Ace Combat 5 only $4.99 at SEARS! Major YMMV

[quote name='buster90']I wonder if this is a goof up from the dumb K-mart employees? FYI...Sears is now a upscale K-mart.

My local Wamlart had 10 Ace Combat 5's in...I am gonna buy all 10 if I can sell some give some away, etc.[/quote]

I HIGHLY doubt they'd honor the price match 10 times and allow you to clear out their entire stock. Being Customer-minded and Customer-centric is one thing. Letting someone rape you on price is quite another.

Of course, I've already stated and restated this throughout the thread, haven't I?

I don't get it. The displays of outright greed and stupidity were much lower last year, and there were huge spikes of new users then as well... I wonder what's different this year that's prompting this?
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='buster90']I wonder if this is a goof up from the dumb K-mart employees? FYI...Sears is now a upscale K-mart.

My local Wamlart had 10 Ace Combat 5's in...I am gonna buy all 10 if I can sell some give some away, etc.[/quote]

All the Texas CAGs are cursing your name with a statement like that.[/quote]

I can't take these people anymore. I give up.[/quote]

What is up with some of the people in CAG these days. When did we become
I took my ad to bb and the manager said if i come back on saturday he will give it to me for $5 :)
Hopefully he doesnt just take them all of the shelf on saturday
[quote name='Soujiro_Seta']I took my ad to bb and the manager said if i come back on saturday he will give it to me for $5 :)
Hopefully he doesnt just take them all of the shelf on saturday[/quote]

way to go, give him a heads up
I had my mom go to Sears today and they had no ads for the Saturday sale. I haven't gotten anything in the paper either... I'm hoping the ads are run in the paper tomorrow.
[quote name='Soujiro_Seta']I took my ad to bb and the manager said if i come back on saturday he will give it to me for $5 :)
Hopefully he doesnt just take them all of the shelf on saturday[/quote]

Cluephone calling, it's for you! :evil:
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='buster90']I wonder if this is a goof up from the dumb K-mart employees? FYI...Sears is now a upscale K-mart.

My local Wamlart had 10 Ace Combat 5's in...I am gonna buy all 10 if I can sell some give some away, etc.[/quote]

All the Texas CAGs are cursing your name with a statement like that.[/quote]

I can't take these people anymore. I give up.[/quote]

I'm with you there, Trakan. Save me a seat when you get there?
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='buster90']I wonder if this is a goof up from the dumb K-mart employees? FYI...Sears is now a upscale K-mart.

My local Wamlart had 10 Ace Combat 5's in...I am gonna buy all 10 if I can sell some give some away, etc.[/quote]

I HIGHLY doubt they'd honor the price match 10 times and allow you to clear out their entire stock. Being Customer-minded and Customer-centric is one thing. Letting someone rape you on price is quite another.

Of course, I've already stated and restated this throughout the thread, haven't I?

I don't get it. The displays of outright greed and stupidity were much lower last year, and there were huge spikes of new users then as well... I wonder what's different this year that's prompting this?[/quote]

Any manager that would PM something like that down to 10% or 1% of the retail price 10 times would probably get canned. Guess what, they won't do it. Once, yes, 10 times, you're being a hoarder.

I think that the CC sale brought them in, JSweeney, and I came in around that time, though I learned quickly of what CAG is about, and how it's not
[quote name='MadFlava'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='buster90']I wonder if this is a goof up from the dumb K-mart employees? FYI...Sears is now a upscale K-mart.

My local Wamlart had 10 Ace Combat 5's in...I am gonna buy all 10 if I can sell some give some away, etc.[/quote]

All the Texas CAGs are cursing your name with a statement like that.[/quote]

I can't take these people anymore. I give up.[/quote]

What is up with some of the people in CAG these days. When did we become[/quote]

Entirely a good question. Wish I had an answer on that one.
my cousin just got this game this morning from Kmart and they did a price match dont ask me how they got away from it cause last time i knew everyplace checked the dates on the flyers...

Also they got back from walmart and they said they WILL NOT price match cause they know its a MISPRINT...

Edit They didnt price match it what happened was they paid 50 buck they said take it back tomorrow and they will give them the money back to drop it to 5 bucks. (LIMIT 1)
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='buster90']I wonder if this is a goof up from the dumb K-mart employees? FYI...Sears is now a upscale K-mart.

My local Wamlart had 10 Ace Combat 5's in...I am gonna buy all 10 if I can sell some give some away, etc.[/quote]

All the Texas CAGs are cursing your name with a statement like that.[/quote]

I can't take these people anymore. I give up.[/quote]

I'm with you there, Trakan. Save me a seat when you get there?[/quote]

Will do.
dont expect to take the recept to places to try to get a price match if you get it at one store .. It will just says PS2 software since they will have to price match by hand. So it wont say Ace 5 4.99 on the recept .... Man i got to get up at 6am tomorrow to do some shopping :) Do your price match at Kmart they said by LAW they have to honor it?
[quote name='MadFlava']I got the ad today in my Friday's paper. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to try to PM this anywhere.[/quote]

If you don't mind getting told "no" a few times, and you were going to be out shopping anyways, it couldn't hurt.

Worst case scenario, you just get told "Sorry, we can't pricematch that price." a few times.

Of course, if you go to a store that's already been hit by a moron trying to fund the rest of his game purchases for the year on the back of trade-in value and selling this game, your chances are going to be drastically diminished.

This is one of those situtations where I think I'll feel sorry for a couple of the clerks at the stores... you know there's going to have to be one person at many of these stores that goes of ranting and raving about how they are entitled to this game, and generally makes all other gamers and bargain hunters collectively look like a bunch of jerks.

Not that that's anything new.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='MadFlava'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='buster90']I wonder if this is a goof up from the dumb K-mart employees? FYI...Sears is now a upscale K-mart.

My local Wamlart had 10 Ace Combat 5's in...I am gonna buy all 10 if I can sell some give some away, etc.[/quote]

All the Texas CAGs are cursing your name with a statement like that.[/quote]

I can't take these people anymore. I give up.[/quote]

What is up with some of the people in CAG these days. When did we become[/quote]

Entirely a good question. Wish I had an answer on that one.[/quote]

I have a theory.
1. Tons more members. (the site is free, why should they not join?)
2. Older members are getting quieter.
3. So more "" people, and less of CAG people talking.
4. CAG people get fed up and quit talking.

Just a theory.
p.s. By the way, my Sears ad was in my county newspaper.
I can purchase a Sunday paper on Saturday here. I was able to do that in Detroit also, so I bet a lot of people can get the ads early near larger cities. Maybe it would be a good idea to do this before the gig is up on this deal.
Ah, CAG - the mosh pit of the new millenium.

Remember when you could go to a show and get in a good pit? Then it got ruined by people coming who thought the whole thing was about throwing punches and crowd surfing.

Similar to what's going on here, no?
[quote name='slidecage']They didnt price match it what happened was they paid 50 buck they said take it back tomorrow and they will give them the money back to drop it to 5 bucks. (LIMIT 1)[/quote]

What's funny is that it was Sears' mistake, they won't honor it, yet K-Mart is pricematching it. And now K-Mart and Sears are one big company. :lol:

[quote name='megashock5']Ah, CAG - the mosh pit of the new millenium.

Remember when you could go to a show and get in a good pit? Then it got ruined by people coming who thought the whole thing was about throwing punches and crowd surfing.

Similar to what's going on here, no?[/quote]

disturbingly similar.
man it shows TRU dont check dates . My brother just got back from TRU with the game in hand for 4.99 they didnt even look at the date on the back of the paper. He walked in and asked if they would price match this they said yeap hand them the game and asked for 4.99.... Thats 2 copies now more then enough for us Yea you can dump them on ebay for 35 bucks each but i can get 20-30 buck Profit on target raincheck no no big deal in getting more. Though im going to meijers tomorrow and seeing what they gameboy package is so i might grab another one for trades
I just went downstairs, looked in My Albuquerque Journal and found the ad with the game "Ace Combat 5" listed as a $5 game. THANKS A MILLION, I am so amped.
If somebody could pick me up a couple of copies of this at $5, I'll buy them for $20 total (not including shipping).

I checked the St. Louis Post-Dispatch here at my local 7-11 on the way to work, and there was no sign of the ad there.

I know they've been advertising it on the TV for the last few days about the sale (and JCPenny, Kohls and some other retailer have sales here tomorrow), though no print ad in the paper for Sears.

Anyone else out there have the Fri paper and no Sears ad in it?
[quote name='shrike4242']I checked the St. Louis Post-Dispatch here at my local 7-11 on the way to work, and there was no sign of the ad there.

I know they've been advertising it on the TV for the last few days about the sale (and JCPenny, Kohls and some other retailer have sales here tomorrow), though no print ad in the paper for Sears.

Anyone else out there have the Fri paper and no Sears ad in it?[/quote]

Nothing in the Washington Post
The Trentonian (Trenton NJ) is without the ad, amd the Times of Trenton is spotty with the ad (home copy had it, office copies did not).

However, if there was a misprint sign posted in a sears store already, don't expect to get it at any, a message probably came down from corporate.
I should get the ad tomorrow in my Saturday paper....we usually do.

I'll try and find some time to PM at some store. Might be tough on the weekend though with the Michigan-Ohio State game and then the Lions on sunday....

[quote name='waxHead'][quote name='slidecage']we be selling them for 35 each :)[/quote]

take the extra money and spend it on an English tutor.[/quote]

it was mostly meant as a joke but i guess its too much for you to understand
I was just curious as to why people get pissed when someone says they'll buy one and exchange it for store credit (calling it fraud) but nobody has a problem with PM'ing a game that is clearly a misprint. Isn't that fraud kind of as well?

Don't get me wrong, I want the game for $5 too, and will try and PM, but I was just thinking......
[quote name='slidecage'][quote name='waxHead'][quote name='slidecage']we be selling them for 35 each :)[/quote]

take the extra money and spend it on an English tutor.[/quote]

it was mostly meant as a joke but i guess its too much for you to understand[/quote]

i know it was, but the stuff you type makes me cringe so often I couldn't resist.
[quote name='cleaver'][quote name='shrike4242']I checked the St. Louis Post-Dispatch here at my local 7-11 on the way to work, and there was no sign of the ad there.

I know they've been advertising it on the TV for the last few days about the sale (and JCPenny, Kohls and some other retailer have sales here tomorrow), though no print ad in the paper for Sears.

Anyone else out there have the Fri paper and no Sears ad in it?[/quote]

Nothing in the Washington Post[/quote]

Which makes me think that this might not be a national ad. I might check with a store tomorrow and see if what they have in their inventory system for Ace Combat 4 & 5.
LA Times Home delivery had it in their paper. Certain SoCal neighborhoods had the Sears ad 'dropped' on their doorstep (So I have 2 copies of the ad). :p
I was just curious as to why people get pissed when someone says they'll buy one and exchange it for store credit (calling it fraud) but nobody has a problem with PM'ing a game that is clearly a misprint. Isn't that fraud kind of as well?

Don't get me wrong, I want the game for $5 too, and will try and PM, but I was just thinking......

Fraud is generally defined in the law as an intentional misrepresentation of material existing fact made by one person to another with knowledge of its falsity and for the purpose of inducing the other person to act, and upon which the other person relies with resulting injury or damage. Fraud may also by made by an omission or purposeful failure to state material facts, which nondisclosure makes other statements misleading.

To constitute fraud, a misrepresentation or omission must also relate to an 'existing fact', not a promise to do something in the future, unless the person who made the promise did so without any present intent to perform it or with a positive intent not to perform it. The false statement or omission must be material, meaning that it was significant to the decision to be made. Also, an opinion does not constitute an existing fact and cannot be the basis of a claim of fraud unless the person stating the opinion has exclusive or superior knowledge of existing facts which are inconsistent with such opinion.

The misrepresentation or omission must be made knowingly and intentionally, not mistakenly or accidentally, sothat the person either knew or should have known of the falsity or acted in negligent disregard of its truth or falsity. The person charged with fraud must have intended the Plaintiff to rely on the misrepresentaion or omission and Plaintiff must have been injured by such reliance to prevail on the claim. Sometimes, it must be shown that Plaintiff's reliance was justifiable, and that upon easonable inquiry would not have discovered the truth of the matter. For injury or damage to be the result of fraud, it must be shown that, except for the fraud, the injury or damage would not have occurred.

Technically, there's a decent prima facia case to label it as fraud.
The sticking point would be proving intent, showing the person had previous knowledge and was acting in negligent disregard of the truth.
[quote name='n00bie']I was just curious as to why people get pissed when someone says they'll buy one and exchange it for store credit (calling it fraud) but nobody has a problem with PM'ing a game that is clearly a misprint. Isn't that fraud kind of as well?

Don't get me wrong, I want the game for $5 too, and will try and PM, but I was just thinking......[/quote]

I don't have a problem with either of these. I do cringe at the trade-in value, becuase you could be making so much more on eBay.

Basically, it's a morality issue, and what you personally feel is right or wrong. CAG is about finding good deals on video games. A brand new game which retails at $50 for $5 is a good deal. And so CAGers will be taking advantage of it, whether it's morally wrong or not.
bread's done