A dedicated OTT

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[quote name='Temporaryscars']It's probably a demo. LINKIN DOESN'T PIRATE GAMES![/QUOTE]

There isn't a MUA2 demo up yet.

I don't think MUA1 even has a demo.


[quote name='seanr1221']I still think it's funny how he posts in the 360 threads like he's going to buy the games.[/QUOTE]

He's so retarded that he'll probably buy the same games he pirates Day 1 at full retail.
[quote name='manthing']There isn't a MUA2 demo up yet.

I don't think MUA1 even has a demo.



They probably mailed a special one to his house to make sure he didn't like it before investing too much money into it.
[quote name='Maklershed']There's a guy that works in my building that kinda looks like that cat. I've seen him around for 6 years and I still can't figure out what office he works in. I have a lurking suspicion he just lives in the boiler room.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='munch']You listen to the cagcast?[/QUOTE]
I've listened to the first three or four, and have heard bits of later ones. Primarily, the live ones.
I've heard the two Graystone calls and the clip where manthing tells Wombat to "shut the fuck up" many, many times, but never any other parts of them.
I like it when James Mac Diesel Fuel called Wombat a f a g g o t.
I want to find that Mass Effect thread, where Wombat legit e-cried, but I'm too lazy.
I was legit standing in my bedroom closet when I called that second time.



I mean, when Graystone called the second time.

I like it when I said "melatonin" instead of "melanin"... :lol:
[quote name='Moxio']The AD700s are sick as fuck, DP.[/QUOTE]

The only thing that is concerning me about them is the lack of bass. I listen to a shit load of hardcore, and while I don't need booming or thumping bass, I do need it to have some punch. Still, for 65 shipped, I'll probably go for them, unless I can find some sr80's for around that price.
Juggers: "Did you call for an engineer, daddy?"
Me: "I didn't call for an engineer."
Juggers: "So who called for an engineer?"
Juggers: "...what is your problem, daddy?"

[quote name='TheRock88']Brax, you think you can arrange another call by Graystone to the cagcast?[/QUOTE]
Of course.
[quote name='DarthPuma']According to Reddit, typing NeoGaf into scribblenauts produces the neogaf logo. When interacted with, it produces a virgin. :D[/QUOTE]You can just sit on it and fly around.
[quote name='Maklershed']Maklershed's word of warning: Crest Pro-Health Night Time mouthwash will destroy your taste buds[/QUOTE]
I like the day/night toothpaste they make. Never tried the mouthwash, i use the purple Listerine.
The coolest thing I've done so far with Harold's Purple crayon is putting heaven on two mountains, and then flying a Pterodactyl up to it, and then burning it down with a flamethrower. In space.
Harolds is a character for children. He can draw anything he wants with the crayon. DarthPuma is talking about pirating Scribblenauts even though Casey asked him to stop.

Also, I'm not sure why or how he knows who Harold is.
[quote name='TheRock88']I hate that guy. He's always doing this and has nothing to say except for negative comments.[/QUOTE]

At least he hasn't kept up with his original gimmick of ending every statement he makes with ellipses and "lool". Not lol mind you. Lool.
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