did they have any more keyboards? I need one to go with my Typing of the Dead.[/quote]

Nope sorry... last one... it was standing out like a sore thumb with it's sleek blue/black box. Btw I just finished playing Typing of the Dead. I died at the bonus level (level 6). That game is sooooooo cool. I had a lot of fun playing it.[/quote]

All this TOTD talk makes my want to break out my keyboard and play mine, which I hadnt done for a couple of years... :?

So many games... so little time....
[quote name='WatchdogXC']I'd love to pick up Kill Switch for $2. I'm definately going to have to check this out tomorrow.

Has Kill Switch been hard to find at all?[/quote]

I went to 4 TRU's in south eastern michigan and I haven't seen that game at all... mostly sports titles and alotta everquest II.
Does anyone have a Fatal Frame I (Xbox or PS2, preferebly the latter) they picked up that they would like to sell? PM me details and price. Thanks.
I went back and got a few more. So in total, I snagged:

GC Eternal Darkness: $5
GC Wave Race:: Blue Storm: $5
PS2 Resident Evil: CVX: $9
PS2 Mojo!: $1
PS2 Primal (x6): $1.50
PC Diablo 2: $0.80

Not bad in my opinion. This was in the Hialeah, FL store.
[quote name='tcrash247'][quote name='PhrostByte'][quote name='tcrash247'][quote name='PhrostByte']Second trip, DC keyboard = $2.50, baseball bat = $1.50, PS1 LCD screen = $15[/quote]

Whoa, did they have any more keyboards? I need one to go with my Typing of the Dead.[/quote]

Nope sorry... last one... it was standing out like a sore thumb with it's sleek blue/black box. Btw I just finished playing Typing of the Dead. I died at the bonus level (level 6). That game is sooooooo cool. I had a lot of fun playing it.[/quote]

Rub it in some more won't you? :p[/quote]

Sorry buddy didn't mean to take it out on you :p had a long day heheh..

anyway, here's one for $10 shipped

The Florence, Kentucky was cleaned out. They had about 10 copies of Perfect Dark for n64 and a few Dreamcast games (mostly sports titles) I asked an employee if that was all the greentag games and was told that the sale started Sun, with most games falling between $1-$2 and they were cleaned out in hours......This sucks.
Yes, the old-style GC controller packaging. Those were on sale. You can tell they are old because the bottoms are pyramid shaped - the entire package can stand by itself.

I purchased....several. That's really all I'm going to say.
Pokemon Snap
Megamen 64
Eternal Darkness

South Park Rally $1.45
Quake II $2
Shadow Man $3
Tennis 2k2 $1
Sega Marine Fishing $1
Carrier $2
Sega Bass Fishing $0.50
NBA 2K2 $1
PSO V2 $2

Soul of Samurai $2

NHL 2002 (HOT) $3
Virtua Tenis $1
Eye of the Beholder $3
Caesars Palace $3

RE Code Veronica $2
Jumpacks Summer 2002 $0.47
Ejay Clubworld
Primal $1.50
Black and Brused
Skygunner $5
Wipeout Fusion $2.50
Eternal Ring $1.75
Wild Arms $3

Motor Trend Lotus Challange $5

Universal Studios TPark Adventure $3
Gladius $5

Loads of guides
E-reader with D kong $4
Intec PS1 screen $10
HP photosmart Docking station $7 (Hot)
[quote name='tmei03']When they scan a game like for 10 and says promo after the price and game, does that mean its 90% off?

hey also have some nice micro car toys for around $1.50 to 3. You guys should check out the toys too there.[/quote]

My store didn't have much that interested my as far as toys go, but I found an opened lego set that I bought despite the risk. Well, suffice to say, I ended up another $1 down the drain as the lego set I bought was missing 70% of the pieces, but wasn't worth taking back as A.) It was only $1 and B.) It had 3 bizarre 2 faced mini figs and a wierd and cool castle wall piece.
I forgot to add for the Columbus people. Some guy pulled up in a taurus that , except for the driver's seat was filled with TRU bags. He must have been an ebayer.
Damn, now I have to go back and get more! They had alot of Primals at mine for $1.50 (PS2). I have two other TRU's near me as well. THIS DEAL IS INSANE!!!!
No real games other than sports and PS1s

I got 2 different Xdude Exhibitions for 50 cents each
3 different Jampacks for eighty cents each
and Turok E for ps2

There were at least 5-10 of eack ehibition/jampack left each.

saw a 5" PS1 screen greentagged at $99.99
there were a load of old EGMs on the tablke outside which would be 80 cents, too.
Well, there were multiple copies of Ikaruga, CIMA, And bustamove 3000 just yesterday, but when I went back they were gone but for the ones I stashed away. SO to all those who PMd me, I woulda been happy to grab em for you at cost, but they weren't there. I did manage to snag:
Bust a move 3000
Saga Frontier 2
5 Copies of DOA 3
Fatal Frame (Xbox)
For about $25

I notice that some games people mentioned were greentagged aren't at my store. Are they just mismarked? If so, I should go back and grab quite a few more.
Reality's Fringe] I notice that some games people mentioned were greentagged aren't at my store. Are they just mismarked? If so said:
I'd check. My store didn't have Black and Bruised and Headhunter green tagged but both rang up 90% off. Thats why I'm heading back tomorrow.
Man...I was just thinking about it, and I've decided that TRU is now officially my favorite game store. This greentag thing has netted me:
REZ-4 copies
Red Faction 2-GC
True Crime-GC
Front Mission 3-GC
ARC the Lad Box Set-($35 wasn't a bad deal on it)
MOH Frontline-GC
Eternal Darkness
Super Bust a Move 3000
5 Copies of DOA 3 for Xbox(der)
Capcom VS SNk2 -PS2
Marvel VS Capcom 2-Xbox
KOF 2000/2001
Fatal Frame-Xbox
Megaman Legends 2-PSX

And a few more I cna't think of right now since this whole thing started. TRU is temporarily the shiznit for me. HEre's hoping they build more stagnant stock in a few years and do this again!
[quote name='KrAzY3']

I'm in Mobile... worth me going? They didn't have much last time I was there.[/quote]

when I was there, there was still stuff to be had, but who knows now.
[quote name='vilhaim']Umm this may be a dumb question, but what is TRU?[/quote]

TRU = Toys 'R Us

fyi, you can move your cursor over any word that is underlined and it will tell you what the abbreviation stands for :)

for example, YMMV :D
[quote name='vilhaim']Umm this may be a dumb question, but what is TRU?[/quote]

yes. that's a dumb question.

hold your mouse over it...
Reality's Fringe said:
Man...I was just thinking about it, and I've decided that TRU is now officially my favorite game store. This greentag thing has netted me:
REZ-4 copies
Red Faction 2-GC
True Crime-GC
Front Mission 3-GC
ARC the Lad Box Set-($35 wasn't a bad deal on it)
MOH Frontline-GC
Eternal Darkness
Super Bust a Move 3000
5 Copies of DOA 3 for Xbox(der)
Capcom VS SNk2 -PS2
Marvel VS Capcom 2-Xbox
KOF 2000/2001
Fatal Frame-Xbox
Megaman Legends 2-PSX

And a few more I cna't think of right now since this whole thing started. TRU is temporarily the shiznit for me. HEre's hoping they build more stagnant stock in a few years and do this again!

You want to sell Rez to a fellow CAG? :p

btw, how much was Rez? Anything less than $5 is a friggin steal
I don't have them anymore. That was a list of cumulative games I got entire experience. I'm missing quite a few, but I'd have to go look them up. As for rEZ, it's fun, but eh. I'd sell it to you, but they went within a week after I bought them.
So does anyone have an updated list of games that are green tagged?!?!

I really want Jack& Daxter, and Ratcghet and Clank: Goin' Commando, but how do I figure out if they're 90% off? Their price tags were 19.99 so I didn't bother to rig them up...
[quote name='gamefreak1025']So does anyone have an updated list of games that are green tagged?!?!

I really want Jack& Daxter, and Ratcghet and Clank: Goin' Commando, but how do I figure out if they're 90% off? Their price tags were 19.99 so I didn't bother to rig them up...[/quote]

If your store has the price scanners, just scan it under. Though sometimes the plastic case covers some of the UPC. I usually just find one of the employees to check it before I buy if I'm uncertain.
[quote name='terribledeli'][quote name='gamefreak1025']So does anyone have an updated list of games that are green tagged?!?!

I really want Jack& Daxter, and Ratcghet and Clank: Goin' Commando, but how do I figure out if they're 90% off? Their price tags were 19.99 so I didn't bother to rig them up...[/quote]

If your store has the price scanners, just scan it under. Though sometimes the plastic case covers some of the UPC. I usually just find one of the employees to check it before I buy if I'm uncertain.[/quote]

If it weren't for that damn giraffe's huge, fucking plastic hands I'd be able to scan everything I wanted! :lol:
[quote name='gamefreak1025']So does anyone have an updated list of games that are green tagged?!?!

I really want Jack& Daxter, and Ratcghet and Clank: Goin' Commando, but how do I figure out if they're 90% off? Their price tags were 19.99 so I didn't bother to rig them up...[/quote]

They should have a sticker covering the UPC on the game with a new sku# that's the one that will ring up 90% if they don't have any copies at your TRU with the new UPC cover the original one your pretty much out of luck :(
Reality's Fringe]I don't have them anymore. That was a list of cumulative games I got entire experience. I'm missing quite a few said:
You are confusing everyone. You got Rez 6 month ago.
I was at the local TRU this morning when they opened. I picked up:

Pokemon Puzzle League (N64) $3.00
Skygunner (PS2) $5.00
Primal (PS2) $1.50
Gran Turismo 2 (PS2) $1.50

I went back this evening since I didn't have a lot of time to browse during the first trip. I bought:

Crash Bandicoot Warped (PS) $1.50
Spyro Year of the Dragon (PS) $1.50
Syphon Filter (PS) $.70
Soul Reaver (PS) $1.50
Sledstorm (PS2) $1.00
Mojo (PS2) $1.00
Mad Maestro (PS2) $1.00
Super Bust-a-Move (PS2) $1.00
Super Bust-a-Move (PS2) $1.00
PaRappa The Rapper 2 (PS2) $1.00
Command and Conquer Generals Expansion (PC) $2.00
Diablo II expansion (PC) $.80
No One Lives for Ever (PC) $.75
Space Channel 5 (DC) $.50
Railroad Tycoon II (DC) $.50 (This was an arbitrarry price since the game wasn't in the system)
[quote name='masha']
Reality's Fringe]I don't have them anymore. That was a list of cumulative games I got entire experience. I'm missing quite a few said:
You are confusing everyone. You got Rez 6 month ago.

Yeah, sorry about that. I was reflecting on the entire deal and how sweet it was. Not what I got at 90% off.
[quote name='gamefreak1025']is there a list of the games to look for?[/quote]

Yeah, I'd also like someone to write up a list of current green tagged games that'll be 90 percent off. I may check TRU tomorrow to see if the sale is up and going.
I nabbed a few old DC titles to add to my Pokemon-esque gotta get 'em all DC collection :).

Other than that, I didn't really see anything else but a few N64 and PS1 games. A couple GC, PS2 & GBA games were there, but they all would've been 4-5$ w/ the 90% off and honestly weren't worth that :)

I _DID_ make a BIG find in getting a stray copy of Sword of Mana for the GBA for 12.98$. I've been watching Target for so long to finally drop it on clearance, but I had to jump when I saw it.

BTW, the price scanners @ my TRU show the full price before the 90%, but it will show you what it will ring up in case the sticker on the case isn't the 'before value' price - just move the decimal and you'll get the 90% off price (i.e. 39.99 -> 4$ w/ rounding).

I hope others have had better luck!
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