Ace Combat 5 only $4.99 at SEARS! Major YMMV

I took my ad to Circuit City this morning. They called to price match at Sears and was told that they had it in stock for $4.99. Circuit City said they would sell me one but I had to wait till tomorrow because of the date on the ad. They have it on hold for me.

I went to Best Buy and they wouldn't even try to price match because they said they would be taking too big of a loss on it. I did however go to two Walmarts and after price matching they sold it to me for $5 each. Each store limits the quantity to 1 when you price match it.
anyone in the washington dc area/northern VA area get this ad.....if so, what paper so I can pick one up on the way home from work
does anybody in southern california have this this ad in the la times or the orange county register?

thanks so much...i would love to get in on this deal
im gonna have to head down to one of those 24 hour walmarts, they really dont care what the hell you do at that time of the night and they cant call sears 2 different papers here. Found 1 Sears ad for tomorrow but didn't have any video games in it. Anyone in the Knoxville, TN area find one of the good ads?
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I got my LA Times from a newstand and it had the ad, but it didn't have the games advertised...[/quote]

My local (Racine Journal Times) has the ad but it has no videogames either. The Racine Sears does not carry them.
[quote name='YOUR BASE']Are these papers available at Sears or only as inserts in newspapers?[/quote]

[quote name='schultzed'][quote name='Ugamer_X']I got my LA Times from a newstand and it had the ad, but it didn't have the games advertised...[/quote]

My local (Racine Journal Times) has the ad but it has no videogames either. The Racine Sears does not carry them.[/quote]
Well, my Sears still carries videogames, they even had all the games from the ad arranged in boxes for the sale tomorrow...

I got the ad from one of the employees, but it was the same as my Times ad, no games... :x
I got it price matched to $4.99 today at BB. They had about 40 copies of the game but I only bought one. They didn't want to and tried to find a reason not to for about 15 min, but I finally got the price match, without being a douchebag, even!
Man, have I got a story for you guys. Just bear with me here. So I go into Toys R Us with my receipt from Wal*Mart and the ad for Sears. I go into the "R Zone" and walk up to the register after getting the Ace Combat 5 display box. I said something along the lines of You guys pricematch, right? and the lady working at the register said Yes.

I pulled out my Wal*Mart receipt and asked if they could identify the game by the numbers (for some reason, and this is probably it, but Wal*Mart doesn't put the name of the game on the receipt) and she sorta looked at it for a minute and said something that I don't remember. So I was like Okay, could you do an ad then? and she looked it over pretty well, and needless to say was baffled. She got the attention of the other worker standing next to her (obviously someone higher-up than herself) and they both looked at it for awhile.

But that game just came out the employee said to the manager. So they get on their little radio's and messaged a few workers and ask them to come over. It was apparent that the other workers were busy with something else after about the third time they got on the radio and the other workers didn't respond. Well, maybe it's just the games they have in stock the manager remarked. So fucking what! Even if she was right, that wouldn't change her reason for not letting me PM.

It's probably a Doorbuster one of them said to me. I have the store policy from the website I told tem as I pulled the printout out of my pocket and flattened it on the table (on the printout were the terms of PMing or "Low Price Guarantee"). They didn't even so much as glance at it, even though I read the bolded bottom statement clearly: Price Guarentee is not in effect for other retailer special offers or doorbusters from Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, through Sunday. It is not Thanksgiving Day, or any day inbetween that and Sunday.

So we get to a point of argument where the manager doesn't even want to deal with me anymore, so she rings up AC5 (on the screen it reads 'Promo'). Can I have a couple more? I ventured to ask, and was responded with a sharp No. She pulls out a black permanent marker and starts to write all over the barcode. Oh well I think. I can still erase it off of the sealing.

The receipt is printed and she writes something on it with pen. She draws a little arrow pointing to only 1 EXCEPTION MADE 9202 11/19/04. AC 5 is slided into the bag, but the marker comes off because of the contact. She takes the game out of the bag and writes on the barcode again, and then puts it in. I give her six bucks, she tosses the change in my hand ($0.69) and I say Thanks and walk away. She was pissed.

I pull the game out of the bag once I'm in the car, and I examine the barcode that she wrot over. That motherfucking bitch tore the factory sealing off of the barcode area with something that punctured the game case about 4 times. The stupid whore couldn't give me the game without stabbing it? I got home and took the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to it, and most of it came off.

Still, after all of that, I come out on top. Don't think I'm bitching cuz I'm ungrateful. I'm rather thankful that I pulled this off (twice!). It just pisses me off when people can't admit when a mistake is made. Anyways, I hope you guys are as successful as I was (and hopefully walk away with a game that is stab-free). Good luck on your hunt tomorrow.

Summarized: Only let me get one. Tore factory seal off of barcode area and wrote on it wirh permanent marker so no one else can PM it for me. Good luck tomorrow with pricematching.
While I can appreciate her desire to make sure that it could only be done once and didn't want you to return the product, she was really out of line trying to do -anything- to your property. That's ridiculous.
I think she was completely within her rights right up until she punctured the gamecase and then acted out (at least from your point of view.)

In her place, I'd have opened the game right in front of you, and cut the UPC off of the back. If I did decide to give in on someone's pestering about a pricematch, I'd be certain that they wouldn't be returning it for a profit at my store, my chain, or anywhere else very easily.

Well, maybe it's just the games they have in stock the manager remarked. So shaq-fuing what! Even if she was right, that wouldn't change her reason for not letting me PM.

That reason alone would be a good reason to decline the price match (of course, it would have been more professional to call Sears and check.
Of course, considering they didn't check the date on the ad, it seems like these are exactly the most consciencious employees a company has ever had.
Crap, I hate confrontation, especially over something like a videogame. I'm thinking of not trying this because I don't think I want to deal with the stress to save $45.
[quote name='rabbitt']Man, have I got a story for you guys. Just bear with me here. So I go into Toys R Us with my receipt from Wal*Mart and the ad for Sears. I go into the "R Zone" and walk up to the register after getting the Ace Combat 5 display box. I said something along the lines of You guys pricematch, right? and the lady working at the register said Yes.

I pulled out my Wal*Mart receipt and asked if they could identify the game by the numbers (for some reason, and this is probably it, but Wal*Mart doesn't put the name of the game on the receipt) and she sorta looked at it for a minute and said something that I don't remember. So I was like Okay, could you do an ad then? and she looked it over pretty well, and needless to say was baffled. She got the attention of the other worker standing next to her (obviously someone higher-up than herself) and they both looked at it for awhile.

But that game just came out the employee said to the manager. So they get on their little radio's and messaged a few workers and ask them to come over. It was apparent that the other workers were busy with something else after about the third time they got on the radio and the other workers didn't respond. Well, maybe it's just the games they have in stock the manager remarked. So shaq-fuing what! Even if she was right, that wouldn't change her reason for not letting me PM.

It's probably a Doorbuster one of them said to me. I have the store policy from the website I told tem as I pulled the printout out of my pocket and flattened it on the table (on the printout were the terms of PMing or "Low Price Guarantee"). They didn't even so much as glance at it, even though I read the bolded bottom statement clearly: Price Guarentee is not in effect for other retailer special offers or doorbusters from Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, through Sunday. It is not Thanksgiving Day, or any day inbetween that and Sunday.

So we get to a point of argument where the manager doesn't even want to deal with me anymore, so she rings up AC5 (on the screen it reads 'Promo'). Can I have a couple more? I ventured to ask, and was responded with a sharp No. She pulls out a black permanent marker and starts to write all over the barcode. Oh well I think. I can still erase it off of the sealing.

The receipt is printed and she writes something on it with pen. She draws a little arrow pointing to only 1 EXCEPTION MADE 9202 11/19/04. AC 5 is slided into the bag, but the marker comes off because of the contact. She takes the game out of the bag and writes on the barcode again, and then puts it in. I give her six bucks, she tosses the change in my hand ($0.69) and I say Thanks and walk away. She was pissed.

I pull the game out of the bag once I'm in the car, and I examine the barcode that she wrot over. That motherfucking bitch tore the factory sealing off of the barcode area with something that punctured the game case about 4 times. The stupid whore couldn't give me the game without stabbing it? I got home and took the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to it, and most of it came off.

Still, after all of that, I come out on top. Don't think I'm bitching cuz I'm ungrateful. I'm rather thankful that I pulled this off (twice!). It just pisses me off when people can't admit when a mistake is made. Anyways, I hope you guys are as successful as I was (and hopefully walk away with a game that is stab-free). Good luck on your hunt tomorrow.

Summarized: Only let me get one. Tore factory seal off of barcode area and wrote on it wirh permanent marker so no one else can PM it for me. Good luck tomorrow with pricematching.[/quote]

who cares what they did the the label unless you thinking about trying to return this and get 50 bucks instead of the 5 you paid for it and if that is the case you shouldnt even been allow the game .... Sad people think its so freaking cool to rip off stores why do you get a real freaking job instead of trying to rip stores off 45 bucks .. and you already got 2 copies why would u need more to price match unless your planning on selling them for a profit (probally will come back and say gift but yea right)
[quote name='ryanflucas']I took my ad to Circuit City this morning. They called to price match at Sears and was told that they had it in stock for $4.99. Circuit City said they would sell me one but I had to wait till tomorrow because of the date on the ad. They have it on hold for me.

I went to Best Buy and they wouldn't even try to price match because they said they would be taking too big of a loss on it. I did however go to two Walmarts and after price matching they sold it to me for $5 each. Each store limits the quantity to 1 when you price match it.[/quote]

Really its either limit 2 or 3 at walmart when you price match i just got 2 gallons of milk though a price match
ad w/games in the Pensacola News Journal

[quote name='buster90']WOW..I didn't think anyone would be able to pricematch today. I went to Walmart and they said they can't price match till tomorrow when the AD Is in effect. [/quote]if you got a 24-hr 'Mart, head over then a few minutes after 12AM. it *IS* (err will be) Saturday an in effect

[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Guys, is there any way we can get someone to scan the entire page?

I'm thinking that if we can get the whole page that shows it's from Sears and everything that we may be able to print it out and try to use it that way.

It probably won't work, but it's worth a try I guess.[/quote]x.x unfolded its 21"x45"
[quote name='Trakan']Slidecage, some people, like me, like their games in Mint Condition.[/quote]

so you dont ever open them????.. im going to walmart tomorrow around 6 am to see if they got Pacman fever (since pickedup Ace 5 today at Kmart) then over to meijers around 630am to seee their SP+2 Free games for 78 deal then hopefully to Sears at 7am to see what games they really have for 5 bucks. anyone want anything while im out :)

dont know to pick up the Xbox games and try to sell them to people here for say around 10 each (5 + Shipping + 1 or 2 bucks for my gas)
[quote name='slidecage'][quote name='Trakan']Slidecage, some people, like me, like their games in Mint Condition.[/quote]

so you dont ever open them????[/quote]

I didn't say sealed, I said mint. There's a difference. All I know is I don't want puncture marks all over the damn case.
I could not find the ad in about 10 Baltimore newspapers. That includes the Sun, NY Times, NY Post, Washington Times, Washington post, and others.
well, she did have the right to slash up the upc code. its property of the store until she hands it over. if you didnt want it after that, ya didnt have to buy it. but youd be crazy not to want that game for 5 bucks. hell, i'd buy it for five bucks if they passed it around for everybody to pee on. good for you, man.
[quote name='davidflecha17']does anyone think that it will be on the sunday newspapers? Sunday ones usually have all the stores.[/quote]

That would probably be too late.
[quote name='Scorch']No ad here, though.[/quote]

Scorch, I actually would like to play the game also. If they allow me to get 2 copies, I'll pick one up for you.
Like I said, I'm thankful I got the game. Although, I still can't justify messing up the barcode because I get a good deal on a game.

I think it was just part of her venting and part preventing (me from PMing). Woah, did I just say that?
You guys are gonna be pissed...

I went up to my local Sears to see if I could pick up a copy of the ad (my BB likes to keep ads when they pricematch) and I see a couple of Sears employees milling around the game section. One of them starts up a conversation with me about the 'great sale' they're having tomorrow, then he tells me some of the titles on the list... and mentions Ace Combat 5. I said "didn't that just come out?" he said "Yeah, it's probably a misprint BUT WE'RE SELLING IT FOR THAT ANYWAY."

So, after a little more chitchat, one other employee comes over, looks at the huge pile of older games and tells the first guy that everything that has been marked down before (with a pink 'clearance price' sticker) will be marked down to $6 tomorrow morning. I had a few in my hand that looked to be bargains at the sticker price, and right then he offered to sell 'em to me for $6 anyway. Ka-ching!

Hopefully he won't be TOO surprised when I show up tomorrow to price-adjust the Ace Combat 5 I bought Tuesday.
Did anyone in the Los Angeles area get this ad with the games advertised in it?

I'd go out of my way to travel a bit just so I could get it, thanks.
Oh, and BTW Walmart and TRU kept my ad (TRU kept my Walmart receipt). I had to buy another newspaper so I could PM again. Even though this is a one-day sale, keep your receipt and you can do this all week.
I really hope the ad is in tomorrow's paper, I don't want to have to drive to Chapel Hill to check at Sears if they have a circular.
[quote name='omfglol']I really hope the ad is in tomorrow's paper, I don't want to have to drive to Chapel Hill to check at Sears if they have a circular.[/quote]

I live about 15 minutes away from Chapel Hill.
I got 1 today from BB, no problems. CC on the other hand, said no and laughed at me. But it was cool because 1 I know them, and 2 they told to go to BB cause their stupid and won't check.
Went over to Sears and found a copy of the ad in-store, at a different Sears than I'd normally go to. Vaguely OK selection of games there, though no sign of AC5. When I asked them about it, the guy in the Electronics section told me that it was a misprint, and that they wouldn't honor it. He then said that it was supposed to be AC4 (which they had a half-dozen of in a shelf stand). I asked him if I could pick it up tonight and match the ad price tomorrow. He said it was OK, so I picked that up and Tekken Tag Tournament, which was the only other game shown in the ad that was in stock that I wanted. Both rang up $14.99 and I headed for the door.

As I'm driving home, I figure I'd take one pass at PMing the price, and stopped at my normal CC of choice. Looked around and found Tekken Tag Tournament, labelled $19.99. Found AC5 in the locked up display case they have all the "new and hot" games in, so I asked for a copy of AC5. The sales rep unlocked a copy of it and handed it to me. Off to the checkout line I went, ad in hand. I handed her both games I found (as well as another), and had her run them through the register, handing her the ad and pointing out the two games I had to PM. She did Tekken Tag Tournament without any question (PM'd down to $3.99), though she looked a little funny at AC5. I pointed to the ad, showed her the picture in both the ad and on the game, she commented "That's a great deal", I said "Sure is, though I'd beat the rush", and PM'd it down to $0.49. She only checked the ad to see it was Sears, the price and the picture. Only a single copy, since I thought more than one would be drawing much too much attention to me and the deal, and I wouldn't get it. And out the door I went, prize in hand. The whole time I was calm, cool, collected and smiling. Not confrontational, not pissy, just the nice guy I always am. :D

So, yes, I did manage to get AC5 for $0.49. Looks like I've used my CAG powers for evil. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: I doubt I'll get another chance to do it, nor have another copy to pick up, since I'm sure that the word will go out tomorrow that it's a mistake and not to do a PM from it. Sears pointed it out immediately when I asked about it, so I'm sure there will be disclaimers all over the place. And the two Sears stores I went to didn't have it, so I don't think I could've picked it up at Sears.
[quote name='lordopus99']The ad says no where that the games part is only for saturday. The only things in the ad only for saturday is on the front page.[/quote]

On the back of the ad, it says Sears, Sale prices in effect, Saturday, Nov. 20.
[quote name='thagoat']well, she did have the right to slash up the upc code. its property of the store until she hands it over. if you didnt want it after that, ya didnt have to buy it. but youd be crazy not to want that game for 5 bucks. hell, i'd buy it for five bucks if they passed it around for everybody to pee on. good for you, man.[/quote]

She was considering the game a markdown item, and Toys R Us always blacks out the UPCs on markdown items, or at least it's their policy to.
Wal-Mart PM'd AC5 for me today. They didn't even keep the ad. I'm going to Sears in the morning for a few others but there is no way I'm geting AC5. I'm sure they've been warned. As for everybody trying to get multiple copies at a single location and getting denied--GOOD!!! Doing that just steals opprtunities away from other CAG's. This is a community that is supposed to help each other. Several people here are acting like sharks around the Sears AC5 chum. :x
This score makes me wonder what other scores are classifiable as "Ultimate CAG finds".

Some ones that come to mind:
$4.99 Wario Ware
$5 Rygar
Some of the finds from the $5 CC sale
$4.99 Metal Arms from BB

Anyone think of others?
I bought the newspaper today hopeing to find the ad in there no luck. So I go to Sears suprisingly someone got the last copy right before me even though the sale doesn't start until tommorow. I had to steal one of the ads litterally. I go to bestbuy next they were all sold out of AC 5 :shock:. Finally made my trip across the street from BB was TRU the guy managed to price matched it for me after asking the manager.
[quote name='shrike4242']This score makes me wonder what other scores are classifiable as "Ultimate CAG finds".

Some ones that come to mind:
$4.99 Wario Ware
$5 Rygar
Some of the finds from the $5 CC sale
$4.99 Metal Arms from BB

Anyone think of others?[/quote]

Star Wars Clone Wars/Tetris Worlds Xbox game for $0.01 at Circuit City

The EA Store deal last November where there were all those stackable codes, where you could get new release games like SSX 3 for $3.xx plus shipping

DDR Max 2 Game Bundle with official Dance Pad for $15 at Target
bread's done